HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 20 1977a i
MINUTES of fM Proceedings of the Vilkpe Council of the Vil*`f, e Prior Lake
* in the County of ice", and' Ptah of
, Including
nE all aceounb audited b ,said.. Council.'
r Ceu�u
June 20', 1977
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session
on June 20, 1977 at 7 :30PM in the City Council
chambers. Mayor
Stock called the meeting to order. 'Present were Mayor Stock,
cilman Bissonett, Busse, Oakes, Watkins, City Manager McGuire,
City Engineer Anderson,
Financial Director MacGili -ivray,
Grayer, Park Director 9ambois and Attorney Sullivan, '+ `City Planner
The following correction was made, to the Minutes of June 13, 1977;
9 , paragraph 18, line 3 should read "to voice h,is disapproval.",
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of June 13, 1977
as amended, seconded by Oakes and`upon.a vote taken it was duly
passed. _
Councilman Oakes made a motion,to accept the recommendation of "
the Liquor License Commission l
to approve the transfer of the
liquor license for the Prior Place to Mr.
Dale Lamppa upon com-
pleti'on of an application for a license ' transfer 'in accordance
with the City Ordinance, seconded' by Bi ssonett and 'upon a vote
taken it was du y Passed.,
Mr, and Mrs, Leo Amend were present to discuss a problem they
have with surveying
their property,
A petition from Capt. and'Mrs. John Hartman was presented before
the Mayor and Council requesting a. vacation
� of his property.
The Council' dTscu_ssed` the Vacation and also-discussed considering `
0 fee for future `vacations. _.'
Councilman Oakes made a motion to hold a publ hearing on >JUIy`
1977 to r'avlew the vacation of the property of.John Hartman,
seconded by %iVatkins
and upon a vote taken it was duly passes.
Mayor` Stock directed City Manager McGuire to not!f- Capt. Hartman
that he must havCth'is land surveyedr' before
July 25, 1977,
Attorney Sullivan presented the F3rk Ordinances for discussion A.
Wore the Mayor and Council.
ORD, 77 4 s
7 -5
The 'Council discussed the FD dinances and Mayor--St "
table_ Ordinance 77' =4 " "77
and -5
time to review them. until next week he Council has
w 4
City Engineer Anderson presented a copy of the regulations with
,, a purpose to have it approved by the 'Council:
Councilman Watkins`eade e=motion to
approve the outline of regulations
pertaining to the installation of underground utilities in City
or in City easements with the exception that we (the Council) G w
direct the City Engineer to
add another paragraph relative to whether
the street needs to be tunneled or 'ackhammered by the Ci.ty,,,
Eng i neer,r -s d i scretI
on ,,Vta Wj � 0. d,d k ; , Q. ypty i*t1� �` U '
City Engineer Anderson presented a map on 'the areas in
need of
dust control. ;
Councilman Watkins made a motion to hold public informational
.hearings for °specific
areas for the purpose of deciding the end �
result for dust control for' th area at normal
council meetings
to,be scheduled and announced, seconded by Busse and vote
upon a
taken it was duly passed;
Stock directed City Manager McGuire'to schedule the,above
p 4•
Of the
Village Ceuneit of the Village of Prie► Lake; in the Counti of Scett cad State of
Minnoiote, including all accounts audited by said Council.
MULLENHAROT RD Counc i lman Busse made a motion to authorize a consu I t i ng engineer to de °' r
a feasibility "study 'on Mullenhardt.Road, seconded by Watk -and upon e vcte
taken it was duly passed,
'WELCOME TO 'PL City Planner Graser' was present,fo discuss, the new "Welcome To�Ri = ior Lake"
SIGN sign, and 'recommended that the City waive the sign permit fee fur a donation.
Motion was made by Watkins to waive the permit fee 'for the "Welcome To
Prior Lake" sign, seconded by Bissonett and'Upon.a vote; taken it was duly
' Councilman Oakes made a motion to authorize the City.Manager to expend up,
to $200 to assist in Joinfly constructing a'sign promoting the City of
Prior Lake, seconded, by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was
duly poised.
;DEFERRED Financial Director MacGill`ivray presented 6 'demo reviewing data on the.
;ASSESSMENTS effect of deferred assessments on bond repayments.
Councilman Watkins made a motion to acce
' pt the Prior Lake Police report
or the month of ,j�lay' seconded by was
and upon a vote taken it`
d u l y passed., �usSE
FIRE t► RESCUE Counc:iiman Watkins made a motion to accept the Prior Lake
Report for the month of May', seconded by Bissonett and upon ' a vote taken
d Rescue
t was duly 'passed.
;FINIINCI'AL The May and -ouncl also reviewed and approved the financia report
` and permit report for the month of May.
MR. LEMKE'S City Manager'McGuire presented a_letter fr
RE om Mr,, Lemke reques that he can
QUEST' hook -up ,to city sewer before the project Is,comp.lete and`pumps; from 3 manhole,
J e Mayor.and Council decided to leave that up to
Ctty- Engineer. the di.soretion of ths.
ti` iF
Ii1VESTiGAT10N The "Counci`I' also discussed the subject of� having an investigation fee for
FEE FOR LFQ. Itquor� licenses,'
`Councilman;Watkins made a motion to authorize Attorney Sullivan to draw u
{ r an ordinance pertain an investigation fee of $ 250.for P
liquor licenses and S50- (for <3.2 on and ar%d miscellaneous new, and renewal of license
seconded by Oakes and upo7 a vote taken -
en it was duly passed.
i PERNIT FEE Attorney Sullivan discussed with the Council a permit fee for docks, A charge
z FOR DOCKS of :550 for the first permit and $25 for a renewal was discussed'; g
401m /lWhitney City Engineer Anderson requested quthortzation to proceed 'with'condemnation
Condemnation -rto °acquire right of way for storm sewer for across a parcel owned by
— of Property Joe Whitney next to Bo. udin's,Manor 2nd addn,
Councilman Busse made a motion to condemn the .property next to BoudinRs Manor
as. described on record at City Hal, °seconded by Watkins and upon a vote faken
It, was dul y passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained ='and Councilman Oakes voted
n opposed.
.METRO COMPM Councilman Bissonett presented a letter he had writ \ten ta Boland, Chairman
PLANNING PRO= of the Metro Council,, expressing his dissatisfaction,with the Comprehensive
CESS Planning Process.-
Counciiman•Watkins made a motion to adjourn, sec onded
_ by
Oakes an
n t d
this s meeting was adjourned a-r� 9 :30PM, �? �'
take upon a vote ,
Michael A. McGuire
D City Manager
Las 4'