HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 10 1978MINUTE; of the Preceedlep of the Village Coundl of the Vilksge of Prier lake in tho'eountr of Sco11 sad Stale of a Mianoseto, including all accounts awdiftd by saWl Cound?. n, April 10,, 1978 { The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regui`ar session on ' April 10, 1978 at. 7:3OPM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,.- Busse,, Hafermann' and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City''Engineer Anderson, ° City Planner Graser, Park Director Mangan and"Attorney Sullivan. ,. . q The minutes' of April 3, 1978 were reviewed. MINUTES- Motion was made by Watkins to approve the April 3, 1978 minutes as submitted, seconded by Busse and upon "avote tikes it'was duly passed. DISEASED TREE Park Director Mangan was present for the first item of discussion which PROGRAM was in regards to the 1978 diseased :tree removal program'. In the Park, ii Director's memo dated 4/10,78, it stated that the state will reimburse, 28% of the sanitation costs to'the city and to private property owners who contract through the city. Also Norman Crooks Enterprises will be " the disposal site again. Mr. Crooks stated that he would be charging' the following prices: for a trailer or pick up, $6; single,aile dump 'truck, $10; tandum dump truck, $15. , He also stated that those prices o are negotiable. Assessment shall stay'the same as :year. ;> 'Mayor Stock directed staff to negotiate with Norman..Crooks Enterprises' on the fee's to be charged,to the city. Motion was made by Watkins to approve the 1978 , ;diseased tree iemoval= program.as submitted by the Park Director, seconded by Hafermann and upon a , a--vote taken it was duly passed. f =_ RR ABANDON- The Council then continued the discussion on the possible opposition MENT,� of the railroad abandonment. Attorney Hacks presented a letter relevant to this matter, stating; that theme would'be a very ainimal chance in. succeeding with the opposition of the abandonment and if the City did +` succeed, it would"be very costly. Motion was made by„ Watkins to stay with the current plan of favoring the railroad abandonment,.seconded by Bissonett and upon`a,vote taken it was duly passed.. ; .MITCHELL POND The Council considered the buildability of Lot 1, Block 1, Mitchell Pond. Mr. Frank Wicker was in attendance requesting that the City Council clarify n °A the status of obtaining a building permit on that"property.- Councilman.. Oak Bissonett abstained from the conversation the ensued for personal reasons. City Planner Graser presented `staff's opinion on Lot l, Block k, w �= " ,fMitchel,l Pond that which was only two of the three lots were buildable. Mayor Stock ,directed the City Manager to continue study on Lot 1,; Block Mitchell Pond and report back to the next meeting. CREST AVER At'8: OPM a public hearing was, called to order for the Crest Avenue VACATION vacation. Mayor Stock read the public notice. Several residents were in, attendance in regards to this item. ° li City Planner Graser explained the action that is to be taken in accordance with the Crest Avenue vacation which was to get clear title of the property. Staff recommended that the vacation be approved subject to, realignment pending on subdivision approval.; Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Crest<Avenue vacation °subject to realignment 'pending on subdivision approval, seconded by Bissonett and �\ upon a.vote taken it was duly passed. .Motion , was made by Hafermann to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Watkins and upon a``vote taken this public hearing was,adjourned. Q INNU It of The P1 eN to of Vale coved of Ua VMW of priertake in tho "fr *f iMf sad i1Pq Mid, Wudkg •N senwMs sudhed by seed C m". DOG CATCHER ' Mr.; Bob McAllister was present to dicuss the dog catcher's agreement with AGREEMENT the Council_ The main concern brought up was that he was not spending, �s enough ti me1 Prior Lake, The possibility of putting-the City on his radio band was considered. lotion was made by Watkins to table the dog catcher's agreement for one week and have the City Manager, ,'Police Chief Powell and Mr. McAllister review the agreement and also re- evaluate the fees and penalties of the present ordinance and also to investigate., the telephone beeper system, seconded by Bissonett and.upon a.vote.•taken it was duly passed', MARV EAGUM The Marv`Eggum plat was considered by the Council. Staff and the Planning � PRIOR, recommended preliminary approval of the Prior Hill subdivision, 'HILL Notion was,made.by Watkins that.the City eliminate; the ponds in the Stei Addition and direct engineering, to pursue underground storm ' ,drainage leading +, zlto the rest into Prior Lake through desiltation ponds where they're possible and. necessary in negotiation with the developer, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. , s FAIRLAWN SHORE 'Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to give a presentation. in regards to 1'i�llll the cost and effect of paving on Fairlawn Shores 'frail and report back to the Council as soon as possible. j ., Notion was made by 'Busse to approve the preliminary plat of Prior Hills contingent that hammerhead driveways would be incorporated�'on Lots 11 and. 12, that the driveway on lot 1 be located as far south as passible, that the City, get the right of way on Fairlawn Shores Trail and the drainage ` problems be °solved, seconded by Haferaann and upon a vote taken it was duly `° n pas 0 STOP S "1611 The- Council directed the City Engineer to review the request for a stop sign SIYYIHON TRL to be placed at Shannon Trail at:the intersection of Oakridge Circle, DOCK rERHIT FEES 4 x, The discussion of considering dock g permit fees was presented by the City Muiager, Staff recommended an initial fee of $50 the first year and g2S every Year thereafter, <` The Lake Association requested a 60 day extension on the continuance of the dock permit discussion. lotion was'made by Watkins to establish a moratorium for 60 days on the dock raft fees and a written 'pe ; explanation of the notion and },.he intent of the €ee be given to the Lake Association for communication: to 1 their membership, seconded, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Councilman Hafermann. voted nay,, *' ti ,�iM 1 1iNC OFL lhejrezoning of Brooksville Hills Sth Addition from an R -1 to R+2 was brought before the Council. V'FUZ," Mi11LS��ST11 ADO Councilman. Bissonett abstained frew,.discussion and vote of this resoning, :' City Planner Graser stated that staff's opinion was to recomend approval of the request Notion was made by Busse to approve the rezoning,of Brooksville Hills Sth Addition _? {' from.R -1 to R -,2 contingent that hammerhead driveways in the lot abutting > Franklin Trai SE and north of Summser Street SE, seconded by Hafernann and.upon ed a vot taken i was. duly passed. NCK CREDIT Denny McWilliams requested that additional dock.credit be to his Oakland J OAKLIiND BCH given Beach Plat for the land that.he owns in Seven Acres. The Council ind1tate& that it would look favorable'on' his request provided that the proper'subdiv lion procedures are followed. ° Neyor Stock directed the City Manager to contact Mr. McWallia�hs and if he wants to proceed under those'ground,rules he may present it to theitouncil for final action, and also work! with the City. Attorney on the legal aspects 1 of it. C / U _ I 4­ 1 MMUM of the Phtwdbw of the vi11Ne Comma of the viNepe of Prior take in dw CwMy of seer! ear sm% " ef WwAvele, induiies eN emouab ewllhd by mW CewwIL S /VIP ASSESS Notion was made by Watkins to remove assessments for sewer, water and i n CONROY BAY paving on lots 1, 2, and 3 and a 100" frontage assessment remain on loss 4 and 5 Conroy's Bay`in the amount of $4,1S7.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was Duly passed. TRAFFIC CON- The City Engineer stated that he,would repot back next week on the TROL 13 b 44 possibilities of traffic control for Hwy. l3 and Cty._Rd. 44 Notion Was made by ;Watkins to adopt Resolution 78 -17, a. resolution RESOLUTION approving permit for connection to the HWCC facilities, seconded by 78 -17 Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' RESOLUTION Motion was made by Bissonett to adopt Resolution 77 -37, a resolution. _ 77 removing municipal State Aid Street designation,,seconded by. Busse and upon a vote taken it was:duly passed. ,. RESOLUTION Notion was made by Bissonett to adopt. _Resolution 77 -38, a resolution P ' # . 77 establishing a municipal state aid street, seconded by llafermann and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, April 18, 1978: ' - Misc. Departments .p Il-V Gas Co. MV Gas $. 215.50 ' Bankers Life Co. Insurance 1,,638.52 Computoservice, Inc. Sewer 3 Water billing 335.41 t JAK Office Prod. Inc. Office Supplies 91.83 Lake Auto Supply Vehicle. Repair 65.43 Molkerson Motors Vehicle Repair 480.84 . Scott Rice Telelphone Utilities 473..13 Albinson Blue Line 134.76 A General Govt. Grendabl Mechanical Service call on furnace. $ 25.00 Pobert McAllister Dog Catcher 185.00 �* Prior Lake American Publishing 186.85 4 E.N. Ntwstrom Bldg. Inspector 816.00 . . Gross Ind. Services Building maintenance 66.60 OSM Engineering 88.61 American Linen Supply Co. Towels 10.00 , °s . • ` Y Prior Lake L" Co, Building Maint. 26.76 � Quality haste Control_, Inc Rubbish Removal 5.00 Ames Office Supply Supplies 23-20 a Cy Schweich Retainer refund 200.00 Knox Construction Retainer refund 100.00 James Space Retainer refund 100.00 Glen ,Klotz, Retainer refund ` 100.00' Craig Woodson Retainer refund 100.00 John Shuff Retainer refund 100.00 Scott County Auditor Description File Cards 4Q.00 Engineering ,M. Kingsport Corp. Equipment repair $ 10. Pi'annin9 „ r q Burl "outs Planning, Cow. Mtgs. $ 40.00 The: Urban Land Institute Book 13,50 Police f Rob Boa Mileage_ $ 7.20. ' Rich Klugher: "Mileage 3.60 Uniforms Unlimited Inc. Jacket 44.95 Ind.. School Dist. 719 Testing 36.00 Coast to Coast Store Equipment 2.93'.` ICO Gas 85.80; Sargent Sowell, Inc. Equipment 39.99 r_ ru. MINIitli if the Prm m l& N .of MN VINOW tweeq of tM Valew of Pr* Lek* in tiN cawMy of Sew *ad'Shh'of; Miew�N�i, h�dYriM ill iteeYOls ewdi%d by Mir Cw £ Fire: Viking Ind. Center Medical Supplies D. H. HUIIenmaster & CO. Annual Financial Report WOO Akins Fire Equipment Co. Equipment 191.94 Advance Ambulance b Equip.: Equipment 42.60 Park: The 1st Natl Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment $ 7,582.65 Water: General Welding Repairs $< 10.00 State Treasurer CortIfication tee, Serco Labs 5,00 Water+TEsts Andrews Rwmll Pharmacy Supplies 16.00 1.68 Sewer: American Kati Bank t Trust Bond Payment $1$,107.70 MWCC Metro Installment 10,183:30 _Street : MpIs- Start Tribune Pub] ishing J.L. SAiely Co. Limestone 182.30 Ess Brothers t Sons Repairs Lawrence Schweich t�Sons Repairs 'Prior 299.00 Laka Aggregates Rock 283.06 Misc. Construction Fund. Whits Construction Contract `Payment, 13 $» 7,110.00 71 Wagon bridge Seger t Water Construction Fund - 4 Robert J. Olsen Assessment Refund $ 63.08 Arfai owd Sons Contract payment /2 aflscher Construction Contract 792.00 payment 43' 36,693.13 :1977 Spring Lake Sower and Water Construction �. fund Fischer Sand t Aggregate •;. 'i Contract payment 09 $34,164.82 , t Watkins to; +` rn � 10n was wads by adjou, seconded.. by Ha�w �farnn and u > - a,'vote taken'- th Is meet ing wash adjourned at 10:50PM. t I A. McGuire _,3 r �,. City Manager - r .I `• 1 r 1 I