HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 25 1977Y p going fh�-ough, the Blue, Lake ' Treatment Plant. And the B'I ue Lake Treatment p I ant r fight now t s at °I half capacity, I t has quite a, ways to go to reach fu! I, caps i ty; The Council has a definite commitment to provide Prior Lake, being a --, free standing growth center with, sewer capacity because the Council has. its policy that they would much rather see growth taking placer " ; t n Prior Lake than , they` would "see in the agri cu ltura l areas outsi de of the city. 11 ". The idea is not to set any 1mifs on growth here. The idea here is to say these are forecasts. Based some of the trends of population this is what we are forecasting what we think is- gotng;.,f6- be the population is going to look like in the year 1990 and the ear 2000, �' °- Y It � not -. to say that it has to be there or can't be any greater.. The Council ` has made a commitment to provide capacity, to provide services to free standing growth centers. I "guess that's why there is an, Interceptor,- the size that' tnero -r going to Pr3 Lake. The ideas l s , not to cut it off and say no more buiiding-.permi s, no more bYiid1rg in Prior Lake beyond th i s. �,,, It's just our, best - guess, for our owr , p I ann 1 ng for capital budgets and what not." —'. .We can't provide you with a systems statement and then" , change _. it 16'the midd ),r,� of the. stream somep'l and say the.bali game is all different without your acceptance 'r ' t ' .The new forecasts won't be adoptec"!�'ntil this fall. Say for r" nS* T+ x, S• 1' 'A.cS'ESu^.''+hr4 .�...`•t;i • MINUTES of the proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Stoll of "• Miaoesoto, including all accounts audited by said Council. ° ' --•� J J u l y 25, 1977 \' a T The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met regular session on July 25, 1977 at 7 :30PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock ca`tied a v the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse and Watkins, City Manager McGuiure, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Oakes was absent. The following corrections were made to the minutes of �,��`mly 18, 1977: i Page 2, Paragraph 16, line I should, read` "Dan W:i1I -Subd ' visi"06- Preliminary Plat " Preliminary Plat ". MINUTES M Motion was made by Watkins to approve the minutes of July 18 1977-as amended, seconded by Busse'and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. METRO SYSTEMS M Mr. Jim llttIey and Mr. Greg Johnson of the Metro Council sere present ` STATEMENT t to discuss the Metro Systems Statement. Mr- Johnson described the way the Council 'arrived at Prior Lake's`. population figures, The last count was changed to 8,700 by `'1990j' II a .. The f f of Iow o . I I Mr. Johnson: In the case of Prior Lake, John Boland " received a letter from Councilman Bissonett and we sat down with Horst and took a nook at the fo recast and some of the i nfo ,hat he provided us. and we L• d determnec.,that the figures in the letter woul�be more accurate thati the-ones in the Systems Statement or were sent out in the packet of populattonrforecasts. That figure would be the 8,700 population in 1990 and 2900 households in 1990. That's where we are at r °ight now. That figure will be the figure as it stands right. now that will be presented before the Council for adoption this fa *and then will become part of the Systems Statement once it is adopted: The other point is that this will also be reflected in the sewer flows for Prior take. In other words the sewage capacity will be revised taking the6 figures. into consideration, so that it ''will also be - raised., I is; currentl taking ' It is at .74 mgd`in 1990. The other concern that was ra by .Horst is '';t.z, what, let's say yd ,reach that before 1990. What it amounts to�righfi_ , ,� { a f �. c conmitment�to the free standing growth centers. -That the Metro`1CounciI = is go'cng - td_provlde you sewage - service ;•and- otherservices, suchi a ooks. as though Prior Lake is f i I 1 i ng up 4 . beyond comprehension, the Council is-.going ,to have to: take some s steps ; ;I ' g to make sure you have capacity. The thin s.that mind is t " 1 IV c J INUM of 66 hraedivoex of fM = r Villa�i Council of lim Viper of Prier lab IN the Ceu01Y 0 Sk-at and 31aN of IN ranee la, Inducting all aceounk audiNd by,*wW *vndl. o METRO SYSTEM example the systems statement, now you've received a final copy from the STATE!!EIlT date you received that you've, got 60 "days to decide whether or not .you want to . appeal it. So you determine you didn;�t want to appeal it within, that O.Q. day period. Say`that time expired before you acted either way; That wou"tdn't'" mean we couldn't continue and work to negotiate thes -e population forecasts. So don't think,you're under any real tough constraints as far as the systems statement goes," I 'City Engineer_ Anderson: "I have one question you said that your population projections were flexible, one major 'concern I would have is that you said we have .a sewer capacity of , 74,mLllion gallons per ,day," As we all know, ,Blue f Lake Treatment plant has a limited capacity and there are several other communities ti that are sewered by the Blue Lake Treatment'Plant. The question we have is that what happens if you allocate .74,miIIi al lens g per day to Prior Lake, the /./ other commun i t'r:es that are ser��ed by the Lake Treatment Plant also grow at l! , a rapid rate more then you anticipate and the treatment`plant.then needs updating or a more extreme case, some ofthem don't grow quite as fast as we do, we �. grow faster and thereby needing`",more capacity is this going to be a means of y c shutting Prior Lake off and say no you can't have any more capacity.. That would be a major concern that that capacity could be updated. 1 have some concern,, we look at our population 'projection, you hold them down, you say the population of the Twin -Cit area is dreasipg as;Counciiman Bissonett stated the 1 y . ec Metro area the downtown area, the population is decreasing while Prior Lake area is actua ,increasing in population and yet we see our bridge status is limiting, and that we don't see any major be`fdge crossings coming in the near future. 1 1 guess 1 real wonder if this isn't another ccntrol, the bridges are a contra l on our growth, i s 1 i m t t t ng.l'Ihe sewer capac i ty another contro l ?" . 1 [ Mr."Johnson: "I'm going to take this in 3 steps. One of the:questions you raised was what happens if the 1316eSlake Plant reaches its pacLay and you sttl! have peopled coming in. These treatment plants are built to be expanded. The other point I want to make is thlit there are a number of free standing growth centers. in the Metro area whi6h Prior Lake is one. The,Council has made a definite commitment to provide freeiStanding growth centers with service. Thatts {' pl a in and simple. The,other' things say for e the n mp population ' of the metro area stays at some figure and doesn't crow beyond that. However, say some of, the population that ewe thou 9 ht;�_would go t6, .Savage decided to come to Prior Lake, e The-74 capacity will be raised, but we haven't done that yet. OK, let's say ' your go ,beyond that (few figure w`atever it i's, that can be shifted. If Savage doesn!t, get the growth and you do .it's kind'of senseless that they have :a k, bunch of empty p i,pes;` and a , lot of tot 1'ets to be f l ushed and you having all the probl6ms,, so those figure ,can be arran led. ''that the The other thing 'l wanted to say was ` re ire groups right now that are) handling the transportation problems ' and ,the. idea is not to sa Itke Minneapc %lis and St. Paul have lost population and 'weIre. trying to get population from ,Prior Lake u into that area. That 's P. ... not ,real .l=j�, where we.'re conning from. We re saying i f there Is going to be populatton,,growth to growth service areas we want it to the free growth centers'. We don't want to seeJt go; down into good agricultural Land. There's going - rr to be a, lot of yelling anal screaming if e champ on a lot cf tough policy re- g4laticns in conmunities dike Prior Lake din hopes that the population moves back z eto the cit " 1 fi �. C Anderson: Il e;have one other`',,question, and it's not because mrstrust you but would it we be possible to get a letter from Mr, Boland stating that, ur sewer capacity is rErached, this 74 million galle7s per day at that �po,i nt ze, .etended sery i ce wou id be prowi ded "i' wi lk • Johnson: "Wel I , 1- can '`t speak for h i m , but 1 can to ik to him and see i f someth i n�l -cou I,d be sent." } I Mayor Stock, "What I re uest at this point, is that our staff and, ` your staff work together to try to reach a compromise isnd as I understand it, whatever ulation �.is' final l � ' t the total plan when the Council` adopts. -it_ y put Into o toinat L.ca,l I y you r sewage cal i ty w i I I ire f t ect popu I at t on ca Mr. Johnson: "it will do thzlt. I think those numbers that are;,down for tithe sewer capac will have to be revised based on a ne.7_forecast and how ton ifzwi I I take them, to do that,} I don't know, :But, it wt ! ! be . Mr. Wa ne" PROJ. }'7 Y Long of Orr- Scheten'iMayeron was prasen+ to discuss and answer questions .,3' oil; Project 17 -3 with the MayJ and Counci 1. 7 72 - i 14�n�er'a z;ws+ ,.,ry v 4 4 NAU.OR PUD City Planner Graser presented .a memo on the Harbor PUD. The staff, d and.Planning Commission recommended approval of this stage of the PUD. _ hbtion was made by Watkins to approve the Harbor PUD plat, seconded' �• by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly,passed.a Councilman Watkiast and Bissonett withdrew thei`r'motion, and restated _ ,( i t; as ,follows : Counc i I man Watkins. made a moti on ' that th i "s 'Plat Harbor'PUD be approved and that there be no.:more cammercia•1; s as of the first application for a, .bui.lding permit and the isark fee a� o 15# cwn these lots be pa id` per ord i nance,. and any of the sewer and`water<utility service being the'responsibility of the developef, ' seconded by Bissonett ell -' The Major and Council discussed and amended resubmitted assessment po i i cy. motion was made.by�Watmns 10 adopt they asse`,'ssment V pol i:cy as amsoded, i+ eeconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i r _ Motion was made byzEissonetat to authorize Attorney Sullivan to proceed PROJ.`77 a. with the condemnation of "sementsfor Project 77 -3 seconded by Watkins, ` and upon a'vote taken it w6s duIy" passed. W I Y■ 2).. ZRi. d lb WQUU&� So bL aAd ci lulu C p�,,l' / -3- t .., # MIMUM of *0 hraw Ul @ of dot Vol"* C Mm ai dl! VNlava of hiaf Yalta 111 111e y' Ca" of 114001 aed Sk" S MiaWOO$44 ieeh dbq eN aeaYals audited by said Cowen. PROJ -- 77 -3 C City Engineer Anderson described -•,a couple of the j j +, _ c come up on Project 77 -3. COMPRENENSIVI M Mayor Stock requested that Mr., Long work with the staff amending . S 6 W PLAN. p plans for a comprehensive water and sewer plan. And that it be submitted to the Gounc'i! within 30 days. SPRING LK SEWER PROJ. W W. Long discussed with the Council the Spring Lake Sewer project. The authorization to'OSM:for='l a comprehensive sewer and water plan,and the cost of such a plan was taated vnfi,l next week.;' ,. S t W INSTAL T The Council discussed the problem of putting through the sewer and the TREES i public stating that ` t; installation. It was stated to proceed with utmost care, a BONDING M Mr. Steve Mattson of Juran and Moody was present to discuss =_the refunding ' ' of bonds.: R tSG -' 1r M Motion was made by Busse to refund bondsi . . setting t w • office and having the closing date at Sept, 15, 1977, seconded by st 7 W -and upon a vote taken it was dul passed.' v v. Motion was made by Watkins to approve.the authorization for City STO" SEWER E Engineer Anderson to negotiate with Mr. Joe. Whitney of the cost of the EXTERS -ION s storm sewer extension, seconded.by Bissonett-and upon a vote:taken it' ; ; rr« J. WHITNEY w was duly passed. ' ' G11RY HANSON � �4A `Y Planner Graser presented the Gary Hanson rezoning and read the i descriptonpertaining =to the rezoning. T City Planner Tooker also had an attached memo pertaining to the Gary Hanson rezoning. a. Mr. Carl McGregor was present representing Gary Hanson and Standard Oil. He voiced his opinion in favor of the .rezoning. Councilman Bissonett made a motion to deny the request for a change In zoning seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly,'assed. :, CO<: ssion SU I i @S f pp 30.00 ' F Gbnkiin Co. ._'. Barr-4S �. New Prague* Luger d Reddy Ni x� Co. ` Repa l rs 8. Z5, .iohn's Auto Body 21.60 � Repair Van. 475.24 ' E tear ti Van Waters b Rogers Chemicals Dab* Service Fund 100.50 te r, pot i. : Misrlcan NatiooaJ Bank.b Trust Co, Bond Payment S' 689.22 The First Na, i , Bank of S.t, Pau I nd Pa yment� 22,288.40 4 =� 1977:S ri.na Lakes Sewer and Water�C6nstruction: Fund 4 A . y P'iof Lake .Amer ican s Rub its .) hi;ng 1,887.75 Coinciiman Watkins fiade a motion to adjourn,,cs�Rded by Bissonett and upon a vote takenthistine @tin' wasad 9 journed at 10:10PM ,n (; A ' ` � MF�chae L A 1�0 u l re� b ,. City Manag @r LM). • v ����1: \xn .+r..^ eqY+'Ar.. ? =•t�fi1 "; ' — ,.m. a..,v •, • r r of 60 e VNWOO of Pdw-Wko M tM Ce" + +f Salt hid ftft ef, The following invoi`es are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday,, August,2, 1977; Miscellaneous Dept Qua 1 i tta �iaste Contr. o I. l nc. - Refuse Hauling - Minn. Gas S Utilities 38.96 ; " N NSP ~ . 1 Utilities 3 166.54 J:f I;. D Par k Jeep U Vehicle Repair � 2.59 t D JAK Office Products Co. 9 Dental Insurance 9<8.20 O 105.76 General F Prior Lake Developers R Larry Pioske R Retainer Refund S 1;10.00 - R Retainer Refund 1 100,00 Kenneth Hennen 1 Retainer refund 100..00 Rich Tonak 1 Retainer Refund 100,00 4 D Administrative Debt 0 " C Clar6nca Schmidt Gordon. R. Fredrickson P Plumb&ng .inspector P Ps 1 1200k �z `R. P Pushing Elms at site 7 72.00 . City < Grannis b Grannis 1 75.00 , 110.;00," u Ci'hl Ha 1' 1 and Library Deat Pitney Bowes 4 Posta t Mach'i rm ' 4 y Fbi ice 'Dept. r ra ., C Steve's Red Owl Cleaning Supplies S S 3.29__ " , j 'Suppi %es 50.13 Bud ;l�seye;Reloading Supply. inc. S Damp . 20 00 40.00 ° F.. , , =1 `'� °e M Martin 1 1�annon _ Prior Lake "76 "' S School ', 3 26.00 'Prior V Veh.i c I e Repa i "r 0 0-7 i Park Depf y y. P � � � 'Earl F. Anderson & Assoc. Steve!s ,Red OKi' PiRmc'Tab'les S S 833.30 ` > >oods, Inc. __ P 158.40