HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 14 1977rho e MINUTES of the Pr*CsW of she Vil roes k** Council of she Village of Prior take is the County of Scott and Stab of `Wanesoto, including all accountt audited by said Council. f M 14, 1977 4S{ 4 The Common Council of the City,of Prior Lake met in regularsession on March_IV4 1977 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council, Chambers. 'Mayor Stock called the meeting , to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen, BissonettpoBusse,. Oakes, and ' Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Finance D,irectorMacG llive Planner Tooker, Park Director Jambois and Attorney Sulliwrz�: ill 1 The following corrections were made to the Minutes of March 7, ;1977 Page one, Paragraph six, Iine three, "zoning'' should „read. "zones,”. r Page two, paragraph six,, should read "Attorney Sullivan stated there is not any 1 percentage, if two `people wanted to petition l�4 Council for,an, improvement the i, Council would have b accept the petition and 4etennine'whether there was . ,1 sufficient interest o, hold a public hearing." li !mutes 11 Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Mirvtes of March 7,- 1977 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon c vote taken it was duly passed. COMPRENENS V PARK PLAN a Planner Tooker and Park Director Jambois reviewed the proposed Park Comprehensive P Plan. i i Mayor Stock tabled the Park Comprehensive Plan iintil.next"week so that the Council has , s time to review the proposed plan and discuss it,furtlrer at the next meeting and to finalize it with a resolution for a public hearing. '74 DEFERRED Mayor Stock called the Continuation of the 1974 Deferred Assessment Hearin g to 1 ASSESSMENT order at 8:319 P.M. 72 -6, 72-�7, T3 -6, 7,4 -2 -2 � Mayor Stock reviewed the 1974 deferred assessments were ' rejects % t prexiovsly questioned for P 72; 6 Sanitary Sewer and Watennain, 72 =,7 Phase it Sanitary Sewer ,{ 74 - -3 end Watermain,` 73.6 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain, 74 = -2 Sanitary Sewer 'and Water -. main, and 74 -2 & 3 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain. � f . 'Motion was made by Oakes that Ebner Clarke's, Lots 17;20, :Lakeside Park (PL 3 -482) ' have n front footage assessment of 220 feet total, seconded by Watkins ' ns an upon a G vote taken it was duly passed. City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr. Ferj, (PL:2 -964 sti ) nqr� that either the assessmentbbe removed or that the ave rage`�o f he lots in Lakeside Manor be taken. Motion * by Watkiwthat the Ferguson parcel PL 2`,'.,964 be assessed 120 feet,.because of topographic diffirulty.and because of consid oration the ;of acreage, seconded by- Bissonett and upon a te 1 vo taken it was dul o posiad. Motion was, made by Oakes to odoptthe 1974 Deferred AssesimentIoll as reviewed and untended; and the one ssmenl4roil will be kept on, file in tie City Offices, ' seconded by Watkins and upon a'vote taken,it , posse& Mayor Stock odjourned the Public Hearing on the 1974 Deferme Assessments. ' 75 DEFERRE ' A�,$ESSNtINTS _ r Mayor, Stock called ,the Conturu tion of the 1975 Deferred Assessment Hearth to order. � g j . 7f 7� 4, ► Mayor Stock reviewed` the T.975 deferred assessments that were preN`�iovsly questioned 4 -5 Pavi for 7 75 -4 Pavin 75 1 ng. 'Pavi Pa \. 75-'11.,, 75=2 75=6 a ; g, t 75 -2 Sanitary Sewer and ^ ' Waterniain 5-6 Paving a .-id Se , 'anr1 7 vin wer. �� Y 't 0 *' >y. <.a?,ai:. � .. Ni1NYtn3` of the Mceediierys ef`tbe Vitleoe CedrsiLoUthe Village} of Prier Lake M the County of scettand State of Mianesota, in` IL4ioq all accounts audited, by said Council. t 1 75 DEFERRED Mr. Frank Mu Ikeo,vms" went representing M, r:'Arndt (PL ASSESSME 2 -279H) recommendin NTS = '' a ten year defenne`nt ins�sd of the five° year deferment. Mr. Arnitt was also present." The deferred. assessment on thislparcel i to remain as stated on the assessment ro ll . ,.. Mr. Don Burnham (PLA -684) was present regarding his parcel. Motion was made by Oakes that Mr. Don Burnham's parcel PL 4-684 6 placed in on Indefinite period of time subject to future Council review, seconded \by Watkins - aod;upon a vate'taken it was duly passed. Mr. .bhn Trulson (PL 4 -131 111) was present regarding his parcel The deterred �assessinent on this parcel is to remain as stated on the. assessment roll. 4 Mr,. � n�(Pl. 2 -2799 was sent re rain his parcel. \ , � �� � ) � >ia g Pa' 1 i Motion was \��e by Watkins for "the Simon parcel (PL 2 - 2195) that 48.90 fee ` be amencled�to 38. - -"feet and: that the amount removed be amended ham ?k feet to'n 15 feet, senonded�by Busse and upon a vote: taken it was duly pa Motion was made b k t y Oakes that p arcel PL 4-684. street paving assessment be plac .,. in the indefinite categ q,_ seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly �. Motion wcw.mode by Watkins to adopt the 1975` Deferred Assessment Rolls as amended, \ \ a and the assessment roll will b7k pt on a in the City Offices, seconded by Oakes upon a vote Makin, it was du fi ly passed. \ Mayor Stock adjourned the Publia.Hearing on they 1975 Deferred Assessments. u � k The 1974 and 1975 Deferred Assessmen ? were recorded and the tapes are ; on file- in the :City Offices. �.Mayor Stock called' the regulae Council meeting back to order. DEL .r Sbck stated 'that the City has reeved the State portion of the Civil Defense GRANT \ � ` grant` in the, amount of $4, 262.00 a nd � appreclation, to Dick, lrgens, Tim ` 5� O'Laughlin, Mike Mc wire, and a of those who wo '' n getting the ;gron�}. �., q, "tack stated he received one licotion to vacate a �`ad in. CO RQ. VA Air N _ pp ndons/. Ii0MOQ1iSAml) � o Id First Addition ond, he also received a letter from T Baths on this 11LE ` i st AQO. xu sect and:gove - this to the. City Attorney to`fallow-up on.. ` CITX OF t `\ .SAYIIGE ��Ivlayor.,5bck stated he received a Mail Gram saying "Gor49rotul`iations to the State :.. , Chanp your tea V cheer leaders, _and fans were an inspiration t�i our,, area J ' CONCRATII,LAT I �� • "," LETTER ,TO'. k P* of the City of Sa'Yoge are very proud. of you, Cleve Ergo, Mayor of, the ' 1! 1CItAMPS f ity of 5a�w0ge. 1 t 4J 1 \ � z WTORN SEWER The Council discussed a letter firom,Worren Israelson ding his sto rm sewer F{`ROdIEN - WA so problems. Engineer Anderson is to come back next Monday with a : commendation 3 WEN ISRAELS to Council regarding this storm sewer.. - b a FR�ZEN WATER Council disc \ssed.thnwing frozen water lines and EngineerAndeon is to make LTN6S a recanmendation tc� =the Council regarding this., C HOUSE CounOlmon Bissonett 'kid ifanything had, been heard from Karl Mickus about nerving 1 the Santa House. City ' eager McGuire stated it will be,awaved to t�e 'island this tip, waek.i �'\ Motion, was made by Watki I to adjourn, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken' r•VV/•1 this meeting was adjourned 40 47 P.M. j MichaelA. McGuire, City onager a� Z - k. e