HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 15 1977J
J MK!!M , of the P In& of vwm" COVOCK of Villas*
of Prior Lake In the County o f S"*.
Imanaeoft, Inclowim all "MunWaudilled by said C"adl.,
August 15, 1977
The Common Council 9,f the City o f Prior Lake met in regular session
on August 1977 �_t 7:30MI
Present wer%Mg Stock, Co6nc,11
Bissonett, Busse, and Oak6s, men
City Engineer Anderson,
City pf
Graser, Finanical Director MacGillivray, Park Director Jarr.b6ls
and Attorney Sullivan. CouncVman Watkins abesent.
Th&f0liowing corrections were made to the minutes of Augusi 8" 197
Page I,' 4,
paragraph line 4, should read, "safety procedure$j
seconded by Watkins and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed
Page 2, paragraph 5, should read," the County
. . . Road 21 Sion.
Councllmarr�Blssone tt made &�motlon to approve the minutes�'�'s
amended, \�z.�Aeco nded by Busse"and upon a vote taken it wa duly
Financial Director MacGillivray was - 10
present dicuss wjth,
MaVor and Council, Mr. Jim Skinner's Sr.
�btionwas made by Oakes that Mr. Jim Skinner's Sr. propeiityj Lots,
A�and 4,,131ock 33, Spring�Lake
Townsite, the parcel be assessed
as one parcel on the
of .40 acres 6nii the
frontage wpuldbe for seconded by:Busse andupon a,��ote taken
it was duly
BURN1tNG SITE Financial Director M6cGillivray also discuss6d the problem of
. ooking
FOR ELMS for another burn.ing,site for disposifig
the el m trees
Councilman Oakes made a mot I on that the bu ,- I ng s i te "for diseased
be selected and that a schedule of rates be agreeii upon by
Staff and avallable�jorinspectiDn� by City Hal I,
secondf by Bissonett
and upon a vote taken it was diu pa'ssed.
City Pi,a'qner �Grager presented a - request for Mr. Rolli6 Thielln
'to amend the 91
ordinance from R-I to R��Z for lots 16 and#17 and the
southerly 66 of lot 13 of Grainwood.,
Councilman Bissonef+ made a mot"
ion to the Pr I "zon
or I ng
ordinance as f0lA6Ws: The Prior Lake zonirfg US j�ended from
. . , an R-1 to,R-2 for the?'Jollowing legally described
pr�)perty: Lot 16
and 17 and southerly 60",of lot 13, Grainwood Ad(jition,
i 'e
ky Busse and upon & vot seconded
tak�n it was duly passed,."'
The Harry Hunt variance request, for lot 7, Kopp's &J Ist Addition,
was also
presented by City pla'ihner Graser.
Counci1man Bissonett made a mot�pn grant a ve irle�,Le to Harry
Hunt to with f
eet e side
of th ot line, secondo"d by Busse and
upon�.a vote taken It was d uly parised.
City P I'aner_-�,Graser d I sc w I tti the. Mayor
out I S and"d4y Council the
ville Hills�2nd
Addit! n-Road purpos"
CounciAman 'Oak" made a motion to authorize the,C11ty Manager and
Mayor to negoti.ate
with Mr. Hauser 06 the acquistion of that property,
Outlot Brooksville Hil'Is 2nd Addition by�Busse
and upon a
vote taken it was d0y passed.
There was,no action taken on the sampleresolUtioh pertaining to
the Metro Counci I 'regi""41
and the drift toward 11
Minnesota. on government in
Park Director Jambois was present to discuss'4�ndoor arena, sites.
He pointed out that
there are six availabija sites and the criteri'a
used to'evaluate each parcel included: sl.zei location,
of sewer water, 3-phase power and compatibility with the�surrouOdlng
Motion was made by Bisso nett to request fhat staff to workowith
the School d4strict staff the
on si,tw selection, seconded by
Busse'and, upon a vote it was duly passe#,,�
` MINUM of the P oc hw of the VNlooe Council of the VIN"p- ef'dw lake M tho County of Scott and State ef'
Mhue»ele, inciudiine all seeorMs audited by said COu"CII
RESOLUTION Motion was made by,Busse to adopt Resolution 77 -16, pertaining to the
1 77 Department of Natural resources public access, as amended, seconded
by Bi.ssonett and upon a vote taken_it was duly . z R y passed.
CONPREHENSIVE City Planner Gras4r presented�a Comprehensive Plan -Division of
P LAN DIYISIO� Work and Finance.' estate
d that r
C e i od i:c reports w i
� P por i be presented
WORK s FINANCE to'the Council during the scheduled time-of completion.
i Councilman Sissonett made a motion to adopt the.Resolution 77 -17,
} I RESOL'UTION as amended„ pertaining.to the Two Yeat, Work: Program,,'secodded by Busse
rv . 77-1 -7 and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
GATEWAY, CENTIEF The subject of the Preliminary Approval, of Gateway Center 1st ad "ditidii
IST ADDN. was tabled. '
STREET LIGHT A petition from the Shady teach Trail res dents.reques'fiing ' a street
SHADY BCH'TRL Allght be installed at the lst right ' on , S hady Beach T;rai1 NE
was presented. �
Councilman Busse made a motion authorizing' City Engineer anoL City
Manager to approvve0street'lights at intersection's, wi`thbut "having to
�4. come to the Council with it, seconded by Oakes, and upon a vote, `taken
it was duly passed.
FIRE S RESCUE Ccunci,iman Busse made a motion to accept the Fi re and Rescue Report,
seconded-by Oakes and upon, a vote taken it was dui
Y Passed.'.
b POLICE Councilman Bissonett made ,a motion to accept the Police Report, seconded-
by Oakes and upon a,vote taken it was duly passed.
NORTH SNORE Motion was made by Bfssonett to hold a Pub IA_ c Hearing. on September 12, 1977,,
OA PAYI?f6 at 8PM for the North Oaks paving project, seconded by Oakes and upon
a vote taken it,was duly passed.`
s Motion was 'made by Bissonett to authorize ;Orr- Sc'helen- Mayer-oh to; prepare
for a Public`Hearing for the pav,Ing <,f North Shore Oaks, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th ad l`oes, seconded by Oakes and upon "a vote taken it was duly passed.
.;; Motion was made by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and `upon
A vote taken, this meeting was.adjourned at 91:tOPM. .
x iJ F
Michael A. McGuire
City Man
,. y agar
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