HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 17 1977AVNUM of
64 haeeMlkNi of the Village Cwweii of the V a
iilaio�" of. Prior Like in the county of Scott, Md. Rate of
MiaaeoNe, Mdwli all "
M accounts audited hl► saw Cwaeil. �.
# October 17, 1977
The Common Council of the City of„ Prior Lake met'in regular session ` on
October47,; 1977 at 7 :3OPM, `Present were Mayor Stock,
B . i , ssonett,,Busse,,Oakes• , and> Watkins, City Manager McG,
Engineer Anderson-and Attorney Sullivan,. uire, City
Motion was made by Watkins to a x '
pprove the minutes of Octo 1977
second �
ed by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was dul
The Mayor and Council considered the bids for North Sh pre, 0aks paving
project 77 -4, Mr. Wayne Long of OSM was present to discuss
t. PROJ, 77 -4
, describe the alternate ways Of proceeding with the awarding of the
Aotion was, mader by Watkins to award the basic bI'd. for Project 77.4
North :Shore Oaks paving`,to Minnesota
Valley for the amount of u
X13,860,00, seconded by Bissonett and Upon a vote taken 'it was duly y passel, y
The plans and seci.fications for the,`maintenance building were al s6 -=
Motion was` made by Busse to approve the plans and specifications
t= -
submitted at the meeting for the ` maintenan _d- �bui idin
eg,'seconded by
Watkins' and upon a vote � e� n, it was du l y passe'sl..
� ,.
Councilman Bissonett made a motion ,to accept b Ids' for the mnintenance��
build and have the openi of the bids November,, 7, 1977 at it Am`�and s r:
award,the bid at 8 :3OPM that evening,
seconded by Watkins and upon a
vote taken it was dul y Passed:
..�� a ,
A publ hearing for the vacation of a styip'of land in S:aRSet StioresV
was called to order at 8PM. Mayor Stock read the public notice.
Motion was`made'by Watkins to adopt Resolution 77 -31 r rdin ._, Me
vacation of-the strip of land „in Sunset Shores, seconded by Oakes
and upon,a,vote taken it-was duly passed,
Motion .wak made by Watkins to adjourn -thA pubsis hearing, seconded
9, nded by
Busse. ,and upon,a vote taken the public hearing was adjourned at 8;05PM,
Mr.'. Brl an I l l stop was present to continue the d 'scuss ion on' the ease -
ment across the tots that he owns.
Councilman Bissonett made a.motion to authorize the City Engineer
prepare a new easement for Mr. lliston to :sign for the ',relocat Ion ' of
the'4" service that would be 'for lots 9 an'd 10. '
seconded, by,Natkine
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
P � 77 At 3OPM a public;hearing,for, the Ann& Traii paving Project 77 -t was
i called�to order. Mayor Stock-read
the pub r'c notice
hearing. concerning this °
Mr. Long of OSM was present to describe the project procedures and costs.
Mo }ion was made'by Watkins to approve the Street improvement project
77-1 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was du y passed. '
' gi n°
v s
t6'ncliman Watkins made a motion to authorize to :prepare, the final
�p"rans, and specifications for Project 77 -1, seconded by Busse and uponf
a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was mede by to adjourn the public hearing at 8:40PM,
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken;it was.duly passed.
Councilman Bissonett made a motion to accept/the'September Police
report, seconded by Watkins and upon a,vote taken it was duly passed.
motion made b y Watkins to accept the September Fire and Rescue
Report, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken .it was duly passed.
_i_ tx
m of the f, Pre fte dl ow of, VNloto C"W" of fM VIt16e0 of ftior lobo id +kO Ceunlp of Sao ii" "Stoh of M
`� tr Nlioaor aly Mdwliwd all oceorwts oudihd he "M C""I.
� Councilman Busse made.4 motion to a
Se tember seconded ti Watkins and ua vote fi nanc i al
P y P on
APPROVE BILLS hbt'ion was Y Passed. '
TO BE 1?AID b made by Bissonett to approve the bills to be paid, seconded
y S to ck, upon vote taken it was duly passed.
N made by Watkins.,to adopt Resolution 77 -30 regardin a de
7730" g velopment
moratoriut ail lands not' by _municipal sewer and water systems
seconded by Busse and upon A - vote taken it was duly passed. Councilman
2nd For the record the M
Oakes voted a
Mil ter `; ayor and Council has accepted a petition f
Addy. from Millers
,. 2nd addition, opposing duptexs in that addiYt��ion. _
PROJ; '2 A Public hearing for Project 77- 2 Vine Street paving and'Storm Sewer
77' called to order at °9PM. "Mayor Stock read the public notice.
r was
• ��9., presented this discussion and described the project procedure "
A residents of Vine Street were present to voice their opinions,
hbtio .was made by Watkins to table the Vine Stnse;
project until November 14 1977 at'8PM Paving and =storm ewer `
' taken it was duI y`` passed.� •seconded by pis
sonett and upon' a vote
7 City EnglneerMAnderson and Wayne Long - s
Project water tans for
project 77 -3• P
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the plans and specifications for Pro'
77 -3, seconded b Oakes and u on a vote taken it duly was d Ject
Y P Y Passed.
Councilman Watkins made a motion to author ;ze e advertising for bids for
and phase 2
ProJec ` 77 th
-3 phase I "'bnd 2 with the opentng of the bid for Prase. 1 at
9AM at iIAM'and the awardtng=of the bids_at 7 :35PM on. November t4 .
1977 S'
Yr econded by B tssonett and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. ,
�MISC. RILLS x The it ers of consideratlon of the mi scellaneous l biiis °frbm OSM waste
'! next week. b I ed unt i' I
City Enginee
TALE sirt'�'EN _.
r Anderson reviewed the plan of actors
NE on the water system.
W` 1f uncIImen BIssonett made:a- motion to a
1NC authorization of Kirin tem Ppro the Plan of action and the
POR it R S1►S the g porary personnel for. the. use of ,.checking homes fob
water system, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken;. it was duly passed.
kSYI� other busi: ness.Councilmnn.MatkFns made an rant B y
Center .a t a moti'erwporary 3',2 beer ! icense for October 30, 1'977 betwreen
IC " of 12 to 9 PM for a'fee ofi 10 , secod # by Busse and upon. a. vote taken
seconded duty passed,.
� �- " _ i t was
ttx t�bttonY was invade by pekes to authorize payment of a 563,00 ti ll rem itted b
INR OP'' Eugene.Sm for �the d
Wa tkins, and u ump ng charges for h is Dutch Elm trees, seconded by
pon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Jibtl[ was made by Watkins to charge a° fee of S25 /year lus =bond
XtNE1tS, ' W �.
garbage containers used primarily for,construction,material, seconded by
taken it off
-'y Busse and upon:a vote ta was dui
t Y Passed.
Motion was made by; Watkins to authorize City Eng ;'Weer fnderson to send a letter
STE`�NER ath
to AI Steiner in regard to a 15 day notice for Storm Severer, n
LEAN UP sewrer and water clean up, seconded by Busse: and. upon a -vote paving. sanitary i
duly passed. taken It was;
1�11� STREET .
Motion was made by Watkins direct ;ng the City Engineer to taken t
;SXOltfl MATER on emporary'
PRDDLEM measures, not to eXceed 51500.00, "to correct the Storm'Water problem
_ .eet;,seconded b
"} Vine Street,, y Oakes and upon a. vote taken it was duly-pa" sed.
Motion was made by Busse to adjourn, seconded b Btssonett and' u
taken this Y� upon a vote
meeting was adjourned at 10:35PM.
M'f chae I:
b .� A. McGuire
City Manager