HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 11 1978} • i 4 MINUTES of the freftwkw of AC V E«IQd l Of IM Vi oa of friar lab is tthe CaaMy of Sew awd la/a o f, Iis all MianNNa, iedudi M as uaft audited by wid Coundl. September 11, 1978 ` The Co mmon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on September 11, 1978 at 7:30PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bi'ssonett, Busse, Hafermann and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson,'` Financial Director Teschner and Attorney Sullivan. ` The minutes- of Sept, S 1978 were reviewed. Page ?, paragraph 16, line 1 should read, "`...discussion of differen between......'',. Page 2,. paragraph 17, line 7, should state that Councilman Bissonett abstained. MINUTES Motion was made b Watkins t y o approve the minutes of Sept,. 5, 1978 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, HOUSING TANCE PLAN Mr, Tom X•Elven,of the Scott County BRA was present: to discuss the resolution adopting the Housing Assistance Plan, HRA RESOLUTION 78 Motion was made by Busse to adopt Resolution 78 -30, a resolution adopting Prior the Lake Housing Assistance Plan, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it w&s duly passed. ANNA TRAIL " The Council considered the,-improvement bids for Anna Trail. City Engineer Anderson stated that one bid was received "on Friday which was from Minnesota Valley Surfacing for $ 23,73 2.50, The City Engineer recommended rejection Of the bid and to wait 'until this winter to bid it again and pave it next spring. Motion'was,nade by Watkins to reject the bid received for the paving of Anna Trail and to return the bid bond, seconded by Hafernann and upon a " vote taken it was dul ,passeQ`.� L MARLEN CIRCLE A request was received from the residents on Maslen Circle for the City to take that road over. Staff recommended that the road become public if all the residents sign the necessary, easements, and that paving be considered at sow time in the future.`. I t Council decided to table the issue of taking over Marlen Circle and directed the City Manager to set a date for a future Council agenda and to contact the people on Marlen Circle when that meeting w ill be'.. = SEALCOATING Consideration was given to the quotes for sealcoating streets. The City Engineer stated that 2 quotes -were received; Allied at $5,06 2.20 (,.55 1gal. for RC -800 oil and $I1 /ton for FA -3 Aggreg ggre ate) and Streets at $4,947.00.: � 'I Even though Skeets was low bidder, it was noted that they do not have the right equipment to do the job whereas Allied does. Staff recommended awarding the bid to Allied. Because of the lateness of the season, motion was made by Watkins to reject all bids for sealcoating this year, seconded'by Busse and upon ' a vote taken it was duly passed. t Motion was made by Watkins to transfer the 1978 sealcoating funds to the 1.79 budget for the purpose of sealcoating said streets and to indicate that bids will be taken again in May of 1979 and the work is to be done in July or August of 1979, seconded by Bissonett and upon a - vote taken it was duly passed. CREEKSIDE CIRCLE PAVI At 8PM, Ma g May Stock�.called the Creekside Circle Paving public hearin to order by readin�j the public" notice. City Engineer Anderson reviewed and discussed with the Council and the residents present for Project 78 -11, Creekside Circle Paving. i The main question concerning the residents was whether or not the road itself would' be :.paved at 24' or 26 ,. a l After some discussion, motion made by Bissonett to approve Project 78 -I1, Creekside Circle paving and authorized the consulting engineers to draw up Plans and specifications with the assumption that it would be either.a 24 or ?6' paved road and with the discretion of the _engineer , that if It is going to be more than 3 s higher w ith ?6' a width it would be reduced to a 24 width,. seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly y p� sed. MINUM of itte Mctediw l Mo Viliege Coundl of "'ViNage of Fdw take is " of Seen aad State of ; MheoeNa, iodudias all acawab audited by Said Grady. � page 1 6, 9/11/78' CREEKSI `'CIRCLE PAV. !Motion was made L_ Watkins to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Hafermann i and up taken it was duly Po g passed. FIREARM OR6. Attorney Sullivan stated that he did not have the Firearm Ordinance ready /j and requested that it be tawled until next week, MAINT BLDG, The Council considered the main.' =.building heating and electrical bids. The following Aids were receives; \ Electrical: Prior Lake Slectric - $2,540.00 Busse Electric -- $2,850.00 t, Master Electric -- $3,846.15 o Heating Radiant Resources -- $5,472.55 ,'I " Steins -- 57.586.00 >i (The above are quotes for radiant heat.) Kt Cool Temp -- 53,739.00 Wenzel - - $4, 900.00 (The above are quotes for forced air heating.) Staff recommended that Prior Lake`alectric and Radiant Resources be awarded `(Staff .x the bids. and Council preferred radiant heat vs. forced air.) c Motion was made,b_u Watkins to award Prior Lake electric ($2,540.00) the bid for electrical work on the I maintenance building, seconded by Busse and upon } a vote taken it was duly passed. Y •,: Motion was made by Watkins to. award Radiant Resources ($5,472,. s5) the bid to work on the heating of the maintenance building, seconded by Bissonett and';upon . ' a vote taken it was dul *.+ y passed. „i REVENUE At 9PM the public hearing for the Revenue Sharing Planned Use was called to. SNARING order. l� Motion a►as made by Bissonett to adopt the Revenue Sharing Planned Use funds, k ' and to appropriate to the Fire Equipment fund as outlined in the 1979 budget, seconded b# Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' Motion was made by Bissonett to adjourn the public"hearing, seconded by Hafermmnn and upon a:vote taken It was duly passed. W SOW, TRAI A request came in from the residents of Shore Trail to- oil 06V road again j OILINGi this year.” 1Mutod was made by Bissonett to oil Shore Trail from Sand Point Beach down throu94the residential area, seconded by Busse and upon a vote:,•taken it was .i duly passed. NORTH SNORE A letter from the people on North Shore Oaks was received requesting time on the OAKE.S ESCROW * ACREENENT agenda in regards to the paving of North Shore Oaks and the escrow agreeaent, City'Xanager McGUire was directed to set meeting a time and to notify the people of that time. k The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on September 19, 1978: ' Misc. Dept. Albinson Blue Line $ 40.00 Scott- Rice Telephone Utilities 462.78 JAK Products Office Suppldes 51.81 f Ames Office Supplies Office Supplies 89.90 Lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repair 60.32 a 4' Prior Lake OK Hardware. Supplies 135.89 Larry Borka" Maint. Bld ("} ,. 300.00 /�/� Z CO Maine. Bldg. 1.00 � 'I NSP Utilities 4.39 Lit Weber Auto Supply - Repairs 34.54 � I Coast to Coast'Store Supplies 19.54 Minn. valley Electric Co-op` Utilities` 175.43' Bankers Lrfe Insurance 2, 040.5."x' Little Canada Lumber " Maintenance Bldg. 26,325.09 r5. I w MiNYTIB sf tM o f tlas VNIMs Comma .sf "'VNIrN of rdw-Im kw is 69 , o f Sao ", &am Miwtiiahi. W sil Page 4 I 9111178 Misc. Construction Fund: Orfei, & Sons' Contract Payment White Construction $4 ?,198,73 0 ` Contract P aym:nt 24,QR3.10 •77 Wagon Bridge S&w Construction fund Orfei & Sons Contract Payment' Fischer Construction $17,?85. ?6 Contract Payment 5 2,883.74 1 77 Spring Lake S&W "Construction Fund; Frank J, Nicker Assoc, Appraisal Update Fischer Sand & Aggregate, S 1,350.00 Contract Payment 66,589.53 a Debt Service Fund: r j Ist Hatt. Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment Ist AatL Bank of St. Paul $ 7,460.50 i Bond Paymentrt' 1Vat2. City Bank of PLSP Bond Payment x,055,11 38,514..00 k, Notion was made: by Wa tk i ns to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bissoleett and upon a:'vote °taken ,x g ha6e this meeting was adjourned at 9 :15PM. t Michael A. McGuire City Manager & x +�Y� 3 k4 ax+ k y ry 1 .yZ L j t Via' r ��rE i 1161HU t of die ftemdinp of dw VWgp Cwaeil of the Viii p .ef Pdw take is the Ceuuty, of tie Mat Stab, of Nli•..a., edwlia� .a aeawds ewlibd w, .a,t Ca�dl. Street Dept Mn Industrial Toot Equipment $ 28.:63' Bohnsack and Mennen Snow Removal. 618.00 Warren E. Doble Gas 21;00 Misc. Construction Fund OSM Engineering $ 810.98 77 Wagon Bridge SSW Construction Fund k OSM Engineering 4.5 15.61 =' . '77 Spring Lake SSW Construction Fund . . OSM Engineering $ 6,291.38 Debt Service' Fund First Minneapolis Bond Payment $` 212.50w ` Northwestern Mat]. , Bank of MSP Bond Payment 179,19840 WY k' Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded ' by Sissonett and upon a °, vote taken thi's meeting was adjourned at 945PM. ' Michael i A. McGuire ' City Manager ` 4i fr � C / fir 2 R R n bg r I R `I e t r