HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 07 19774 RIVER CROSS =. Motion was made by,,Busse to IN SA table authorization for preparation: of a IIF& VAG feasibility xeport'on.a river crossing at Savage for two weeks, seconded by Bissoriett and upon a. vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock requested that the City Manager attend ' a a meeting at the Stage. Capitol on Wednesday and anyone else who has any free time. PROJ.. 76 - . 1►hyor Stock called the Project 76 -S Pixie Point Paving.Assessment Hrarini. ' to order at 8:00 P.M. MayorStockreaitthe Public Notice for Project 76- S Assessment He ' Pixie Point Paving; ' aring., Engineer Ande'.rson presented information regarding the assessment's, how they, were calculat". and why the costs are as they are for'the'Pixie Point - Paving Project` \' Mayor Stock• -read a letter from Mr. Don Benson regarding the assessment for RLS' N2 Tract A. Mr. Dan Duoos was present reque information on the acreage assessment asking if it is directly related to the stone ewer project part of the goad paving project. ti f � i il C °"` MINU 3 of tke Meood imp of tho VilloWo Ce"dCof tiro ViltaBo; of friOf toll! ieabo.County,of Sloe "d.Stoto.ef, iqi solo, ioelot ;all ieoawta ,Vdb"_bY,ewcev 1. r , Februar The Common Council of the City.of Prior Lake met in regular session or, February 7, 1977 at 7;30 P.M. in t the City Council chambers. Mayor Stock,' called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen- Bissonett, Busse,. Oakes, and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. MINUTES Motion was made by Oakes to approve the Minutes of January 24, 1977, a vote taken it was duly passed. ' T The following correcti6n was made to the Minutes of Januar y 2S,­1977- Page one, p paragraph twelve, line two' "County" should read "Council." Notion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of January 25, 1977 as amended, seconded by .Bissonett and upon a v ` vote taken it was duly passed. ` Notion was made by k Akins , to approve the'Minutes of January 31, 1977, seconded by Busse and u I upon a COMPREHENSIV Ma t PARK PLAN yor Stock directed the City Manager to inform the park staff and the p park DEFERRED _ _ I I POLICY Notion was made by Watkins to adopt the Deferred Assessments Policy Statement as amended, s seconded by O AD -HOC CONN. M Ma or Stock re �,., Y ported on the status of the Ad -Hoc Co No'`ion was made by Bissonett to adopt`a resolution stating that the City ; of prior Lake favors the o of the Bloomington ferry superstructure ` placiig it at a historic. qrk, that the new superstructure be 24 . ' ..feet ' ti v structure, seconded b Y, . Busse and upon a Passed ' Vra of McrtdiwBs of tho Villaeo Co uneil of Me Vipae* of Prior lako in tl�o County f i h' Seo",aMi Sigh ef, Miawisola. indudinB all a Unts audited by said Council. H 1 PIXIE PT. RD. Engineer Anderson stated thaLKthe acreage assessment is based on a portion ! of the paving" cost The total assessm projecbased upon an area charge and a frontage charge 0� particular t the area charge is not related to the cost to ut t4'te"' Put pipe in the ground..- There is pipe in the ground that some people. would believe is storm sewer it sewer system, it°is for the protection of the pave*ant.' not a storm �. Mrs. Lynn 1eker was present asking how her property was assessed. Engineer Anderson stated there are ' two methods'of one assessment, one is the front foot assessment, and is area ssess assessment. Everybody has an area and ¢tentage assessment, unless they were previously assessed an; area charge. You combine.these two assessm san ents to make the total. assessment d everybody ekes as totaled up equal the totai4 ro'ect cos -t. p . ,J Mr. Roger Daas was present regarding the status o aski _ f the „wor.c in progress, ng <if the fill on the project has been completed, and iinly the seeding And sodding remained next spring. -E g a . Engineer Anderson stated that'is the intent unless therei�i�� a'�problem on t a lot '.: Fh• ,.; aas stated he would, be conta�ti /J ng M =. Anderson regarding this an,l d ` Stated that sometime during the work a 'tree wasrcut down`in his front yar leaving a four foot stump, he is not sure +iho did it, it was one `of �! the utilities or the road company, but he; wonderei i that stun was oin be taken out. p 8 to ,. g _ ineer Anderson stated that the tree was atakei down by the utilit company, but''he would get then to remove it, it�would be part of, cleanup. a C The Council discussed Mr. Don i3enson's parcel tLS #2, Tract A,'as to whether to assess it or not. *„ Motion was, made b`y,Watkins that only y he acreage be assessed on RLS +12, r Tract A and that the frontage be. removed, seconded'by Stock upon a vote taker the motion failed. Councilman Watkins and, Mayor Stock voted in favor of the motion, cilmen.Bissonett,��Busse and Oakes voted' a Coun gainst the notion. r n . Motion was made by 'Oake4 that the front footage for RLS #2 =, Tract A be deferred in accordance with 2.c'` of the Deferred.Assessments Policy Statement and the acreage; be °a,current assessment; seconded by Watkins" r`x . and upon a vote taken it` Was duly passed. Motion was,made by Oakii to adopt the Assessment Roll `76 -S Pixie Point Paving as amended-; seconded by-'watkins and u` .� it was'duly passed, Pon a vote taken ion ,was made by Oakes to adjourn the Public Hearing on Pixie Point . Paving, seconded by waalw_z;And, upon a vote taken it was duly passed. =. Mayor, Stock called the regular Councl.,l►leetng back to order. SNITA`BOUSE Councilman Bissonett stated that " the 'end of the deadline, for the removal, of_the Santa HoLSe is coning up and the City Manager was requested to check; on the status of'this matter_ SNQM DAZE J Councilman Bissonett stated that Snow Days was a super success, it was # one o the nicest community events that the City has:ever had, and it ' WAS very well attended. '73 °DEfERREQ Mayor Stock recalled the 1973 Deferred' Assessment 'Hearing to order at ASSESSFIENT > 9:00 'P.M. Mr. F -rank Muelken� was Present representing James Cates." `�•r� MMtion was made by Oakes, t6t, Janes and Wry_ Cates deferred assessments be placed on the tax +rolls ten years from October.of 1977,, or when the � parcel is "'sold, or subdivided, whichever11loccurs first, and.an'agreement regarding this be prepared and the Mayorl�and City Manager be given authorization -to sign this agreement,, seconded by Watkins and upon a � ,.1 .n rr..T .. . F..: MINUTES of the, Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of _ Mlanoseta, including all accounts audited by said Council. vote,taken It was duly passed. '73 DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS' Mr, Roy;Clay was present regarding his deferred assessments with Mr. k Frank Nuelken representing him. ROY CLAY Motion was made by Oakes that Roy Clay's_ deferred assessments be placed on thfa tax rolls seven years from October of 1977 or when the parcel is fl , subdivided, whichever occurs first, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was dulypassed, :.Councilman Bissonett voted the { ' ;against motion. Mot! was made by Watkins to approve the 1973 Deferred l Assessment Rol as amended seconded b Oakes and upon Y' = °Q a vote_ P Laken it was duly passed. BU BC, VACATION VACATION Stock presented a petition to vacate, of'a roadway in Ma Butternut , Beach for consideration by the - Council. i tion was made by Watkins 'to �acce t the a p petition to vacate a Pprtion of roadway in Butternut Beach.for.- consideration, seconded by Oakes and ipon' a' vote taken it was duly. ;passed., Motion was made by Watkins, to table the decision on the vacation of '- a portion of roadway in Butternut Beach until February 22, 1577 so that staff can make a determination as to the public use and utiity easements and staff is'to make a .�' T ', .recommendation to the Council,, seconded by BisAp and upon a, vote taken it was duly passed. S b W TO ISLAND VIEW 'ADDN. Mayor Stock ;presented a, letter from _A1mac,' Inc. dated 'February 1,1977 regar","ng a petition to extend water to I land 1ST View First Addition for consideration by the Council. Motion was made by'13issonett to defer the Almac, Inc, petition to extend tf �I water to.Island View .First Addition until February 28, 1977` ;,7nd the City'" Manager is_to 'set time based on the agenda for that meeting, 'seconded„ by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. s BULK,,GAS BID �r" Mayor Stock stated that no bids were received for bulk gas.` 4l I Notion was made by Busse to su urchase bulk gas from whomever can 1 P PP Y�t, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. WATERLLNE ' FREEZEUPS Mayor Stock stated ''that the City has been experiencing some waterline �fkiezeups and>the City Manager asked ' was to prepare a.,statement to -be ,placed in the Prior Lake American a$, follows: "A t= few buildings 1 with in the City of Prior Lake have experienced p problems with water lines freezing. -. If -you are having a; similar problem please contact Larry Anderson at the City Hull for information on how. to avoid it." A second item for 'the. Prior Lake American is "According to the Prior bake City Ordinance all dogs must be licensed and no�dog is permitted to run at large within the City. if your dog is not licensed please come ta;the City all between Y the !;ours of 9:00 A.M._and 4:30�P.M. o =obtain a license. W > <IN, MARTINSON Mr: Don Williams stated he was asked b several Mano r area Y people in the Boudns ISL. and'the ShadyBeach Road area to speak r' to.. tonight_in egards turning down the sewer and water project for Martinson Island'and,that area. The Boudins'Manor area, the annexed area from Savage to Prior Lake, i'5 re' was specifically for the purpose`of desewering the'Iake as stated in the + paper and everything, and, also Spring, Lake has similarly been annexed i fi:tk ante to desewer the lake. The p P eo le feel ' qui`te that now that the �.- y lake is beginning to' cleanup that the Council 'S ' dbing= something in- u difference to the people in Island area at the ``expense of <t" the people that have been `brough in to the: p clean lake up. The Council accepted Mr. Williams' comm%lts for their consideration. x n , #ANNM 1b ; of as of," Vmqp of, Prise L&O is w '! $ 1N! +rwa«N.. Iwdr .N ecsa.wss 041W yz soil am". )WRO'COUNCIL SYSTEM STATE- Mayor Stock stated that.the City has not received their systems statement yet from the *letropolitan Coun;zl MENTS, " the Cit has been told a year ago that ' thej.City would have thei nztheir� hands in June of 1976, it is approaching \,. �..n.. June of 1977 and the City still has not received theirs. The City asked ' that they be put on the priority basis with them th i the City be , one of the first to receive them. The City of Savage, th =City of \ Shakopee, have received, their systems ,statements, and he xant5to: know why Prior Lake has not received theirs, City Manager McGuire stated he talked with the Metropolitan Council about a week an&one -half ago and they assured the City they would have thew within a few days and the City has not received,thes. Mayor .;Stock stated he wanted the City Imager to get on the phone and tell them the City of Prior Lake wants them right now, j ' Motion was aade'by Oakes to adjourn; seconded by Watkins and upon a vote take thies meeting was' adjourned at 10;18 P,M, - 1 Michael A. McGuire, City Imager t * f ^ 1 , '= 1 S 4