HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 14 1977rho
e MINUTES of the Pr*CsW of she Vil
roes k** Council of she Village of Prior take is the County of Scott and Stab of
`Wanesoto, including all accountt audited by said Council.
M 14, 1977
The Common Council of the City,of Prior Lake met in regularsession on March_IV4
1977 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council, Chambers. 'Mayor Stock called the meeting
to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen, BissonettpoBusse,. Oakes, and
Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Finance D,irectorMacG llive
Planner Tooker, Park Director Jambois and Attorney Sulliwrz�:
ill 1 The following corrections were made to the Minutes of March 7, ;1977
Page one, Paragraph six, Iine three, "zoning'' should „read. "zones,”.
Page two, paragraph six,, should read "Attorney Sullivan stated there is not any
percentage, if two `people wanted to petition l�4 Council for,an, improvement the
Council would have b accept the petition and 4etennine'whether there was .
sufficient interest o, hold a public hearing." li
!mutes 11
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Mirvtes of March 7,- 1977 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon c vote taken it was duly passed.
Planner Tooker and Park Director Jambois reviewed the proposed Park Comprehensive
Mayor Stock tabled the Park Comprehensive Plan iintil.next"week so that the Council
has ,
s time to review the proposed plan and discuss it,furtlrer at the next meeting and to
finalize it with a resolution for a public hearing.
Mayor Stock called the Continuation of the 1974 Deferred Assessment Hearin g to 1
order at 8:319 P.M.
72 -6, 72-�7,
T3 -6, 7,4 -2 -2
Mayor Stock reviewed the 1974 deferred assessments were
' rejects % t prexiovsly questioned
for P 72; 6 Sanitary Sewer and Watennain, 72 =,7 Phase it Sanitary Sewer
,{ 74 - -3
Watermain,` 73.6 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain, 74 = -2 Sanitary Sewer 'and Water -.
main, and 74 -2 & 3 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain. �
. 'Motion was made by Oakes that Ebner Clarke's, Lots 17;20, :Lakeside Park (PL 3 -482)
have n front footage assessment of 220 feet total, seconded by Watkins '
ns an upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire presented a letter from Mr. Ferj, (PL:2 -964 sti
) nqr�
that either the assessmentbbe removed or that the ave rage`�o f he lots in Lakeside
Manor be taken.
Motion * by Watkiwthat the Ferguson parcel PL 2`,'.,964 be assessed 120
feet,.because of topographic diffirulty.and because of consid oration the
;of acreage,
seconded by- Bissonett and upon a te 1 vo taken it was dul o posiad.
Motion was, made by Oakes to odoptthe 1974 Deferred AssesimentIoll as reviewed
and untended; and the one ssmenl4roil will be kept on, file in tie City Offices,
seconded by Watkins and upon a'vote taken,it , posse&
Mayor Stock odjourned the Public Hearing on the 1974 Deferme Assessments.
' 75 DEFERRE '
_ r
Mayor, Stock called ,the Conturu tion of the 1975 Deferred Assessment Hearth to
order. � g
7f 7� 4,
Mayor Stock reviewed` the T.975 deferred assessments that were preN`�iovsly questioned
4 -5 Pavi
for 7 75 -4 Pavin 75 1
ng. 'Pavi
\. 75-'11.,, 75=2
a ; g, t 75 -2 Sanitary Sewer and ^ '
Waterniain 5-6 Paving a .-id Se
, 'anr1 7 vin wer.
Y 't
0 *' >y. <.a?,ai:.
� ..
Ni1NYtn3` of the Mceediierys ef`tbe Vitleoe CedrsiLoUthe Village} of Prier Lake M the County of scettand State of
Mianesota, in` IL4ioq all accounts audited, by said Council.
1 75 DEFERRED Mr. Frank Mu Ikeo,vms" went representing M, r:'Arndt (PL ASSESSME 2 -279H) recommendin
NTS = ''
a ten year defenne`nt ins�sd of the five° year deferment. Mr. Arnitt was also present."
The deferred. assessment on thislparcel i to remain as stated on the assessment ro ll .
Mr. Don Burnham (PLA -684) was present regarding his parcel.
Motion was made by Oakes that Mr. Don Burnham's parcel PL 4-684 6 placed in
on Indefinite period of time subject to future Council review, seconded \by Watkins
- aod;upon a vate'taken it was duly passed.
Mr. .bhn Trulson (PL 4 -131 111) was present regarding his parcel The deterred
�assessinent on this parcel is to remain as stated on the. assessment roll.
4 Mr,. � n�(Pl. 2 -2799 was sent re rain his parcel.
, � �� � ) � >ia g Pa' 1
i Motion was \��e by Watkins for "the Simon parcel (PL 2 - 2195) that 48.90 fee ` be
amencled�to 38. - -"feet and: that the amount removed be amended ham ?k feet to'n
15 feet, senonded�by Busse and upon a vote: taken it was duly pa
Motion was made b
y Oakes that p arcel PL 4-684. street paving assessment be plac .,.
in the indefinite categ q,_ seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly �.
Motion wcw.mode by Watkins to adopt the 1975` Deferred Assessment Rolls as amended, \
\ a and the assessment roll will b7k pt on a in the City Offices, seconded by Oakes
upon a vote Makin, it was du fi ly passed. \
Mayor Stock adjourned the Publia.Hearing on they 1975 Deferred Assessments. u
� k
The 1974 and 1975 Deferred Assessmen ? were recorded and the tapes are ;
on file- in the :City Offices.
�.Mayor Stock called' the regulae Council meeting back to order.
DEL .r Sbck stated 'that the City has reeved the State portion of the Civil Defense
GRANT \ � ` grant` in the, amount of $4, 262.00 a nd � appreclation, to Dick, lrgens, Tim ` 5�
O'Laughlin, Mike Mc wire, and a of those who wo '' n getting the ;gron�}.
�., q,
"tack stated he received one licotion to vacate a �`ad in. CO
RQ. VA Air N _ pp ndons/.
Ii0MOQ1iSAml) � o Id First Addition ond, he also received a letter from T Baths on this
11LE ` i st AQO. xu sect and:gove - this to the. City Attorney to`fallow-up on..
` CITX OF t `\ .SAYIIGE ��Ivlayor.,5bck stated he received a Mail Gram saying "Gor49rotul`iations to the State
:.. , Chanp your tea V cheer leaders, _and fans were an inspiration t�i our,, area J '
"," LETTER ,TO'. k P* of the City of Sa'Yoge are very proud. of you, Cleve Ergo, Mayor of, the
' 1!
1CItAMPS f ity of 5a�w0ge.
1 t 4J
1 \ � z
WTORN SEWER The Council discussed a letter firom,Worren Israelson ding his sto
rm sewer
F{`ROdIEN - WA so
problems. Engineer Anderson is to come back next Monday with a : commendation
to Council regarding this storm sewer.. - b
a FR�ZEN WATER Council disc \ssed.thnwing frozen water lines and EngineerAndeon is to make
LTN6S a recanmendation tc� =the Council regarding this., C
HOUSE CounOlmon Bissonett 'kid ifanything had, been heard from Karl Mickus about nerving 1
the Santa House. City ' eager McGuire stated it will be,awaved to t�e 'island this
tip, waek.i �'\
Motion, was made by Watki I to adjourn, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken' r•VV/•1
this meeting was adjourned 40 47 P.M. j
MichaelA. McGuire, City onager
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