HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 07 1977' MINUTES of the Praia" of tlm `Va Mge council of th* Viliev of hior, loko ;n tho Ceunly of Scott and State of Minneaete, including all occounb d6ditod by said council. s� i Mach 7 1977 - . 11 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regu(or session on.'March, 7, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, Mayor Stock called the meeti 1c cider, Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Binonett, Blue, and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, EngineerAnderson, Finance Director Mac�aiIIivray, Park Director Jambois, and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Oakes was absent,, E !' The foilowing correction was made to the Minutes of February 28, 1977: Page two Paragraph tweave, last sentence, should "Mayor i read Stick accepted the letter for a, the record. MINUTES Motion was na by Watkins,;to approve the Minutes of Fabruary 28, 1977 as amended, seconded' by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly - passed, DUTCH ELM Mr. , Donn Johnston;; Tree 14rispiector, was present to discuss; the Dutch'Elm Program for 1977 and stated that some of the problems are getting a dumping site for disposal of the diseased trees, getting assistance for people with trees to be removed, especially senior citizens, and enforcing }he, removal of trees, 3 Finance Director MacGhllivray discussed the possibility of the Army Reserve p pating in the removal; of diseased trees. Mayor Stock directed Staff to ' = present a memo in two weeks on the subject of dutch elm diseased tree removal with a recommendation to the Cour on the: possibility zoning of approaching the problem in stages, addressing the F�ardship of senior citizens, a l Onoson program of some sort a lease possibly on basis throu h_ the City, the City Manager. and City Attorney are to work together on enforcement of the ordinance " regarding dutch elm disease, and the City Manager is to contact the City of "Burnsvihe in the XIkt few- days regarding using !their dump, =Motion was made by B`issonett authorizing Mr. Donn Johnston the' inspector to have an assistant'for inspecting diseased trees, •seconded',by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. DOWNTOWN PRK NG I` PROBLEM Police Chief Powell stated he has been contacted by a couple of local businessmen about the parking problem downtown, there are some cars parked multipie hours down- town and it does infact decrease some of the parking downtown, a Mr. Jack Andrews was present storing there is a problem of limited space for parking and that the last four parking lots were made available b the businessmen and he ' U would like tc{ see more downtown area available for parking, s Mayor Stock directed the Police Chief's Department to review the downtown parking problem,_review the time ' element, give the Council a recommendation taking into consideration the element of enforcement of time, the dollc'rs, present capability of fulfi the obligation and he tabled the hotter for two weeks..'' PROJ..75 -3 Mr. Pete Jones of Ko PP's Bay asked if Project 75 -3 is officially dead, Mayor Stock stated the Council had petitions last week from four areas going as for as Gnainwood and as for as Dr. Fishers' ty for Proper sewer and, water, they also had a request from Maple Park for sewer and water. The petitions that they received requested that sewer and water be put in as soon as possible,, t4_)v,,did not include Kopp's Bay or Martinson Island. Mr. Jones asked if this was anew project. Mayor Stock stated, this will bN a new protect, a new public hearing for these areas ' .,,that they have reCeivpd petitions from,' 4t-_ .t t MINUIIES of tM Proceedings of tbo Villoao; Council of the Ville" of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ar1 wn t audited by said, Council. PROJ- 75 Mr. Jones asked if there is interest in K� Bay, Martinson- Lord's Island what can they do to become a part of it or within the same project. Mayor Stock stated at this time he would probably have to' depend up the Engineer Po g but as he,,sees it it possibly could be done the same year as the other project or projects, if you, want to bred,; them down into area projects he guesses one could do that. It could be done the tc�•ne year as these other projects; whether or not it is one big project, again he does not know, he guesses he dGe! not have an answer for that. Mr. Jones asked what the Council's recommendatic s ta .,'hem if there is sufficient interest. Mayer Stock stated they would recommend the same us they did lorr the areas that questioned them earlier on the same subject, was that, they go out with a petition and seek us many signers as possible to that petition in favor thereof and submit it to the Council cnd the. Council jwould take that petition and act upon it JACK' PACKER Mr. Jack Packer, asked at what point does the City Council consider a petition matter of subject for discussion or a valid subject to form an opinion on, what percentage, Attorney Sullivan stated there is not any percentage, if two,,people wonted to petition the Council for an improvement the Council would have to set a. public `hearing and determine whether there was sufficient interest or need. in order to gD ahiead, with that Project. Mr. Packer asked at what point does the City Council hinge its decision on the property owners. If the *bject matter for petition involves 100 property owners and there are five people on the petition. Mayor Stock stated that the City Attorney indicated at the last meeting that the more signers there are on the petition relative to the. number of people in the area 'it would ? be more im' ressive;to the Council; however, cs'the City Attorney indicated if there are five signatures on that petition, legally they have to act upon that petition, either to deny. it ; ga ahead and call a public hearing for that project. Mr. Packer asked. at what point does the Council deny. City Attorney Sullivan stated there is no minimum number of people necessary to,: ;! present petitions to the Council fora public hearing. ' Councilman Watkins stated that they held a public hearing, it was very well attended, the floor hod indicated to the Council that they and all of #he' testimony =i�omn proposed a very unpopular project. Within minutes of the end of the meeting they had people ° tell them that they should' have bit the bullet and jammed it down, somebodies throat Life .is too short tar the five of them to enforce; on anyone something that they obviously 'tla not want. After reconsideration they .want to hear , it again. Before he, for one, wou accept a. petition and. vote for'another public hearing, he``would', ant a . ° reonable number of those involved with "logic on why they want sewer and water, ° He thought,they explained the need for it, they worked up the proposal, if they did not think i #'was o solution ,io a problem ,that did exist they would not have gone that far,, but d, public hearing is just that, it is where they listen to the,, public: When they get a oorWn_sus that what they proposed is almost unanimously unpopuh�u,i +. , tvuld: be. 4ru to''spend the following sutriner tearing a neighborhood aport;and charging: ` them ite a' lo! of mo for it. If ya 9u� y you feel u need it and if there is a reasonable number of,�•people that cOrne he would be willing, o listen to a hearing a ng g gain but it the some old thing, thay, have to make the judgement and when they make the ;uo,�ement they and the people 'have to Live with it. -2- r Maple Park Shore ,Acres and he roughly counted and there appears to' be 116 S W REQQESF signatures. Motion was mode by Watkins-that Maple Park Short Acres be made part of the March 28, 1977 Public Hearing, seconded by Busse and4 upon'a' vote taken it was: duly passed." _Q SNOW REMOVA 'Councilman Busse stated,, regarding snow removal, he thought that the City was x going to remove the snow from the Post Office to 4 13, "v Mayor Stock stated there were cars parked there when it eras plowed. - City Manager McGuire Tinted they had many problems with the last snow first, the visibility was very poor until 5:30 or 6:00 and they hod trouble - plowing until that time, second, Bohnsack and Hennen had trouble with their equipment and Lawrence Schweich also had some trouble with his removal equipment. Councilman Watkins requested that the fan in the'Council'Chambers be checked. Engineer A ride non stated he would check the fan. RESOLUTION Councilman Bissonett rood a• resolution regarding the Prior Lake, Boys High School _77-6 Basketball Team competing in the State Tournament. Motion :.;as made by Bisscnett to adopt Resolution 0 77-6 regarding the Prior Lake Boys High Sc"' I Basketball Team competing in the State. Tournament, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote :taken it was duly passed- The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday,', March 15, 1977: _3_ MINUTES of t the Proseedinp of the vitloe# Council of the Village of, Prior take in. the County of Scott and Stott of Minneseta, including eltaoteunts audited by said Council. PROD. 75-3 M Mr. Dennis Westlind and Mr. Ron Haberkorr of Martinson Island were also present with comments and asked questions regarding At, sewer and water projects. COMMERCIAL C CouncilmonFWatkins commented on commercial dockage recommending that no `dock DOCKAGE 1 1 could infringe on more than a certain percentage, sdy,twenty or thirty percent of any - r r waterway or channel, either commercial or private, ;arid asked for opinions From the Council. Attorney Sul ivansuggested saying that no dock should be constructed. that would constitute an obstruction to navigation or a hazard to navigation. After discussion by the Council Mayor Stock directed Staff to make a recommendation to the Council regarding commercial dockage and he tabled the matter for two weeks. 6872 -10 9, E Engineer Anderson presented a memo dated March 3, 1977 to the Mayor and City Council regarding Ordinances 72 -9 and 72 -10 Sewer`and Water Tapping "Fees for ` Council review and discussion. :. = Mayor Stock directed the City Attorney to p , , L' r prepare a 1977 from Engineer.Anderson to the Mayor and City Council regarding Ordinances 72-9 and 72 -10 Sewer and Water Tapping Fees. 1976 AUDIT T The Council reviewed the 1976 Audit: Motion was made by Watkins to approve the 1976 Audit as corrected and to post it at the Prior 'Lake Library, Prior Lale Post Office, Pr` r Lake. State Bank, and Prior L'`ake City Hall, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. =' MAPLE. PARK M Mayor Stock stated that the City received a ved �' h ,. petition for sewer and water from f a 7 MINUM of 1M hot"ags of the V"W#G Council of 1119 ViN" wof,hior Lek* in th9 County of Sea11 and tihh of 111441 all by .Mel oil aeaonts owtihl sail Council. Multiple Departments Scott -Rice Telephone Co, ' Utilities s ' 414.27 Coast to Coast Store ,. Supplies and Repairs ` 31.8,6 " ,j Coulter, Nelson, b Su I I Ivan, Attorney Fiees 3 D. H. Mullenmaster b Co. Audit 871 .50 Minn.. Gas Co. Utilitis 2:450•.00. Sou" do, e Dodge, Inc. Repairs 104,95 Albinson *4 09 Blue Line Rental 40,00 Lake Auto SuPP1Y Vehicle Repairs 1'13.50 Prior Lake, OK Hardware II, Supplies, and Repairs 78.15 Xerox Corp. Copy Machine 291. ?5 Mayor/Co, uncil De p artment: t State of Minnesota 14'76 Statutes ! b , S 175:00 Administration Deporlmnt• ' E. H. Newstrom l Buil'eiing Inspecbr 550.00 broolson & Assac., Inc.: En ii�esri lees ; 9 ng 16.00, Robert MCA I I ister DO9 370.00 Clarence Schmidt Catcher - 2 non ths x Plumbing Inspector 62.00 'Economy Dictation Systems' Equipment Re �. Repair 25.00 K Prior Lake American Publishi ng 1.41 PI nni De , n!1 pcM[ finenf t Horst G:raser Mileage $ 22.35` City Hell and Library Department: t l ; Minn: Valle-_% Flooring,, Inc. �'� City Hall It emodoling S 42.90 dlaybck Plumbing Co City ,Hall'`Remodeling 1, 5.00 � American Linen Supply , Co. Towels 11 ,t Prim, Co. H .35 < '; = i�twnr>l $upply,r City all Remodeling 4.42 7 Inc. ru City Hall Remodeling 223.65 h En D epa rtmen t: � ng� nn , Room Mileage ; AK Office ProductR CO Small. Tools and Equipment 25 .24, , PbUce Department; Soott,and Tom Grimmer ,' Washing Polio Cars 102' C S r00 Water Department A' Water Products Co. G " Water Repairs " $ 58.13, deneral Welding Water Repa pa 198.00 ' e' Van Waters &. Rogers Chemicals 75.38 Sewer De Riortmen McKinley Sewer Service tce K; Sewer Repairs �? :> d0 ^00 Schrader Block Co. Sewer Re pegs 200.00 J MWCC Installment 7, 539.39 t l _ i L . MINtI?lK of do reee iiMs of NN Vill"e Guneil N iM Villow of. Prwr Lek* in co" of SC eer sww'44 a Namen e. iodwi ing eV eceoveb molder by saw C""I. , . Fire Departm*nt• Busse's SuperiUarket Contract Signing s 0*66 Highlander Cleaners' Maintenance. - Equip., 3'i 50 Smoke- Eater` Subscriptions 55,5(}, National Reg. of EM , School 45':,00 Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett, and' upon a vote token F this ineetin t+vus ad'ourne&at 9 37,, P.M. ' Michael A, M' cGuire City Manager A V -° t� i . W ` a , , �,�y i