HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 22 1977J1,
MINUTES of, the Proceedings of tk* village Council Of'" Vilk o f Prior Lake in the Co nty of S
and Slow of:
Mle ff"OiG , including Oil occounts audhed by saild Council.
August 22, 1977
�Ommon Council of the City of, Prior Lake met in regular session on
A49tf§t 22,, at 7:3013M. Presei'.Itt 'We're Mayor Stock, Counci Imen
Bissonett, Busse and Oakes, City Engineer Anderson, Financial Di re
MacGi!livray, Park Director Jambois and Attorney SUIrliVan. Counci
Watkins was absent. [man
Mot r
MINUTES CO�incllman Busse made a on to approve the minutes of August''15, 197T
seconded by Bissqn4tt and upon a vote taken i-t was duly passed.
BOND ' R ' EFUND-, Mr. Steve�.Mattson Of JU
ran and Moody was to discuss the con'
s l;,ond refund I, ng,'r-
Wtiowwas made byrBusse to approve the sale of b
to Piper onds in the amount of
�Jaf fray & Hop 'byr
wood, B ssonett a d
upon a�v'ote taken It was dut passed,
ICKLEY City Engineer Anderson was present to discuss the serving of sewer and
S & ter to Lots 5
Yip �and 6 Block 32 site, whose Owner is,
Mr. JaC'e
72) Spring Lake Tbwn
Mr. Mickley,was present to'voi�ce hi,s opinion which was not to serve
VIV, Lots'5 and' with sew
er an , d water.
Pl(OJ - 76-,1 Motion was made by Oakes that based on the relationship of Project 76-1
_S 5,and 6, Block the current assessment should be for"acre'ag6
Jon ys, seconded. by BUsse` upon a vote taken it 'was d"iy pass I ed.
P MI unc
BLDG ER T `6o il'man Oakes�Made a motion that before any building permit may�be
J E�AtCKLEY issuod for Lots 5 and 6 of Block 32, front footage assessmentmust be,
consi Lots 5 and 6 of Block 32, seconded b Aissoneft and upon
a yoteltaken it was duly pas
a Pub I Ic Hearing Was called to order,
rp e'ActUal
ING FUNDS,, Use of Federa I Revenue Sharing Funds. la I tingto th
I Ce.
Mayor Stock read the Publi'shed no
' Motion�,was
mad6 by-Bissonett that the entitlemeni of the Federal, Revenue
for.the of equipry�eht forthe Public
9 e dedicated
,,Safety Department,. seconded by Busse and upon a v
Ote taken It was e �IU ly
Tffe Pub I I c H6a r
ng Was adjourned at 8t:O5PM.
COMORE 'r HiNSIVMr'.\� Long of Orr was present to di!kcuts--�the Com-
e� :PLANS preh ensive Sewer, Water, Storm,' and Traffi�'plans.
K-)t I on -
Was made by Busse to authorize Orr-Schelen-Ma c6mp.'i
y.eron' to, _ete
a comprehensive Water St6'dy,, a comprehensive So
wer Study and comprehensive
Traffic Plan for the City of Prior Lake and the amount not to exceed
for the water study, $5,rI42-O0 for the sewer study and
Stj�-733.00 for the t
raffic study, sec ded by Bissonett and U'pion vote
ta6n it'was duly passed.
as made by Oakes that the Storm Water.ma
ement�'study be
it was duly passod.
MANAGEMENT tabled:*to September 19, 197 7, , seconded by BUsseland upon a vo+e taken
WATER'SYSTEI Motion was made by Oakes to ho
ld a Public Hearing on September 1977,
IMPROVEMENT! at 8:30PM concerning the Assessments on the Water System Improvement`
PROJ 72-8r Project 72-8, seconded by Busse andppon a vo
te taken it was pas i d.
ORD. 77 MayorStock read Ordinance 77-8. Park Director Jamboi' wqS present t
discuss this ordinance aining 40*4 hpliil
p rt
Motion was made by Busse to addpt'Ordinance 77-8, pe'
t rtaining to pwA
t amended, seconded by Bitsone t and upon a vo e taken it was
duly passed. Counc Oakes abstained-�
_ of Mo �Il� of lla yNMNe comwil +of fin rho
, twoh 011 >talr a1 ft", of.
�. ON atMraN
c�. e 'n'dftd , by Mid Cwwdl.
70 B
d1iD6ET 9PM Mayor.Sto6k called the Public Hng on
to order, he 1978 Operafiing Budget
Mayor Stock read the published notice.
F nanc l ai Director MbCd14;;t_i v+ray was Present to ex ;lain to the,,.
«'d City Counci "1 the 1978 opereting budget. P mayor and j
The ,OubIic hearing was adjourned at 9 ;15PM,
MISDEMEANOR Aletter from Attorney Glenn Kessel was presented before the Ma r a
INDIA RES RV concerning the prosecution of * misdemeanor complaints on the Indian Reservation.
INDIAN RESERV., Yo and Council
matter of record that the City of Prior Lake o
Position that the City of Prior Lake shouldprosect the m e
the s
complaints °'on the Indian Rese ue
rvation a
Motion was,made by Busse to o
" ppose the County of the" �jurtsdtction of
Pr'osecutIng,the mI complaints on the Indian Reservation seconded
by`Bissonett and u r
Pon a vote taken it.was duly passed.
NIDDEIi. DAIS City° Engineer Anderson was:
Tgll present to discuss the cyst o
AI a ft Wi00W &w � OANM�1� f patch l ng er.4
N "1 LLS 1�10iQM PiheR Z ti'RaA u*
'OR Motion was made by Blssonett,to award Prior ake Black: �� Gadi•
OYE AMf . patch l ng `for $35 /ton seconded . b tOP Compa y the,
passed. '� y Oakes and upon a vote taken 7t was duly
F� Mi00El� CMtR><, Ot � �10ai PRIOR»
I oion was made_ by," 'BI'ssonett 'to award Prior Lake Blacktop,
;for °S /ton;,�seconded by Busse and u PPanY Paving
�R � � ; Pon a vote taken it was dW$ passed.
3T. CAUL AVE. - C MAK. x
�. *. �bt on .was made; by Busse tR schsdu l e a pub i tc hearing on Sep..tembe�' 12, 14.77
IN at 9PM for the Paulo of St.
9 Pout Avenue, seconded
taken ,by Oakes and upon a vote ,.
it was duly passed.
" Notion'
" was. Made by Busse to authorize Orr Schelen- Mayeron to do`a feasibility"'
;`study on the = paving of St. Paul Avenue, Seconded by Oakes and upon a vote'
taken .it was du passed. -
iMT�U. Motion was made by Bissonett to authorize the Clty_Manager to negotiate with
the Haroi o watt k s for 'their y p
:Y Busse and -u n It w u to a se xtmum of 555,.Op0,Oo, seconded
b '
u '�c i� a vote taken It was duly passed,.'
A petition -was presented from Gordon Gelhaye to vacate a portion of
fST Sixth Street.
G `'Mot ion was weds .
at,BPM &r the by Oek schedule a Public hearing on September 19; ."
vacation of a portion of Sixth Street legally 1477
des ri
as: The southeasterly 30 feet Of _SIXth Street 1 in
y 9 south of t southerly
k j
righfi -of -way of Lake - Street, SPrtr►g. lake Townsite, seconded by and
upon a -vote taken it duly p .
1 �La11 lbtton was Made by-Oakes
Mr. Louis F. J to,,. Wit, w i th
regrets the resignation of
awbo3s, Park = Director,; effective September 5 1977,
;seconded by Bissonett and and"
upon a vote taken it was du ly passed,
Mayor and Council tabled the. subject of
• 1` preparing a resoluti supporting
the constr tion Hof US''Highway 212 <unti I. September ,6, 1977,
f.1�11NC,1lIL' The f i nano i a l .:
oort for Ju'IY was .,approved.
The following invoices are scjedul`ed to be paid on Wednesday, September 7, 1977
Nultiale Decartwantk
i' i oIT Lake Aggrega +es, i nc
Mtnn, Gas Co. Rock S 300.13 ..
c+ JAK Office ProductsyCo. Utilities 35,81
Delta. Dental Plan oe MN Officce Supplies`
`Quality waste Control Inc. 474,110
Dental Insurance 32,0
Refuse Hauling
.�Ibinson 18.00
, � "
Scott County Mapping Office Maps-
$ 12.00 •':,�
POlice Department-
Prior lake .°
Motors w
Yeh 1 c i e Repa :f*,l�,
Prior Lake Motors Vehicle Repair 369.55
pr '
Ma 1kersOn Motors, Inc. 100.00
Supplies 8.32�� 1
Ci�_Hall and Library go
Gross Industrial,Services�
Sibley Co. Building Maintenance S 60.46
q pment,
f ui "`1188.47 ;I
Water, :Departmentz
Northwestern National Bank of 'MSP
ITT Gr 6,ne! I- -Corp. - Bond Payment t 2,893.75 '
Water Products Co,. Well Repair 427:62
Man Waters and Rogei =s RePaics 288.82
Chemicals X100,50, I
Decartment: ,
New Prague Lti*er and Ready Mix Concrete
a3 $ 323.73
Park Department.
J.L. Sj�lely Co. Job Notice $ 30.:00
Prior Lake Marine, Co., Improvements 170.22'
Haroids Repa1 Re 11.95 -
Almac, Inc. Repairs 13.92
awrence Scheich HOme'Bidr;, inc, 1 Taxes 313.14
Taxes Scott County Treasurer a 1.63.00
xes; 822.91
amw `.
����}My ��r.r�,
Plea INi et d* Pr md of iii. VNIOW Coo" of Na
V o
of r!iK Leto M ae`Cwely.ef'$aw o
owtl >Moq o
of ~
Nlio� le, Maim ON ee oels ow"d b1► "w C de,
° Multiple Departments co st,
Graya '
Office Supplies 1
1 S 42,2S
COPY Machine '
' 265.157
Won ,�"YaI Iey Electric U
Uti lities
Bankers i fe Co. I
Insurance 1
Genera i :
1,734.34 h
Owen" Anderson
� k
Hugh Mil R
Retainer ` Refunda
S 100.00
Al Steiner 1
Retainer`Refund 1
Ray'Kasparek R
Retainer Refund 1
Chateau Builders 1
= Retainer Refund 1
100.,00 .
_ 0
Mayo tounc i 1 Oe rtment,: '
' 4'
League of i "�Id Cities �
�' i
S 2
Admintstrotive De artment;
Clarence Schmidt
Scherer Tree Service T
Plumbing Inspector
S 190.00
Garden Center Tree 4
Clary Business Machines Inc E
List'in�� 3
0 00
E. Nftst
_ D
Dog. Catcher 1
Jack Anderson Assoc B
Buiiding'�inspector 8
Financial World. T
Traffic Sign inventory 8
Dump Site far Diseased T
Trees 270.00 '
'.E �4
- � 6
Enginearing Services