HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 20 1978i, mINYTiS of the Moceodiap of the VlNege Council of the Villelp of Prier lake Is the County of Scott ead State of s minaeeota, including all aceeunts audited by sold Council. . y March 20, 1978 The Common Counci of'the of Prior Lake met in regulati, session on March 20, 1978 at 7:3OPM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Hafermann and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Ens�ineer Anderson, ; 4 City Planner Graser and Attorney Hicks. The minutes of March 13, 1978 were reviewed and corrected as follows -; Page one, paragraph 8, line l should read, "..,78 - 14, grantini the... ",. { Page 2,, paragraph 11, line 1 should read, "'.,,until next week.:." MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the ,minutes of March 13> 1978 as amended, seconded by Busse.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. HRA COMMUNITY Mr. Jim Sulerud of the Scott County Housing Redevelopment Authority. ' DEVELOP. BLOCI was present to inform the Council of the Community 'Development Block GRANT Grant Citizens Participation Plan for Scott County. He presented to the Council a detailed report regarding this program. He also answered any questions that were addressed`io him concerning this grant.; LAKE ASSOCIA -: Mr, Gene White of the Lake Association was present asking fora contra- 1 ? TION 4TH OF bution from the City for the July 4th celebration, JULY Notion was made; by Watkins to donate $300-to the Lake Association for the 4th of July celebration, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. POLICE RESER- The next item on the agenda was considering compensation for the Police VES Reserves. It was determined that the Police Reserves were presently covered by Workmens'Compensation, they were paid for school events and some special events and were paid $100 for an.init.ial clothing allowance and $50 /year thereafter, ` WORKMENS COMP City Manager McGuire reported that he was waiting for a.l'etter from Vick RESERVISTS Rau concerning: Workmen's Compensation and the loss of wages in regards to the Reservists regular employment. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to report „back to when the letter from Dick Rau is received. GRAINWOOD At $PM Mayor Stock called the Public Hearing on the Grai`nwood vacation VACATION to order. Mr. Jim Dunn and his Attorney Bryce Huemoeller were present ” requesting this vacation. The vacation request consisted of that portion of 'Beach Drive lying northeast; of a portion of lot.10 and all of eleven. The remainder of Beach Drive all in Brock 7 has been vacated previously. Staff took = exceptio to a portion of the vacation. Beach Drive as platted and dedlcated fo v,roadway to the public extends all the way across to Road i. 21 and =''then extending into the.lake. In spring and summer that portion ' of County Road`21 is used by the public for fishing. The vacation west of Co�tmty Road 21 is sufficient for the buildability.of -the subject' prrcel. Staff recommended the vacation of the portion of Beach Drive 1)%ing southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way of County Road 21. RESOLUTION Motion-was made.,by`Watkins to adopt Resolution 78 -15, a resolution providing 78 -15 the vacation of Beach Drive within the plat of Grai`nwood provided with the amendment that reads "that portion of Beach Drive. that lays to the southwesterly of County Read 21, seconded by Hafermann and upon a'vote a taken it was du.ly passed. Councilman Busse voted nay. Notion was made by Bissonett to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by'Watkins and upon a vote taken this public hearng. was adjourned at 8 :30PM, METRO COUNCIL Mr. Jim Uttley of the Metro Council was next on the agenda. He was _ JIM UTTLEY present to clarify some inconsistencies that appeared from Mr. Jim Daly's letter of Feb. 9, 1978 and past commitments,,, u. o i « E E 6 ' MINUM of the Procoodiap of *A vplogo Council of the Vilkgp of Prix take in the County of Scott and State ot Mianeseta, including all accounts audited by said Council. JIM UTTLEY The following is the major part of the conversation: METRO COUNCIL Mr. Uttley: "They (Metro Council) have increased your population on the' order of a couple thousand. By the year 2000 the forecast is 11,000 people.." "The forecasts themselves are subject to considerable flucuation, however their effect on policy, is somewhat a different matter. They are translated into flow forecasts by the sewer people and those forecasts are planned around. You certainly can come in and make a case for the "rate of flow but according to state law if the Council decides that this is the flow you'll have to ; go back and amend your plan and take that into account. There's a number of factors that affect the flow, one is the flow per capita.. In some P` communities it's in the neighborhood of 118 galloris per day, suddenly it's down to 81* That depends upon the infiltration of the system." "There's plenty of capacity in the interceptor itself to take care of the population of Prior Lake. The area of concern is with the treatment plant. That was designed to be filled up and expanded. The original plans were i to expand It around the 1990's. There's a number of alternatives presently considered. Talking bout g g perhaps running treatment from Chaska, closin g Chaska, perhaps even up around Lake Minnetonka, west side. into the treatment plant, if that happens the timing on the expansion of the Blue Lake Treatmen plant will change, instead of 1990 it would'be 1985. I know it's their inter to try and stretch that plant as 'far as we can. And the -offic ial� projections = that you have for sewer flow, they figured out that, they could stretch it until 1990 if everybody held the limit." "I think the 208 Study will have a drastic effect on the timing of that approval. 1 won't just state. that it will adversely affect Prior Lake In terms of useability in the foreseeable future. The interceptor will support your growth and that's still our intention. As I said in the letter the trouble comas in if you acheive your 17 population in 1990 vs. our 11,000 and everybody else reaches their population also if we get any more growth we will have to expand that much sooner. The only place where that might be a problem is in terms of money. Our intentions is to provide you ;4 with the capacity." "...Growth may have to slow down for a: couple years. This is looking ` towards the and of the century and we are monitoring the flow on a yearly basis, so by:, 1981 we should have a fairly good handle on whether you're_ growing at the rate you think you're growing." r "i think that certainly the Council's intent is to provide you with the A sk , you And do that. It's bucks." : capacity need. they'll a question of the "I've done populatt.on..forecasts myself, 1 know that they are not strightE lining you. They're going at the perspective that so much growth will occur In the Metro area. But ithere is that growth going to go? They divide that ln "You have to show us that'developmerit Is occur.ing out here. You have to a understand that Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, Orono that there are 1 a great many communities out there that are in the same situation that you area, They have a lot of lots that are sewered. People have a choice where f,4 they want =to live. I know you are trying to force development into where they have the sewers." a Mayor Stock: "You made the statement earlier this evening that It is going r t to be every 3 years that you're going to update and revise but then that should be stated in such a letter that revisions are going to take place and that is based on law." Uttley: "That is based on law." =F Mayor Stock: "Mhen the concept of the Blue Lake Treatment Plant.occurred, Shakopee could not be found, they wou d not have any part of it. Savage, did not have or want any part of it. Chaska did not want any part of this concept. was now when tney see tnat it can imo funded,as a Reyionai Funding Program, they're in there hammering for every cent they can get. And the 1000016 t4wt itelinw, really ustaulish tans situation dawn hera, if it wouldn't have been for WhAt.vas Prior Lake and Eagle Creek joining at that time that would not have existed today. Because they needed somebody on the south side of the river. And nobody would join." I 7 " MINUM of the Phcwdigs of this VYIoge CWWMI of the Village of Prier take M the Coardy of Seen and $IN" of MMoes te,, iadwdM' NI ocawRft ouditod by void Covedl. JIM UTTLEY. ' Councilman Watkins: "The thing is we go out and bond to the hilt, build METRO COUNCIL like crazy and it isn't. easy, financed totally by our constiuents, no HUD money, this is our own and we're very concerned.that those deferred assessments have someplace to go in their due time. We would hate to see them turned off.. It goes back to this, we bought the shilling s at the beginning and-we want the whole shillings worth not part of it." Uttley: "Based upon our population forecast,, you'll probably be growing slower than you forecast. How that may not happen, but from our :. prospective it would be wise to consider the possiblity,..'What happens'if...' Councilman Bissonett: "You'd have a lot less nervous people if you planned it the other way and consider what. would happen if it grew faster than that. Then we would have only a pipe that was only half. full." Uttley: "The problem is in fact if the whole sector grows faster than the.rest of the metro area then we i we'll sake our investments n this sector. When you'`ve got the pipe in the ground and you are getting more and more building permits, that's solid evidence." ' j y Mayor Stock: "I fully support the idea of the plan being updated every • " three year's and if you can assure the City Council this will occur " that our statistics as well as your statistics are going to be used to t i 7 arrive,,at this final figure at each one of these revisions then I guess 1` I don't have too.much of a problem:" y Uttley: "I'll see if I can get out, another letter." Mayor Stock:" There are two other things that -I would like to have you j address if you're .going to answer our original questions., one was relative, to the orderly annexation areas, are these outside of the population° sewer and capacity projections that we haveY_I think that should be addressed and also the possible or future mergers or annexations that might occur in our future.'!' CENTENNIAL The next item up for discussion was the Centennial Addition..Hardshell ADON. ,approval.. City Planner Graser recommended approval. of the Hardshe pp ll .• Notion,,was -made by Watkins to approve the Centennial. Addition Hardshell contingent upon the satisfaction-of fees, seconded by Bissonett and upon _ n a vote taken it was duly passed:. .� IP , POLICE REPORT ,Notion was made by Bissonett to approve the February Police Report, seconded j by Watkins and upon a vote takem it was duly passed. = FIRE t RESCUE HDtion. was made by Watkins to approve the February Fire and Rescue Report, w" seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: BLOG. PERMIT The Council accepted the February Building Permit report. ` Notion was aide by Busse to approve the February,Treasurer's Repo TREASURERS seconded by Watkins and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed. BURL NOUTS Notion was=raade by Bissonett.to accept, with an expression of regret the PL PLAN. CON. resignation of Mr. Burl Houts from the Prior Lake Planning Commission,, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to have on the next meeting agenda, consideration for the replacement of Mr. Houts for the Planning Commission. K AL.STEINER Notion was made by Busse to permit the staff to negotiate with Mr. Al 50' ROW Steiner on the- acgdi31tion of a SO' =right of way, seconded by Watkins � r and upon a vote taken.it was duly passed. Motion was _made by Watkins•to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9:45PM. Michael A. McGuire F City Manager