HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 07 1978« MINUTES of the Procoodinip of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lek* in N.•;• County of SeoM "and SMN of Minnesota, including all occountioudited by sbid Council. August 7, i978 The Common Council of the Cit,l of Prior Lake'�,*t in regular session on c ' August 7, 1978 at 7:30PM. Present were Mayor \:stock, Councilmen Bissonett,. Busse, Hafermann and Watkins, City Manager McG "re, City Engineer Anderson, r City Planner Graser and Attorney Hicks. - MINUTES The minutes of July 24;=1978 were reviewed. Page 2 paragraph IS; line 8, should read, "...I'm kinda opposed...". !lotion was made by Busse to ` approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon ' it was ,duly pon a vote taken � r y Passed. LIC COMM. ^ B &D, HOLLY- City Manager McGuire spoke for the, Liquor Commission concerning ;the . WOOD INN � _ B &D bar license transfer, the Hollywood Inn license transfer, the ST. M)CHAELS St. Michael's request fora 3.2 license and he closing time for-Sale liquor establishments. 1 Notion was made by•Bissonett to transfer the license of the B &D Bar from Jerry Hafermann to Doug Bartel Zs, Tom Bluth, Larry Gensmore, and Brad R oth { 6 seconded by Watkins'and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Notion was made by- Watkins to transfer the license of the Moll ynood Inn � �.' h Bar to Patrick. and Geneva Sheehan, seconded by'Busseand upon a vote taken ; it was duly passed. l Motion was made by Watkns'to approve the 3.2 license to St. Michael's` church for the annual Pork &- Suds'celebration, seconded by - Bissodtett' and U,on a vote taken it was duly passed.. ORD. 78 - The Council considered Ordinance 78- 12,_an ordinance permitting the sale µ of Off-Sale liquor until. on Friday and Saturday nights. 1 Motion �as made by Bissonett to adopt Ordinance 78 -12, an ordinan r ,repealing ordinance 77 -9 extending the hours for Off- -Sale liquor, seconded J by,Bussi and upon 'a vote taken it was duly y pa sed. j DEEP ROCK Motion was made by Busse to table the discussion of granting a 3.2 license, to L IQ. L IC . the Deep Rock station until a future meeting,. seconded by Watkins and Upon takent. a vote: was duly messed, j PROJECT 78 -1 "'" Ci�t y Rngi�r Andarsan reported" on the bids / takan .last ;Nednasday' for Project 78-1, Martinson Island- lriwit0u Rooad sager and ester. 27iare were two bids offered which were- el and Sons at $713, 036.63`and` Holland -and Assoc. oc, for $8Q0; 633.00a Motion was made by Hafermann to award the contract for Project 78 - Zl- to,Orfei and Sons for the amount of $713,036.63, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was dvly,passed. for the prices given "as $150 for the "first page and $100 fo�the second,, Paget seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CY SCHWEICH At 8:10PM a public hearing ` REZONING REQ. was called to`order for the Cy Schweich rezoning request. Mr. Schweich was Present requesting a zoning change ,- LAKESIDE. ESTATES from R -2 to R -1 and R -3 for his plat of Lakeside Estates. i' 1Mr. Steve Johnson was present to object to;the kind of multi - family units proposed by Mr. Schweich in that "neighborhood;,as was Mr. Tore Sylvester. n City Planner Graser presented the Planning com� mission findings and also °presented *Exhibit `A.4 ", a map of Lakeside Estates. !Motion was made by Busse to approve the"request of changing the'R -2 zoning to R -1 fear Lots 1 -10 Block 2, Lots 4, 8 -10, Block 1, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was duly passed." Motion was made by \ Bissonett to leave the R for -2 lots 1- 3,5- 7, 12, '- Block 1 with a conditional use permit; for, 4 -p1ex construction, seconded_ by Busse and Upon a'.vote taken it was duly passed. y F MMUM of M l ee"MO of Ibo YN1aro; Caaneil_ of *0 Vilkaoe -ef hioa take in 'State ~ ; T. tba County of Scats and of Minn�iela, isdud : . all acsouMs awl Nd by s�itl Cw�eii, Page �? 817178', b LAKESIDE Mot ion was.z made by Hafermann to a t prove the rezoning front: R -2, to R -3 for R Lot 11, Block 1, fora 12 seconded ESTATES plex, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly messed: Mayor Stock abstained. Motion was 'made iffy Busse to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken this public hearing was adjourn ed. GGERTCb 6 LIFT Next on the agenda was the request from Mr. McConnell and Mr. Aggerich for a, tation, The two STATION property owners have requested that the city install and 0 l"P stz a lift station for the owners. y yor Stock requested that Mr. McConnell and Mr. Aggerich contact the City Manager to see! - up an appointment \� with`him and the City Engineer to discuss the installation the method of payment. - 4 y ill MASON - J'im Mason was present to request the installation of a storm sewer without a STORM SEWER rmanent easement on his property. Staff's recommendation was against this. ASEMENT Mason presented the Council with four pictures showing - different views of a now present storm. sewer. yor Stock requested. that Mr. mason give the City `10' y permanent easement n which after the City would correct the flume going it.i'to the lake using neck basis, and the engineers would study the drainagelfor the area. r tion was made by Bissonett to direct the City Engineer to prepare an easement, -' t. o survey it, stake it and then after its acceptance the City would go into finish the end of the culvert: using rock flume down to the waters edge Q and to e a study of the drainage problems in that area and to the r \, seek other alternat'.ve f running some of the storm water coming down to the northwest and that the ° ` i , ribs be rased and possibly to a > y greater type curb in the driveway, seconded by d a atkins n upon a vote ta.'cen it. duly was y .passed.. "C INC. t "his Point of the agenda, 3 number of ; - esidents from Shady Beach Trail and orh Shore Crest REZONING'„ area we re present concerning the Almac, rnc. decision made ` two weeks ago. z i,. 1lfter a discussion, Mrs. Marge,.,Xiuney asked fora recognized time on a future agenda for the `• people to come back for further discussion, Au gust 21, 1978 at 8 :30PM,was. set aside for the home l owners in that area, INT.. SL 06. tCity Engineer Anderson presented the estimated cost of repairing,the Main street M aintenance Buil He g- received a quote from Mertens Lumber of. $832. 00 for installing an s'x8'. and a 12 overhead Mood door, '. Plotion was made by Hafensann to authorize the Cit y Manager to acquire the overhead d oors t T needed for the Main Street Maintenances Building, seconded by Busse and upon vote taken it was d uly y .passed.. � ASSESSMENT ci ty Manager. McGuire requested authorization •CLERK POS1 to fill the assessment clerk position. TION' ��. A btion was made by Watkins to authorize the City,, Karager to fill the City,, position f assessment ,. clerk, seconded by Bissonett and u pen a vote taken it was dul y passed'. ,1 lion was made by ,Watkins to adopt 8 ORD'. 78 -1'1 - 11 as amended by the City En ordinance concerning the 1�CC str y sneer, gth Charge ti , seconded by Busse and u vote fallen it was duly passed`, >?on b' 6RA1NW00D tion was made by Busse to approve the Hardshell of Grainwood West contingent pOn the signing of the developer's agreement IWEST and before the hardshell is released' n; the developer that the sewer and water as built plans and the easement be rovided to- the City Engineer,, seconded by Watkins and "" i t ; u as duly passed. Pon a vote taken it # !?Or Stock, requested that a barricade be placed at the dead end street of `dgemo�nt ti 1&)tion; was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Xafermann and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 11:30PM. Michael A. McGuire I City Manager