HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 27 1977s, MINUM of #4 I wdiep of iMo vw1 qe Ce~wof'fiw Vismew of Prior itob M tla CwaW s ` o f sad lhN of ml_ hdedles, all sesso s. ardilod by sew Cwesil. June 27, 1977 The Cowr�an Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on June 27 1.977 at 7:3 p PM i y Council , chambe rs. the City Co _ Mayor/. rs. M 1 Stock called the meeting to order. Present `Mayor were Stock, Councilmen Bissonott, Busse, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City V Engineer Anderson, Park Director Jambois, City Planner Graser, Attorney Hicits and Financial Di rector MacGillivray. Cou r, ncie Oakes was absent. m an The following corrections were made to the Minutes of June 20, 1977: Page 1, paragraph 13, line 6 should read "Engineer's discreTion, r seconded by Busse and upon'a vote taken it was duly 'Page passed," 2,`paragraph 6, line 2 should read, "seconded by Busse." MINUTES Motion was ma6a by Watkins to approve the minutes of June 20, 1977 as amended, -by seconded Busse and upon "a vote taken it was dui Y Passed. VARIANCE City Planner Graser presented a variance memo pertaining to Larry NORTHWOOD Ba sin er° Lot 32, - Northwood, for Council discussion, BAYSINGER Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the Baysinger variance, VARIANCE seconded by Watkins and upon a -vote taken it was duly,passed. a CHUCK DUST -' Mr, Chuck Dustrud was "present to voice his opinion that he did not wish to grant an easement at this date and time to -the Baysinger's. ;. PARADISE Mr, Steve ° Potas and Mr. Steve Hoese were present to discuss their' BAY BOAT petition against the ordinance to:,.restri'cting_boat A. pertaining SPEED traffic to 5mph within Paradise Bay, , Motion was made by Watkins to \accept the petition and the ordinance be enforced as fit.by a seen the S.heriffts Dept, and the,tity Managers seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. . ORD. = Attorney Hicks presented Or&nance 77 -4 for Council discussion. ` ,. 4 Councilman Watk46's' made a motion that Ordinance 77 -4 be adopted` as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote - taken it was duly, passed, Ord. 7 =5 Attorney Hicks also presented Ordinance'77 -5 for Council discussion. Motion Was :made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance 77 =5 as amended, - seconded by•$issonett and upon a taken it was duly passed. ` , OUTC ELI! FinancisI Director AkG11: reviewed the 9. Dutch \'Elm Program, y Prayress of the Sti Councilman Watkins made a motion dlrecting Financial bi`rector "MacGilli`vray'to proceed with the Dutch Elm Program, seconded by Busse: and, upon a vote taken it was ,du 1 y passed. .)ll MITCHEL Mr.'Emmett was present with POND, of a hardshell, or approval Councilman. Watkins made a motion to approve the Mitchell Pond hardshe 'conf -�° 1 1 - I n t with C i ge ty Engineer Anderson and'Gity Planner Graser's approval, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.`' City Engineer Anderson presented map of Mitchell Pond and requested =24' wide roads . for that areaD Councilman Bissonett made a motion to approve 24 wide roads for the area of Mitchell Pond that 1 p ;I was represented on the map, seconded b Y Watkins and upon a vote taken it.was duly passed. r x J of 1M! lsIIMs ,e1 War CoeftV of N1e YiN� hirt t�Ikl 1A Ihr CorM1r N ScNr . iad ., tMh 'ei' eNiwMs ewNhd a►` Mid Vii.­_ '78 CIP City ;Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and Financial Director MacGilIivray d:,scussed with V e Mayor and Council the 1978,:Ca p i Improvement Program with the %intent for preliminary approva'I', tal i Councilman Bissonett made, ?a motion to a Improvement Pro ram i ❑ d by W the 5 -year Ca i to 1; 9 crn l CePt, seconded by Watkins and upon a taken.' i t was duly passes , METRO SYSTEM City Planner Graser bro u ht before the Mayor and C STATEMENT S st 9 b ouncil the t Y ,Statement for disc Metro ' �, invited t a Rer usscon. He t Will be o fut� _ sated that a Metro'pesent t t� _ ur,e meeting. a i ve 1 REFUSE 'HAUL- Motion was made by Busse to `a ING PERMITS Anderson Sanitation, Edina hkrnin deei.akerswig Refuse Nauling<,permtts \` t�kenro ;} and Browning Ferris seconded�by Bissonettsal, Quality °Waste P was dul passed, ` and upon a vote a RESOLUTION Motion was made by "Watkins d to 77-12 the apt R `esolution .77- ` ' vacation 'of a o tr 12 pertainin of Titus 2nd o a on t i n of Faith I I' l Tra I I l ocated i n the p l at to was dui econded�by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it n Y Passed. _ RESOLUTION Mention was kada;by'Watkins to ado pt Resolution 17 -13 pertain L 7713 the vacation of a portion of 8th .street S ran -' P nin to P ,,p Cake Townsite,9seconded'` by Bissonett and upon a vote take�;t it was'dul Y Passed._ , IliIIINT. SLOG. City Engineer Anderson stated that �',we would like °to and plans fior a maintenance buildiyrg which is at the old ahea treatment The plant. The Council approved such q! site. The following invoices are schedule, to be paid on July 12,,,1977: c Multicle Decartments Scott County Sheriff N MN Benefit Association .' Radio Maintenance Insurance S: X54.20. , Prior Lake American - ��; �� „8 MI'Gns Company- Envelopes Qau1 i 185:00 i Utilities Mfe to t`c��rro nc. 36.95 New Prague Lumber and:,Ready. Mix 'Co, Muse Hauling 53,00, NSP' Cement and Chloride Albinson 696,,50 1,235.79 r ` Supplies and Blue' Line JAK;Office Products Co. Rental F 86,71 Office su fifes and E qu'i'p" �. PP Q p.; 286.28 GeneralF Fund: Wally J � ohnson „ Dehass, Inc, Retainer Refund` S 100.00 fi Doug�Hasting Retainer Refund fi00.00 4Y. 9�tings -- Retainer Refund 100.00 RetaIner Refund 100.00 Adminstrative Department : U •Dave MacGlltivray Cl arence�Schmidt Travel Plumb 28,80 Ames 'Off ice Supp,!y 128,00 Revenue Sharing - Advisory Service Suppiiass' f }' 7.00 Robert -McAllister Handbook ] 1 .00 g E. R. Rynda, y MD �9 Catcher ' ”' 370.00 , t`. Scott County Auditor Physical Assessing, Contract 8.00 En i � 1,500.00. 3 eerina Department Scott County Recorder�..� r Microfilm copies S 2.00 Plan na'no Deaartment; _ Horst Graser Travel S 21,75 fi -2-