HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 24 1978 •+some a. MMNUM of the hoeeedisgs of the vill"o Council of Na Village of Trier lake M the C6, my of see" `end 5.4%, of Mianese/e, indudine all eccounu audited by said Council. L J July 24, 197$ The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on July 24, 1978 at 7;3OPM. Present were NaynoT Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Hafer■ann and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Financial Director Teschner and Attorney Sullivan.° v The minutes of July 17, 1978 were reviewed. Page 2, paragraph 3, line 2,, should read "...by Busse and upon..,. ". paragraph 8, line 2 should read, " .Side be at the 10' setback.. 11, MINUTES Notion was made by Watkins to approve the minutes utes P of July 17, 1978 as ' ,. amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. MWCC STRENGTH Mayor Stock tabled the MWCC StrenYtt; Charge Ordinance until the next CHARGE ORD. meeting when the City Attorney will have a sample ordinance ready for review. 1978 SEAL- COATING City Engineer Anderson presented a memo on 1978 sealcoating and described the areas that are being considered for that He that project. stated the approximate cost would be $5,000.00 and requested that he be able to obtain quotes instead of taking bids because he thought he could get a better price from the contractors. Motion was wade by Busse to authorized the City Engineer to negotiate with the sealcoating contractors for the proposed sealcoating as per memo dated July 24, 1978, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The City Engineer also stated, that Savage Blacktop Construction was a - contractor that sealcoated a number of streets in Prior Lake in the Past. unfortunately, the work done was very poor and Engineer Anderson requested that only 40% of the bid price be paid to them for their work. NDtion was made by Bissonett, to authorize payment of $2,932.50 to Blacktop Construction of Savage which is 40% of the bid price of the sealcoating, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was 'duly . passed. WATER TOWER The next item for discussion was the water tower assessments for 1978. ASSESSMENTS Notion was made by Watkins to schedule the water tower assessment hearing f' ° for Sept. 5, 1978 at 8PM, seconded by Bissonett and upon & , vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Busse to direct the staff to study the cost of a ± future water tower storage area and method of payment to be used, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote: taken it was duly passed. . City Engineer Anderson discussed with the Council the projects- currently under construction in Prior Lake. SPRING LI REGIONAL:, PAR City manager McGuire presented the discussion on the Spring Lake Regional Park assessments. He stated that the staff and the Park Reserve A55ESSMi:kTS. -have agreed upon'an amount of approximately $97,704.00 for an assessment. Motion was made by Watkins to assess the County Park Reserve $97,704.00 contingent that the figures be balanced according to the acreage and that Government Lot I be deferred, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mr. Richard Howard of the Scott County Health Services was not able to attend the sooting. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to contact Mr. Howard to arragge another time for the agenda and to relay to his that the Council has a number of questions concerning his memo. FISH PT. RD. PROJECT Mayor and Councilmen accepted a_letter from the Prior Lake School District in regards to their request of deferring the Fish. Point. Project if not cancel the project all together. }} MINYTl: of 111! �pll�i11�1 Ma�Y M Cwneil sf IIN tr &' 0f VdWr take 111 *A C""tr of. ScM and %ft *F • Page 7/24J78 � FISH PT. RD. The City Manager was directed to notify the Supt, and the, School Board PROJECT of the Council's intentions on Fish Point Road, 1978 CIP At 8:30PM the Public Hearing for the 1978 Capital Improvement Program was called to order, Finance Director Teschner and City Manager McGuire discussed' this Matter in greater detail. NEW RADAR The Mayor and Council requested that t the City Nana EQUIP, to Manager and P together to consider new radar equipment g Police Chief get merit - q_ p and. traffic control.... I CIP' Mr, Dave MacGillivra was Y present to discuss the CIP,. Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the operating expenditure of the Y po y 1978 -79 CIP seconded b Watkins and.0 n a vote taken it was dal Notion was fade by Watkins to table the capital expenditure portion of the CIP until L`ctober 16 1978 at 8PM, seconded by Haferainn and upon a vote taken it was.duly passed, 1 &M C REZONINq At 9:15PN the Alaac rezoning r REQUEST of residents were present concerning this rezoning the Council, A number in . A Fred Grothe was entered . in to the record g letter from Mr, . ' Mr, Jia Hill was representing A1mac, Inc, at the meeting. The request was formally Mach to the Planning Commission in regards to the rezoning - from. R -1 to R -2 and R -S'- and from R -1 to B =2 on , a, 110 acre parcel at Crest Avenue and County Road 12. The original transcript of that meeting is on record at City Hall. After Mr. Hill, the residents and Planner Graser addressed the meeting w with their remarks, the Councilmen and Mayor stated their position on the rezoning. 111lFERMANN: I guess I will comment on the four major issues that have been raised. The connection to Shady Beach Trail, the park placement t questions of business and Multi - family and finally the density.! he use As far as the connection of Shady Beach is concerned with streets to the west, I ■ afraid the desires of the residents notwithstanding, we have had a: plan for that eventuality for some time. Our subdivision ordinance on page 10 does mace reference to cul -de -sacs and we like to see them no lager than 500 feet, I certainly think that we all have to a gree efficient P lice efficient traffic circulation and street maintenance ' Police patrol and fire # and ambulance rescue safety consideration are not improved by long dead end streets like Shady Beach Trail. eve ' ry one of us in Prior Lake: would consider their residential street to be a private driveway. traffic circuiatic,n in the City would be impossible. City Streets are city streets; they are for use, lan to Manitou Road some day to connect to the circulating road clear around Shady 8aach so I think not ,to proceed with these plans would be "a disservice to the city as a whole. � l On the park Pla cement course our subdivision ordinance, paragraph 5 given us the authority to require dedication of areas of character extent and location G that are suitable to the needs created. But it doesn't say it has to be perfect, and it doesn't say we get to pick the spot. In our zoning ordinance which in effect states that all future development in R areas that are planned uses other than R -1 should be developed as PUD's. The developer is proceeding with a rezonin in with a plat approval but I really don't understand hate p lans ybe it'sc s because the list requirements in the PUD section are extensive. It is a formidable requirement in some respects, however I think this developer has ' been through enough where I don t.think he would have any trouble processing this development as a PUP., My conclusion is that, I'm kinda 4no rezoning those areas designated for pro Bu to the R -2 zone and the R -3 zones without ourSehavingCallutheYcontroiss Mtn hear ordinance provides under the PUD section. And the concern is that once we did that, as someone here mentioned before, the property could be sold.and we would no longer have control over it. \ j Ilk 1NIMY?ES of"" fvecoodiwMs of the VUhW Council of Mo Vili ge of Prior tab in the County of Scott mad 5101* of Miaao�ote, ieeludinp ell accounts audited br aW Council. Page 3 7/24/78 AIMAC REZON- Linally, on the density question, this is the toughest one, But I think ING REQUEST that putting all emotionalism aside and leaving the personalities out of the picture, and not looking at this as an isolated development, but looking at the needs of the whole area. I'm talking about the whole Metro area and as far as to say Minnesota. There are a few basic things occuring here that we simply can't ignore. The housing needs just in the Metro area alone, are 22,000 new units 'a year are being generated. Only about half that number are being built. Sous a result, what we're saying here is that the cost of housing is being bid up. And it's being bid up at an ever increasing rate. E As the pricing of housing rise, more levels of income are priced out of the housing market. In 1967 the sodium price of a new house -was $22,000' in this area. In 1976 the medium price of a new house was $44,000.. What we're seeing is fewer and fewer people being able to afford a hose and as a result our housing subsidy programs are expanding. And that means that it's hitting all of us in the pocket book, we're having to foot the bill for those state and federal housing subsidy programs. At the present time only 1S% of the people ir, the - metro -area can afford the medium priced new home. That's not fair: It behooves all of us to work diligently to hold these housing costs down, The Metro Council recognizes this as a very serious problem. Whether we like,or not, it is a fact we are in the Metro area and we have to pay attention to Metro Development Guide the Metro Council establishes.- When the staff reviews .& plat like this or develops Comprehensive Plans the staff ,knows what is in the Development Guide and the staff pretty such follows what the Council is setting forth policies in the area We can't plan in a vacuum. We either are going to plan responsibly with the entire region in.sind or we're going to be planned upon. That's all there is to it. Nell, let's bring it down home, how does density relate to housing services. I think that's pretty obvious to most of us. Many of the construction costs in a development like 'this are fixed for the developer. The development guide quotes the density, house and the lot size has then be- come critical factors in determining the feasibility of residential development. The Metro Council and the Advisory, Standards for land use recently published this spring say-that we have to lookat a recommended density of S to T units per acre in single family areas, The policy state f Monts from the Metro Council Development Guide states `that the Free-Stand- ing Growth Center in Prior Lake is a free standing growth- center_in the Metro area, Free standing growth centers should make major efforts to. develop zoning laws for modest cost housing and de- emphasize middle and upper income housing. In another paragraph, reviewing comprehensive plans, the. Metro Council will require land use plans that provide for multi- family housing especially where single family housing, is predominate. Not only in transiential areas, but in or near high amenity areas:: Then they go on to say that PUD's should all, have modest cost houses and multi family units near parks and lakes is encouraged. The densities that we have been used to over the past 1S -20 years are gone, people. Densities are going to increase. We owe it to the future generations, we owe it to the young people that will want to live in Prior Lake over next 10 years. They're not going to;be able to afford.a house.if we don't provide.in the developments." that occur at least to make an attempt to provide some housing units that are in the affordable range. We have heard a lot of emotional, talk about density. Density is kind of a relative thing. What, is dense and what is not dense. I would.like to take Germany, the country for example. The population of Nest Germany is about 60 million people. That's more than the total of the population of Minnesota, Wisconsin,, Michigan, Iowa, North and South Dakota and Montana combined. And yet you can get 'the whole country of West Germany in the state of Montana and still have room for Delaware. What is my personal conclusion? This is not a dense plat. , I think we all must be concerned about keeping the housing services and housing costs; and service costs to a level that more of our people can afford. We represent on this Council not only the people in the neighborhood but we also represent the developer and more importantly we represent future' generations here that are going to be looking for a place to live and not be able to afford it., dNIN11TK of 1b! P&COMIk* Ot v ilk' Ceuweil of 1M 1►i11oN -ef pdoe lake is IM Cony of &Ott aed''staia of af• : Miaaeeste- "Odi"0611' aeeaMnls audited by said Cweeii. ` Page 4 7/24/78 ALMAC REtONIN BUSSE: Have you considered a PUD Mr,Hill? REQUEST HILL: NO we haven't considered a PUD. We looked at both., We ;thought we could do just as well wit h the zoning. I think the zoning ordinance and � your building permit process would guarentee the proposai that we are Proposing on the land uses. " BISSONETT: I have a question that is not totally answered in ay mind and I'm very concerned with it and that is the implications of extending the services of this development from the west: McGU Basically, the water and sewer have been looked at sub in a prelaina manner until the. ': rY division hem i' hearing,. they will not be detailed. This is a rezoning request and until; the rezoning is approved or denied, assumed that it will be approved, at that t time. i staff and consulting engineers to 1 t would be a logical time for the 8 look into the alternatives _ for It does appear that the waternain should be Shady l Beach. Sewer is another Possible problem, Some of the area has already been assessed in project 7S -1 and if we were to find out that the entire area could not be served by sewer the Council; would have two options. Allowing sewer to be extended to the west. Under that option there would be two other option and that would be to close the interceptor and the other option would be to open it up for other land west of the plat. The other part of the question' would be the water itself. And that would -be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. BISSONETT: .I an very "concerned with the implications of this extension of these services if they should occur and I want it happens I d 0 understood that whatever PPe not ..favor the immediate extension: of that service. That next point is somewhat of a negative point in regard to the development. I don't like the place where the park dedication is. I think that by ° evidence that where it is right nowathe effect on the people, the R -1 families right adjacent to it, is a little tough. I think b really is across,,the street to the west y putting another park who do live there now, .1 would such prefer, myself, would ld that park ple people extension'be:to the north of the existing Sand Point Beach. I do think that the PUD approach has merit However, 'historically I've; been involved in City Planning since 1972. I've been ; in a number of PUD situations, kind of an "in" thing to do S,years sago.. Got into quite a few of them. As it is turned out none of them have functioned. But the historic track record of those PUD's has been that the densities have - exceeded _that which would have occurred under ` _ normal zoning procedures and'evenon rezoning procedure such as tonigh t. Which leads me into a; situation as far as density is'toncerned. << I think densities gets traffic generation. Traffic generation has been a major concern of most of the people at�the& public hearings. I don't personally believe that the traffic generation or use of area generation in other words, the use of Sand Point ,Beach► being specific by this type of development will be greater than what it "wou.ld be if it were all R = 1 I believe that if it 'was all R -1, there would be =ore kids because partial use by Multi- family, by statistics, say you're not going to have as many kids. You're going to have ir., BY opinion, if its R -, have a greater generation of traffic on County Road 42'and a greater use of Sand Point Beach. Let's face it, Sand Point Beach is there now, that property even if it is R -1, sooner or.later there's going ' to be wall to wall houses there, he world is expanding; God's making- lot more people, but he's not making any more land. Sooner or later there is going to be houses there and personally I believe that all R -1 will make that a higher use, a lot more dense use than what is being proposed. I don't personally have any problems with a B -1 commercial zoning at that intersection ;Jf as been proposed by,;, staff. I also don't have any problem with some higher densities on County Road 42', The reason I don't have any problem with that is that I would rather face: that conflict right now than face frustrated residents of R -1 area when 42 does ,,become the 4 -lane area, In Savage there is an area,that is going to face that Problem right now. There are some R -1 homes a right down on 42 and boy they don't like it. , I do believe if we can address1it right now and plan for it now, not necessarily and specifically as_�t&s way right now but very close to that. I Mink we can handle it a lot better now than handling it 10 years dow n the .road:. MINUM of the Preceodiop of > vw"o Council of the Vi lloo* of friet' teko In the Count of Soot! and slate of M io 002 ete including, oil oeeeunts audited by said Council. - Page 5, 7/24178 'ALMAC REZONING In concluding, 'Doug has made some darn .good on the housing cos „ REQUEST I do have some problems with the overall proposals. I're mentioned. But as far as the concept is concerned I would have to say I favor the concept. WATKINS: I think we all have to be sensitive to some of the items Doug brought up. In 1975 we were in the middle of a hearing much -like this and the coament came up that, how many times do we have to hear this? We will hear this until doomsday, I'm, The day,,rre refuse to hear it, the right of any zoning, ordinance or any lin0 ations or any direction for zoning and planning will be gone. Somebody else will do it for us. Mr; Hill, is your petition tonight essentially the same: as it was on July 6th? Y" HILL: Yes. WATKINS You request the R -3 adjacent to the Park to the north without any definition in other words, you would not see to alter that request at all? HILL: Yes, sir,' rr r NATKINS: On the B -2, it has been recommended by staff that the B -2 be reassigned to B -1 which is neighborhood business. Why didn't you appeal for PUD or Conditional Use for that area? In other words, the point is c well taken, and it was well taken three years ago in 1975 that the request for rezoning was not specific enough for the Council or Planning Commission to grant rezoning and again 'we. are at it again.without any specific delineations. Now going back to the Planning Commission meeting of April 17, it was rejected and a motion was made by Watkins to recommend n to Almac, Inc. that this PUD contain all this parcel counting 42 to Lake f of Prior Lake and the previous notion was that it be a PUD.� So it was rejected, a request very much `like this, and requested that it go back to 1 ` PUD. It was rejected because the 1 proposal was not - definitive enough to satisfy the Planning Comaission or the Council. So here we are again going through this exercise again and we have the request which is R -3 that could handle aast.aany things other than the.`4 Alex that you .. _ outline. tonight,° So ghat is the logic' behind.thatY a HILL:: The R -3 code indicates the lot sizes and the ,setbacks and also„ the land cover its '`' and appropriate for the four family under the R -3 t. , zone, In other municipalities it's under different ,. zonings and a matter of fact the lots are actually smaller than required 'in Prior Lake. �- „a We feel are can do the four family under the R -3 zone in Prior Lake. The zone allows for the apt. We don't have a`plan for the apt.'s but I think; along with the business area we want our neighborhood to realize that someday there's going to be 'commercial at Crest and 42 and there's going to be apes. , and /or condominiums adjacent to 42 in that area. No', we don't have a specific plan for either one of those I areas. " WATKINS: The area that I was primarily concerned with, the north � 1� of the park. In other words here again you have asked for - very,' very' broad zoning and vocall statrn that Y g you intend' it to be. 4- plexes.' But the fear expressed here tonight, is that it could be rezoned and'thenperhaps resold and those things happen, perhaps not with intentions 1 m not saying that. It's not specific, it again is not a specific enough proposal for us to justify rezoning., MIcGUIRE: The staff has recommended, W. Hill, that the R -3 along the park be denied and that an R- 2,with a conditional use specifically for quad homes and with other provisions ,in there for example 'the maintenance agreement be granted. And secondedly the B -2 along 42 be e denied and that a B -1 be granted again for the saw :reason to gibe the Council control over what goes in there. Presently tkider the B -2 there are some very undesirable uses in the residential neighborhood. c HILL: Your Honor, it is our intent to put the - 4 unit family on Carriase Hill Road. To satisfy your control and by conditional use require the detail plan , the maintenance agreement, the platting and so: forth : yes, we would not object to that 'kind of arrangement for in lieu of R -3. The B -1; the:uses under B -2 the hard uses under B -2 were never' ntented fo"he neighborhood. The uses proposed and existing uses under B -I are acceptable. MINUM of the fjecNdM& of " Ceundl -:af the "Vilk*e ~ef?HW lake M 1M County of ficelt and Mato of Mia0480M. ipdudin0. all `accounts audited by said Council. e Page 6 7/24/78 o J _ ALNAC REZONIN ( WATKINS: There are two items that I would like to add, and these are spec REQUEST fically personal references. Sand Point Beach, if coupled with this plat to the.North could prevent the requirement that the people going from one park to another, one would have to cross a main thoroughfare. It would add to the value and use of Sand Point. It would also be placing a park _adjacent to new construction which ,if• those lots� purchased and occupied, the understanding would be theirs that there was a park which is desirable,' I think to.,that without a doubt, the thoroughfare plan calls for connection is regrettably necessary for reasonable police and fire protection. The plot could be redelineation in the area of the park, north of the park, Carriage Road and so on. And those are "personal Pe preferences of mine. You've got two main thoroughfares that more or less make a "U" into and out of the development. They could be accentuated going to the buffer zone between the remainder of the plat and what would be say R -1 or a townhouse or whatever. Before anyone can take action on items that were brought up both at the :Planning Commission and Council meeting tonight. SMCK I would like to make a few comments. I do feel that also as sA in dividual who owns, property which we all do, is our American Right to have the right that our Government has set forth so that we can enjoy our community , our country and sq on. So I feel that,the request for rezoning, etc. is natural. This is going to happen and to continue happen. When we lose that we've lost. everything. So therefore I guess I would like to now address myself to the land use as proposed and I guess there were a number of cases that were pointed out earlier by the residents,_ But I think we are all concerned about the same thing and that is control over an area. We have heard a lot of talk about PUDs. I recall this property back in the Ea &1!e Creek days before it was , part' of Prior Lake the PUD was proposed and I sat in that meeting to listen to try to understand what was happening in our neighboring township of Eagle Creek at that time, The Planning Commission at that time denied the PUD because of the density and I can't recall exactly what it was but I know it was Well over 16 or 17 units per acre, , The same plan was presented modified to the Prior Lake City Council shortly after the consideration and again.the plan was denied on the g grounds the denisty being too high ' And we were talking again in the neighb.�rhood of 15 or 16. It appeared before the Council on strai zoning and at that time as Tom read you the minutes there was i h a denial of the b ' ecause it did not definitel y specify the areas in question and it was not quite clear what the developer had in mind. Again the density was'of some concern,; ,It was well over 12. The Council on July 7, <1197S -had a notion to approve in concept a density of 8.7'units /acre for this property. Mhich would be more than twice what is being asked for at this present proposal. i I believe the Council can use the tools that it has to promote the type of development that would promote our community and not necessarily benefit the developer. Granted I'll be the first to admit the developer is a businessman and he is in business to make money,. That, cannot be denied his American right. I also have -to take a look at it from the standpoint of whrt it's going to do to our community. I think County Road 42 is classified in the Scott County Plan as - it is identified in the Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan, It's going to be for a higher use and strictly single family and it's all ready identified as that — We don't have to do an g y p rojectin g to see that.. How would I feel if I lived in this neighborhood? What do I want for my community? )V children, school district what do I believe that the city has an obligation to Ian for ta xe mid for r- taxes? t of u development. Whether it's R -1, R -2, R -3, Commercial district, indus districts, etc. I don't feel that this is the area for an industrial . " complex. I think it has to be compatible for the neighborhoods.% I If'the City of Prior Lake does not have areas set aside for the future use such as the small commercial center, etc., in the area of 42, who will? i It's quite obvious the ° City of Savage and Shakopee are ` pe going to capitalize '3 on the same situation. And again, we will be critized because the City of r. Shakopee did what we should hv-ve done or the City of Savage has now ow what you should have had if we .had had good planning;: . V I t , h MINUM of -fho F"KM diap of the Vil . IoN Council of tho Yi11oBo of'rior ioko is thf�CovnIV of Scott oad Stab Minn"", iaeludina all aeeounh auditod by said Council. Page 7 ` { 7/24/78 \ ALMAC REZON- We have to 16bk at the tax base. How is it going to affe\ the s ING REQUEST district. 'I don't know if we necessarily have to go to iheA� directlyl ` to understand what type of implication growth is going to hlive on our School District. But we are all aware of what has ha e statistics that were in the papers as we were, tr in to pa i�� the trying pa the last bond issue. However, if the area was permitted to remain a11R -1 area we know there are going to be more children produced in that area and: its <_ going to create a greater demand on our school systems than, it would a. mixed x type of development pment would cause on the school distr The same r would apply to the city. What type of benefits, what are going to be needs of this particular neighborhood. I feel that the services a now, we have been supplying re there then to our neighborhoods, they are not going to be any different. So the cost to the municipality is not really going to be much.greater than what it be if left as a cornfield. It it goes all into R -1, I think again we heard the :comment before, the more people we have in a concentrated it's going;,to create larger problems for our communit I Y• guess basically that's the end of BY comments.on! the area. 'I would like to reference this with one F statement. I an concerned about tax dollars and the impact of growth and development, what it will do to our community and must look at what our present situation is today. Since people are the economic base of Prior Lake, in corresponding residential land uses have be come the main stay of the City's financial foundation and'I think behooves the Council to try to make some effort to change that classification: We have to continue to strive for some type of mix and I believe this area is of sufficient size that wo<have to look at 4n that respect. We have to put conditions onto the areas and I would like to move now into Coun cil action. 0 Mr. Hill stated that the developer would accept;thexchanges in the 1 plaw. Notion ,'was Made by Watkins that the property immediately to the north of Sand Point and a boundary ,that could be determined, in the plat that the zoning be changed to R -2 and a conditional use for quad,homes and the property on the Northwest and Northeast corners, alo ng Cou Road Road 4i be zoned R -2 for duplex use. The ro rt} petitioned for B - 2: be denied and be classified as an o pp e. The property along County Road 42 classified as R - 3 be denied and classified as an outlot, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The nap shown at the meeting is exhibit A dated July ,24, 1978, The staff was instructed to work with the developer to relocate the Park somewhere else within the plat. , The following invoices are scheduled, to be paid on 7tiesday,- August 8, 1978 Mist. Dept v New Prague Lumber $ Ready -Mix Co.° Maint. Bld JAK Office Products g' $ 41.60 Delta Dental Plan of MN Office Supplies.,, . 90.72 Insurance 62S.20 Insurance Refuse Hauling 46.00 e Center insurance Xerox Corp. 3,097.00 Nnn. Gas. Co Copy Machine 494.64 NSP Utilitie's SO.4S Utilities = International Harvester 2, 4 9 4.98 Prior Lake "76" Main. Bldg. 100.00 Ames Office Supply Vehicle Repair 234.00 i Prior Lake OK Hardware Office Supplies 30.39 Supplies Veber Auto Supply Inc 102.15 Vehicle Repair 40.94 ; General Govt. c. OSN Engineering League of MN Cities Membership 1,674.10 Pitney Bowes 264.00 Clarence Schmidt Postage Machine 3S. 45 Grendahl Mechanical Plumbing Inspector 1SO.00 Dolores _Berens- Air Conditioner repair 1,S92.30` Cleaning Library 100.71 �y T 4 +5 _ MINYift of the Nwead of the ivil ka Iar Council of tM yii lase. r r ' h ti of *� take is the Coon of 3cett cad StaN of ,4 Minnesota, locluding.all.occouats audited by poid Council. Engineering: , Economy Dictation Systems - Tang Air Equipment s 29.00 % Condition {' Vehicle Repair 75:83 Planning; ` Horst Graser Travel $ 54.7S Police: 1 n v Todd Chevrolet, Inc. Air Coma Police Car 5;5,828,36 +. � Ton's Mobil Service Equipment Repair 1 12.50 Vehicle Repair' 107.15 Fire Rescue ' Scott County Civil Defense - General Radio Update 417.05 S Equip. Corp Safety q P• P - Vehicle Repair 19.32 Park: Hawsers Steve's Red Owl Supplies $ 53.72 y ` Key Awards Supplies 89,75 `« Triarco Arts &.Crafts Supplies Supplies 115:00 Minnesota Toro;, Inc. Frontier Plastercraft Equipment Repair 60.32 80,17 Della Klingberg Supplies 10.00 \ Andrews Rexall Pharmacy Bus' Rental` Supplies 173,00 .;' Shako e' Public Utility ComAission Utilities 1S .04 Mtnnens- St"Iy Inc. Repairs 9.00 .. „ 11:80 Mater: , e Layne Minnesota Co. Van Waters & Rogers Rep airs Z 1, 144,$0 Midwest Fence & Mfg. Chemicals ° 101.15 \' Repairs 82.50 Sewer: f Wheeler Tank Mfg. Co, Repairs. S 460.50 Klingberg Excavating "Repairs " 225..00 Street: _ r Saii Bloom. Iron & Metal uroalesch Building $ 39.60 Sod'Servic' Repairs ` RokdMachne ry & Supplies Equipment Repairs 249.00 Blacktop Construction - Seal Coat 57.99 Mslkerson J.L. Shiely Co. Vehicle Repair 2,932.50 59,47' Class 2' 43.00 Diseased 'tree c ` Prior Lake Nursery River Palley Tree Service Tree Inspection $ 2 450,00 Norasn Crooks Tree Removal .. 841.SO Tree Contractors Tree Disposal Tree removal 50.00 725.00 Equipment Certificates of 1978'fund• Valley Equipment Co, Tractor $ 9'.980-00 Misc. Construction Fun Briggs `? & Morgan Professional Serv, 8 750.00 77 SAring Lake Sewer and Water Construction Fund -_.. Northwestern Natl Bank of MPS OSM Bond payment '` � $49,619.50 Engineering 8 $ S,303.44 �� a , , a MINUM of *0 10100 ia" of *0 Viilave Council of the ViIkQ* of Prior take iw;the County of Sc*" end Sfelo •f F ? Mianeoole, including .all accounts audited by said. Council. Page 9 7/24/78 Debt Service Fund: Amer. Natl. Bank $ Trust Bond Payment 3 SS1.38 1st Natl Bank of St, Paul Bond.Payment.' 26.17 Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn the Public seconded by • �, Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Noon was made by Bissonett to adjourn the regular Council meeting, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken this meeting =was adjourned= at :3sPM. Michael`. A. McGuire y $4 i lc- i � f A i - I n t i�