HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 25 1977. P • k F { MINUTES of the ProeeedlO" of the Vii laN Council of the Village of PfiouLdite in the County of s and Slate of ._._..� M ata, ineludir g ail aeeeunis audited by said Council. c z April 2S, 1977 I The C6=kn Council of the City of Prior ' Lake on Apri025, 1977 at 7 ;30PM in the C met in regular session Ci t y c _ Y ounci 1 chambers.. Ma Yor Stock cabled the meeting to $ order. Present were Mayor, Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Watkins, and Oakes, City Manager;' McGuire, &ty Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and Financial Director MicGillivray; 1 1 t � The following corrections were' made to the Minutes of April 18, 1977: Page one, p graph ll, line three should read "the northern portion, of `plat to ii, road public and upon a completion date being's. Page two, paragraph nine, line 2 should read "for sewer and water for Manitou Road and Martinson Isl and.requesting to set up meeting for 'this discussion ", a MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes c of April 18, 1977 as amended, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken,it was duly passed. REFUSE `HAUL- City Manager McGuire re^ ING PERMITS ommended that the refuse hauling permit applications by Lakers It,isposal_ and Edina- Morningside Sanitation be approved for Aril Ma an P Y d June- 1977. , , of Motion was made by Busse to approve the refuse hauling permit „ applications, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ORD. 77 -3 :.Financial %Director MacGillivray presented Ordinance 77 - 3 to the control and _prevention of Dutch Elm Disease. The - following corrections are to be 'made:' Page 2 . g ',Paragraph 3, seventh line is 'read "removal to at Cit Y e pense" Councilman Bissonett made nation to approve_Ordinance,77 -3 as amended, seconded by,Natkins and upon vote a taken it was duly passed. Q; 1 Councilman Watkins left the meeting at 7 :SOPM: City Manager McGuire reported on the urgency of locating a site for ' diseased tree removal, ANNA TRL `y PAVING City Engineer Anderson; commented on paving Anna Trail from Duluth. Street to Highway 13, Mayor Stock tabled the request for paving Anna Trail from Duluth Street to Highway 13 until next week, and directed Engineer Anderson { to give his opinion on the subject at the .next meeting. SANITARY S ' ER'zTASK FORC City Manager McGuire presented the Resolution upportin&,Sanitary Sewer Task Force for Council review and. discussion. Mayor Stock directed Attorney Sullivan and City Manager McGuire to redrakt.the resolution and present to the Council next week.., GRANMtS i► .GRANNiS SAV- 'AGE City Manager McGuire presented a bill from Grannis and Grannis of $161,67 which is the.Cit` s Y' for BRIDGE Portion the attorney fees for the o pening °of the Savage Bridge. OPENING Motion by Bissonett to approve the'bill from Grannis and - Grannis for $161.67, seconded by Busse and upon a = vote taken it was duly passed, ED WATZL REQUEST City Manager McGuire stated approval for the request from Edward Watzl to stay on the City 's Y property until October 1, °1977. Councilman Oakes made a motion to approve Edward Watzl's req on the leasing of/the property contingent upon his , insurance, his waiver •i � $v �£" e " 0 . , �d c �AFt a �e^uY�' "K..` ,''Y •A9@iv. ..se..0 +6ilfshad "X. -.. %r:..:. l.n:Ss. . MINUTES! of the Proeosdinas of the. Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota including all accounts: audited by said Council. °ED WATZL RE- of liability, and waiver of interest and it to be used as -a residential QUEST area only, seconded by Busse and upon a vote -taken it was duly passed.. } '77 PROPERTY Financial Director MacGillivray presented a memo dated April 25, 1977 `'TAXES on the 1977 Property Taxes for Council review and discussion. r� ,'RDWY VACATION Mayor Stock called the 'Public Hearing to order at 8 :OOPM for Vacation of Various - Roadways. Mayor Stock read the Public Notice for the Vacation of'Various Roadways. City Planner Graser explained the vacation of the various roadways, the J legal descriptions being on file in the City Nanager's office. ti Councilman Bissonett / motioned to vacate the public waterfront . ' end roadway , teserving a City easement over the westerly 20' as described by Planner Graser for:utilit"'s for the described Parcel A as mentioned at this r' �1 meeting, seconded, %by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, „ PARCEL B Notion was tiadeJoy Bissonett "to deny vacation of described,Parcel'B, VACATION for the lack` information presented by property owners,'seconded.by �? Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed., PARCE '`N ` L. C Notion was mad,,. by Bissonett to deny. vacation of described Parcel C VACATION for the lack ef';information presented by property owners, seconded by Busse and upori a vote taken it was duly passed. PARCEL D Motion was made by Busse to deny vacation of described Parcel D, far 'the VACATION lack -of information presented by property owners, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote,tahen it was duly passed. PARCEL E Councilman Bissonett made a motion to vacate described Parcel E. reserving ' VACATION the- right for Fn easement 10 feet either side of the center'' line, seconded' by Oakes and.upon a vote taken it was duly passed. t f . Y P �r PARCEL F Motion was made by Bissonett to deny vacation of described Parcel F, for " k' VACATION the lack of information presented'by property owners, seconded by Oakes` `. and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. PARCEL G Notion was made by Oakes to deny vacation of described Parcel G for the VACATION lack of�inforaation presented by property „owners, seconded by Bissonett and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed. PARCEL H' Councilman Busse made a. motion to deny vacation of described Parcel H, VACATION for the lack of information presented by,.,property owners, seconded b ,t Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. PARCEL 1 VA Notion was made by Bissonett to deny vacation of described Parcel 1, for CATION the lack of information presented by property owners, seconded Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.... FOOTHILL TRL Notion was made by Oakes to vacate that portion of Foothill Trail, east' VACATION of the east lot lines o Lo s it and_13..contingent that Mr. Henning Provide the City with a qVIRM Claim Deed #or the suitable property turnaround required with th6 agreement t\\ h Engineers spec seconded by Busse and n a vote taken tas passed J Councilman Oakes made a ~motion to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken the public hearing was adjourned at 9:OOPM. TITUS 2ND Attorney Sullivan stated that to - vacate the Titus 2nd Addition, Mr. Henning ADON.VACATION would need a etition from all thy, %property owners. p. '77 iMPROVEME QONOS Mr Steve Mattson "was present to discuss the 1977 improvement bonds r. }. 75=3 for Project 7S -3. _ Councilman Busse made a motion to- authorize the bond sale on May 16, 1977 t° at 4:30PM at the City Hall, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. G 2 F 9 of Ma PrOc`odings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and'stute of MiNnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ''BEN BAER Mr.'R�an Baer appeared before the Council to request that his Pats ASSESSMENT 5 and` 6 be; assessed as one parcel. Mr. Baer agreed to pay;, the assessment on the Pol'icy of the City for lot 5 and 6 as one parcel_ Q � Councilman Oakes made a; motion to amend the assessment roll`' for lots Sand 6 as one parcel 41d that Mr.. Ben Baer's lots will be assessed ISO .feet for plus 10 feet around the corner,` W plus approxim and upon ately, 37 feet for both sewer` ote taken it was duly passed and water :, Seconded 'by B a v Gov Mr. George Pringle was present to discuss his paving assessment:, AkA- �.. Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to call Mr. Pringle City Manager McGuire presented a memo from the MCPA on Chemical,.. `jnFl►Z0" w aste dated April 13, 1977. , The Council opposes the Chemical • Landfill. Mayor Stock directed Attorney Sullivan, City Manager �J McGuire, Planner•Graser and Engineer Anderson`to work on a'resolutioz, MCPA CHEMICA opposing this and to present it at the next meeting, WASTE Engineer Anderson presented for Council review and 4iscusston, the stores sewer areas that are currently in need of- immediate repair. Councilman Bissionett ' a mo ; tion 3o authorize City, n r , McGuire to expend any funds to correct the P able�ns, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' i i. JOINT MEETIN The Council discussed the Joint meeting of the School Board and rv i i" SCHOOLS CO ,City Council. The following, invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesda { ' Y, May 3, 1977'! g Multiple Departments: NSP Utilities Xerox. Corp / $ 2,321.08 Copy Machine 256.63 r MN Valley Electric Co -Op Utilities C 151.90 MN Gas Co. Utilities Pitne Bowes 30569 s y Postage Machine - 33:00 * Valley Tire Service, Inc. -Vehicle repair 319.58., Quality Waste Control, Inc. Refuse Hauling; 25,50 Tom's Mobil. Service Vehicle , EC, Peter'son:Co Inc. E ui Repairs 203.30, q pment Service - 85,25 z' Administration` - Department Robert McAllister Dog Catcher l; 185.00 University of MN' ' g, g` <; Y City Clerks Conference 45:00 % OSM En inee'rin Service ° 25.09 _ E. H. Newstros Building .Inspector 638.50 City of Burnsville Attorney- Grannis�-and Grannis 1G1. °67 ErQineeriA Department Recorder -Sean County Xerox Copy ' � $ 1.00 Planning Depart League of MN Cities Books $ 32.00` Police Department Q Streamlght, Inc . Equipment Repair, 11,00 Fire Department 'Go he p r Welding Su 1 Co. � 8 PP Y Supplies �� �;: $ 3.00 Keith Arnstron g. Refund Rescue Call 45 00 E ectric Servr_t Co._ Siren rRepair } 10'1.12 ' V3_ E _ _ood of 1110 11th of IM VilleN of 1•riK tako 11 1M Cou111x of St" f end S" o f , MhleosNO, 11th 11e all emvftls QW04W by saW C"".1 „A City Hall.and Library Department ,. Monnens Supply, Inc. Valley Sign City,/Hall Remodeling S43,20' Grendahl Mechanical, Inca Modern City :Hall Remodeling City Hall Remodeling, 22.50 Window Shade d e Co City Hall Remodeling 13 3 00 Park Fund ` 265,10- r, The 1st Natl., Bank of St. Paul NW Natl Bank of Msp. Bond Z 7,726.0 s Peterson Forage Seed Div.' Bond-payment Seed 18,400{.00 - SS,.00 , Mater Depar - Hater Products, Co. Nally Hafstad Mater Repairs 150.00 ` Van Maters $ Rogers: Rater Meter Refund Ches i.cals S2.S0 Straet Department ` ;f 83.13 p f rt r` Lawrence, Schweich t J ' ' Viking Steel Products, 'Inc;; ` Snow Removal Street' =' 590.00 ..: .• G .. Repairs 45.76 t Sewer Department • Prior Lake Elec tric/ , ` Sewer t .Re parrs s Debt Service Fund und :' WOO- ` r Elmer KlingberR,,r l Johnston!s Pri ;�I' Lake Nursery Assessment. Refund Shrubs '. �1 Francis Copped Lift Station on'Rutgers4 162.0 Trees / Ef IS2.,S7 ;brink J Ae SSW Const. Fund: a „ Juran B Moody. Inc. Bonding Services Z` 6', 625.00 r y' ail Motion w+as made h � t' y Busse to ,adjourn, seconded; by Bissonett and taken this meeting was adjourned at upon a vote , 10 15PN. t. 'Michael. A.. Mc Guire City Manager �F rz r, r -4- ° .