HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 28 1977ti
MINBTES of Iho 'nesedMp of th Vgleve Council of 4 i Vilksae
of Prior loko in the County of Sees and State of
Miaaosote, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Februar 28 1977
The Common Council of =the City of Prior
e ,
Lake me t in regular session on
February 28, 1971 at 7:YS P.M. in the'City Council Chambers.
w Lhe`meetng to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen c
i Busse„ Oakes, and Watkins, City Manager McGuire,
erson Eng ineer
Anderson, .Finance Director. "mace llivray. and Attorney Sullivan
\ *r. Steve INattson, Bond Consultant, stated that bids were opened at 4.30„
today for the $1,90o 000,00 General
Obligation_improvesien.-`Rond's of
1977 and bids were received from ipe,5 57fy and Hopwood, Inc.
t 5,52
at- National
Sank of St Pau
Notion was made by Watkins to awatd, bid for the $1,900,000.00 'General,
Obligation Improvement Bonds 6f, to Piper, Jaffray
and Hopwood, Inc,
at S;% 2„ seconded by Busse ,and ,upon a vote taken it was duly >
followi ` ng corrections were made to. the Minutes of February 22., 1977,
Page on�t�, paragraph ten, should read "Motion was made by 'Busse to share in'`
the cost of the feasibility study for replacement of the ,Savage bridge in
amount of $2,333.34 and that the City of Prior Lake has the opportunity,
to reviewthe study before.any other
action is taken by any of other
part %cipai�ing communities, seconded by Bissonett and
was duly passed,- upon a vote taken it
Page •one, paragraph thirteen, line. five, delete "and well". '
Notion was made by Bissonett to approve the Minutes of February 22, 1977 f
as amended, seconded by Busse and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
Mayor Stock stated that the City has received a letter from the 'Mayor of i
Shakopee relative to the suit that has
been filed against them: the MIYCC
forewarning the,City what it could possibly be looking if they decide
move their,area in the City of Prior Lake's - direcons
attorney Sullivan stated this is a riortor'
the P y judgement action started by
NWCC against the City of Shakopee
primarily directed at determining
whether or not they have some kind of superior authority over "
government. Their position is that their authority preempts
over the '
municipality and that is what this is, about: It is also their claim to
dateroine that this is'an agricultural
use and that they do not need:
zoning changes or permits to go ahead and. use the land, i
Motion was made by ilissonett to adopt a resolution requesting that the
League of Minnesota *dhicipal ties intervene
on behalf of the nunicipali-
ties and that the NhR C' authority, jurisdiction• should /not be.
oven and. above
local municipalities p
., seconded by Watkins and upon a vote tIaken;it was %-duly
Mayor Stock called the( 497S Deferred Assessment
7 :30 P.m. Hearing to order at
Mayor Stock read the Public Notice for the 1975 Deferred Assessment'
Hearing. _ -
_.. ement _,
IiWyor Stock read the De #erred Assessment Policy Sta *.
Mayor Stock stated that the purpose of -the hearing
this evening is to
review those deferred assessments n the projects that were read in the <*)
public notice and,he'will through,
go them one by one, he will read the
name of the property owner and the amount of the deferred assessment
which, would be placed on the assessment rolls. The Council has a resolu-
tion adopted tha anyone
who wishes to pay this deferred assessment can
' =Ipay this deferred assessment up until June of 1977
without any interest.
accrued'. Other than that interest will begin, if they are to be put on
the assessment rolls,
collected over the -period of years, interest will
begin January 1, 1977, If you'have a question or wish to make,comments
the assessment as to the parcel size of parcel, etc., please come forward
to the podium and , state your name
and then address your particular
-1 -�
RUNUM of the lrocoodin" of tb* Village Council of. the VillooW of hiag- lake in the County of Scott and Stab of
MiRM Wo, `
mIudin all.
m. aecouats,oudihd 6r;>wid Council.
PROJ- 74 -5, 7 Mayor Stock read the assessment schedules for Projects 74 -S Paving, 74 -6
- 74= 14 ,75 4 Paving, 74 - Paving, 7S Paving,
-4 75 -10 Paving, 7S -11 Paving, 7S -2
75-10, 75 -11, Sanitary Sewer and: Water`main, and 7S -6 Paving and Storm Sewer.
75-2, 75 -6
City Manager McGuire presented 'a letter from Mr. Benedict (PL 2 -272)
requesting review of this
parcel.= Mayor Stock directed Staff to review'
this parcel.
City Manager McGuire res ented a letter ett
er from Mr. Burnitani (PL 2- 278UB)
asking that' t he r^
g ..el be rev
Pa reviewed.
Mayor Stock direc Staff to review
this parcel along with the sewer °and water.
City Manager McGuire stated that Mr. Liddle h "`
( PL 2- 114T called him Frida
and asked that this parcel be reviewed. y
Mayor Stock directed Staff to
review this parcel.
Mayor Stock
y se directed Staff to review the Hartman, parcel (Pi, 2 -291)' along
` with the sewer and water.
Mr. Frank Anderson (PL 2- 180C), present s tating he was told that the
assessments on this property would be deferred until the property was
developed. This belief submer ed his o
8 pposition to the sewer project
1 11 project.
since did not want to obstruct the project merely .because of hip
particular situation or his,.own beliefs
of necessity and wisdom of the
He is disappointed also in the fact that Council
the did not
actively consider any of the other alterna.tivi`'that were mentioned +as
solutions to this financial dilemma that the sewer project has produced`
for the community,: He says this for the record less he too is
of jostling windmills,as he has seen others do at previous meetings:
Mr. Anderson`,;presented three recommendations for the assessments 'on his`
property ..'Mayor Stock directedrStaff to review the
by Mr.. Anderson.. portions requested
City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr. Frank Muelken regarding
the Arndt (PL 2 -279H) property, j��Mayor Stock directed Staff to
this parcel and contact Mr. Muell;en regarding this parcel.
Mr. Hennen (PL 4- 138C),was present regarding the deferred assessments
on ;his property. Mayor
Stock directed Staff to meet with Mr. Hennen
and review the assessments -on PL 4
City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr * Kenneth Johnson (PL 4-
123G) requesting ng review of his deferred assessments..
Mayor Stock directed.
Staff to review this parcel.
Mr. John'Trulson (PL 4- 131 -2R) was present stating that this property i-s
below the 904 mark`and if he'wanted to build he would probably get
turned down. Mayor, Stock directed Staff to review this 'parcel And.take
into consderaton. the meandering
waterline of the lake.
City Manager McGuire presented a /A tter from Mr. Kersten (PL 2 -180D)
requesting that the parcel be deferred indefinitely
because he does not
intend to subdivide. Mayor Stock directed to review this parcel.
City Manag Y_ McGuire Guire presented aletter -fray LeVander Gillen, Miller
and Magnuson attorneys for Minnesota Valley
Electric Cooperative (PL 4-
1310) stating that the purpose ofcthis letter is to stale 'Minnesota
Valley's opposition to the levying of any additional assessments on this,
parcel and asking that the deferred assessment
be removed. ma y o r
accepted the letter:..... _ yo Stoc
Mr. Simon (PL 2 -2795) was present regarding the-footage he was assessed,
stating that he had given an easement
and'did`'not feel he should be
assessed for it.' ma Stock directed Staff to review this parcel.
City Manager McGuire presented a lette from the Swankes (PL.2480B) and
they were also present
Mr. Swanke staged he did not think that the lot "
could be built on. Mayor Stock directed Staff to review this
MINUTES of the Frecoodhps of the Vilkaoe Council of the <Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
Mlenesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
'75 DEFERRED City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr.. Swenson (PL 4_123E) and
" ASSESSMENTS he was also present asking that the property be deferred because of the
cost to develop the property and he was told the assessments would be
deferred until the property was built or sold and he`also has another
parcel (PL 4 -123H) with assessments and he was objecting to the assessments.
Mayor Stock stated these assessments (PL 4- 12$E,, PL 4 -123H) will.sta d
as, five- Year assessments.'
Mr. John Trulson (PL 4- 131),w" present stating that his driveway was
considered a road and he was assessed for a corner lot and he was assessed
assessments that shouldn't'`be there.`' Mayor. Stock directed Staff to review
this parcel., „
Mr. Leonard Tupa (PL 4- 123F) was present requesting that this assessment _
be removed completely. Mayor Stock directed Staff f. to review this parcel.
Mrs.- Wilson (PL 2- 18OAA) was present stating sheds objecting to anymore
taxing of this property. Mayor Stock :'directed Staff to review this parcel.
City McGuire presented a letter from Mr. Heuer :(PL 4 -133J) and he
was also present requesting that the assessment: be deferred_ along with the ,
interest, Mayor Stock stated this parcel is being deferred indefinitely
and l' interest charged currently but the interest is not payable until the
assessment is called down. „
Mr. Donald Price, Lot 7, 'Shad Beach M2 (PL 4 -641), was present regarding,
his deferred assessment. 1&yor Stock stated this assessment was removed.
Motion was made by Watkins to continue the 1975 Deferred Assessment Hearing
until March 14, 1977 at 9:15 P.M., seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.-'
Mayor Stock called the Regular Council Meeting back to order..
S b W EXTEN Mayor Stock stated that the City-has received petitions, letters, etc.,
SIONS requesting sanitary sewer and watermain extensions rand turned the ae,�ting
over to the ty Manager to present the petitions and then he riould, ask
for comments from.those persons present representing areas relative to
the matter. '
GRAINWOOD 6' City Manager McGuire- stated he has received four
petitions, th from ,.
ISLAND VIEW the, Grainwood area and one from Almac, Inca for the Island ViEw area. `
Mr. Bill Schmokel from the Grainwood area was present "d real a letter
{ from Mr :and Mrs.. Howard Huber and sta that they want sewer and water'.
s in their area.
Mrs. Blohm of Grainwood stated she agrees with Mr. Schmokel 100U
Jf n `
MAPLE PARK Mr, Peterson of Camelot Acres stated he recently purchased a pleca of
SHORE ACRES land.in the Maple Park Shore Acres area an he does not want to put in
i' water and sewer and then find out that the Sewer Commission is going to
cone along,in two years and he is going to find himself payingitwice over
for sewer and Water.
UNFPbH BAY Mr. Joe Spieker of the Sunfish Bay, area was present stating that they have,.
just ' about 100 signatures on their petition and asked the Council to act
on it and get started tomorrow.
Mrs._ Arina Gau of Point Beautiful stated she was at the other meeting but
PT. BEAUTIFUL! so many people.. were 'against it she was afraid to ,say anything. . -$he
desperately nv ds se er „and water, sewer mostly but she will take the
water too andAhe s ner the better.
` Motion was made b Oa es to hold a
� } , y public hearing.. one March 28,' 1977 -at
8:00 P.M. for sewer a d water in the areas of Sunfish Bay, Point : Beautiful,
Grainwood, Grainwood ark, 'Blohm's Addition, and Island view, seconded
I l
by Watkins and upon a vote -taken it was duly passed.
• 1
MMUM of the Precood1W of the *UWS* Council. of the Vill"o of Pr1w Loke, Im th* Counv of it" QIkd $Sipie of
Mis"sole. lodwding all occounts audi" by saw Council.'
Fire Department:
United Fire Fighters Assoc. Du S' "IS.90
Street Department
Art Johnson -artge Rent
C $ 40,.'00
Park Department
MRPA Basketbalf Tournament
Registration �SS.00
Debt'Service fund:
N.V. National Bank of'mpls� Bond Payment $16 10
NI-W. National Bank of Npls� �-Bond Payment 14,S41.3S
Notion was aide by Watkins to adjourn. seconded by Oakes �nd/' n a�vote
a upo
taken this meeting was adjourned at 9:49 P.M.
Michael A. McGuire, CityJlana er