HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 08 1979x tz MMNIfK of Nue hoe�edkMe of *0 VIN"o Cossdl of 60 V1k4P of mw ake is,da Ce $gew as - ftele of Mksessols, isdwNM *11 enow^ oWNed by 90W Coosa 19 N ,.......,,. January 8, a The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session`on January 8, 1979. at 7;30 PM'. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Attorney Sullivan„ City Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson and Park Director Mangan, ) ., Mayor Stock called the meeting to order and the following corrections are to be made to the January 2, 1979 meeting, Page 1, paragraph 9 should read: Notion made by Thorkelson...,... seconded 5= by Bissonett and upon a votes taken it was duly passed. Pa$e 2, paragraph 13 'should read: remove all assessments of Scottland.for Brooksville Hills 2nd Addition Outlot A con ~ingent upon'Scottland paying - off assessment balance in full. Page 2, paragraph 13 should read: The number to call is 636 -1252, MINUTES Notion made by Busse:to approve the minutes of January 2' 1979 as,amended, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duiy passed.. ",:.I;YII DEFENSE Notion by Watkins to appoint Tom'Foster as Civil Defense Director for the :31:RECTOR. 1979 tern,'seconded by Bissonett and upon a:vote taken it wss:duly HEALTH OFFICER Notion by Thorkelson to appoint Dr. Olaf Lukk as, Health Officer for the 1979 term, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LIQ. LICENSES Chairman of the, 'Li Liquor License Committee reported that there are no 4 � po ..., changs recommended in the.3.2beer l ordinance. Nation made by Bissonett to approve a sat -up license for Yen Yen Cafe, "seconded by Busse and upon,& vote taken it was duly passed. City Manager McGuire is directed to inform them of the hours"of the license. n' BATHHOUSE'" Notion made by Bissonett to open bids for the structure on Sandpoint Beut°.h SAND POINT BCH an February 1, .1979 at 11:00 AN contingent that the block on the exterior s walls be checked against the Building Code seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. BROOKSVI LE City Planner Graser presented the plat of the Brooksville Center 2nd. CENTER and Addition, and explained the reason.for � requesting preliminary .development approval:.; Notion made by Bissonett to approve preliminary plat for the Brooksville .. Center tad Addition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed MAKE PARK `Maple Park Shores situation was discussed by the Council. City Engineer SNORES Anderson presented information on the problem regarding the,setal flume in that area. The Coumcil.`will. go out to look at the flue before April 23, 1979 and then make a decision regarding what to do, City Engineer Anderson passed out for the council's review, a omt ai easenent,'for James Mason's storm sewer, Attorney Sullivan will'contact Masad's attorney about this > easement and further action will be taken at a later date. The next meeting of the council will be January i5;, 1979 at 7:30 PM The following invoices; are .scheduled to be paid on `Uesday January. 16,1979: Misc. Departments Road Machinery 6 Supplies Blade Repairs 62,048.86 WV Gas Co. M -V Gas 1,028.80 Coast to Coast Store Supplies 11.90 Prior Lake Luber Co. Supplies 33.48 Albinson Joseph Czech 'Rental 40,00 Mileage 13.SO Lake Auto Supply - Vehicle Repairs 49.94 G 4< B OK Hardwa'"' Supplies 536.51 Weber �1ut►'$upply, Inc. Vehicle Repairs 1.017.10 t c rN of Pries low is *A Cesar of saw mad flab Of Mtaoala. iathwks ON by odd Co met Misc. Departments: ('continued) ; CDP, Ins• Copy Machine $ 186:00 Toes lbbile Service Gas :and Vehicle Repairs 505.95 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 480.32ti Dena Dental 'Plan of Minn, Dental Insurance:- 59S.00 General Government:; r Dolores Berens Cleaning Library,. S' 52.50 Prior Lake American Publishing 18.35_ Gross Ind. Services ° Bldg. Maint. 65.60 Sun Newspapers;,. =Iac. Directory 250.00 American Linen Supply Co. Bldg; Maint. 19.75 Coulter,, Nelson, Sullivan 6` -` Frevert Attorney 1, 703. S0 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 23S „00 yy Engineering , �Copy Equipment, Inc. Equipment S' 93.31 Tuf -Lite Equipment. 18.00 � £' Ater Office Supply Equipment 29.0.4 ;£ ,. Planning � ..� : •; Scott, County Treasurer Assessed Values -'''' 19;00 Police: � , Gene Smith Mileage and Meals *`14.95 Lee Rabenort Mileage 3.60 Walter M. Christiansen Police Reserves 15�nD. Lyle Grimmer - Police Reserves 15.10 Tali 4 Scott Grimmer Mashing Police Cars 18.00 W� ' ICR Air. Corot Gas. Equipment. Repairs - 15S.2S 18.75 Fire: Akins Fire Equipment Co. Supplies ; 56.99 ` Suburban- Houkepin Co Vo -Tech EMT Course - 180.00 ` Inswconce Services, Inc Insurance 726.00 MN State Fire Chiefs Assn_ Membership, 40.00 Reynolds Melding Supply Co. Supplies 6.75' Park: g • il. Steve's Red ONl Bea' Franklin .<, Supplies_ Supplies S 4.37” -:3.69 Holumns`SnpglY, Inc Repairs 10.56 Can'Johmsai °Arcdjtect Professional Services 940. Andrews *Re I Pha car Supplies 4.70 Mater: : # ti Layne Minnesota, Co. \ Repairs $ 239.E o 0 Brad Ragan Inc. Equipment 589.21 t Hilite Electric Repairs 178.06 Hach Chemical Co. Supplies 27,23 Servo i,a4oratories Mater Tests- 12.00' Sewer: g ' lMCC $21,692.38 Lawrence Schweich home Bldr. Broke*Hater Main 133,00 y X' Spielman Reimbursement 30.:00- HclC nley , Sewer Service .f Pining 150.00 Goodin Co. APP lies 230.12.` -2- sa ��u .. . � ".� . �� � �. .. 4 _ ,. 11 UM of iUo `hre iMs of dw vill"o: Loam" of dw vili"R of Peiw take is dw CwMY of Scoff and Shah of a N ieda1169 ail aaweft amdihd by saw COUNCIL January 8, 1979 The Common Counc�;1 of the City of Prior .Lake met .in regular session. on January 8, 1979 7:30 Pi4; Present Were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins; City Manager McGuire, Attorney Sullivan, City Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson and Park Director Mangan. 4 Mayor Stock called the meeting to order and the following corrections are to be made to the January 2, 1979 meeting. Page 1, paragraph 9 should read: Motion made by Thorkelson...... seconded by Bissonett and upon a.vote taken it was duly passed. Page , paragraph IS should read. remove all assessments of Scottland for Brooksville Hills 2nd Addition Outlot A contingent upon.Scottland paying off assessment balance in full. Page 2, paragraph 13 should read; The number to call is 536 -1252. MINUTES Notion made by Busse to approve the minutes of January 2, 1979 as amended, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. IVIL DEFENSE "41RECTbR7 Motion by Watkins to appoint Tom 'Foster as Civil Defense Director for the 1979 term, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken a was duly passed. HEALTH OFFICER Motion by Thorkelson to appoint Dr. Olaf Lukk as Health Officer for the 1979 term, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LIQ. LICENSES Chairman of the Liquor License Committee reported that there are no changes recommended in the 3.2 beer license; ordinance. :- Notion made by Bissonett to approve a set -up license for Yen Yen Cafe, c c seconded by Busse and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed. City Manager McGuire is directed to inform them of the hours of'the license. ' BATHHOUSE ON Notion made by Bissonett to open'4ids for the structure on Sand Point Beach I ' SAND POINT BCH on February , 1979 at 11:00 AM y .contingent that the block on the exterior. wslls be cheeked.against the Building Code, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. BROOKSVILLE � Cit y _Planner Graser presented the plat of the Brooksville Center 2nd CENTER 2nd Addition and.explained the reason for requesting preliminary development t approval . Notion made by Bissonett to approve preliminary PP p ary plat for the Brooksville.' Center 2nd Addition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. MAPLE PARK Maple: Park Shores situation was discusseu by the Council. City Engineer SHORES ` Anderson presented information on the problem regarding the metal flume in that area. The Council will go out to look _,t the flume before April 23 1979 and then make a decision regarding.what to do. ' City Engineer Anderson.passed out for the council's review, 4& easement for James Mason's storm sewer. Attorney Sullivan will contact Nason.'s attorney about this easement and further action will be taken at a later date. The next meeting.of' the council will be January IS, 1979 at 7:30 PM'. The following, invoices; are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday January 16,1979: Misc. Departments: .� Rood Machinery 8 Supplies Blade Repairs $2,048.86 N -Y Gas Co. N -h Gig 1,028.80 Coast to Coast Store Supplies 11.90 Prior Lake Lumber Co. Supplies, 33.48 Albinsoa Rental 40,.00 Joseph Czech Mileage 13.50 Lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repairs 49.94 G B B OKlHardware Supplies S36.SI Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Vehicle Re pairs 1,012.10 _1. _V k .s �_. Aim iii, of MINIf1i8 The In pwij st 1M Vago COUMM of do 'Vili@6 of his(' lobe M IM CwMy of itN1 iad' fNla e?C ?i Miee�Nle. iae wliirB eq eaewib wdited by mW em". Misc. Departments: (continued ) CDP, Inc.. Copy Machine 3 186.00 { Toss Mobile Service Gass and Vehicle Repairs" SOS.95 Scott-Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 480.32 Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Dental Insurance 595.00 General Government: I Dolores Berens Cleaning Library $ 52.50 Prior Lake American Publishing 18.35 Gross Ind. Services Bldg. Maint. 6S.60 Sun Newspapers, Inc. Directory 2SO.00 American Linen Supply Co. Bldg. Maint. 19.75 Coulter, :Nelson„ Sullivan 8 (revert Robert McAllister Attorney Dog Catcher 1 703.SO �23S:00 Engineering Copy Equipment, Inc._ Equipment 93.31 Tu € -Lite _ Ames Office Supply Equipment Equipment 15.00 Planning: 29.04 .rte Scott County Treasurer Assessed, Values 19.00 Police: Gent Smith Mileage and Meals 14:85 Lee Rabenort Mileage 3.6o Walter N. Christiansen Police Reserves 15.00 Lyle Grimse'r Police Reserves 15.00 Tom 4 Scott Grimmer Washing Police Gars 18.00 ' IC0 Air Comm Gas Equipment Repairs. 1SS.2S 18.75 Fire: Akins Fire Equipment Co. Supplies $ 56.99 Suburban- Hennepin Co. Vo -Tech ENT Course 180.00 i* Insurance Services, Inc y Insurance 726.00 MN State Fire Chiefs Assn., Membership. 40.00 Reynolds Wedding Supply Co. Supplies 6.7S Park Steve's Red Owl Supplies 4.37 Ben Franklin Supplies 3.69 Monnens Simply, Inc Repairs IO.S6 Ken Johnson Architect Professional Services 940.63 Andrews Rektil Pharmacy Supplies 4 -.70 Mater: Layne Minnesota Co. Repairs S 239 Brad Ragan Inc. Equipment S89.21 Hilite Electric Repairs, 178.06 Hach Chemical Co. Supplies 27.23 Serco Laboratories Water Tests 12,00: Sewer: - MCC Lawrence Schweich *we''Bldr. Installments Broken Water Main �a21,692.38 4 K. S Spiel P Reimbursement 133.00 30,00 McKinleX Sewer Service Pumping. 150.00 Goodin Co. Supplies 230.12 A ; MWJ of dW Pf VAW of *A VMkye Coaadi of 00 ViNg of poW lake M ike Caragr of :Mit md6 t1eAO eR m kdodk a an aeeerais eodbW by wAd CwmwL Street: New - Prague Lumber'" Lead 'Mix Co. S uppli es 11.25 Prior Lake Aggregates, =gk{ Inc. 31.26 Loren L. Hanel Lettering 58.00 :' 1 National Cheasearch Supplies 135:43 Eguipaent Certificates of 1978 'Fund: Sweepsters, Inc. Equip cnt Z 195.24 . Martinson Island Sewer & Mater Construction Fund: Orfei 8 Sons, Inc. Contract`" Pm- $47,394,35 lotion aade by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote, taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:.31 i r p. t• Michael, A. McGuire- >� , City Manager a R u c, 4 ✓ ., l y g >:. is �: v I - I T