HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 01 1977p ` R v MNiltlti3 of tIN PrecoM" Is of Aw VNkme CweeN of Me VIN060 d Prier Lake M 60 CerMlr of Sar1t oMi i1Ne .of, f w.009646, IL P1- p .a .eo.wNS .wiii a' by, sdw C" 1. August 1, 1977 The Common Council of the City of Prior`Lake twet in regular session on' ` August 1, 1977 at 7 :30PM 'in the City Opuncil,Chartibers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stack;, CounciiMen Bissonett, Busse, Oakes "and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Grater, Fi'nancial'Director MacGi.11ivray and Attorney Sullivan. ;. The'`following corrections were made to the minutes of July 25, 1977: Page paragraph 14, line 2 should read "by Bi ssonett." Strike the line .and upon a:vote taken it was duly passed. "` There was no vote taken. Immediately fter paragraph 14 on Y page 3, enter anew paragraph that b should read "Discussion was held in regards'to l) commercial useage ri x= of the property 2) the >.Iots located,along Rutgers were requested to b be left as is for the time beinr the DNR and other permits ha��� been secured " Page 3., paragraph 16, line ,;should read' ". no more commercial 7r useage." NIIIUTES Counc i man 'Watki ns , •made: a motion to approve the minutes of J u 1 y 25, 197 a as amended,` seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. j =NEM,BU1k TRUC Mr. Bob Mertens was present to discuss with the Mayor and Gouncll the 1 post i b i I i ty °of purchasing a new bulk truck. �t Councilman�tiatkins made >a motion to authorize City`Maoager *Guire to advertise for bids for a'bu1k truck for the Fire Department, seconded :4 ,t by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. IMWLE STREET" Anderson presented a City Engineer petition. the P p,toperty owners "KTOPPING on Maple Street requesting blacktopping with curbing and proper, drainage on that street. 'a 4 Councilman Busse "do a'motion to authori °ze the blacktopping,6urbing� ,3 and, proper drainage on Maple Street contingent that the wa'ver a public hearing is received from °the pro perty owners, seconded Ry Watkins 6 n � and upon a vote taken was duly passed. w .. NEW 'SQUAD y Police ChiBf' Powell was present to discuss the matted of purchasing a air "# CAR:: new pr Tce car:.' WA i U Councilman Bissonett made a motion to authorize Chief Pbwei:I ' to'- secure quotes for a new auto for t6 police department,.seconde'd'by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' BROOKSVI'LLE City Engineer Anderson brought forth forconsideration the Brooksville f`s" '{ c` HILLS 3rd I Ni,i Is 3rd. Addition Developers agreement. Councilman Watkins made 'a motion to" approve the BrooksvI) I'e. Hi I is 3rd ' Add.it on Developers Agreement contingent upon,receipf of the bond and_ Insurance certificates supplied�by the developer, seconded by Oakes and upon f a vote taken it was duly passed. III a 5TH STREET Mr`. Quenti`n eras present to request that the roadway of 5th; Street' be reduced. .' Councilman Watkinsj'made a motion to"authorize.City Ergineer Anderson to establish'a relocation of the. road c, ?ntingent upon Spring Lake Cemetary Association approval for Mr. Sprank's' request, seconded by Oakes, and. ' upon a vote taken it was du I y, passed. ' 'C1P z ?� At 8:OOPM.an Informati6na1MQetTn9 was held pertaining to the 5 year.CIP. HULLENHAROT �i Councilman Busse ieade a- motion,. to remove Mullenhardt Avenue from`tle `I AVE. 1978 CIP, seconded by•BTssonett and upon a vote taken it was,,dV!y pissed . ° Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the 5'year�1P, seconded by' Watkins and upon'a -vote taken it was d4'passed.. F I i� II it MIM{illt hearrlew *#,do wkwCour4N. 4f N »'Villy� of Pie teke M the. I t � Ce�aNy .il� fcaN rM1 =31rM, of i ml-I le vdk* all by S@id Cwseit; jl 7 i CIINTON TODD City Planner Graser presented a memo on the C'Iinton Todd ' VARIANCE. IIPP, The Planning Commission recommended denial of Mr} Todd ` the variance a e completely. ea l , was present to votce his opinion in favor of the',: variance., CounciAman Sissonett made a� motion to grant a 5 foot variance to Mr, Todd's � y pro er ra s p ty, Motion was denied' by lack of a second. Councilman` Watkins made a motion to grant a variance as requested for t , and the roof overhang to be normal. Motion was denied by lack,of a second.`' ^ Councilman Watkins made a motion to grant a variance as requested the roof overhang o be no by Oakes, for;, and ! Co9 rival , seconded ! _ Yote taken shoved that Mayor Stock, Councilman Bissonett and Busse.vote& against the motion. ; " Motion. failed. Count It I man .$ t ssbnett made a mot t on 'to approve the 5, foot va riance, seconded' Dy Neyor Stock., Vofe taken showed that Councl -I ma se and Watkins Voted against the moti,.. Motion failed. ; Y Councilmen Watkins made a motion to table the Clinton T.aSd "variance until next week�n which MrrrTodd's architect wo the bui I t ° uld be in attendanceto describe ng In further detail, seconded by Bissonett art' 1� was. duly passed. d;upon?a vote taken tStAI 1 .land View 2nd ,Addition Prel Plat was tabled TOr one week, r i (•YE s'.Ocst` sand 3 Cope O X11@ . „ Co��prehensive 'Plan was tabled for one `week. T' ONT1t0� ' Z.1 Eng 1 Weer Anderson was `present to ' - report on the dust control meeting lisp',01 Stock d i ed the. C 1 ! I rect ty� Engl deer to contact the Peop Ie 16 the dt moon #col areas to establ A. '�� i - a date `for an nformationa �! meet Th 4ItR CJX Mlanager McGu i t re p j g e p salted the °2nd Quarter Budget Report Doa�t 1 lams was ? presentto discuss the moving_ of -the public access from `ICESS ftM��1�rle Addition to the County1 A-I yEc l'i+n Natk i ns made a = mot on that the Ci t Mena 1 , { taff to tlraffi a resolution - =that wound be fit and u preseh It #a' e seconded i k .' "On e0ctl at a future meettng,, .by Bssonett and upon a vote take'i � f lits duly passed,: ' x Oounc�l tman Oakes made a MOtton to refund the remaint" portion IS3,450 of tilid `ltce�se fie for the Prior Place, seconded by Busse and on a k ' - %Y taken =it was duly passed• upon vo }e OF Oouncitisan Bissonett made a motion to rescind the motion pertai 'oing,,to,tAe, r*fundtng of - in, last "week's minutes,''seconded by Watkins and upon a r a vote . taken It.KSS duly passed i; Count lit man Watkins wMe a reso.lutton tq, have > > Y advanced refunding in the tota.i of f2, 705, 000..00 for a sate on August ° �1 i : 00AM and the award at 7: 30PN that een i n 2�' 1977 w (th the opening at = taken tf.was duty 9, seconded by. Busse and upon,a vote Y Z6 -1 Not was made by Oakes to instruct City Engineer=Ander ,-,son to' inform the F contractor Of. 'the Spring lake Project to abide by the`:hotrrs set forth i ti►e cbntract,'seconded by Watkins and upon:a vote' Taken �'>t was duty y passed , i Couricil'nian Watkins made a motion to adjourn seconded b a vote 'taken this meeting, was ae ourned at'9. Y ekes and upon , 3 .4oPM. " Michael A. MicGu°ire' it C l try Manager R .