HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 17 1978t NO
MINUM of into Mcoodings of Me ViMM" CossetN of tiro vNoge of hiet Lake in tM County of sce" oud suit of
MisNe0040, 10411411" all Oeeew ft eerdked by seid Cwedi.
' April 17, 1978
The Common Council of - the City of Prior Lake ret in regular session on
April 17, 1978 at 7:30PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett
Busse, and Hafeimaann; City Manager McGuire, , City Engineer Anderson,
City Planner Graser, Park Director Mangan, and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman
Matkins was absent.
The ainutes of`,ATril 10, 1978 were,reviewed,
MINUTES Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the minutes of April 10, 1978 as
submitted,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly, passed.
BRUCE LANGE- The first item of discussion: was the Bruce Langevin appeal.o£ the denial
VIN NONE OC- of a home occupation Mr. "is
permit, Langevin proposing to use half of his
CUPATION PER 2 stall attached garage as a workshop to construct horse drawn carriages.
The size of the carriages are 8' long by 4h' vide rind 32' high. The
occupation would consist of a one man operation utilizing a grinder,. forge
that burns coal, and an anvil to shape the steel. The carts would sold
_ or delivered as soon as completed. The applicant stated that the forge
would put ou>>soma smoke at first but virtually none once `the coals are
4 The Planning Commission and staff recommended denial
of t he permit for the
folloviag reasons;:
1. Neighborhood- opposition -_ a petition of 16 names rejecting, the
permit was submitted to Chairman.Thorkelson.
2. The use is not of a compatible nature with the social environment
of the neighborhood. w
3. The nature of use is contrary to the'•ioniug namely
section 63(1)).
Mr. Langevin's wife, Attorney Lange _was present on behalf of her husband
to discuss the appeal.,
The Council tabled the Bruce`Langevin appeal until May 8, 1978 at 8PM:to all
i the Langevins time to discuss this with their neighbors,
MAINT.'TRUC City Engineer Anderson reported on the.next item which was consideration
for the advertisng`of bids for a_naintenance truck.
AXIS Motion was made by,Busse to authorize the advertising: for bids for a single
CAB CHASSIS axle cab chassis and to , open those bids on May 18, 19.78
At lOAM, seconded
by Hfe
armann, and upon a vote take it was duly passed.
DUMP oODY t Notion was made by Bissonett to authorize the advertising for bids for one
SNOW PLO" dump body and snow plow equipment
contingent that City Engineer Anderson
review the possibility of a two war plow, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it wasr4uly passed.
FIRE t RESCU Obtion was made by Hafermann to accept the March Fire and 'Rescue
, seconded by Busse and upon a vote take it was duly passed.
POLICE Notion was made by Bissonett to accept the March Police report, seconded
by Hafermann and upon a vote take it xas duly passed.
TREASURERS Motion. was -made by Busse to accept the March Treasurer's Report, _s ecorded
by Bissonett, and upon a.vote taken it was duly pissed,
=BLDG. PERMIT The Council accepted p ed the March Building report;
NRA BLOCK Mr,. Jim Sulerud of.'the Scott County HRA was present to discuss the Community
GRANT PROG. Development`B1ock,Grant. Program. „
\% Motion was made by Hafermann for the Council to:adopt the,joint cooperation
for the Community Development Block Grant Program for 1978 second*&by
Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was'duly
i!1lIY!!t of tho of tIN VW"P C*UWI of tM VMNW of haw lake In tM CwMy of Soon ead St ft of
MM w"ft, Mdudleg all eaw mft audited by soil Cwi mW.
DOG CATCHER The Dog Catcher's Agreement was considered next by the 'Council. Mr.. Bob'
McAllister was present for the discussion,
Notion was made by Bissonett to install a crystal in Mr. McAllister's radio
for better communication and approve the $SO,a month
raise contingent that Mr.
McAllister submit a monthly report to the City and increase his time spent within
the City, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
FEE DOG ORD. Notion was made by Bissonett to authorize the City Attorney to prepare anz
ordinance amending the fees for the dog ordinance as follows: lst offense is $10
fora licensed dog and $IS for an unlicensed dog, 2nd would
offense be X25 and
3rd offense,•would be $100, seconded by Haferwann and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed
MITCHELL POND The Council continued the discussion of the'buildability of Lot 1, Block 1, i
Mitchell Pond. - Councilman Bissonett abstained from the conversation..
C ity Manager McGuire announced that no new material had been presented for this
scussion. Planning Commissioner Thorkelson was in the audience and the
Plannint Commission's recollection of the buildability of the described parcel.
Th Council tabled the MitcM1Y Pomd discussion until: April. 24, 1928.
IMPROVEMlENTS t y Engineer Anderson reportcd on- the recomeiandat -
ion of improvement
13 t 44 for Hwy. 13 Ct
w and Rd. 44
An on -site observation of the intersection the Prior lake Police was dome
and the following „recommendations were wade :<
1. The entrance -to T.H.13 it the intersection of Hain Avenue and
Ridgataont,Avenue should be eliminated to reduce congestion,
2. The crook in the west edge of the Avenues at their intersection should
be straightened fork smoother movement of traffic,
3.• An island which would serve to channelize traffic on CSAH 44 in the
area where it stops for T.H. 13 is recommended, This island will serve to
position westbound traffic on CSAH.44 at a right angle to it
as coves to
r >. a stop.
$ 4. ,The parking lot entrance -exit for the commercial area in the southeast
gwdrant of the T.H.13- CSAH'44 intersection. It it the Police Mieperteentl -
opinion.that the- ;parking lot as is.is OX,
Staff is meeting with Ntt/Dot: and. Count personnel concerning this intersectiot,
The Council decided that before any,decisions were made on the 'Hwy. 13
County Road.44 intersection that a public informational _meting held on
NAY, 8, 1918 at 8 '3OPM.
SIN�R KAY -` Park Director
t Mangan presented a aawo on the summer playground program,
8110tM0 �RbC.< r 1 ,
Notion was made by Bissonett to transfer funds of $2500,OO 'erow the regular
salary to the Temporary salary in the park budget to implement the la
P y>id
program, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it Was duly passed.
MOIiiER it TRAU Park Director Mangan requested authorisation; to purchase,a demonstrator model
;IEK FOR taower and trailer. for Park purposes.
Notion was made by Hafermann to purchase 'a new Tem mower and trailer, based on
the quotes by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,:
DMA GE kPoi ;Park Director Nansan also requested that a $10 damage de be initiated as
. �:T FOR a. net - policy for facility
jPARKS uses at the Park,
xa� -
Notion was wade by Bissonett to ° ado t the 10 damage de
p S g posit fee policy for
he use of the Park facilities, seconded b Busse and
y upon a vote taken it was
du ly passed. Nayor -Stock voted nay,
/ /,RL
Notion nas M made by Hafermann;to authorize OSM.to do a studs on the paving of
ARE$ TRAIL Fairlawn Shares Trail, seconded.by Busse: and upon a'vote taken it was'duly passed.
Notion was made by Hafer== to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote. taken
' this meeting was adjourned at IO:IOPM,
Michael P, McGuire City nager