HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 13 1978MINUTE; of ,the hec000;i4�of the VOWS* Council of the, Villas* of Prier Lake in the County of SceNt and Spite of ray; u� la�nosote, Including all accounts audited by said Council. , -u Novembex 13, 1978 'The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake. met in regular session in the•, City Council Chambers on November 13, 1978 at 7:30PM, Mayor STock called the meeting to order. Present -were Mayor Stock,`Councilmen Bissonett, is Busse, Hafermann. and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson., 'City Planner Graser and Attorney Sullivan. w MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the minutes of Nev..mber 6, 1978 " seconded by Hafermann and upon'a votelaken it was duly gassed. FIRE HYDRANT Attorney Frank Muelken was present representing Mrs. Jackie Jorgensen BY,JORGENSEN regarding the location of a .fire hydrant. Mayor Stock stated that the Council's previous motion .regarding the Jor gensen fire hydrant would stand on the denial of moving that 'hydrant across the street and at this point the alternative that may be available is moving it parallel to the street five feet away. from the :33rgensen property and the,approximate cost is wO.,00 and Mr.,Nuelken is tortake this to the Jorgensen's, to see if they are willing to pay part or all of the: costs,.'' Mr. Muelken stated he would talk to the Jorgensen's and if it appears that they should come back to the Council then he will 'be asked to be, put on the agenda. ISLAND VIEW City Engineer Anderson.and Mr.` Ken, Haider of OSM presented plans and specs for Island View for Council review.. t. Motion was made by Bissonett to 'approve the plans, and specifications sub- ;A matted for Island View and to authorize the advertising forbidding of the project and to open bids on February 7, 1979 at 10 :00am, seconded.by Watkins and upon avote taken it was duly passed. x FAIRLAWN, Motion was „made by Hafermann to:, table ;Fairlawn Shores plans, and specification: SHORES until December d, 1678, seconded by Watkins and upon: vote taken it was` duly passed. LEROY BOHN- City Planner Eraser presented information regarding the LeRoy Bohnsack r SACK COND appeal of a conditional use. permit that was denied by the Planning ' ,. ilSE pERN11 �ortaisron. Mr. Bohnsack was present regarding his appeal. Notion was novae by Bissonett to deny the conditional use permit for LeRoy Bohnsack, and to, direct staff to work with Mr. Bohnsack in every respect 1 to find a negotiable area -for his building,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was, duly passed. DR. GEISER; Mayor Stock called the continuation of Dr, Geiser's road vacation Public RD. ,VACATION Hearing to. order. $T14 STREET Motion was made. by' Watkins to approve 'the vacation of 8th Street. as platted RV., VACATION in the Spring ;Lake Townsite lying between County Road 12 and Center ,Road SW, seconded.by Bissonett and upon ,a vote taken it was duly passed, ' Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn the Dr. Geiser road vacation -public hearing, seconded by Busse and upon a vote. 'taken, it' was duly passed' PRIOR HIGH- Mayvrr Stock stated 'that the request of Prior Highlands subdivision eras LANDS, ntadt, known' to the .City Manager this afternoon that they wish to-cancel this evening � s appointment on the agenda and have'' rescheduled for the agenda of November 20, 1978 at 7 3OPN. FAIRLAWN The Council reviewed.the Fairlawn Shores plans and. specifications' � SHORES PLANS Motion was made by Watkins to approve the B$D Bar incorporation' B D: BAR by,Hafermann.zad upon a. vote taken it was duly passed. ALARM ,SYSTEM Notion was made by to approve an alarm system for the maintenance MAINT. BLDG. garage to be purchased from Hoeppner Electronics at a cost of $69S plus 4 $12,00 per month for monitoring, seconded by Bissonett, and upon a vote taken it- was`duty passed. MINUTES of iM.Piree ediegs of the Village Counell of !M: Village of S 1 r take in 1M County et Scott and siaiu Of Minnemiu, 6dWing all aecouMs audited- bj�,,imld Carmen. Page 2 11/13/78 ti ,,. BUDGET ACCT. Motion was by Busse.to approve budget account adjustments as fellows ADJUSTMENTS Contingency Transfers; "` �� ? W 500.00 General Government- Accoullti434 Printing & Pt61" hz.ng r . �r r 2,100.00 Police- Account f,12.Temporary` and Overtime Contingency Expenditures: IS6.60 Delta Dental and - Bankers Life Insurance Y) . pl_ 1 87.06 ,, Chemicals 2,608,.41 City .of Savage - -Band. Payment 148.00 Plumbing Inspector 800.00 Roofing Police Building., 120.00- Police Reserves seconded;by Watkins and:upon a vote taken it was duly gassed, Water P oducts Co . ' ReFair's , 99 'S0 American Cast' Iron -Pipe Co, Repairs �¢ Su ' Zahl Equipment Co. Repairs i . F Street : t� � 1� , • �1 1 k 1 Y i 1 7 'o e , Pr r Lak Aggrega INc. Sand 5 �►gg g �, � . 9�r 57� 1� Cargill, Inc. 'Salt Nueller & Sons _ Blacktop . SQ General `Welding, Supplies3 3 O,b ., i . vj Martinson Island Sewer € 'Water Constructibn Fund ' r V' q {v Y J I 1 fE, F• J J �, I �41,` \ 14 i p ow ry Edgineering 6 , 13 ?.T9• ; ! Orfei 4 Sons Contrac Payment. 11Q;6b2` 601 Juran.€ Moody Prof: Services " 6,'781. ZS 1�!oody's Investor's Service, Ioc. IBond.Rating 7S0 00, ', fi ' U F nati�+eial CoOwunicat ons, Inc. Advertising Chapin Publishing Go Advertising• ' +, Poucher`rPitg. $ Litho , Printing i, +4.26.50 ",+ , � « Equipment Certificatesof1978,Fund: �1 a E.F. John:.on ,Co>< l;adios �� 1,120,50' lt d. 1 r ,.aft 1 410 A S4 l4h 21f Q W S r g R fAWh y d 3 { i 1 S HV. e �k� G { 16 ��� 1 tdl. L� , K�1Y(�Ym PK �������4Y�'�`;� y� � ,!, •Y�}� i����id��A u.,5>d��� �1 4Ytk ��ia 3.n.,>* . rn ttr��l,i� f€ itpa.. � URIfiY?!f• i1M f+radadis of ah� ViNapoaweit of 31�a Y YlilaBe of t•It►r talri;a NNS coreflr �f Seo�! ewti f1eN af, 1, MwunasMs, wcludinh all ac+ 4unia ayeirNd'ri+ Amid ceeecil. Page .3 1,1/13,178 a a I -General Government Joe Czech R Retainer refund $ 100.00 Gross Ind. Services B Bldg. Maint. 9 95.36. Goverment Information, Services S Seminar 6 65.00 Robert McAllister B Bog Catcher `' 2 235.00 Engineering: Minnesota Society of Prof'. Eng. M Membership Dues $ $ 119.00 1 1 Artsign S Supplies q 1 10.00 " " Police a Rae r f ob - N Ni l ilea e �� "18.45 Automatic Garage Door Co.: O Overheax +,Doors Installed 531.50. k +, T Todd Chevrolet, Inc. V Vehicle Repair 4 451 :96` Mahowald Motors, Inc. V Vehicle Repair 8 81.53 r Kenneday Transmission V Vehicle 'Repair 2 254.15 Fire: , , , ' B i Bob Mertens C Conv6wtion. - - 273.12 E.C. Peterson Co. , Inc. E Equipment Maint,., 2 27.60 Reynolds Welding Supply S Supplies - - 2.25 - Air Coma Inc. ii E Equipment Repair 1 128.75 Superior AAbuiance Sales i itescue Unit ;, 1 16, a0.00: I• : k; :. _ _ E Volley Ball Program < E Shakope+ Piibli.c otilz.ty Coma. U Utilities; x!! K Ken' Josan Architect_ `+ I Iaproveaent9Q0: 6 62 Lawrence, Sch�_r ch 'Home NBl ir, I Improveieent ' ' } 11? 00 • � �' 1 !r`:' Earl F, �,fidei son 4 Assoc. B Build �ng ; 5 50 50 B J` Raazat&i Service V Vehicle Repa � �� ` 4. q0, � Prior "ke rine V Vehicle, Repaix ? ?'1:20r � - Water: American > water Works Assoc. M Me�bership, S,: � �i;,�lril �,, H Ho�►ard Huher R Refund 3 30 00' f f , , 1 u ". _.. . . ,; �. ♦ i� - ..,..e— ,..., � ; f { wad Frier teb is th* County of Seen and Stoeo of alm" of tM r oc is" of" Villogo.Cou"cil of, the VilWe of Niinnoio", including a ll accounts suditsd by said Council, x Page 4 1 }: /13/78 h f' Misc.- Construction Fund : White construction Co. Contract Payment 10,467.00 325.00 Ilodys Investors Service Inc, Bond Rating 32.80 Chapin Publishing Co.' Advertising 1 77 liagon'Bridge Sewer :and Water Const Fundy- Contract 'Payment $ 24,679.89 Orfei 8 Sons Fischer Construction Co., INc. Contract Payme nt lil,845.58 " 1 77 Spring`Laka Sewer and Hater Co Fund ° Fischer Sand $ Aggregate Inc. _ Contract Payment 22,263.25~ MoLion by *atkins''to adjourn, seconded by Stock and upon a vote "taken this meeting was . , adjourned at. 9:05PM. � Michael A. McGuire 4 0 7 r �t City Manager 11� G k c 2 t r a+ �b F, V . t P ' z C ✓� t o t € 1 _ 1 tl t J 3 tl A n, { a , t it�f X 76 },:1 A'i'�:!RS?�,lw:tYYx+ra <«+:.. wF� }'wYirmaa�za.srai.w: .+a ii t