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08 21 1978
MINUM of 1110 fouceadin" of fM Vilk"le Ceueeil of the 'Villa" of Fdw take in the County of Scott awd Shh Misseeme, indudin' ail accounts awlited by said Cwndl. August 2I 1978 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on August 21, 1978 at 7:30PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting <to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Hafermann and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Park Director , , Mangan, Finance Director Teschner and Attorney Sullivan.- The following corrections were made to the minutes: of August 14, 1978: "? Page 1 add after paragraph 5: "Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the minutes of August 7, 1978 as amended, seconded by Watkins and :upon a vote taken it was duly passed." Page 1, add after paragraph 14: "Engineer Anderson stated that Fisher Avenue was accepted`,at the time of plat. "' Page 2, paragraph 3 should read': "The next item considered was the quotes received for heating the maintenance building. Two bids were received: one from Radiant Resources of St. Cloud for $5,472.55 and the other from Steins of Shakopee for $7,586.00." Page 2, paragraph 4- should 'readz "Motion was made by Watkins to table the awarding of the maintenance building heating bids until additional inform :tion is made available, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed." ' MINUTES Notion was made by Busse to approve the minutes of August 14,_1978 as amended, seconded by :Fa+.kins -and upon a vote taken Lit was duly passed. 1 ANNA, TRAIL The Council reviewed the Anna Trail paving final plans as presented by Mr. Jim Norton of 0SX. Motion was made by Hafermann to approve the Anna Trail ,paving project final plans contingent that the storm sewer drainage area or ponding . area.be reviewed and if possible to drain through the culvert underneath Duluth Avenue, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by,Bissonett to open bids for Anna Trail paving on Sept. 8, 1978 at 10.00as at the Prior Lake City Hall, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. SALE OF Mr. Steve Mattson of Juran and Moody was present to discuss the sale of BONDS bonds to pay for projects already approved by the Council. -Motion was made by Watkins to advertise for the sale of $2.025,000 General,, obligation Improvement Bonds of 1978 and to open bids on September 25, 1978 at 4:00PN in the City Manager's office with.the award at 7:30PM, seconded: by °Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed', SUMMER PLAY- Park Director Mangan reviewed the Sumer Playground Program for the Council GROUND PROG. and iecommended that the Council continue the program on an expanded basis. Motion Was made by Bissonett to continue the Summer Playground Program ' on an expanded basis, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was '. duly passed. ' PROJECT 77- At:8 :00m Mayor Stock called the Gateway Shores Project 77 -6 _assessment hearing to order. Mayor Stock read the Gateway Shores Project 77 -6 assessment Nearing y public notice. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Thompson were present regarding the assessments of Lot 1, block 1, Thompson's First Addition. Motion was made by Watkins to approF.e the Gateway Shores Project. 77 -6, Assessment roll on the plats being developed and no other abutting property and this does not alter the current assessment policy, this 3s a technicality due to the developer's agreement, seconded'by Busse and upon a vote taken It was duly passed'. MINYIK of the h of !be Val"a Council of the V ulave of Prier take in the County af'Smn and Stafe ot: aaeaNa, indMNino ail OC"unh OVOW by wW Ceundi. " Page 2 ,.. 8121178 } PROJECT 77 Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn the Gateway Shores Project 77 -6 Assessment Nearing, seconded by B and u passed, Q Pon a vote taken it was duly kPLAGUE COHH. !Mayor Stock stated that the Committee has requested to be removed Manager. ' f:om the agenda for this evening and will work out a future date with the Cit u, AOEVELOPMENT City Manager McGuire stated that the Planning commission r 8Y'ORIVE IN approval to ecently gave conceptional the development where the drive -in theatre is, One problem with the plat is that it does not connect to Toronto 0 - 2 7 to the Shopping Center. It is the staff's recommendation that condemnation proceedings start to acquire that property.. ^ Notion was made by Bissonett to authorize the City Attorney to ro y proceed with con demnations on the -' properties on the a feet on. ei ,t intersects Toro ther side of the center line where l nto Avenue and the abutting property of the Anchor Inn and z orbert Borka, seconded by Busse and u 1 � pon a vote taken it was duly passed. CORD'. 78 -13 The Council reviewed Ordinanc FLOOD PLAIN e '78 -13 Flood Plain Management Ordinance for the ., ity Of Prior Lake. Mr, Don Benson was present representing the Prior Lake x piing Lake 'Watershed District. A memo dated 8118178 to Mr. Michael McGuire> � ity Manager from Don O.,Benson, Prior Lake - Spring, Lake Watershed District taff Coordinator was presented. • 111ayar Stock directed City Manager McGuire, Engineer Andersen and Mr, Don Benson to review Ordinance 78 -13 Flood Plain Nana rlement Ordinance for the City of Prior Lake and bring it back for future Council review.. PROJECT 6 -1 7 Mr. Jim Norton of ©tSX presented a request by Fischer Construction fora retanage reduction ,for Project 76 -1 and.reco=wnded the reduction. , 1Motion was made by Watkins to reduce the Fischer Construction retanage from 10% to. 5 %. for Project 76 -1, seconded y Bissonett and u 1 r, y dul Bi Pon a vote; taken i t (,was 1r y Passed.. � _ � `b5 Notion was ma d e : �Nf�1MtNI�Oti�iv[r �, �I '` by Watkins to authorize the City Attorney tdsecure a temporary easement from the Robert Boeck property in Fairview B and Upon, seconded b a vote taken it was du1 " y passed. y .Yaferrrann. 1VbtrOn was made by Busse to approve a contract ' for Pro ? Payment to Fischer Construction J 6 -1 in the amount of $226,798:69, seconded by Bissonett and a vote `taken it was duly passed. upon R A SINSET SHORES Motion W&S made by Watkins to set a Public Hearing for the vacation of roa VACATION in Sunset ,Shores on Sept. 25, 1978 at 8PX, seconded dway .,, taken it was duly y Busse and upon a vote a y erased. Councilman Bissonett abstained because of X interest in the property., Personal � a CE ' .981,.PO_ City Manager McGuire presented the proposed a I97 C ON TRACT :-81 Police Contract for Council review, a u Mayer Stock directed, City Manager McGuire to ren egotiate sick leave and severance >' pry Portia of contract and also get a definition of injury ofi dut report back to the Council at a later meeting. y Portion and POLICE REPORT Motion was made by Bissonett to a pprove the Police Report' by Wakkins and upon a vote taken it was duly pass for Ju1y`1978, seconded ed. �IFIRE t RESCUE Notion was made b Rafe 9 rmann to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for`July 1978, seconded by Busse and upon.a vote taken it was duly passed. TREASURERS Notion was made by Watkins to approve the Treasurer's Re port dated Aug seconded'by Busse and u August 1,.1978, 1 . upon a vote taken it was duly passed. D06 CATCHER Motion was made by Watkins to approve the seconded Dog Catcher's report for July 1978, ` by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. HALF WAY HODS There will be a Task Force meeting on the Half Nay.Xouse on Thursday, Aug ?4 at 7 :30PK at the City Hall. 9u 1978 zs ` � r ll v Y t -7 r o M1wJM of Mo hrcwdi w of too Vw"W ce"O of tom m" of Mw lake M Nn Cweh-of "a and swwfii' MieN oNa, isdudwg aN aoowals ea ilor by low C""I. Page 3 8121178 SIGNALS AT , �4 b 13 Mayor Stock directed City manager McGuire and Engineer .Anderson to contact the County Engineer and County Representative to forthwith move on some type of construction to resolve the problem at the Intersection Of County Road 44 and Hwy. 23 other than striping. 44 3 b } Mayor Stock asked that a resolution be ,prepared requesting, the Catnty to consider immediately signals for County 42 Road and g wy. 13. WATZL CONDEN Mayor stock request Attorney Sullivan to find out the status of the Natsl. � NATION condemnation. F ' Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon,a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9;35PM. 6 4 Michael A, McGuire - City Manager - of ft f t � r ll v Y t -7