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MINUTES of 1M Preceedi of fho VN
a!s kW' Cewneil of fho Viilipo of Prior.Cako ia'Mo Counly of Seotf and Sfah of
Miaa iedlwliaE all aaownts audited.by said Council.
" July 17, 1978
The Common Council of the City of ,Prior Lake met in regular session on
July 17, 1978 at 7 :30PX. Present were Mayor stock,
Councilmen Busse
and Mafermann, Cit 'kana
y ger XcGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner
Park Director Mangan, Financial Director Teschner and Attorney
Sullivan. Councilman Watkins joined, the '8
meeting at :o0pX and Councilman'
Bissonett was absent.
The minutes of July 10, 1978 were reviewed. pa•
4 6 1, paragraph 6, line 1
should read, " variance of 30
to the home addition for....". ,Page
Paragraph 5 should read, "...Council then considered... ".
Notion was made by Busse to approve the _minutes of July 10, 1978 As
amended, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote )taken was duly passed.
At 7 .35PK mayor Stock called the continuation of the Island View Public
Rearing, back to order. He asked for any further comments from either the
audience or the- staff. There were 3 residents for
present this meeting.
Motion was mad"""
q e by Busse to a PProve Project 78 -5, Island View Sewer/Mater
and Paving, seconded by Xaferniann•and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Busse`to authorize 0SX to prepare the final specificati
and plans for Project 78 -5 Is.-Land View sewer/Water /Pave
Rafermann and. u r, a �, se�'onded�by
po vote taken it was duty passed:- �
Motion was made by naferamw to adjourn the public hearer ,seconded (
by, Busse and' upon a taken
vote it _was duly passed. /'
Park Director Mangan
g presented the maintenance tractor
TOR \,
Notion was ride by tlafermann to authorize the' purchase of the John Deere
301A for $9,980..00 for the Park.
Maintenance tractor,, Seconded by
A&yor Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.'
Xr: k, Jim Norton of OSM was present to discuss authorization of payment
of contractors and set up dates for the assessment 'heari
PRW ECT X77 - 5
MDtsor% was made „by pafermann to /schedule the• assessment hearing for
Project\177 -5 St. Paul Avemnue paving on august 14,
1978 at- 8:30PIt
in the Cauixt Chambers, seconded by Busse and upon a vote takeri'it was
duly passed.
Notion was made by Hafermann to
North,Shore.Uaks on Au schedule the assessment hearing for
14� 1978 at BPPi in tt+e Council Chambers,
'seconded by Busse and u pon
Pon a ote taken it was duly,paassed.
Motion was made'by Busse / "to schedule the hearing
Pro 77 -6, Gateway Shores for August 21,, 1978 at eps, in: °the Council
Chambers, seconded<by Hafermann
and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed.
Notion was made by Xaferaann to
schedule the assessment hearing for
;project 76-1, Spring Lake and Prior`Lake for August 28,'1978 at 8PK-
in the Council Chambers, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken w was.
duly Passed.
PROJECT 77 - 3
AbtioaCuas made by Busse to a pprove the PaymP.nt o f $142, 649.19 to Fisch
Construction for Project 77 -3 PA l seconded by Rafermann and upon a vote.
taken it was duly passed.
Potion was made by Xafermann to a pprove
payment of $1 21,106.67 to u
Fischer Construction for - :'
taken it. was duly ect 76 -1, seconded by Busse and upon a vote \,
PROD. 77 -3
motion was made by Haferann to approve payment of $90,96 ?.31 to Orfei and \"
Sons for Project 77 -3 Pit 7,. '
PH 2
seconded by Busse and u
w Pon: as duly passed. a vote• taken, it ,
° `
PROD. 77 -6,
Notion was made b y ftafermann to a pprove Payment of $ 2,277,66 to White
Construction for Project 77 -6 -Stock
seconded by. Ma yor and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.`
Of 1bs: Precoodblp of Nm vin"O C"" Of !b!
of PHW lqh M Ma GuMlc Of Seen ewd Smft of
Mk mNNa , isdudiwf Oil OmwuMS awliNd by aaigl Coogan.
Page e _ '
LEVY LIMIT A 8PN a Public Bearing was called to order for the Levy Limit. Finance
Director Teschner discussed this with the Council. There were no
comments from the audience.
RESOLUTION Notion was made '
\� by Watkins to finalize Resolution 78 -
78 Le vy Limit y of Pri Lake, concerning the base for the City r
' °
vote taken. it was duly passed. s econded by llafermann and upon.
tion was made by Watkins to adjourn the
A1�6h'OS and u a public hearing at B:ZSPh, seconded
� Pon vote taken it was duly passed.
' 76 PLYMOUTH Lion w as made by Mafermann to accept the bid of $600 from David No rdrum
or the sale of the 1-976 Plymouth City Car, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote
aken it was duly passed.
MANITOU RD. he Council had received a letter from the residents on Nanitou Road concerning I
WATERLINE additional waterline to be put in. This letter mas in `avor of , oir5a so,
s �C `
ton was made by`Watkins to approve the extension of the water line on the
akefront and added'to the plan of Manitou Road, reason being that the
currently could not be serviced by both sewer and water from the
sent roadway; seconded by -+ulsse and upon ,a vote taken it was duly'passed.
PAUL CARSON ty Planner Graser
Presented the Paul Larson variance appeal, Mr. and Mrs.
YJIRIANCE ui Larson were present,for this appeal. Xis request was to consider a
ariance request for lot 13 and the south 25' of not 14,, Sunset Shores: Staff
ed denial because. no hardship is apparent and 4* lot is not unique.
° tia-1 was made. by W
upon (";garage. side) to approve a 3' variance � '
.. bedroom aid • � 1 an
gen t
e the 10 setback, seconded �
taken it was dul ayor and upon a vote
y passed, Councilman Busse voted no. >
RETAINAGE Jim Morton was Present to discuss the request made from Fischer Construction
any The y have r equested a; 90 da y extension _of time and a retainage
rod}Yction of l0% to 2%. Notion was made by Busse to }rant a 60 day extension
of ae granting it,until August 30, -1978, second
QN taken it Was duly pissed. ed by Watkins and upon as °vote
XOtion was made by Vatitins to deny the request from Fi sc h
e4 er Construction reduction of retaa %3 a seconded tion of
g by Xaferaann and a vote taken it was duly
e pissed.
City Nina �
COMOREHENSI 9 9er McGuire the work 'schedule to complete the Comprehensive
ce PLC„ Ian. Planner Tooker stated that for a fee of $3,000.00 he would be able to
help finish the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
Notion was made by Watkins to accept the
P Proposed dates, and to authorize
the City.lranager to commit $3,000.00 to complete the Com rehens'
P ive Plan
and Zoning ordinance, seconded by 8afermann and'� upon a vote taen;:t was .. c
{ k duly passed.
The Council considered extending the subdivi
U80. ORD, areas, s ordinance to unincorporated
S '
,• sp ecifically into Credit River Township.
Mbtion was made by Watkins to direct the staff to work out the ,mechanics
Ion the new subdivision ordinance to include the 2 miles outside of the
rior Lake city limits and to discuss this mutter with the Credit River Towns
ffcials, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was.dul
� y passed. hip
FIRE RESCU Lion was made by Watkins to approve the June Fire and Rescue Report, seconded i
HafeC100nn and upon a vote taken it was .duly passed.
tins and u n yHafermann to a pprove ='ove the June Police' Re
POL' ICE a tlk port, seconded b
F to taken at was dui y
y passed..
ticn was made by Watki to a
a a and u a pprove the June Treasurers Report, seconded by
pon a vote taken it was duly passed.
� Motion was �mde by Bafermann to a
Ppmve the
DOG CATCHER '6 y Mayor St
June'Dog Catcher's Report, , seconded
ock and upon ,a vote taken .it was duly passed.
Y . MINYtIi of Ma hre�� Ns of i*
60 Vw"s rweil of iM Vi11Na of F',. taka in A C4wwKr of t"M 6": i1Nf ai!
Miaa�NN. WdVdW8 ap eeowaft sudihd said
Page 3
City Engineer Anderson
Presented the Council with a model ordinance
concerning the Mcc strength charge
43tion was made by Watkins to authorize the City Attorney to e
an ordinance in re gards to the
Pr P
e9 1WCC dis
p seconded by Naferaann
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
A letter from HUD was received by staff in regards to passing the. Flood
Plain ordinance.
Notion was made by gaferanann to authorise City Attorney to prepare an
ordinance on the Flood Plain Management,
secolesd by Watkins and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
,.. a
A letter from the Prior Lake Yacht Club was received requesting they
41ATZL PT, - be able to use Watzlls Point for their
YACHT CLUB upcoming regatta.
lrotiOn was aide by Watkins to Permit the Prior Lake Yacht Club to
launch the boats at Watzl•s Point
contingent that
to watch oivr and direct nark they Provide someone
taken it Haas. dul y passed, seconded" by Busse and upon a Vote
Abtion'was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded
taken this aseti by Busse and upona vote
ng was adjourned at 9:45PM'. '
Michael A. JacGuire
City 1Manager