HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 12 1978MINUTES of the P ee..diMs of Ow VNIalp �Couneil of the Village of Prior Lake In tho County of Scott and State of Mianesete, iodudino all accounh audited by said Council. June 1 2, 1978 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on June 12 1978 at Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Hafermann and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson; City;Planner Graser, Park Director Mangan and Attorney Sullivan. The minutes of June 5, 1978 were reviewed. Page l,,paragraph 5, line 3 should read, "...to be licensed within the..." Page 2, paragraph 3,: line 1'should read, "...for using commercial oil within the residential area of Crest Avenue and to use drain oil for the completion of it for dust control.. MINUTES Motion was made by to approve the minutes of June 5, 1978 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. JOE CZECH The first item on the agenda was the Joe Czech variance appeal: Mr. VARIANCE Czech was present for this discussion. This was to consider a 4 ` front yard variance for 1ot.8, block 3, Brooksville Hills 2nd Aadn. According to City Planner Graser, a misunderstanding between Mr. Czech ° and his mason re ult:ed in putting in the footings too close to the 4 fztiitt property l ine. Motion'was made Sy Bissonett to levy a $100 fine against Mr. _Jose Czech and to grant a 2 variance, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote .taken it was -duly passed_ R.E BURMEI - `The Council considered Mrs. R.R. Burmeister's variance appeal. This 1 STElk'NARIANC discussion was pertaining to a boathouse structure that was' n dire need of repairs which was a non-conforming. use. Mr. Lawrence Schweich Y� was present along with Mrs. Burmeister- He stated that they no.lon long g .. need to request a variance to move thebuilding, becadse he no longer I could move it; just permission, was needed for present reffodelingwhere ' the building presently is. Motion was made by Busse to approve the variance for the remodeling 'of Mrs. R.E.- Burmeister's boathouse structure and that no useable r � �;. floor space below 907.5 be permitted, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Bissonett voted nay.'. FISH.PT. RD. At 8:10PM, Mayor Stock called the Fish Point Road tProject 78= 2J hearing to order. 'layor Stock read the public notice. Mr. Ken Haden. and Mr. Bernie M ttlestadt of OSK were present for'the discussion of Project 78 -2. A number of residents w;--re p resent for the P public hearing. Mr. c' Sandburg phoned the City Manag ex y gar pressing that he opposed the, paving:. \ After a lengthy discussion, notion was made by Bissonett to ipprove Project 4 78 -2, paving of Fish Point Road, contingent to consideration of having stayed construction, seconded by , and upon pon a vote taken: it was duly - passed. Motion was made by`Bissonett to direct OSM to prepare, the final plans and specifications :f6r'Project 78 -2,; Fish Point Road' contingent that they nark with the Architect and the engineering staff of the Prior Lake School.Di4trict 719; and the paving would be in a interim surface and the ° wearcoat,would placed on one year later, by Busse and upon _ ( a vote taken rit was duly passed`. ' Mo ti on was made by W to ad the public hearing at IOPM, seconded ' by Hafezoum and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. , Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to contact Police Chief Powell . 1% to out a plan to control the 30aph, speed zone on Fish Point Road � Chief Powell bring a recommendation back to the Council concerning' a,3 -way stop at Huron and Fish.Point Road as to the effectiveness within, 'that area. o j x r AMNUM J , of the prefteaw of Ma Vilkgp Ceund l ' of tfie Vil of prior take ; the CeuatY of Scott and state, of NO I 8!a,, induriag all oceeuMe audited said bI► Council. Page 2 6112178 CITY NEWS - LETTER -The Council th en continued the discussion on the 'City Newsletter. - M4or Stock r w ' recom muted that the City Newsletter not be initiated at this time and that any articles to be published' should be news releases to the i Lake American.'` Prior TRACTOR BIDS The Council reviewed the tractor bids -that were opened in the morning. Only two bids were received and the cit manag r the discussion for one week. 9 9 ecoaaiended to continue Motion was wade by Bissonett to table t he awarding of the tractor ` bids for one week, seconded by NatJk ns and U pon pon a vote taken it was duly passed., 4 RESOLUTION 78 -19 ' Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Resolution 78 -19 • pe to Levy Limits, seconded by Hafermann and u Pon a vote taken it was duly passed. /If RE�OlUT10N 78 - Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Resolution 78 ?0 ryt��yAL Cf TI+E rdim4 to traffic signals on Hwy,.13, seconded by Busse and, avote taken it was dul c y passed. OF .CTY. R0. $1 Motion was made by Watkins to approve change order N3 for County Road 8l increa , sing the contract,amount by ti a $12,T26.50'for sever and water services for the property, seconded by Bissonett and u it was duly passed. Pon a vote taken llbtion was made by Bissonett to authorize the city Engineer to replace County Road 81`to a rural section with,a -seconded bg Hafermann and u profile to County State Aid Standard - pon a vote taken it was duly passed. OW 7 The Council directed staff and City Manager to prepare a sample modification to 77 -5,. park ordinance. ,. pISAM POINT BC The discussion of permitting boat landi unt3_[ next creek.: ng of Sand Point Beach was tabled . W. PROJ. STATUS! c m ayor ..took directed City Engineer Anderson _ to, report every two weeks pertaining'to correct pro�,ect status. �. � � 8R106E ± S t NC Motion was made by 4iEssonett to support Pta i yor` Cleve Enos. letter concern bridge crossings, 2" b* 1 x►w a z► pow n uot.tDke w'ar u cacti. h. The following invo.zaes are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday. " ".- e 20 1978: Xisc Rut. _;.. Coulter; £ 1Vels0il;` Sullivan ` and Prevert .lttorn Fees Bank+ra Life 5.2,342.30 ' Insurance Cwipr�toservice 1;733.'' ?8 - _ TOMS Mobil .,+ewer and Water, Bi12in9 34 2.13 s, 8 V Repairs: \, Scott -Rice Phan& Co. 165.61 �. �s Utilities, Prior Lake Aggregates, 469.44 ' rMc. Rock �' SteV10 s. Rid' Owl 27.18:_ Supplies' Lake auto Supply , 88.40 ` inn. `Valley Alec. Coop`;` ���ri1 Vehicle Repairs 100.19i l a Utilites l►SP" �� , i r NN, n • t a 165 Q? G ( 4 1"k*ti1ities ,� Prior, Lake OK Hardw � > �i ' � ;�L �, 521..65' W z�,,I. =: Supplies 174.31 t n � is r ` General Govt. l Gt+oas lnd. services Bldg. Maine. r Michael McGuire. S 65.86 School Prior Lake American `�7 150.50 ` _ E Publishing 155.25 American Linen. Su 1 Co. ` t PP y Towels` X.M. Nawstrom 19.60 ! Bldg. .Inspector " .996. aj r a.ry., �a.. ItII dF.C� a ., t l I�a,p� �,{,`a $'nft �.. .w �3"' '(...'2... .,. -,� &x e.. y. ... .s - ,1 .. - ! ._ h of *A Move of MW take is *A C"My of sew aw .�.a, udio, O N - sod" r ..w .cwweU. y Page 3 ,. 6/12/78 Prior Lake Lumber Co., SUPP2 x es Tang Air Conidit.iolt Vehicle Repair IL 00 Plaaninvc Amer. Society,.of Plan Off. Membership $ G15.00 X, Police ' rhoms A., alias Rob Boo Police Rese :. S 45. 00 . i ` ' Dennis Leff Mileage ,t > Mileage 3.60 Aix Cos Repair 3.60 Insurance Center Z n sur Insurace 150.00 iby 1Nnsch Equip. Repair L56.00 e 1Welkerson Vehicle Repair 6.50 22.90 1 , ' F i re: Uniforms Unlimited, Inc. Supplies s wolf lrbtor Co. ;2nc. Vehicle Repair S 25.00 4 � 18.50 Park: Quality waste Control, Inc. Refuse mauling S Rorthwestern Bell Utilities 36.00 1rM MAU Bank of llfp2s. Bond Payment 63 . 5 5 21,023.25 � s' ]NI1 1�►at1 Dank of Ws. JBannens Supply Bond Payment - 74,631.15 ° Bryan -Rock Products Park Repairs - IaProveaents 32.00 ; , !26.12 ` Water: a Wates+ous Co. of ms s. Repairs $` 270.00 o Lab Bond Payment 61825.00 , Water Tests 1 2 ,. �r A MC Snstal2aent S 10,183.30 Wit: , Back us Our Own Hardware .aquip• Repair S 10•65 �cDueen Equipment, Inc. kepairs J.L.Shiely Co. Class 2 373..80 Z&Wrsrxae Schweich moan Bldg; Rentals 1 ?0'.80 Prior Lake B2k a top Rentals 1,673.00 WA. fteller i Sans B1! six 160.00 - 378,,00 Diseased Tree Norman Croaks ant. Burning Dutch a1m„ S 50.00 GDUEfati Park Fund f' - Prank J., Wicker Appraisal Service: S 350.00 \' Ri se. Construction Pud -- Xi n. -' - Whit* Construction Cont ract aCt P a sent y 64, _ S' .86 177 Naonrt Bridge Saver and Yeter Construction fund i Orr* i Sons I nc. Fischer Construction contract act P a ls�n t' S 86, 317,46 Contract Payment 173,766.53 cz,: , a � ww M of *A rtemmwp of as vmw COOMM of M. viNew hjw tube M; M. , of of fa11 f/o10 . iodsiinN o�eowls ew ftd w` mW C*e" ° < Page `' 6/1 ?/78 J 1 7 7 Spring Lake'Sawer and Nat Construction !Rind Fischer Sand & Aggregate Contract Pa t Y $13 t6 � � DeDt Service Fund: Ansricanf Natl 'Bank & Trust Bond Payment Jlaerican Nat! Bank 8 Trust 5 671,64 XW Nat!. Bank" of Nits. Bond Payasnt Bond Payaent 5.577.66 MW ' Nafl., Bank of atpls. Bond Payaant 11f 00") ?68,011: 4S` r° llbtion was Jade by Bissonett to adjourn secondtd Dy Matkins"and.uPon 3 ; v a vote - taken this metin was adjourned at 20:15Pl1. Michael A. moire City xRnager k qi I rte .aa�- _ n o I