HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 05 1978MINYTES of the ti+ odiap of the Vi11po Couaeil of the Village of Fier lake is 1M County of $cots a" Slab alt'
11meaNNa, irmudl" all aaouats auiihd by said Coundl.
September 5. 1978 i
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in r egular session
September S, 1978 at 7 :30PM, Present Were mayor Stock,. Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse, Hafermann and Watkins. City Manager XcGui^e,
City Engineer Anderson,
City Planner Graser, Financial Director Teschner, and Attorney `
The minutes of August 28, 1978 were reviewed. , Page 1, paragraph 1
should state that Financial Director
Teschner was,in attendance. Page.2,
Paragraph 2?0, line 2 should read ",,,Inn because his purchase agreement
was not executed„ seconded by Watkins..,"
Motion was made !by Hafermann to accept the August 28, 1978 minutes as
amended, seconded by Watkins and upon
a vote taken it wae)duly passed.
mr- Ed Speiker, Post Commander of the VZ'W Post 6208
was present to request
that a gambling permit be granted to that club. He also Presented a lette'
dated Au gust I this r eQuest.
City Attorney Sullivan reviewed and described the gambling statute stated
in Minnesota Laws, The VZW letter stated that
o profits from the
gambling �
9 peraton shall be used as authorized to benefit the Prior Lake
Motion was `made by Bissonett to authorize the City attorney to draw up
a gambling ordinance and to
establish a, permit fee concerning a gambling
Permit, seconded by Watkins an d
upon a vote taken it was dug
po y passed.
Next; on the agenda was Mr. Tom McE1ve..j from the Scott County XRX. He
was in attendance to
request approval of the Housing Assistant Program,
In reviewing the plan of the City's low and - moderate income housing
ike to the Council -llr. 4
like -7ven asked hoW many units would Prior Lake
to designate for elderly housing
and low income family housing.
after discussion the Council decided to
request assistance from XUD for
elderly units and 20 low income family
units for the 1979 year.
At IPX Ma yon StOck'called the Water Tower Assessment Rearing to order
by reading the public notice.
After reviewing the assessment roll, and
no questions were asked P6rf aining7to,it, the Council
took action,
Notion was made by Bissonett to adopt the 1978 Water ower Alsessaent
as presented at this public> hearing, seconded by Watkins and u
taken it was'duly passed. Po a vote
X0t10h was made by Bissonett to adjourn the Water Tower Public Nearing
seconded by Watkins and a
upon vote taken it was duly passed.
The Council then considered the Prior Lake Blacktop Co. Bond for the
paving of Eau C1a_r Tra_1 which
was ,brought up at a previous meeting.
Motion was,made by Watkins to release the Prior = Blacktop Co.
bond, seconded by Busse and
:upon a vote taken it was duly passed'.
The plans and specifications for Fairlawn Shores Trail were tabled
until the "next meetin for
reasons of resolvi a few
g g problems.
The F100d Plain Ordinance was considered by the Council.
After a lengthy discussion, motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance
78 -13
by reference, the Flood Plain Management Ordinance for the
City Of' !or Lake and directed the
City Mager to send .this to the Federal
Insurance Agency, seconded by Busse and' upon a, vote takran it was.,du1
y Passed..
At 8 :30PX, Mayor Stock called the Revenue Sharing Pro
1979 Proposed'Bud et 9, Posed Use and the
9 hearings.
public to ozider by reading the public
Jo"UM of ilte f►d,cwdi of N�o. V111 Ceuedl of the VUkgo of Prior Lek* ia• ** awntf of & ewd Srot• of
MaeoaNe, iaeludie0 all acmwft audiled by void CweeN.
Page ?
3 915178
REVENUE SNAR= Financial Director Teschner explained the proposed Revenue Sharing Use,,
Motion was made by Busse to adjourn the proposed Revenue Sharing Use hearing,
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was',du1y pri ed.,`
1979 BUDGET The proposed 1979 budget was considered next. City Ma-3ager McGuire reviewed
the 1979 budget with the Mayor and Council by examining the separate departments.
Notion was made by Watkins to continue the 1979 proposed pudget hearing
_ on September 18,, 1978 at 8 30PX�for the purpose that the State should have
by then provide the Council with the dollarzamounts that are missing from
the budget, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
„METRO TRANSIT Tt was mentioned that the City received 'a letter from Ms. Gale Rincannon, the
CONNISS104 community's representative on the Metro Transit Coraussion stating that she
#REPRESENTATIVE was available,}t.come to any Council meeting if the Council has any questions
concerning the Metro T ran sit Commission. The City Manager was directed to arrange =
a meeting pith Ms. Kincannon and the Council whenever it is possible for her to
ten;' attend.
;PROJECT 76 At 9PX Mayor Stock continued the Project 76 -1 assessmen' hearing. memo
from the City Engineer concerning last week's assessment questions was
Two additional requests were the following:
MIN Milker -- They wanted a clarification concerning the routing
' of sever to Island View Circle.
Mr. Courtland Story -- Spring Lake CA*, tart' Assn. This involved
i B27, L1 -12. The Council decided to Zefer this section of land
according to policy N3' which is indefinitely deferred until the '
land use is changed oT until a request "is made for services..
The Council continued to go through the 76 -1 Assessment roll and acianded
It accordingly. a
Motion was amide by Busse to adopt the .Project 76 -1 Assessment Roll as amended,
seconded by Matkns and u
pon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The City Manager was directed to notify the individuals of their amended
assessments. r=
Motion was'made by Bissonett to direct the City !Manager to certify the
' assessment roll of Project 76 -1 to the Scott: County Auditor's office,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul y passed.
Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn the 76 -1 assessment hearing,
seconded by Bissonett and upon al vote taken it was duly passed'.
LAKE IDE 1Mr- Cy Schweich, developer of Lakeside Estates, addressed the Council
.ESTATES the Prel"'inary plat approval of Lakeside Estates.
A reCONCHIndation was made that the Park Dedication Fee mould be set at'$6 660.00.
After considerable discussion of „differenc:es between the Council and Mr. Schweich,
the Council recoa■ended' the following action
!Motion was made by Busse to _approve the Preliminary Plat of Lakeside Estates
contingent upon:
That the easement be drawn for road right of way
between lots 1 and 2
An escrow account be determined for the road construction
and water extension,:`
seconded b May
Ll y yor Stock and upon a vote .taken it was duly passed. �une�l�i►u�V �ixdnt'A
PRIOR NdGN The Prior Xighlands preliminary plat approval was considered next. Mr.
LANDS Craig'Xopischke was present to describe and discuss with the Council this plat.
vi .
M"wM .f " f M« of * rya Caaaeil of M. v NW86 of f'+iar tam M *0 Cwa1y
of >kwt aad fMMa of
.` Mdad'"@ an eaM OG QW04d hr said Caaadl.
Page 3
A number of residents t urned uP for this discussion and were opposed
to the developnwnt and wished to be notified of' any - more discussions
and /or hearings concerning
This discnssion.also was quite lengthy and afterwards the notion was an
by Busse to table any action
concerning Prior Highlands until Sept. 18"
1978 at 7:35PX; seconded by Bissonett and
passed:., upon a vote taken it, was duly
City Engineer
Council. Anderson presented the project status report to the
r {,
The Council directed City Manager McGuire to contact Nr. Jim Xa
to schedule a discussion between ha and the Council concerning the
,fora sewer.. The meeting date ~was set on Sept.. 18, 3978, '
Notion was made by Bissonett to authorize OSN to do a stud on -t
y he
storm sewer on 17r. Jirs.l�lason ' s - property and not to exceed $300 for
that study, seconded by Xafermann
and upon,a vote taken it 'wax ` duly passed.
was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded'by Bissonett. and upon ,
a vote taken this meeting was adjourned
at 11c30ft.
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Wchael A. MQuire
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