HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 03 1978,w
Mmum efi IM ,h*Md W of the Valero count" of 1ho Ville" of MW twin in *A cwMy of Scat sod auto 41C
MiesesNw. ioduding ell asewala ewliNd by swW'Ceuneil.
4 January'3, 1978
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
January 3 1978 °at 7:30PM. Present: were'Mayor °Stock, Councilmen- Bissonett„
Busse; Hafermann and Watki ns, Ci Manager McGuire, Cit Engineer Anderson,;
and Attorney Sul Ii;van.
City Manager McGuire called the meeting to order and administered the
oath of offce` the Waiter A, SStock as Mayor of the City of Prior Lake. .i
Mayor Stock 'then swore in the newly elected officials, Bill' Bissonett
y and Ooug Hafermann as Councilmen and Robert Boe as the new"Poli'ce Officer
for the City of.Prior Lake.
E Page 2, paragraph.11, line 1, should read, "...staff make a,recdmi endation.."
MINUTES`: Motion was made by W,3tktns to approve the minutes of December 9, 1977'
as amended, seconded by Bussp and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
ORD.17- -11 Mayor and Council then continued the discussion on Ordinance 77-11
relating to cross connections.
Councilman Watkins felt that the people should be allowed a` private well
4 to be used on an� outside sillcock circuit for use in the yard or outside
k Hushing. And that also one well connection may be ,made to the kitchen
rw. sink per residential living; :unit.
Mayor> Stock added that at any future inspection,Achat the city inspector
determined-that a cross connection existed, an automatic fine of $300 /day
be levied,
Mayor `Stock directed City Manager McGuire,and City Engineer Anderson to
s,y work out a rough draft to this preliminary ordinance.
A few residents from Prior Lake were present voicing their opinions and
asking questions about the water situation. "
CITY WATER City Engineer Anderson presented a °memo reviewing the status of the =w
SYSTEM municipal water system as it is now and also some information on water
The Council directed staff to release the memo on the water.situation
and purifiers to the Prior Lake American for general public, information.
° SNOWPLOWING Notion was aide by Busse to award the snowplowing contract to Bohensack
BIDS, and Hennen for the truck mounted plows and operator for $36lhour' and
_ he snow removal cont r''act to Schwei`ch's for snow removal at $30 /hour
for front end loader and operator and $22 /hour for tandem dump`crucks
and operator, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it:was duly
passed. _ �)
BIDS FOR No bids were received for the police car. City Manager McGuire recommended
POIldE CAR. ,`that the city readvertise.
Motion was wade by Vatkins to readvertise for 'Police -Car bids and set
-•.' the opening date as February 6, 1!978 at 11AM, seconded by Bissonett and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
WAT2LSPAAP. City Manager McGuire reported that no agreement was reached between the
City of Prior Lake and the Watzl's.for the purchase of their property.
' Mayor Stock tabled the Watzl purchase discussion until January 9, 1978.
ORD. 77 -10 Motion was wade by Bissonett to adopt Ordinance 77 -10 concerning truck
parking, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'.
RESOLUTION, Motion was. made by Bissonett to adopt Resolution 78 -2 regarding Snow
.` 78 Days, seconded by Watkins and "upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
' RESOLUTION Notion was made b Watkins to ad -Res luti
y o on \78 1 concerning certified
78 - 1 lot plans,. seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,
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MINUM of the hrcowl"" of the vilkw Council of the VOW#* of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota. kcdwiiwa all accounts audited by said Council.
FIRE 8 RESCUE Councilman Watkins :made a motion to enxer' into agreement with the 'Spring Lake
0 CONTRACT Township Board and the Credit River Township Board concerning the 1978
Fire Contracts between them and the City of Prior Lake. The rate was
established at $6;000.00 /year and that an open house shall be arranged on
January 23, 1978 at 8:30PM at the Fire Hall, seconded by Bissonett and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ;
PL STATE BANK ,Mo�iorr was made'by Watkins to appoint the Prior Lake State Bank as the official
OFFICIAL BANK Bank for 1978 but also authorized the City Staff to invest in the institutions
paying the greatest return, seconded by Bissonett and upon .a vote taken it
was duly passed`.
k PRIOR LAKE Notion was made by Watkins to appoint the Prior Lake American as the official
AMERICAN newspaper for 1978, seconded by Bissonatt and upon a vote taken it was duly
GENE NEWSTR Notion was made by Busse to appoint Gene Newstrom as the building inspector
for 1978 and to increase his rate to $12 /inspection, seconded by Hafermanr
,>> and`upon a vote, taken it was duly passed.
`CLARENCE Motion was made by Bissonett to appo`nt Clarence.Schmidt as the plumbing v
SCHMIDT inspector for 1978 and to increase his rate to $9 /inspection, seconded,
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
,000LTER, NEL Motion was made by Busse to appoint Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan and Frevert
" SON', SULLIVAN as official attorneys for 1978, seconded b Watkins and y y u pon a vote taken
a FREYERT it was duly passed.
x WEED INSPECT The, appointment for Weed Inspector was tabled until a later date:
[ BOB IRTENS - 'Motion was made by Watkins to appoint Bob Mertens as Fire Marshall at $300 /year
LYLE ANDERSOli and Lyle Anderson as Asst. Fire Marshall at $100 /yeas for.1978 seconded by
` Bissonett and`upon a vote taken it was duly passed. "
OLAF LUKK Motion was made by Hafermann to appoint Or. Olaf Lukk the Official Health_
Officer for 1978, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed;
POLLCE Notion was made by Watkins to appoint Roger Harris to the Police Commission
I:SION for 1978, seconded; by Busse and upon a wrote taken it was duly passed.
\ \ CHARLES Notion was made by Busse to, appoint Charles Tooker as the Planning Consultant,
F 'TOOKER N for 1978 and to raise his rate to $550 /month, seconded by Watkins and upon
a. vote taken it was duly passed.
.. ".
ART- TINE Motion-was made by ;Busse to raise the wages for part -t.ime help for 1978:. • •,
HELP to a maximum of $3&75/ hour, seconded by Watkins and upon avote taken it was
duly passed. 4
�. .SELECTION Notion was made by Busse to rats-6- the wages for counters and judges of elections
S i to $3.75 /hour 7AM to 6PM and $4.630 /hour after 6PN in 1978, seconded by Watkins
COUNTERS and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, i
The Council discussed the possibility of putting in electronic counters for
the elections. `City Manager McGuire stated that he would report back to the
m ,
Council when more ;information was available.
JOHNSTON Motion was made by Busse to appoint Don Johnston as the tree inspector for
' 1978, seconded .by Hafermann and u pon port a vote taken it was duly passed..
BOB MCAI.LIS- Motion was made by Bissonett:to appoint Bob McAllister as the Dog Catcher
TER for 1978 seconded by Busse and "upon. - vote,takew it'was duly : passed:. i
1.14. LIC. MotFonwas made by Busse to appoint Mayor Stock, City Mana9er McGuire,
COMMITTEE Attorney Sullivan and Police Chief Powell to the Liquor Licen- e_Comnission
for 1978, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it-was duly passed
Motion was made by Busse to have the full Council serve as the Equalization
EIKlIiLIZAt10N Committee for 1978, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was
COMMITTEE duly passed.
AC1`N6 MAYOR Motion was made by Watkins to appoint Countiiman Busse as acting mayor
for 1978, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken It was duly passed.
M "Um of rve"* ift" of N Vw c of the Vitwe of teki iw the "oil of fall Mw St ^ of-
f * N "* e"aw e f fi
M1 osNe. MeiwiiM eN ecroseels, ardiNi b7 "w C 1.
Motion was made by Bissonett to, schedule a,pubtic,.hearing on February 6, 1978'
at 8PM for the vacation at Sunset Shores, seconded^by,WatIahs and ,upon
a vote'- taken ;It was du passed.
C ty Engineer- Anderson reported on the status- of Project 76 - as of the
year ending 1977,
Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn,, seconded Mayor Stock and
upon a vote, taken, this meting was =adjoOrned ^at 9; -JOPM.
Michael A.;McGuIrer^
City Manager
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