HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 16 1977MINUM of tho heeeodin" of th* Villas Council of tho Vilkioo of Fdoi Lek* In tho County of Scott and Stall of Mianoseie \Indudinq all accounts auditod by sold Council. r May 16, 1977 . _ The Common Council of th6 City of Prior Lake met in regular tar sessio' on May 16, 1977 at 7:151`M' the <City Council chambers. - Mayor Stock called the mebtinc to order. Present were mayor Stock Councilmen i „ Bissonett, BusgQ „ity Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Park Director Jainbots, Pidanner Tooker and Attorney Sullivan. Coun- cilmen Oakes and Watkins were absent'. MINUTES` Motion was made by Besse to approve the minutes of May 9, 1977 and of May 10, 1977 Equalization meeting, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,' U PROJ.,76 -1 Mr. Wayne Long of'Orr- Schelen= Mayeron and Assoc. was present -to discuss the_ project bids for Project #76 -1. Councilman Bissonett made a motion to award the contract bid of # #- Project #76 -1 to Fischer Sand and Aggregate ' Co., Inc. of Apple., Valley, Minnesota, for the bid.amount of a by Busse and , upon a;' vote taken. 6 d u l y passed. City Engineer Anderson left the meetsng,at 7c25PM. PROJ. 75 -3 Mr. 'Steve Mattson of Jurciw& Moody y presented before the Mayor and Council the bond bids for Project Motion was made by Busse to 'award the bond bid of Project 75' -3 to John Noveen of Chicago with'an interest rate of 5.5104, seconded by B ssonett'and'upon ' = a vote taken it was duI y passed. ' SPRING LAKE NORTHWOOu'RO. Mr.J I m Wen*nger was present "to praise the Council for proceeding with the Spring Lake t S a W'PRO4. - Northwood Road sewer and water pro.,iect. PRIOR PLACE lt ' Mr. Bill Baden was present to request the transfer of 'the liquor license of Prior Place to Mr. LIQ. LIC.. and Mrs. Dale Lamppa. r City Manager McGuire��recomme'nded 'transfer to table the of the Iiquor license for one week per investigation. Motion was made by Bissonett to table the issue of the liquor license transfer until ' next week, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken i t was dul y passed. Councilman Busse voted against it. CONPRENENSIVI PARK PLAN Park Director Jambois presented the continuance of - the Park 4 Compre- hensive, Plan. He also presented questions from the'last Park Compre- hensive Plan and provided the answers. . Councilman Watkins arrived at the meeting at 8:001 GREEN OAKS AREA Mayor Stock stated for the record that the Green Oaks area would be ` notified before a development of a ballfield. ° Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the Park Comprehensive Plan and authorization for City Manager McGuire to print up 100 copies of the r plan, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken 'i It was dul en a dul passed. PARK DEOICA- Mayor Stock directed the staff to check on-, Park Dedication Fee 1 TION FEE Ordinance. ` -: ORD. c Councilman Bissonett commended Park Director Jambois' and Planner Tooker on the good jobjhey have done on >the Park Comprehensive Plan. POLICE REPOR Councilman Watkins made a motion to approve the April Police Report, seconded by Busse.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. FIRE b RESCU Councilman Busse commented on the two Savage calls by the Fire and IN SAVAGE Rescue Department. Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to check with Bob Mertens on the issue of the Savage calls. -1- I ,r MIINYTif u i of tM° Ail VHleoi Council of tho VII of Frier Lehr in tho Coutoy of sm" and %40 M hnooste, in�h dI" ell atetaft audited by said c"edl, of, FIRE RESCUE Mot ion was made by Watkins to approve the Fire and Rescue Apr report for April; seconded by BFssonett' and upon a vote taken it was�Y passed. FIN . . Bissonatt made a motion to, approve the Financial Report for - Aprtl, seconded -bV Watkins and upon a.vote taken it was` dly P passed.� yor Stock accepted the April report, on Permits and 'Licenses. :OLD DUMP SITE City Manager McGuire recommended to put;up the old dump site. for sale and advertise for bids. ' k ',Ma'� /" Y o r St ock.directed City Manager McGuire to proceed t� advertise bid � for the old dump site. for ° :Councilman Bissonett` made a motion to adjourn, seconded byWatklhsand. 'a upon a vote taken, this F, meeting was,_adjourned at,9:00 PM. a - Michael; A. McGuIre c City Manager rK Y c 3 i s , c Y n . •i t � 4 w �� R rr c —2—