HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 12 1977F x Ampfum `r of $0 lnxood ►. -ef Ma, vuiawc. uwl,of the Pillage of poor tako in thM Counter of Scotts and stofo'el Mian"wto, including all accounts audit0d by Laid Council. , December 1. ^., 1977 e k'? 01 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on December 12 1 977 at 7:30PM. Present were Mayor Stock, �. ! Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, and Watkins, City Manager McGuire City Enginee # J City Planner ; r A derson, and Attorney ,Graser Sullivan, Councilman. Oaf was absent. .,4 Page 1, paragraph 7. line 2 of the December 5 ...ordinance regarding building 'and n lot splsld read, permits certified Page 1., paragraph 9, 1`ine 3 should read, ►' ..bid being denied,secod : Pa Page para g . para ra 10 line 2 and 3 should read, " bid be;tng denied, seconded,.. pag 1 �� 9 'Police paragraph 17, 1 ine. 1. Chief Powa A. Should be stricken from the record':. Pa e 2 g ` r� •Paragraph 8, line l should read, "taking of quotes and purchase an unmarked car if under $5000,00 and the taking bids of for the.,, ", MLNUTES - >7- Motion was made by Watkins to approve the minutes of December 5.,, 1977 S amended,,3econded by Busse and upon o a vote taken it was dul t y fpssed�, DUTCH ELM ., ;,. y HRG or'Stock announced that the Dutch Elm Assessment Hearing, that was to :A be held this evening at ' `to was cancelled due an_,error- n publication. tion was made by Bi to reschedule the publ is hearing on' the Dutch Elm Assessments for January 9t, 1 , 97 8 at 8PM, seconded by Watkins nd upon a vote taken i't was - duly passed;. The hearing notice will be t City will Wolof the. published in the Prior Lake AAAerican and the Y People concerned by '.letter. EOA GRANT FOR qo City Manager McGuire rertedon the distribution of he EDA Grant: 77-3, °. The grant itself anountwto $435,000,00 and w be s lit between the Spring Lake (76 -1) and Wagon Brid9e� (77 projec ts p` original contract amount for each project. This amounts't approxi upon 11% of the cost of ersch project. = _ Motion Was made by Watkins to split the $435,060.00 EPA Grant between the Spring` Lake and Wagon Brid ro e.. et s contract aw�vnt for each project,. sec ondedaby an uM °rlgi:nal. it was duly upon atvote taken ' Y passed. ` 7 RISC. FEE, 6' TheyCounc,l;then, ,considered misceilanaous L 1 78 ' May or CHARGES fees and charges g s for 1978: yo Stock read through "the fee list that, was used - through 'the 1977 year, Council and Stiff discussed the changes and additions \ Changes included listed'on the schedule, adding on $25.;00 fee for roll ``off containers a•change,of a $1.00 to , $5. 00" % for, assessment written searches ,written than \\ for Metro j Sewer availability and of $375. $400 a char a of s . g _ $i5- fora vacat.,ion E'ee. , Notion was made b the 1 icenses and Y Itatkir:` to adapt the feesras discussed for 1978 for for the City of`Prior Lake, seconded by Busse and u vote tak en a aken pony It was duly Y passed. JOHN PACKER` Mcf' Jack Packer was lV t BLOHMS i Ac16esst:at Blohm's istrAddition.�rHenrequested tikjt iq PUBL`IC,ACCESS motion` t concerning the public access and v hae,a ublic,fiearin before other.accessos are adopted or P g bef aeceptei. Mr, Ben Baer, along with otSer residents of the area were Also agreeing with the opinion of Mr. Packer; present Notion was made by Natkins to a.lettcr to the DNR that any proposed site or, s`i tes a o public informational, hearing be s at UP with the ONR in conjunction K with the City of Prior Lake on, the ON improvement of " policy public access prior to any acquisition of: property, and seconded- by _Bissonett upon vote taken it was'dul'y passed,, GAS City Planner Graser discussed with the Council the Installation of gas DAiity STORE = pueps at ;Birdeen's Dairy Store, >> Mr Rick Nevals "was present representing the Birdeen - Dairy Store, 'ilie0l4xN45' i�J.M ov41c's ..�"t' .4,r: irxCt EcC;r..94^{,a _,x Q.w1FfiL a.a.$'a4.t` ` 1TA . uEt2.•.Y, z._. : ",'J*d:xit�'4M` sc'.:.'sL.9ik air Manor was also present stating that he did not approve of DAIRY STORE in gas pumps at Birdeen's. putting Motion was made by Watkins to deny the request of putting i n 'a Birdeen's for the reasons. of the, limited traffic capabi,l,ities gas pwr:ps t and the 4*4 that its adjoining parcels are in the state of development and that traffI patterns are in a state of flux with the Council's consideration.of Plea upon a vote san and ,Walker Avenues ,seconded by Bissonett and ote taken it` was. dul.y passed. S1GHALS ON Councii�, then considered a pre -empt for the signal to be � DAKOTA t 1; , 9 Y 3, 9 Rut up on Dakota Street and Hi l�',wa 1, City Engfneer Anderson stated that the Pol ice °and �� '�� %x`4' Fire and Rescue�Department requested that it would be and the ,$5, Cost s would„be S0,11 It between each Departmer 's budgets. ,00 I' a `. 4 � I f Motion was Wade by Busse to approve the pre -empt for,the signal,at Dakota_`�reet and Highwa S y 13, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was du1' ti y pas sed' -LIQ. LlC. Motion was by'yB ssonett to a �w „, pprove the liquor license tranfer of the braves GRAVES .GAIL 90s Gay' Nineties `to MrgGeorge` Pearson and Mr. Earl Pepper, contingent upon the ��� receipt of theinsurance and bond by the attorney, seconded by' Watkins tnd r, # upon,,a vote taken it�,�was duly passed. . , HAROLD JULSON ` `It3SESSMENTS Mr. Harold Julson came before the "Council requesting the methodfof assessment V O hi s, parcel., Tile Council' went over the policy with him and A ntme ' t with him Julson f� ' stated Chat he ou'ld Call the City Manager to.make,an appoih ' at a later date'. � o ` PRIVAT TELLS The Council then review private ed the survey of what other cities are doing with private ..wells. The question of`, whether or not to permit £. for ,drinkln well; water' fin the home g, purposes was discussed. t . The Council requested th�at`>he Prior Lake American inform the public is2 e Council at the < December 19th \meet -i ng l wi' i l � have a raid i ng of a new ordinance that th. ' p which will-be more restrictivii than what our present ordinance; is in regards. t to private water in the home, t , 118S,i6NATlON Motion was iaade by Busse to a cC the -rest inatlon - of Doug Hafermann f he `piggy Prlor' Lake Planning Commissio effective 1 -1 -78 and to commend. him on a �ai''.d`Uuo- u .' EIlIIANM' ► e;�h seconded .by Watkins and�uPon a Vtyte taken it was, �1u1X passed. „ dh RES�6N�ITION <� otion was made by" Witkins, to accepy t the resignation of bickrns�as the Civil` r bF 611 , IRGEOj Defense Dl:rector, and toycolmand It] ; 6 Yll a vote t ken 1 "'it we duel 'Passed. seconded y Bus {a and upon , �OSEEtf�E'., s i� 'The follow< rig ` invoices are schfeduled to be paid on Tuesday, December 20 i 977: 1 : Mlsc. Dept. _ Bankarsotife Copy Machine. a $' 231.73 Thorkel Drug Fiimrance {' 1,281.92 148. SO Albinson :{ Blue line 40.,00 U COmputoservice, Inc. 0 Sewer and Water Billing 328.59' ' $cott -Rice Phone es. w CO UtIIlil' Lake Auto Supply 561.07 ° Nehfcle Repairs �1 ,. Prior °Lake lmerican Pu . 1 fishing and. Printing ;;. 153.60 JAK Office - Products, lnc. Office Supplies Prior.Lake OK Hardware a 85.57 Su d ppl ies 18.64 MN Valley Electric Co -op Uti lities NSP Utilities i 7 1.6 9 t , 2;211.74 General Misc. I` Paul A. r wit Retainer Refund k �s ^ $ Wicker KnoxrConst. 100 -.00 Retainer Refund John Mahoney Retainer Refund' 300.OP Calvin Erbele 100.00 .' Retainer Refund 00 100. Mike 9ongard Retainer Refund Y Chaplin Wilbert F. Seefeldt Retainer Refund 100.00 'Jeffrey`M. White 100,00 • Retainer. Refund 100.00 `t Al Otos, Jr, metai �er Refund . 100.00 li NNUM t►f tla hocoodtw� of tho VaNw ceumdl of a* vgkw of row lake In tho ,CGwnty of, $me eed p"o of; mul"Gela, iadudhw all aavrwts awliNd by sawcewwl.. GAS PUMPS A� Mr, C 1' , viNeN of f'riK lek. i� 1he GuMY of Sm* and 3l t of, , nel"" all ` i yr mid C c Diseased Tree Dept Prior lake Nursery Shade Tree Technology Tree femova1 448.0 " , Tree�Remova .,, 1977 Seri l 1,100.00` j - ne Lake Sewer and Water C6nstructi;on Fund - Fischer Sand s Aggregate inc. Contract Payment Robert F.`Olsenb Robert J. Goggins Condemnation r 5259,541.93 12;847,93 Debt Service Fund: " �1 American Nat) Bank Trust Bond Pa' "t me Arican Nati Bank 6 Trust . S' 571.43. on Bond Pa °` lint , Y` Prior Lake Stata= Bank` 11,020.01 Bond Payment Y' 5.125.00 :, `Moti.on was made,by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by son e . and upei a rot taken this, meeting was ^adjourned (t, at IOPM. kry Michael A. McGuire city v� Manager R r `v �. t� ✓ C ] .R _ ;ma .e` ' � 2w r 0 k kk f r t 0 _ ,• c r. / t5 tan;*R7x ..} � � - .. { ! _ � ' �" � fr , > �'.rux,w.•u�..,+.> ._ , t' �rom�«xzexa