HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 14 1978i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lako in the County of: Scott qad State of Mianesote, including all acceunb audited by said Council. August 14, 1978 ` i The Common o C unc ' i1 of t he City of Prior Lake met in regular session or, c August 14, 1978 at 7 :30PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Hafermann and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and Attorney Sullivan. The minutes Of "August 7, 1978 were reviewed. Page 1, paragraph 10, 'should be rewritten as follows: PROJECT l- 1 "City Engineer Anderson reported on the bids taken last Wednesday for Ii Project 78 -1, Martinson Island- Manitou Road sewer and water. There II it r: l were two bids offered which were Orfel and Sons at $713,036.63 and Nodland' and Assoc.. for $800' • Notion was made by Hafermann to award the contract for ?i 'o,7ect 78 -1 to l Orfei and Sons for the amowlt of $ -63,- seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:" ate I show noted E i ii ntES`y�o° n n�taEO a VMAn4M5 ENV `orm AY B&D SUNDAY �r WNS advi VJ19s�t1 Motion was made by Bissonett to grant the B&D Bar a Sunday Liquor LIQ. License, seconded by <Wat and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. B&D S HOLLY - XOtion was made by Busse, to rant the 9 B &D Bar and the Hollywood Inn: WOOD INN CIG'., LIC. a cigarette license, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, SET UP FOR Motion was .made by Hafermann to approve the Set - up license for the HOLLYWOOD INN Hollywood Inn, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. PROJ. REPORTS' Mr. Ken Haider of OSX and the City Engineer reported on the current Project status reports. SCOTT CTY. COHN. HEALTH Mr• Richard Howard of Scott County was present to discuss the Scott County Community Health Plan. PLAN The Mayor stated that Mr. Howard would receive a letter from the City a Staff in regards to the information that he presented at the meeting. i PROJECT 77 - '. At 8PM, Mayor Stock called the North Shore Oaks (77 -4) Assessment Hearing for paving to order. City Engineer Anderson presented the pertinent .information needed for the meeting. ' Motion was made by Busse to adopt the :Korth Shore Oaks Assessment Rolls \\ (77 -4) as presented, seconded by Hafermann and u was dug pen a vote taken it y Passed. Motion was made by Bissonett to return the excess escrow account money ($ 2,60 2.39) for North Shore Oaks 3rd Addition; � to the develo T by Mays Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly Busse y � Councilman c jQ voted nay. �wWa"0014t sorrM WW t* `� Mi/6 ActF3nE +� 4TZ1 ""ME OFF1cAT, Motion was trade by Busse to- accept -the Streets that received paving as Was outlined in the public hearing natice that are now paved to become. ` accepted as city streets, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Bissonett to adjourn the Public Hearing, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. PRIOR DALE «IN City Planner Graser stated that the owner of the Prior Dale Industrial DUSTRIAL PK Park has requested to withdraw this plat from any Council action. Motion was made by Busse to appoint the following people as Election ELECTION JUDGES s Judges -ward l for the upcoming primary election: Nellie Lannon, Anita Hager: Marlis Bluedorn, Clare Muelken, COUNTERS and Erhard Appel. The following people as Election Judges -Ward 2: Gertrude Sylvester, Sue Cooke, Math it was duly passed. Ida Schmitz, Mrs. Earl Abrahamson, seconded by Bssonett and upon a vote taken low L N MINYiEt of tM F#4"W a jk of HN VIM.- Council of the Vakpo of prior Lake in. *a County of Scots and Stab of Avoaosela, indwine all accounts ouditod by acid Cwwdl. r Page 4, 197$ 2 ELECTI ON n was made by Busse to- appoiit the following People as Electio COUNTERS b Ward: l : Don Busse, Toir: Wattins, Wally Stock, and Michael. A.. X c�ilir The n Counters JUDGES following people as Election Counters - Ward 2: Alice.MueFl2r, Millie F;lingberg, Judy Jepsen, Doug Hafermann and Bill Bissonett, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. SUN DIRECTORY The Mayor and Council considered and accepted the amended ad layout for the Sun Directory. MAINT. BLDG. The next item considered was the quotes received for heating he maintenance ' building. T1,no bids were received; one from St-. Cloud -- $5;472.53 and the Other from Steinsr - $7,586.00. - O� 5i1AVaR"E atclk�aaiicZ. �'tldr� �ttGpiq Motion was made by Watkins to table the awarding of the until - additional information was made available . i , 6r 60SN� Atio 0vaN A -TAXem ir c,et ^ pp p ST.PAUL AVE. 'At 8:30PM a public hearing -for the St, Paul Avenue ' ASSESS. HRG was called to orr3er- The C ity Engineer re Paving assessment hearing is $9.94 instead er the estimated Ported that the actual cost per foot price of $10.46 /foot. Motion was made by Busse to adopt the assessment rolls as read at the Public Hearing for St. Paul Avenue paving, seconded by Hafermann: and upon a vote taken it was dul Passed. Notion was made by Watkins to- .adjourn the Public Hearing, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' ClIEEKSI The City Manager received a petit-;an from the residents for the CIRCLE Creekside Circle. paving of Mtion was wade by Watkins to Sept,•11, 1978 at 8PX as the ublic hearing for paving of Creekside Circle, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it.was duly passed. -BELAY HALF At 8 ::45PX the-council: e permit fo considered the conditional use the on -Belay YAY ROUSE: 1ta1f way House,: F City Planner eraser presented the Planning Commission findings. For the representation of the On -Belay House, present were Bill Payne, Don Anderson and Bob Megan, Mr, Payne presented the Council with a petition € - favoring the halt-way house. 4 Approximately 100 residents were present for this mee ting. Representin g f them were Frank ,vluelken and Manny Russo among others. After a lengthy discussion, motion was made by Watkins to support and `establish a Task Force in charge.of finding a; new, better suitable location for q On -Belay Half Way House, seconded.by Bissonett and upon a vote taken ithwas duly passed. Mayor Stock i equested that the proprietors of the On -Belay House contact the City Manager to set up a meeting date. f. Abiton was made by Watkins to deny the Conditional Use Permit to the on -Belay House, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. `NORT - "RIDGEHS�D The Council considered the preliminary plat. a Staff recommended a approval of the Northwood Ridges. ,J a pproval based on contingencies. Notion was made by Bissonett to a pprove the preliminary plat of the Northwood Ridges contingent upon: A. No driveways off of Northwood Road, r , B. Plantings will be placed along Northwood Road with. the lots having double front yards., C. Storm sewer be placed on the west side of Northwood Road. s D. Park dedication will be cash as' - set by the Park Director. seconded. by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. y Next was the preliminary approval of the Sunset Hills Addition, SUNSET HILLS ADON MINYTES of dw haeoodiwrs of tM Va" Council of dw Vi11o0r of rd" Lako is tM County of Saw MW iNlo of . MiaMSota, including all accouMS ouditod by said COUNCIL 1 8114178 Page 3' f, SUNSET HILLS notion was made by Bissonett to approve the Preliminary Plat of Sunset ADDITION Hills contingent that the corner lot adjacent to County Road 81 and 170th Street have a driveway exiting to County Road 81 and that the driveway be a hammerhead driveway, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed.: t SHANGRI LA The Council considered assessments on the Shangri -La Subdivision. The SUBDIVISION former owner of the property, Mrs. Bluedorn, had previously been told that when the property was subdivided, the deferred assessments would become current over a three ear y period. Mr. Schweich assumed this transferred to him. Aibtion was made by Watkins to extend the agreement to Lawrence Schweich developer for Shangr -La for 3- phases on the deferred assessments, 1979 1981, seconded by Xafermann and.upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, August 22, 1978: misc. Departments: Xerox Corp. Copy Machine 274.83 Prior Lake American Printing & Publishing 408.71 Gross Ind. Services Bldg. :Paint. 83. ?1 Bankers Life Insurance ?,040.21 Insurance Center Insurance 51.00 JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies 15.76 ALbinson, Blue Line 66.40 Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan & Frevert" Attorney 1,36E.00 Scott Rice Telephone Utilities 455. 28 International Harvester Co. Maint. Bldg. 140.00 Computoservice, Xnc.. Sewer and Water billing 1,043.16 Minn. .Valley Elec. Coop. Utilities 289. ?3 Lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repair 38.99' G` NSP Utilities 2,603.19 Prior Lake Blacktop Rental & Paving Pole Shed 1,610.00 r° General Government: Guaranty Title, Inca Refund S 5.00 *„ Michael McGuire Fee- Rotary ?S. 00 AAWL Prior Lake Rotary Club Club Fees ?00.00 E.N. Newstram Building Inspector 984.00 Sterling Codifers Codification Project 1,000.00 American Linen Supply Building maint. 19.00 s Robert McAllister Dog Catcher ° ?35.00 ` Police r Scott & Thous Grimmer Washing Cars 2 20.00 Rob Bon' Mileage 3.60 Trail TV Antenna Richard Klugherz Wire Square Car Air Co 150.00 Cow Equipment Repair Gre Fleur 50.45 d g y Consoles 20.00 Fire and Rescue:: t Prior Lake "76" Vehicle Repair $ 135.10 ICO Gas 7.00 Uniforms Unlimited Supplies 95.05 Park:. 1 Birdeen's Dairy Concession:Supplies $ 43.20 Satellite Rentals 9400 Northwestern . Bell Utilities 94.,00 Bobs Sport Shop Supplies 5 1 . 81 Bloomington Rental Center Rentals 87.15 Lakeside Marina, Inc. Equipment 65.00' a of I��iar Oka, M IM Cwary of $colt o�d stela of= t IN - I le, Wd"ne all oeeeysts euditod' br mW. Cwsdl. 8/1Q/7d *f Page d (Park) Steve's Red Ow.Z Ts a Concession Su ; ?Plies $ Beckius Our Own Xd�rr._ Repairs 8.90 ltausers Concession Suppl.;,es 90.00 Prior Lake Lumber Co. 1. Improvements F42.6? Hater: Layne Minn. Co. Repairs $ Water Products Co. Meters & repairs 44. ?9 3 8 ?4.38 ' C:oodia Co. Van Waters and Rogers Repairs ?0.80 Chemicals ct 101.15 Lawrence Schweich Repairs Serco Labs 39.00 Nater tests ?4.00 General Welding Repairs 50.04 T.J. Sylvester Inspections Prior Lake Electric 738.00 4 ,` repairs 78.62 ,.yy a Sewers - I Installment $ 10,183.30 e treet Weber Auto Supply Repairs„ j S 19.39 ' Nat. Mueller 8'Sons BT Mix ` JWs. Star and Tribune ad ?49.50 .: Prior Lake Agrregates Rock Shiel y Comp, 553.63 Al Otos Limestone 601:21 Easement 51.00 `s Richards Roofing Co;. Sealer ; x Ma cQueen Equipt. Znc, 288.75 Repairs ' Valley Equipment Co., 8.87 �. •,' ` lrlingberg Excavating Repairs 2.81 a Rentals �� 80.00 # Diseased Tree: Scherer,. Serv Tree Ree�val $ 3,162.00' ,. ,. llibrmtn Crooks Ent. . Burning Site F &F Tree Service 20.00 Tree Removal 550.00 !'Emily Tree Service Tree Removal. 1, ?18.00 77" Kagan Bri des Sewer and: water Canst. F njd Fischer Construction Co. Contract Payment Okfei 8 Sans S 78,57 ?.49 Q OSM Contract Payment 28,736.85 Engineering 11,663.69 77 Spring Lake Construction Seller and water Fund OsM )i ` Engineering 4,914.08 X sc. Constr. Fund OSM Engineering white Cont. Co. $ 1,211.51 Contract Payment 5,427.37 Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn'the mee ti ng, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken this ■eeting,- was - adjourned at 10:20PM. t. x < .y Michael A. McGuire City Manager MIMM of as fmeeedloM of -w ''tf *0 VI