HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 06 1977t 4 F MINUTIS of Nw hoasdi s of MN �+w�eN °of *40 vow" of fWW 4k w M+o ` " vow sew NW Skft o% oN oepwNs w+litad by sed CowNil.' { September 6, 1977 The Cannon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on September 5, 1977 at 7;30PNi,, Present were Mayor Stock, Counci'L Bissonett, Busse, Oakes and Watkins, City Manager McGuire,, City _me n Engineer Anderson,, Financial D tor and'Attorney Sullivan. MacG`Ilivray, City Planner Grayer Page 1, �aragraph 17 should read n Dedication �n corrections are to ' be • ma Rertaining lo Dave 22 1977,',I, Fee. Page I, Paragraph 18 should read `n opens Park x ' to the Developer Park Dedication Fee„ •„ ••..pertaining• " Page �, paragraph 8, should re ad ...patching in Hidden Oaks, Oakwood N a ilis and North Prior and paving of Cove Avenue and Terri Circle." Paragraph 9, should read, for 535 /ton for Hidden Oaks' Oak Paragraph 10 should read, wood .Hills and North Prior �++ "' " ...514 /ton for. Cove 'Avenue and Terri Circle., , . N MINUTES - Counci.Iman Busse made a•motion to approve amended, seconded by Bissonett and n a the minutes of August 2 as Pon► a vote taken i t eas duly,' passed. ON PRICE Mrs. Donald Price.was present to discuss the petition she and hi r husband 4 PURCHASIk Presented to the Council for the vacat on'or t e PUI141C ACCESS public access that adjoi NEIR TO PROP. ns their property'. h possiDis purchasing of the Notion was made by Busse to take'b.ids on the arcei that adjoi -ns Lot #' i Shady Beach #2 on the east side and is'apP�Pmately ,7, 25► wide and 45+ . deep, seconded by Discussion• followed, IIiJS. After a discussion was held, it was found out that at certain. public = access voted on was,a a dedicated roadway, The Prices wihdrew their Petition, Co4oc llmen Busse, and Watkins withdrew the motion on taki that publ ng bids on 1f ' icq access. l VINE STREEI` �r �. The discussion of considerin ., 1 s STOLtN $EMER 9 Prat imina,ry Plans for Vine Street Storyn c Sewer wastabied until the next a�tfng. t MLINIIENS '3Rp City Pl aoner �Graser � presented a d iagram' for Hann ` + r� A D" Hardshe I l,f I = s. 3rd° Add i t i on / Motion was Made by Watkins to�a °� pProve for the prei imina 0 . r Nannen 3rd Addition Conti n nt ^ u �� ant Hardshe i l f be changed Rutted Pon What what isvRe Street ge,'Street,_seconded by Busse and,upon,a vote taken it was duly passed. P te• EM The Mayor and Council consldered.per diem for the Plannin l,'ER � DI EM � �. Planning' Commission. Planning Motion was made by Watkins to grant t'he • g Cannission'Per diem f %ting, maximum tiro meetings'per month starting January 1,;1978,,1 ^` seconded by,Blssonett and upon a vote taken it, was. dui y Passed. NOlLY Ct)!IltiT;: Mr. pan W i tl was present for approval ofHardshe 1 1 for H0'1 i y Court, bu it was not acted, W the Counc i I` for lack,/of info b i rynation, o; �At 8 :0OPM a _ f ` OPERATING , pub1Ic heaving was called 10 order for the, 1478 operatingc� budget. Mayor Stock read the puD I i c notice. vity IN McGuire discussed „with the Mayor anouci( the upcomi year+ operating budget, d'Cn g Fbtton was-Made by Watk ns to °continue the 1978 operating 'bud et hearing to September 12, 1977 at 9z15PM seconded by Oakes and vote taken upon a It was duty passed, JOiIN tJORKLUN Mr, John Bjork l and was ` Present to' d i scuss h is r Wit' for COMPENSATt.ON for, the .added cost he Incurred for sewer hook -u s, W. gj e FOR .SEMER lives in the 4pr'i:ng Lake 3cwer and Watar :Proj'c�ct, Presently HOOKUPS _ v I�btion was made DyOakgs to Sable Mr` ijocklund 's re until e` d. + pA t, September "1�3, 1977, seconded by, Watkins; and upon a. vo takf;� it was duly w Paassed. s° I A , 4644 ay F e } cz; ` A�11g1111:i of t�1t hepyiew ef,** ygft" Ce"Mm f r o sf bier Lehe "le Mw Cerwy of So* M W.>ken of M wae�Ne.. eq eeeniets eeiUftd tw aeW Ceeeel. - Y BROOKSVILLE City Manager McGuire stated ttiat�Mr Brook E NILLS.OUTLOT for the sale of the outlot in Brcbksville'HiHisser requested $5,000.00 t J Motio n was made by Busse - to�- aut6 ize th acquire the outlot tai BrooksviI lIz a the Manager and�Mayor to the intent of future roadway ' is he amount of S5,.00p pp for taken "it was dui Y PurPe�ses', Seconded' by B i Bissonett and -�)pon a vote ,y, Pas sed ' . JYACATION OF R City, Manager'McGuire and City P �} ��SWIp VIE41 i the vac�ti -on of a "portion ofroad% inIslandrytew t Addition of ST, t Motion was made. by Watkins to h o I dL a \ \pubi Ic hearing at 8PM on SeRSeptember 26 ` i � hei for.., the vacat on of a portion of ron in island View ist'Addtt on 'seconded 77 by Oakes and "upon a vote taken it was duly passed, Si- M ASSESS. City Engineer 'Anderson � v 3 CTY J OS 81' t assessments for The parcel of land atdt`�euintersection sewer and, water 12 of County Roads" .81 3 12. Motion, was made by Bissonett to assess th,It par f cel of nand .-3t the i.ntersertton oCounty Roads 81. b 12 as per. our po I icy s and that if ti =unk tines ;r+ou t d �`D `parce'I this '� 'das'iredthrough'the; wo uld= be of platt=ing, seconded D Watkins g�'ven consideration ate �e ttme- <�`��� Y s and upon a vote taken It was duly `Passed'. RESOLUTION c6unci4lmen Watkins made a motion to table th`�adopt 7 an of Resolution 720. 77 -20 second ed by Bissonett and upon a vote t k it-was duly passed.. R YltiiE IL 06E City Manager McGuire was directed to reporj Da ;k at the next meeting on s V . the discusston.betwaen Burnsville, Savage and Prior Lake on their taws on the Savage Bridge. Counci.lman''Watkiris made emotion to draw u a re construction of a &Xr* .�alI Court, seconded b taken I , _t was duly passe y tayor a t d. ►r LmNJ b+�c�e �a`sa►►ayc4'. P°f s vo e 7, - } Notion` was made by Bissonett to'author ize City Man!�ger Mct,u "ire ton eco ti ay and Purchase a now squad car that would be a standard' street car, s s; by ileyor Stock and upon Q a vote taken i t ndird was du 1 y o_ passed. fT IELL ttOND' i!btion wasp made by Oakes to ai' iss MitcheY l 'Pond as y'a unit asse ssment p�r� lot, .seconded by, - Watk ins, aid u tbunctliiian fltseonett' abstained P� a vote taken Ijt was du passed. o �` 10w. , Gtiunci In Watkins made a �i >' n,Ut i o�ry1 to adopt Reno I ut i on 77 -19 : „ A Iteso i u t i on. M+thort�zang the'�ity of Pni`or `tale to- Participate., in a Peaceti Disaster me ' ` Test in octaeer, 1977", seconded `�y Busse and upon .a vote taken it was duly, x Pas 6 :4 k 4 ?> ontfi+as nmde Ntatkins to ad ' -.; - �ja�rn, < seconded by Oakes, and upon a votA x taken this meetl.ng was adjourned' a``9.45PM. C t y - hae 1 A. `McGuire n- Manager F Cyr r Syr,. - 7 2 x `A r