HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 22 1977` MINUM of 4 "o hotted of the Y � NIaRo Ceandl of the lfiilogo of Prier toko to Mo County of SteefF Gad ifah of ' M1460601a, iodudiog all aeceunfs audited by said Cwncil; y , February 22, 1977 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session, on February 22, 1977 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council C eis. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. 'Present were Mayor Stock,,jCa unclmen Bissonett, Busse, and Oakes I, et , City Manager McGuire, Eng Anderson, Finance Director MacGiliivray, and Attorney Sullivan. Caunci,han Watkins was absent. The following corrections were glade to the Minutes ( of Fe> rwz r v l 4, 1977; Pag ; one g paragraph seven tine four, should read "aspersions' on the qualifications of the realt0 that made the estimate, ", Page one g , paragraph nine, last sentence should be deleted.-Ai,; MINUTES Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes of February��14,''1977 as amended, seconded by Bissonett and upon vote taken it was duly passed. GRANNIS b GRANNIS Motion was made by Busse to approve the payment to G ra nns and Granns in the amount of 51,335.42, PAYMENT seconded by Bissonett and pon a vote taken it was duly passed u _.; Mayor Stock stated that he testified today before the Senate Sub- :SENATE SUB-Coo MITTEE ON BL0 Committee on the immediate need for a temporary structure at the Bloomington ferry bridge site and he reported OMINGTON FERR on this. BRIDGE k ;_Motion was made by Busser to authorize the City Manager to draw up a, resolution to be forwarded to Scott . and Hennepin County Boards the temporary structure at, the Bloomington ferry bridge site, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. , Notion was made by Busse to authorize the City Manager to draw up a resolution to be forwarded to MN/DOT regarding the temporary structure A fN „ .r , al•�, _ at the Bloomington ferry bridge site, seconded by Bissonett and:upon.a vote taken it was duly passed. ' M - dull Notion was made by Busse to share in the cost of the feasibility study i he amount of 'Z 2, 333'. 34, and that the City of Prior lake has the 0 PPorttunit y to a study before any other action is taken. by any of the other participating communities, seconded by Bissonett and upon a. } -vote taken it was dul }r passed. POLICE REPORT Notion was made by Bissonett to approve the Police Report for January � 1977, = seconded by'Busse ,and upon a _vote taken it was' duly Passed. FIRE't RESCUE Motion was ■ode by Bissonett to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for January 1977, seconded "by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. HAZARDOUS WASTE Motion was made by Bissonett to adopt a like resolution to the Scott County resolution,opposing the location DISPOS- AL FACILITY of a hazardous waste disposal facility in Scott County with the addition indicating that the City's " 4 well is in the Jordan,Strata and that this would possibly pollute the City's water supply seconded by Busse and upc►r a vote taken it was duly'passed� R0 <YACATION City Np�tager McGuire N. SPRING LK presented for Council consideration,4 equests forf� vacatio� of;,certain roadways in Spring TOYNSiTE Lake Townsite, there,.are seven parcels as indicated on the map sent out. with the agenda. The recommend - at n-�ris that niz action be taken on these seven parcels until +she sewer tad water 'are, plies complete and until .the Park Comprehensive Plan is complete and both should be completed within 60 djAys, Mayor Stock directed the City Imager to Out this back on the agenda within 60 days after the sewer and water plans and Park Plan are complete.i i MIHUM of the PrecoodGp of the Viiioao'Couneil of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State6 Minnesota, including ail accounts audited by mW Ceuneil. '74 DEFERRED Mayor Stock called the 1974 Deferred Assessment Public Hearing to order 'ASSESSMENTS at 8: DO P.M. Mayor Stock read Public Notice for the Public Hearing. Mayor Stock read the Deferrect Assessmeni Policy Statement. ,PROJ 72 -6, 7 - Mayor 'Stock read the Assessment Rolls f�^ Projects 72 -6, 72 -7 Phase II, 7, 73-6, 74 -2 73 -6, 7 ` � -2 -2,` and 74 -2 g, 3. Mr. Loren Gross was present representing Scharf Trucking Inc. (PI, 5 -96A). This parcel, is to be reviewed.' City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr.`Fr4nk Muelken represent- I ing K. Simpkins (PL 3 -30). This parcel is ta.be re4'iewed. City Manager McGuire presented' a letter from Mr. Fraiik Muelken represent -,, ing Francis Snell (PL 3 -451) and Mr. Snell was also present at the meeting. Mr. Elmer Clarke (PL 3 -482; PL', 3 -SO4) was present''°regairding bcrefit. from the sever and water line and being,assessed for a sewer easement. this j parcel-is-;to be reviewed. 4 Mr. Michael O'Rourke was_ present representing:Micliael $eneaict (PL 2- 602,x' PL 2 -272). This parcel is to be; reviewed. Mr. Denny Fitzgerald (PL 2 -282) its present regarding the front,,foot and g� acreage charges for the different�.pxojects °au the of c foi 'daterainin ls ,0 y g � ��. the length of deferred asslitsments. This pare l ;is'.',ta be reviewed, Mr. Patrick F,.lanagsn tPL 2 2301 A) was present regarding the acr that was assessed. Mrs., Slu' orn, (.Pl,,,2,280°) was present regarding 'e�hen the deferred assessment would become cu rren' ` t\ �� A Mr. Norbert Trax1�- (Pt 2= ;282A)'' was present regarding the interest,;` n f deferred asses nts, objecting \,1,p the continuation 1 of the hearing ... PL: 74' 2'� 2, ,/ s!' to'� interest��in deferred assessments, oh tectsng, to the five y r period,, oblectangYto the portion of front ootage leii,g assessed w � Because �it is a triangular lut, anal; the lotshad been serviced �already. ,19j 2 . %.% Mayor Sto,k stated 'that Tra�xler i d not; a current ass essnen t:Otmilwan Oakes stated there i� some %ping that occurred in 1974 .that caused Mr- � \Trakler, not Vto receive. a ' ��840.GIQ current assessment an notice to }�pok` up wti,�in 'a y Aso Mr�� \� TraXler should hevereceii�ed� * that curren"' as`sesswen,�t ,at the assess>te> ring in 1974', and he spoil d have been r� to �'e r b� hooked up in b9�5 , sq the amount that we are r talking abod�ta is' $1,509 00 plus or\ winus Ali' Mir. Tesler .}has had as ' n r, assessment so \fart is $6 ge 0.00 acrea. , 4 Notion was midi by Oakes that the Tr.xle pro��ert r� y (PL, 2 -282A) be assessed on a current � for 160 feet front,: footaj a �`at the proper'll front footage rate for seweli and crater acid that Mr. , Traii r`�be placed on notice that he is to be d sometime connecte in this ear dur n, y S the construction season,_ seconded: by Busse and upon "a ole taken it �,wa.`�;' duly passed. i Mr. Don Benson (PL 2 -693; PL -694 ng PL ` 2 -709, P'L 2 -710). was present. with a sketch of his property regardi the current {\nd deferred a'ssessments.., These parcels are tobe reviewed.. s f 2 __ 3 V fie` w i _ t Sw " A -ti " fi i AUNUM of -the Preceodi of IM V � nM gleN. Council •f Me Villas of trier Lake M N "o CouMr of Seen and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. � a '74 D EFERREI City Manager Mc Guire--presented a letter from Mr. Gary Fer uson; PL 2 -964 : g ,( ) f ASStiSSMENTS Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to contact`Mr. Ferguson and tell him' - 1 \ that this hearing is being continued if`he wants to appear before the Council at thatatime. Councilman Oakes recommended that Mr. Ferguson's assessment should stand as a current assessment and 'not one deferred five years,from the date of the assessment hearing. c City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr. Wayne Hanson,,(PL.2 -283). ! >Mayor Stock directed the City Imager to contact Mr. Hanson and `indicate ; him that the hearing has been continued to March 14, 0,77 and - of this evening the assessment stands. t` Mr. John•Shuff was present representing Dr`. Olaf Lukk (PL 2' -28N This 'parcel is to be reviewed. Mrs.. Bennett (PL 2 -691A) was present regarding a ponding area. Mrs. Marlis Bluedorn was present regarding PL 2 -692 stating she was told the assessments, on this parcel would never be called down. Mrs!.'Bluedorn was also present regarding "PL 2- 280 -0. These parcels are to be reviewed., City Manager McGuire presented a'letter' from Mr. Norbert Traxler regarding Kenneth, P IMcNeese- - A. (L,2 528). Mr. Trailer was also present.. representing .Mr. 1 McNeese objecting to the interest on the deferred assessments. Notion was!. <mad by Oakes that the McNeese property, (PL 2 -S28)" be placed on deferment for an indefinite period of time subject to :future Council review, seconded by Bissonett and 'uponCa vote taken it was duly passed. CouncilmanIlOakes stated that this,is an informational motion._ City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr. Hartman (PL 2'291). \'his piircel is to be reviewed. Mrs I�fa xxt Bluedorn PL 2 -280 was resented regarding ;, ( ,. ) P gding when. the = dekZ_ ferred. t \ assess ents wall. be cal led down.. This parcel-Is to be reviewed. a Mayor rk directed the City " Staff to review the 1974 deferred assessm ent roll's a�nd��contact those people who have indicated interest and changes° k being ar de 4 Notion' vas made by Bissonett to co tinue the 1974 0eferxed Assessment Hearink�`until March la, 1977 at 8 :30 P.M., seconded•:by Oakes and u 1rO> \ I a vote taken it was \,dul passed, This Public Hearing w~as recorded and the tapes are on file ,in the tit � ' d r' Motion sras''made by Oakes to adjourn, seconded b Busse and on °a vote Y up taken this neeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M,: Michael A. McGuire, City Manager. y -3- t.