HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 21 1977v 1AINU1lf of tb• Me••diars of the Y Council f • i ilkp• tho Yilk�s •f bier lake in 60 County •f `Scott oed State M ' f Miaeesta, including all eeewnla audited by saw Council. November 21, 1977 a� e Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on, ovember 21, 19.77 at 7 :30PM,� Present were Mayor Stock ris C sonett, Busse and Watkins, City Manager McGuire ouncilaen C ity Planner Graser and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Oakes abs son MINUTES Lion was made by Busse to approve the minutes of Novenbex °14, 1977, econded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was d u ly passed. `GATEWAY MORE ity Engineer Anderson provided the Council !kith inforaation concerning PROJ, 77 - his Project: 77 -6, Gateway Short-as. The followng bids ire received for; 1, White Construction r 2. Parrott,nstruction 31'17,844,25 Co 3. Peter ; <Lametti Construction 124,354.86 { 4, Nodlind Associates / $137,589.00; 3144544.00 S. Fischer San3 and Aggregate �, � 6• orfei.and ions 3150,,961.50 ' $153,466.39 Progressive Construction $176,445.80` consult," en engineer'skestimatei.of the project was 3146,905.00 tion was., made by Watk' n , to award 'Project 71 -6 Gate�ra Shor ite.Construction ip the amount of 3117,844.2S, seconded byBis onett upon a, vote to n it was / duly passed. Q�B "BIlRNW1M I'� a, �ti �� 1 4 160 Burnham yaas present /for ion the continuat of t'he'di REQUESTU 4 anba2�va,ding ,a lot of scussion. of PIt)OR SOUTH ,. �? �� : , whxch(�he owns, in Prior South., I „ o Watkins made a Aot o'n to deny Bob Burnham' request of 1.0 1 subdividing his lot 10 block. 6, in Prior` South, because it`'does not 1 with ,the zoning ,U Lta'an it was duly pae o by Busse and upon a vote POLICE' Motion was made by Wstkins to approve the October, 1977 P seconded. b B13sonGt `� olace Report y t and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,,, FIRE i RESCUE lbtionwas ` aide by�Wgtkins to approve the October, 1977 Fire and Rescue Report, seconded Bus ` Po se and upon a vote taken wit was duly bj� "' TREASURERS Motion was made by Watkins to approve the October, 1977 'Treasurer's Report, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.` RESOLUTION Resolution Ik77 -36 concerning the Corps of Engineers was discussed., 77-36 Mayor Stock wanted 'to amend the resolution by including CORPS�.OF EN Nondale on the mailing list. Vice - President GIMEERS Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Resolution 577 -36 concerning the °. Corps of Engineers as amended, seconded by Bissonett and,ypon a vote taken it,, was" duly passed. GREEN HEIGHTS The next it on the agenda was the VARIANCE REQ. Mr. Skip Green Heights variance request. Reebie and` Mr- Bryce,Huemoeller, representing the Baird's, were.present to discuss this variance with the Mayor and Council, s ° Mr. Huemaeller, attorney for the Baird's, went over the advantages - and the reasons for the need of a variance for Green Heights. c Slides of the present Green Heights Resort structu it were re and the area around =viewed ' by 4 the audience and Council. ` o / s Attorney Frank Muelken�4as present, representing a number residents around the Green Heights area,,that were dissatisfied with the variance. For the record he , presented a, petition against the Green Heights variance. K A number of � parking diagrams, topographic maps and brochures were also received by the Council. = � «Yk'a�F:aae a "o`er c MINUTES of VT *44141ove, Council *U N e'Viilege of ft or leko'M tho County of See/t aad State of M Ipciuding all occounb oudilo9d by said Coundl. " GREEN HEIGHTS Notion was made by Watkins to deny the request of the Green Heights VARIANCE REQ. variance because (1) it is an expansion of a nonconforming use (2) a possible adverse effect on the surrounding neighborhood (3),'increased traffic, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Councilman Bissonett voted against J PUBLIC ACCESS Mr. Fred Fey of the DNRwas present to discuss with the Council a public TO PRIOR LAKE access to Prior Lake. The proposed public access is "located at Blohm's 1st, Addition, off of County Road 21. Notion was made by Watkins to support Mr. Fey's proposal for the acquistion of Blohm's 1st Addition for the,;us.of a public access, seconded by Busse, _e and upon a vote taken it was duly" assed. o PURCHASE OF City Manager McGuire 'recommended authorization of the purchase of Watzl's WATZLS PT. Point. Notion was made by Busse to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to _ enter into agreement with the Watzl's for the purchase of Watzl's Point ;_ for the amount of SS1,83S.66 in which Mr. and Mrs. Watzl, would pay taxes- and assessments for 1977 and the City ould seconded by Watkins and ru y Pay al future unpaid assessments, s pan a vote taken it,. was duly passed. SCHOVANEC t Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to continue negotiations with U ;VOITA NEGOTIA Mr. Y rSchovanec and Mr Voita "on the two- remainin TION,, FOR LAN .within 30 da s 8 parcels and report back u - DUTCH ELM, HRC Councilaari Watkins made a notion `to schedule =a Dutch El Hearing Assessisent E On December 12, } 1977 at 8:O'PM, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it Was duly passed. .: ORp1NANCE =,,]j The Muncil then considered. Ordinance 77 -9, Liquor 'Control, °was tailed for 2' weeks This ordinance for further study, and modification by -the City air „ I Atto; rney. t� s. TRAFFIC SIGN - Citp Engineer Anderson reviewed the proposals for traffic sirnals on Highway 13. S ON HW !; The total cost for construction to the City; would be 516,875:00,`, Maintenance 'I is estimated at ''about, 5100 /month' per signal. Motion was +made by Bissonett approve the construction cysts= °and the normal maintenance costs of the`s'ignals° with the , 'condition that we re nest a left turn. 1 - 9 lane , ' seconded4by Busse and upon arvote liken it was duly passed." o Rit1.11dV "'M Sam►"XW - oQeurtv RW62 `« 11L S ON OF of time until June`1S, TEINER' A letter from Mr. AP Steiiie was received by Staff requesting sir extension ENSI ` ' E X T _ 1971 to the remainder or'work on his addition.. a_ ! = Motion was made by Watkins „to approve Mr: Steiner's request fo r of time until June IS, 1970 to complete the remainder of work hisXadditon f� contingent that if the work„ is riot finished by that date'the City will •rithhold all other bu peruts, seconded by Bissonett and ,`upon a °vote taken it was duly passed. �'° �� CIEOS:S CONNECT Motion was .,made oy Watkins that upon ditection -of a cross connectio:'they ION will "be notified by Certified Mail, by City Hall,, that” they'hiive 20 days i to correct the problem or face 'penalties' required by`aw seconded by Busse and upon avo`,te taken it was'dul Y � passed: # The following invoices are scheduled to be paid yen Tuesday, December `6, 1977.: ' - o. Misc. rtment JAK Office Products, Co. Office Suppites 190.6S NSP s Utilities ,` 2,112:$0 Prior W4 American Letterhead° �. 8 ', s9 G' Delta. Dental Plan of MN Insurance 517.20 Administrative Dept, � Clarence Schmidt Plumbing Inipector 5 60.00 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 18S.006 , - Miller /Davis Co. Suppi,ees 3.97 i C &Up Of Ih0 heceedings of the Village Council of fit! Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stoll of Minnesota, =neluding all fecounts audited by saW Ceuneii:- � o Engineering Dept. Construction Bookstore, Inc. Book f IC>r"f Membership 10.00 Police Department: MN Chiefs of Police "Assn. Dues,' $ -• 1 ; c' Richard. Powell Richard Klugherz Clothing Allowance 30.00° 122.00 Hs LeRoy Rabenort Clothing Allowance Clothing Allowance 122.00 - Steven Schmidt Clothing - Allowance 122.00 ' 4 Eugene Smith Joseph VanDenBoom Clothing Allowance 122.00 122,00 ` Dennis Leff Clothing Allowance 122.00 Clothing Allowance 122.00 t. Fire Department: Air Comm Loren L. Hanel Radio. �'� 100.30 Malkerson Motors, Inc. Lettering Fire Truck, Fire Truck, 25.00 rY 8,496.91 City Hall 8 Library Dept Busse's Super Market Supplies Wate De artaent: Van Haters — Rogers 17.50 i j ` an *Natl. Bank of Mp s. Chemicals Bond Pa $ Payment " 100.50 1,825.00 Sewer Department %r Chapin Publishing Dept. Publishing 6U . Lawrence Schweich Home Bldrs. Sewer Repairs .82 168.73 yE Street r)eaartaent Lawrence: Schweich Home Bldrs. Street "Repairs $ Midwest Utility Construction Inc. Standard Stora e.Batter S, y to. Air Compressor $ Tools 344.00 93.50 International Harvester Co. Battery a " Vehicle-Repair' 105.06 125.'1 Diseased Tree Fund: � - a s Prior Lake Nursery Soberer Tree Service Tree Removal S OM 00 l Prior Lake N�xrsery Tree Removal' Tree Inspector 2,327,00 Nor t.att Crooks, Enterprises `: Dumping ng 1,500.00 60.00 Misc, Con st ru ctio n Fund: Chapin,Publishin Co. g Publishing f 65;12 Wagon Bridge SgW Construction Fund ti .< Chapin Publishing Co: Publishing S 166;50r . Spring Lake S&w Construction Fund: Winston B. Simonso ,' et al: , Vergil D. Luthi, et,, 1 Condemnation 350;00' Phillip H; Brown, et�al Condemnation Condemnation 200.,00 1 Hudson S, Lewis, et a James Arthur Rud, a� 900.00 1, 300.00 IN et Potserleau Construction,\ et al Condemnation Condemnation 200.,06( 500 = Chell A. Peterson, et -ai, Roger C, Wood, et al Condemnation. 150.00_,: John M. Bjorklund et al \ Condemnation Condemnation 150.00 ' Barton M. Lund, et al Clerk of Distr. Court, et Condemnation 250,.00 500.00 V Peter Frank 1 Kuehn, et al Condemnation Condemnation 200.D0 � � 100.00 ki V t , C � l r. t , 0 Q f , Y ` , MINItTES of ibe Proceedings of the Vilk�e Council of this Villost of Prior Lake in tM County of Scott and,Stato o of. c ; ; Mianesole ;l0clading all accounts audited br sold Council. , i cJ 'Clinton Gross, et al C Condemnation 7 7S0.00 Clerk,, of ,Dist. Court, et al C Condemnation 1 100.00 Donald S. Schmalz, et al C Condemnation : :00.00 ' H Henry'Petsch, et al C Condemnation 3 350.00 r Margaret E. Larson, et al C Condemnation - - 600:04 r, ' " "Larraine E. Sullivan -= C Condemnation 1 1,000.00 Debt Service Fund,; ` N Northwestern Natl. Bank<of MSP B Bond Payment $ $ S4,626.95 Northwestern Natl. Bank, of MSP B Bond Payment 6 66.00 .: M : Motion was -made by Watkins tol, adjourn, seconded by Busse upon a vote _ _ taken this meeting was adjourned a at 10:3SPM. ter" u u a F F. Michael; A. McGuire City Manager ry \ \ „„1 1