HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 11 1977M*WiR3 of the plot in" of Mo VW"" Cwneil of Pdw take M *A CoMly.`sf SCWf eiw sh" of; Mteoe«I 4 WV41iM.et1 , Oaewots errils�i by iii CowKil. July 11, 1 The Com.Tnon Cou\icil of the City of'Pr. Lake met in regular session 4 "11, ` on July 1977, at 7 3OPM in the City Council chambers. Mayor Stock ca l..l ed the meeting to order. Present were Mayor,..Stock, Counc i linen. Bi ssoratt', Busse, Watkins, and Oakes, `CIty 'Manage r'McGui're, Engi - Anderson,: Planner'Graser, Park Director Jamboi's and Attorney Sullivan`. The following correction was made to the Minutes of June 27, 1977: Page one, paragraph fifteen, should. read "Mr: Emmett Knox: was present with Mitchel`Pond.for approval of a hardsheli." MiNUTES'' Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of June 27, 1977 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dui Y passed..= ORD- 77 -4 Motion was made by Oakes to adopt Ordinance 77 -6 an'Ordinance amending s Ordinance 7 20 "ing:licensi,ng and regulating the sale and consumption, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. ORO. 77 Motion has made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance 77 ° anrArdinance`jti .> creat`ing a_Planning Adv1sory Commission, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. + IJ PLANNiN6' F ..ADVISORY Motion was 'made b Watkins to appoint ppoint Keith'Thorkelson, Doug Hafe'rmann, k, CONNISSI�O� and Robert Cavi11;.to the Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission for two year terms seconded_ Busse and u pon a vote taken it was duIy' passed '.. FFi =SN PT. RD CtOSIN6: Mayor Stock presented letters from Alma Picha and Mar ` Object inq to the closing of Fish Point Road for Council review and discussion. � Or ' } W. it ti Simon, Centennial Street, presented" a petition oppos i n the closing of , Fist, Point ,Road. g Motion was made by Watk ns to- accept the petition presented by 'Mr. Jim Simon and the letters rece i`ved"I f ream A i ma P i cha and M &rlis Bluedorn as a matte" of record, seconded by Bissonett and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed. Mrs. Alm& Picha presented a petition opposing' closing of t . Fish Point Road., Motion was, made by Watkins to accept as a matter of record the° petition o;F'persons,opposing the vacating or blocking of FIsh:,,P&J,nt Road as presented by Alma Picha, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote- taken it was duly passed. REQUEST TO Mayor Stock 4ead a letter, from Independent School District #719 VACATE FISH to the City Manager requesting that the City,vacate Fish Point Road PT. RD. extending from County Road #44 to the north edge of the-High School property. Councilman Busse reported on the meeting with the School Committee .. regard ng Fish Point Road closing. Mr. Don Williams suggested an alternative'to problems with Fish Point ­". d closing. , Mayor Stock accepted the letter from Independent'SchoolDistrict 1719' d� +fad - 7/7/77 to the City Manager as a matter of , -�, record. `Mayor Stock directed staff to research the area'`of Fish Fb4 nt Road . l as. far as -the Comprehensive Plan and have this as information for the Counci'I and for the :PubiIc at the July 18, 1977'meating The Council discussed the matter of Fish Point Road-vacating versus leaving it as is.` _ `j Engineer Anderson presented information on the proposed paving Project 77 -12 and a'memo` dated. 7 /11/77 to the Mayor and City Council regarding Project ` 77 -12 Bituminous Overlay. W. Val B Lack wa s re p sent regarding the accuracy of _the 54.20 est. per foot_ for the paving. f 4 Mr. Richard Schumacher, 5741 Huron Street SEy'stated -he was against main- tenance of his .street. I'Ir . Da ve K I:ancke, 5880 Hidden Oaks Circle SE, stated that: the, Issue of Fish a Point Road shoo 1 d be reso I ved before the p i ng, of H i'dden Oaks �T rc 1 e. ! n Mr. Jim Simon was present regarding the policy of. assessing and how often wear-coating is needed.' He was told last year that his street did not need sealcoating, Flagstaff Circle has been there 12 years and never:sealcbat and i f i t d I'd -not need sea 1 coating last' d year i t does 'po need' e � this year, he feels that the street shou'id be seaicoated before wearcoated.� A resident of Oakwood Hi "11s stated he was, opposedt the overiay,ing ofstrests. lir Warren Bigelow of Hidden Oaks was \,opposed to the overlaying of streets. 4 ` Mr- Don Williams asked + the peopie,not to closed mtnded taking into ..° a the inflation that has occurred In, the last five or six years, and ' wlth all Indications it is going to- contIn�e�� j Mr. Walt Christtansen, 5603Woodsi Circle SE, was prasenty tAetRod of" p l ac i ng the overly and regard i ng? the"' Y requested that his Portion of road be. ei Hilneted from the project. Motion :was made by Watkins to deny Project 7T -12 Bitumihous Overlay, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ,v � Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn the Project 77=12 Public; r'in set V orded by Busses and upon a vote taken. it was duly passed.i 9, Mayor Stack 'cal led the regul ` council meeting back to order, yor Stock presented a memo from Louis Jambois to the Mnd Zr and City Counc i I date 7/7/77: regard i ng Ath I eti`c ''Court Grant for COu' C I t review a . d.iiscuss ion. a Motl was Made by Watkins to authorize the expenditure of Vj500.00 to seek the federal grant for construction of athleticcourts, - seconded b Y "$usse and4upon a vote.'taken it was. duly Passed. SERVICE i` 'Park D.irector'Jambos presented providing bus service to Sand ' TO.SANO POIIiT "Point Beach for Council review and discussion. Mayor. -Stock d recited Park Am" - Directory Jambois to put this matter on they cahendar and to review next .+� �p 'r1 ng', how wou i,d i t fit into o the budget and , What necessary Items shou t d ?l K t 'City be , repared� to face if _ th I's wou.i'd bec. a rea l t ty,. NAIHOR PU11 Hardshe l l approval v } {j n for P1ase I The Harbor. POO was tabled for 4 one ` "week. r , t r t MMIIITIt the r+ea�IMei �f 1116 VairN cewmh, of the Vi1Mr° of Piiet lash M ' 116 \ Ceunhr Of S+teN e ' e end Stele of Mtnes�Ne„ iaelwlin� ell ` „ ` 7FISN n 1 7 nT R RD. M Mr. Ray Johnson stated if the road is closed there will be problems rescue units: i = M Motion was made by Watkins to the petition requesting the vacati'n i 8 School, seconded by Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to notify the School District °of the resolution,by the Council. ' r PROJ. 77"-12 M Mayor Stock chiled` the Public Hearing for Project 77 -12 Bitumi 3 's Overly °I to order at B :OOPM., Y ' M Mayor Stock read the Public Notice for Project 77 -12. , r NI NUM of the hrasowkw of iM VIN" Cweeil ei Mo Village of Prior Lake IN tho County of Stott and,State of 11IIh iadwNaa a ouditod by saw CW- Wl. `' ) ALMA',PICHA Mrs, Alma Picha was present PROPERTY regarding access to her. back property. M ' Mayor Stock directed. Councilman Oakes to research this matter and report back at the ne meeting, l!BROOKSVILLE PI'anner Graser presented a Replat of Block 1, Brooksville Hills ft H ILLS RQ 3 3rd Addn Hard5he11`for Council approval. Motion was made Bissonett thaj the Replat of Block 1, Brooksville Hills 3rd Addn, Hardshell be approved contingent upon payment of the ' $1,487.50 park dedication fees and all accesses to Franklin Trails = for residential use would be Hammerhead Drive, seconded Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ° 18 -80 CTY City Manager McGuirexpresented a letter from the Scott County Highway HIGHWAY ROAD Engineer Informing the City f a Road 1 1978 -80 ' Y mproveriant Program for the IMPROVEMENTS ' years , ttiis will be held 9 /13/77, if there are any comments or recommendations. on this is should be brought up at the future Council meeting for discussion. Mayor Stock directed Staff to schedule this matter at a later date for discussion by the - CouncCi prior to 9 /13%77, ` VACATIIION ROWY City Manager McGuire stated that a couple of weeks ago the Council Vt set a Public Hearing date for the vacation of'a portion of road way " ovned`.b Mr, and Mrs.. Wi present) ° he does not have. the ? information ` to date ofr7 /25f77ion wouid`be required Mbtlon was made. ,by Wa4lkins to rescind the Public Hearing date of ,7/25/77 regarding`a vacation of roadway owned by Mr.'and Mrs. Hartman, seconded by Oakes and -upon a;""vote� taken it was passed.' _ b „. Mayor Stork directed the City Manager to schedule ''a Publc'Heari date if he recess .ngt es the necessary information from the NNORIAL TRL` frigi'neer Anderson pr information° regarding the paving of Memorl-al N6 ?AYI =x� , Trail and, requested 'it be designated as a one' -way street. ' I!�btion was made by 'Busse to' designate Memorial Trail a one-way.' street-"to the west, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, en STL I SH I NG. Engineer Anderson stated the WCICY. -FOR go back to 1973 Y have ex perienced in some projects that,. ?; , where individuals come back and request that work be ". HOAK NNE done that involved the sewer and water x '- ON A'PROJECT� theCit Project, his question d Y City" go back to that` project to do that type of jh i ngri or should the. 011i` EAR AF" 'City, establish "a policy where they would have one year after the contractor ° TER FOR RE - leaves to do restoration work unless there would be a specific�thing' that STORATION supposedly should have:been,,done and was forgotten: 1rORK �,._ Mayor Stock stated the Council made efforts to contact all the .Peopie and at the Pub l is Hearings they were not f i ad that I f .they` d,i'a not fee I' that their property was not up to the standard that it was prior to the tme ° of constructs that they should notify City, He does not,believe that th 3 four years hater that the City can go back 1 41th any 'rational a lnd the cost involved wound have to be a genera t levy "because ' r there is no way that these bonds wii;i cover it. He feeIS that the one year that the has the warrentee is what the - Council wooly honor " T; for the,requests for' #his sort of thing,.. Mrs. Marlis Bluedorn was.presert regarding the u ga g Property stakes that have to be replaced on her pr? perty. It was stated that*the stakes woul ' r. rep I aced on 4h15 Q�n�c'1y.. d be 10 6 FAI RU1MN Mrs. B I uedorn was also p resent regarding, water on Fairlawn Shores Trail SHORES TRL. after it rains. Mr. Steiner has been informed he has to take care of ` this ,matter. WN;ITNEY'STO Engineer Anderson reported on the status of Mr.' Whitneyls storm sewer; SERER, Engineer Anderson stated he has received the plans for Maple Park, etc:, MAPLE. PARK and the specs should be coming within two weeks. City Manager stated that this is scheduled for 7/25/77 at 8,0OPM. 6 , t - ¢ _ MINIITK'. M! �dMN sf tlM YNI� Vil -council of IM oft ix tdcs to *& Cwahr of Sooty oad Shah ai c mlone we,ancludin0 all acewals audil6d t►r a>4d C SIGNALS ON Mayor Stock directed the HIGWAY 13 State HighwayDe City Manager and City Engineer to contact t he'' P artment forthwith and uestion them on the placement,, q ' timing, etc.,, of the signal on Highway3 Council. and report :back to the City -; v The fot;lowing invoices are scheduled to be =paid on Tuesday July 19, 1977: s, Multiple Dept. ! Petty Cash Tom's Mobil License Plates and Titles Vehicle S 8.25` National Pen `Cor P• Repair Office Supplies 41.,45 � Trustee.Iidustrial Fund ` u Scott -Ri,ce Phone Co. 'Insurance 47.:74 Lake Auto:Su "1 Pp y. Uti Pities - Vehicle Repair 4.23.40 Prior „Lake' Lumber Co. Supplies 65.50 Xerox Corp. i Pror lake OK Hardware Copy Machtne 100.20 36 7.82 Monnens Supply, Inc. Suppi a es Supplies 28.0 5 105.05 J/1K Office Products Co. Office Supplies 87.56 Mayor /CouncI1 Dept . y e,t Scott Cty Treasurer Zoning Workshop S 2100 . �' Admtnistration Dept Ga E. H. Newstrom Bldg. Inspector Municipal s Clerks Fin. Officers Memebership S 96 .60 . 6 .° Prior Lake Nursery b Garden Ctr Tree Removal 20.0 Prior Lake Nursery & Garden Ctr. Tree inspector 140.00 Prior take Amsrican Publishing 2:OOQ.00 MtIler /Davis Co. Supplies 48.11 ., Sundance Mod. Clinic Artsign Physical -Brad Brandt 21.11 17.00 O6M Equipment 23.91 Engineering, 1,071.23 • imineerin4 Dept. = Cash." a DNR Fi1tng fee $: 15.00 Ci y gatl' and LiDrary. Dent %Mertcan) Li=nen Supply 'Co. Towe l s, $ ` Gen Fahrenkamp - Lakw Sales, c. A Cleaning Service 99:00 ' Gross 10d. Services Water Cooler Bldg. dg. _Maintenance 259.00 59.68 ={ • � F0 1 t ce_DeDt. Joe YanDenBoom Gene Smith Mileage S 3.60 r ,+ Sou We Dodge, . lot. Mirage Vehicle Repair 3.60 ' Todd Chen„ Inc. _ Air Conn Police Ca.r 47.75 4,930..00 St. Francis Hospital Equipment Repair Blood Test 24.45 13.00 Pa rk ---._ Deft. + 4 � Harry C. Schultz Northwestern`9e11 Equipment Repair S 4.00 � r Shakopee Public Utiitty Com. Utilities Utilities 65.82 t Lours F. Jamboi s Jr. -Old ;Dutch 'Foods,'Inc Mileage 9.10 60:45 Francis G. Mueller Concession Supplies Cutting Weeds 102._00 Coast to Coast Store Mower and Repairs 24.�,J5 89.23 , 4- i\ R4 r.. mid j , �I MINYiff of 60 MeoodiMe eft" YINeN ""A of vin6o of Fdw"teko M fM a" ft" of Nomm1e, isdvA" oN eMau �awlNo�l` odd Cwaeil Ill k .. water Dept. - Water Products, Co. Repairs $ 223.58' McCarthy Well Co. Well Repairs. _1,474.62 Street Department: Prior take Aggregates., Inc. Recycied� Biturr,inous, t 124.20 '] J.L. ShieIy Co. Limestone 64.66 Klingberg Excavating Inc: Cat Rerital 80.00 1f u„ Prior Lake Blacktop Blade Rental 260.00 Donnel >I ,Co. Signs 192.15 St. Regis Paper Co. Improvements 1787.18 "" Earl F. Adnerson 3 Assoc. Sirgns 12.91 l \ Sewer Department : A l t Olaf !_ukk, MD Typhoid Shots S" 40� 3. J., ,MWCC ' installment 7ti539e- 39, � John R.,!�,Brennan & Assoc. Deposition }` 1977'Waaon Bridge Sewer and Water Construction Fund: Briggs 6d Morgan Profess,lonal Services S - 850.00 F 1977 Sa1inc Lake Sewer and Water'Constr ct'ion Fund Fischerill`Sand 3 Aggregates, INc. Contract Payment $ 99,x26.09 SoilvExNloration Co. So1I Inastigation 4,,346.90 i Dept. o� Paul W.',iWermerskirchen Natural Resources Land Damage Abstract 25,00 Reports 73.b0 OSM Engineering 7,855.47. , Dept Service Fund i �tl Israelson B. Assoc. Inc. Engineering- Glendale S 5,689.58 1 Motion was made by Watkins to seconded by Oakes and upon, ,adjourn, a vote oaken thisC meeting was adjourned a t 9- :401 QF Michael A. McGuire a i "-0 - C i ty- Manager r P