HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 06 1977of the. fteceeaw of the Vil lace Council of tho Vil hhe fMw take ` of in the County, of SorNt aM1 3/aly of Koons sela iecludhN ell accounts audited by void Council. f June 6, 1977 The Com 6n Council of i the C`;ty of Prior Lake met in regular session on June 6, 1977, at 7�3OPM i the CIty Council chambers. I Mayor S +ock' called the meeting to�order.''Present were Mayor Counciime , ,Stock, Bissonett, Besse, Oakes, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City EngInoer Anderson, City Manner Graver, n Park Director Jambois and Httorney Sullivan. r , .' The following corrections were made to the Minutes of May 23 1`977:; Page 3, paragraph 6, lt,ne I shold read "Phase 1t ". Page 3,,' paragraph 7, l i ne 2�� shou i d read' I i ". �"Phase Page 3, paragraph 9, I ne 3 shou 1 d , eeii "June 13, 1977 � MINUTES Motion, was made Vii# Bissonett to approve the of May 23 1977 y Minutes = ` as amended, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it +was duly passed. p y - ALMAC Wk PERMIT Attorney SuII•,ian presented his opinion on the`A1mac Dock permit + e application, 'which was to deny at. i Councilman Watkins made a'motion to deny the Dock permit to Almac, nc. -" seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. SE ACRES „ City Engineer Anderson presented a memo on the':paving of- road Seven Acres replat. Counci'IMn Bissonett_ made a motion °to waive the requirement for the paving of Seven Acres plat because of the fact that the streets' are (.: not all within the plat, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote tak en it was duly passed �` " PRO R PLACE:, '� L LI IQ.. "C. =City Manager McGuire presented.before the Mayor and City Council the recommendation of the suspension of the Prior Place Incense.: on -sale liquor ' Motion was made by Oakes to the Prior .Place on -sa'le liquor license for June 7, 8, 9th. = and 1977, seconder± by Watkins and upon a vote tatm it was dal a y P ssad; Co Oakes. , made a motion to table the `hearing on the transfer of. they' I i quor license for Prior ics'ace for one week, k v - seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken ,jt duly passed. Councilman vot4 �1 r Busse it. .PARK ORD.. Park DirE�ctor Janbois presented, before th6l�Mayor and Counci! two ordi nanc3s, one relating to the Park Ordinance and one relating to . air mattresses and inner tubes being towed on the lake. . Motion was made by Watkins to d.irect,Attorney Sullivan to prepare, an ordinance relating to the question of ai, and inner tubes and people swimming away from boats and pontoons, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. �* Councilman Bissonett made a motion to turn over the Park Ordinance to Attorney Sul;livan,, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken It was dul passed. ARCHIE PAVE Mr. Archie Pavek;was present to apply for an occupancy permit for the VFW t w000UP.ANCY ,16208. PERMIT. VFW Councilman Watkins made a motion that the building inspector and the Ci Attorney should correlate 'an y possible answers for the VFW (such as a temporary permit) before the _next meeting seconded by Busse and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed., RICH KLUG= Councilman Watkins made a motion to.file an application with the HERZ.TPAlNDj State of Minnesota for reimbursement of fundsd(52,659.30) for the training of Patrolman Richard Kiugherz, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. V, G, MINI" of tho ft" 1146 of the Vilkolie Ceuesil. of tha VilhMo of hior ltoko i1 the C*,V ef,,Seai1`aiMl t; MiawNOto,, ineludi ftti all occourft audited by oaid ,Council. ri ,,ERR i OR SOUTH Ci ty' •Eng i neer� Andes -son A ? scussed the ,bids for the Prior South Paving ;PROJ.'77 -11- Project- :,77 -11. y Councilman Busse made ra mot',i`on ,to. award the bid of Project 77 -11, to Northwest Bituminous for the amouht'of 519,196.60, seconded b Watkins: % ! and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' y / F "' a City Manager McGuire brought before the Mayor and Council the request TOM tHUMB of Tom Thumb for a 3':2 off -sale beer license and a cigarette license. i I Councilman Bissohetfi made a moti =on to app rove the 3.2' off -sa'le beer license for Tom Thumb, seconde&by.Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul passed,` C16.`LIC. Councilman Busse made a moon to approve the ci arett TO WHO ti g e license for r Tom.Thumb, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. DUST CONTROL Ci Engineer Anderson. presented a memo on dust control. � CALCIUM' / Abtton was, =made b Watkins to autho� -ize City Engineer Anderson' to proceed CHilORI DE" ',- with one'treatme,it of Calcium Chloride to those urban residential areas only and that -he t repnrt back to: the jCounc+i l In two weeks his calculations on; the,, number a ��mi l es of this °type Q)f roadway that we have,_ what our f` f° ,gStz,�would be an tjo< proceed with an ;action to inform those' constituents'- i- hse - areaslpndi;ng counci'1 action;. seconded by Busse and upon a'vote ` taken it was d6l 1 p?, sed. �� i3 -3 rd R0W SY! LLE � y tc t Cit Planner uiser presented fihe? rezoning of Brooksville HilIs addition NILLS 3. � ,t �I and ecc� f role R etd bpprova 1. Councilman Watkins made a' motion; to approve., the rezoning of Brooksville Hi'l s 3rd Addition from an R -3 to an R -1, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Planner Graser Invited the''Mayor and City Council to the next Planning '} ` Comnmmlsslon meeting, June 16, - 1977.�,� _ Y 'i, City Engl'neer Anderson pr a 6etition "Yo r r newe, water aq'o pav- ng, of S , Gateway Shores. a'. (; F 1� s Mayor. and Council ':requested that, tli "petitioner appear before the :Counci l when it has been thoroughly'researcched; Ij EY COVE City,Engi.neer Anderson presented a"memo'on paving se y s at lot s' Knew Cove. Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the'�pavir,g::at "lot 5, Kneafsey's Cove, seconded by Oakes and'upon a vote taken -V was duly passed. City En9tneer Anderson presented ;before the Mayor'And City Council a request to prepare specs and plans and then to advertise for bf4s for a maintenance bu i id i ng, F � MR1111't'. STRUC- � Coun.^,ilman Busse tmade a motion to authorize the Cityl Engineer to prepare W TIME the final specs and plans for a maintenance structure, seconded by Bissonett and Upon a vote taken it was du I=y passed. UTILITYINST - City Engineer Anderson requested of the Mayor and Council the authorization LATION OF NEY toapprovethe L1NHS permits for Utility company',s instaI'1a0on of new lines. Gbunc i l man, Watkins made a motion to author is ie Ci Engineer Anderson to approve the incoming,permits of utility company's for installation of new lines, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duiy passed. OLp" CITY OUIW TO REA Cif Manager McGuire recommended` that Savage Ready Mix Co. be awarded DY NiX CO. ? the bid for the old City dump. Councilman Watkins made a motion to+award the Ci Dump Di d tot'Savage tY,__ Ready Mix Co:,.for the amount of ;5,501.00, - seconded by BuSseand upon a vote 'taken it was duly passed,. -2-