HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 08 1978MINUTES of th*„ PraC* di Of rho Vil " nWs 1101 Council of the Villana� Prior .Coke is the County of ScNt and State of .' f MlnnesNa, indoino all amounts audited by said= caundt. May 8, 1978 The Co;raon Council of the ,City of Prior Lake raet in regular session on May $, 1978 at 7` :30PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen .Bissonett ` ,Busse, Hafermamv and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson City Planner Graser and Attorney Sullivan. Thu minutes of May 1, 1978 were reviewed. MI -NUTES Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the May 1, 1978 minutes as subm`tted, seconded by W:�.tkins and upon a vote tiken.it was duly passed. ` 1 j RESCUE SQUAD The first item on the agenda was the subject of considering the Rescue ' `,0 1; DS _ Squad bids � BbtionY�wa \ "s made, by Watkins to accept the bid from Superior Coach and Modular A'bulanee Corp. and to table any action on the bids until May 15, 1978, secpn?ed by Hafermann and upon a v6te. taken it was duly passed. GRAINWOOD City Pl \'er`Graser reviewed sewer and water for Grainwood West with WEST the Council The Grainwoo� West Subdivision consists of seven townhouse units ju u west of Caked - de Marina: The reason this plat has not come before Council is;th is imperative to represent the. individual dots as " accurately as p on the-plat." This �.s done by building the footings first &pd then developing the final plan. Staff hasusuggested to the developer \to bring before the Council the utility installation: Y'plan prior to I Mr. Rollie- Thielingwas - present for the discussion. a, Motion was �oade by B�ssonett to, approve the utility concept of Grainwood lfeasi that i th road 1 be private along with the sewer `being ` private] that the w fe " " up to'the shut nff valves. There would also be a: p,rmaent , l0 easement, seconded byatkiis and upca a vote taken :it Was' duly passe d: BRUCE LANGE- Motion was made by Watkins to table the Bruce Lan ev n VI N r�u ` g hole occupation �Lr OMEL °pe t appeal until May:15�h, 1978 at 8:30PM, seconded by Haferaann ., ° OCCUP. PER and upon =a voce taken it'wa\ dul;r pa ssed. I Mayor Stock directed the Citl Manager to" contact Mr. Langevin as,to the - co C Council's .action. � A 55NP DIESEL GitY�Ad.nager Mct�tire requested from the Council to purchase a SShp TRACTOR diesel engine tractor with aii n' t end cloader and cab. The unit would be purchased from the equipment which were just issued. Staff recommended establishing a date fora bid.opening. Motion was made by hissonett to advertise for bids for the purchase of ; a 1978 model industrial tractor and to hive the bid openirgon June 12, 1978 at 11AM,'sec�nded by Hafermann -and upon a vote tahn it was duly` passed. c�Councilman Busse voted nay.? ALu A EBEL The City Manager`requested, authorisation to seek an `updated appraisal FARM- A4 for the Alvin Ebel farm for the purpose�of city 'ball fields. TIC > FIELDS r ;> Notion was made by Haferaann "to , the City Manager to secure an updated appraisal of the Alvin Ebel farm (approximately 70 acres) and to research possible Lawcon grant funds for the acgo.sition,for the purpose of C y ball fields, seconded by,Watkins and upon a vote`taken it was duly passed. Councilman'Bissonett abstained on the vote. TREATMENT City Engineer Anderson reported that the MCC has approved the agreement PLANT SITE for the acquisitiow'of the Treatment plant site, He requested authorization to °advertise for bids for the Maintenance &`ti:Tdng'. �,,., 3 MINT. BLDG. b6tiowwas made by Busse to authorize the advertising for bids for a maintenance building and to open the bids on.`�June"8, 1978 at 10AM,, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was "duly passed. v „z r Q e, \, t MAi fl:. ef, tIN tweMdiys of $be VOW cow" of the Ville ji, of rder,L"o ie ilw Cwety of S«M ewd SNft ef. t \ , an tEgllala �Y+IN+ -7 NIA *"KIM. 1 ' MA1MT. SLOG:\ t City Manager and Staff were directed to turn ' in a ;staff 'report to the Council at a later date on opinion on the need of th�'' iia'`i'Ater�anco� building. tl LEN GRASSCNI -qty Planner Graser presented,the Len Grassini plat that ended concept �! PLAT iWproval, so that sewer and water `stubs can, be installed. G Nl�it i n was �ad by liaferatnn to approve the concept oi', the �len Grassini llit tl+a lks Ao back on�County Road 81 with hammerhead style driveways, seconded br�Xatkins and upon a vole sken it was duly passed, �� NTERSECT)ON At At :30P1 , 0 : Stock called an nforiaTional hearing to order concerning tti!e `131 >t 44 int 1 rsection o£ Highway 13 and Count Road 44. �.4ew resi Jattandance\\ g Y Y detnts were in N ° ` Aftex `consid�irable discussion, notion was aide by Watkins to autl zixe -- �� 4 �Citj► nSinee and City Manager to proceed with the following po l ints: 1. Add an additional streetlight; j 2 g Addin on curbed � islands; � 3. �, Research of reducing property profile on the a 1i p#vate� property .adjacent to County'Road 44. 4 i °Nn/Dot restudy the traffic flow snd reque!st,the reduction in the speed zone County Road, 12 to Fish Point Road; seconded b '>cissonet and upon a vote taken it was 'duly passed.' d a , °City linaRr,rt�NcGuire,xas directed_'to contact the Police -Chief in regards to Mhat can beliAon!r,� le 0 Ily in regards to passing and speeding. ,l i �. RD lotion was an d by Si;�� to authorize the City Engineer to proceed with lj tS tDe J, attge Or #or of S2.Z,000 sonett 00 to,place the line in from` the trnhole <on Northwood {` �t`AiNt 11�1'E1l P Road to the bbginning f the Island View plat' for the service of Is Yiew, r1' tilt lst 11ddrtion,th tho `` erstandn that it would not be assessed on the °a111EM IiST currant project; , � t , sec Thomas Albinsoa ne Supply Dodged by Hafernann and. upon a vote taken it was duly passed:. p ".Notion was'made'b Watkins to authorize 05N to do the preliminary engineerin ' to co�plete the feasibility study for Island View 1st Addition, seconded by lWssa. and upon akvo>;a_ takisa it was duly passed. 4 1 Staff shak'1 }' " report on the`receaendation .next week on the possibility of '` ; the public: hearing date for Island View lit Addition..' following i "!cesy are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, May, 16; 1978: 'tca Mi -7 Dept. V. lfoemens Supply Inc." Supplies 124.5'8 G u c 7T dm 'Mobil $ervice an � Gas 'Vehicle Repairs 36 40, Side- Inc., Vehicle Repairs. 73".04 Scott: Griamer clashing' Cars 162. � xv Blue Line Rental V Delta Dental Plan Of" Minn _ Dental Insurance 495.65 i .7 1 +Counter, "Frevert Attorney Fees 1 538.00 Sullivan 8`: Prior wkey0[ Hardware Supplies 28.30 u Seo�t =Rise Teiephoa'e.Co, Utilities 455,99 t o LaWe `;11uLO SupPl7 �+ Vehicle Repairs 180.62 . rl GOVerttasat ;, Ji l�rls,.'s Star and TYI�une =:blihin�t! `Rcbert,JlcAllister Do _ 49.95 5, Catchei X85 ". QQ Retainer Re"fuud,; t 100.00 r; Coasttuction Retainer Refund 100.00 Lwreace Schweich Retainer Refund 100.00 , i P�eor Lake American Publishing ' 151.12 Lia Y Co. SnPpliea o 19x.00 R:H. l +strum lluildinj. -" Itsspectc�r < .924.O0 w r _ +gn AwIW Iii 1 The di of 6 dMke ciumm of Me : Village !f, POW tele ik cwjmv of SeW ewd !Isle of 4 MWm amw 1 0dwifty '.a e+anwa eeen td by mmW ceuseii. General Government(cont) Heoppner`Electronics EquipiiiDnt Repair 8.95 Vaughn 's Flags 169.40 Dolores Berens Cleaning Library 30.82 Arses Office Supply Office Supplaes 1,00 7 Police Departsent '1 Lee Riabenort Mileage $ 6.75 Rob B" Air Corm Mileages 3.60 X Equipment Repair 320.90h Arthur C. Halliday, Police Reserves 20,00 IBM' EquiPeat Repair 36.86 $, 2C0 _ Gas 9.70 `, lire DeFartment E. Ct Peterson Co. rac. Equipment Maint, j 10. S0 . Ron _!.:`w fishing i Weber Auto Supply Inc Subscription Vehicle 4, SO Repair. 7.69_ ,.. St.. Regis Paper Co. Snow Fence and Posts — -- Bryan Rock Products, INc. " Agricultural Lime 362.56 <_ Mater Department: Davies Maier Equipment, Co. Repairs Z 106.95'- Djrnamic SY3tems, INc. Service Call 616.63 Serco_Labs :Mater Tests 12.00 p er Departri►t: r !MCC Installment $10,183.30 Street Department: Beckius Our Own:Hdwr. Propane B ;32.00 'Uternational-Harvestor Co, Equipment Repair 6.16 Savage Tire Service, inc,,Equipment Re r p 21.00 ^ ' �x J.L. shiely, Co. ;. Imrrence Schweich Hoe Bldr. Lisestone Snow, Resoval. 158:10 544.00 ° Prior Lake Akxregatei Rock I 11.80 Diseased Tree: v State of Minnesota Return of unused advance t14,S99.87 .� ry Nisc. Construction Fund O6M Engineering ,. � 841.53: ' 4 1 77 Mason grid" Sewer and Water Construction Fund: - Paul` M. Merserskirchen a R stzapq "Co. Inc Abstract reports Z 108.001 a 06N Engineering U 1, S68.31 1 77 Spring Lake Sewer and Water Construction Fund: Couatsr, Neisoc Sullivan,, and FreverC Process Seemir $ 360.8S Engineering' Motion was mado by- Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken "is meeting was adjourned a 9:SSpe. Michael A. McGuire ` 3 ° city Manage , w c;.