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MIIlr1� *t I�eeei a if /M 11MIye Camo e1 Nn Vmhmip ei Peie► leke IN 0�0 rou"P`ef sam-off "No of
ION ie�.il...11 «awM.66"d by sell ""Na
January IS, .1979
'The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular sessions on
January 1S, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor. Stock, City Manager, Mcthiire
Councilmen Busse, Bissonett, 'Ihorkelson, Watkins, City Engineer Anderson,
City Planner Graser, =Finance:Director Teschner and Attorney Hicks.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order and "the, following correction is to e
be made to the January 8, 1979 minutes.
Page 1, paragraph 15 should read: for the council's review, an easement
Janes Mason I s.. .
Notion Bade by Busse to approve the minutes of January a, 1979 as amended,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion made by Bissonett to transfer the Green Heights Liquor License,, to
! `.
Eldon Olson, effective February 1, 1979, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Attorney Hicks reported that a letter was sent to Janes Mason's attorney
MAPLE PARIVSHR regarding the easement, however, no response was received from . his. attotmey
yet., the Council will take up this matter at a.later mead
City Manager kcGure and Concilman Watkins reported ' on the Rural Area Zoning
Meeting that was held. The Council discussed the information that was
presented. County Commissioner Hat4fezium was present to give his views
on the matter. No a.,tion was taken , a" this iten rill be considered
during the Comprehensive Plan Public hearings:
Discussion was hard by the Council on Ordinance 79 -1,R no parking on .streets
from November.IS to March 1S between the 'hours of 2 -
Motion aade 'by M1 Bissonett to adopt ordinance 79 -1 and to put it in, effect`
November 1S,, 1979 and add Section III to the ordinance; a variance may be
granted with proper notice, seconded by Watkins and upon 'a, vote taken it wis
duly passed.#
Mayor Stock recommended,that the Council cunsider approval for the appoint-
sent of Sue Warmka ;to the PlanninY ('omaissicn,to take the place of Keith
Notion made b Bissonett to
y appoint: Sue Marmka to the Planning Commission,
secondedby Watkins and upon a vote taken it.was duly passed.
Notion Bade by Thorkelson to adopt the connection fees`for the Sewer and
of $350.00 each to be effective September 1, 1979, seconded by Mayor,
Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The City Manager is to send to the City,Attorney a mmo of the type of
ordinance for the Water Tower Charge that is needed to have provisions of
Putting , it on the tax rolls in paynent of five years. An increase of the
charge s also to be put'in ;the ordinance from $150.00 'to $200.00
The Staff recommended that the Water bills, be increased as follows':
$'.80; Pei 1,'900 gallons.,. first thirty thousand gallons
$.70t per 1,000 gallons... over thirty thousand gallons+ �v
Effective on the March bills
$.90* per 1,000 gallons...., first thirty thousand gallons
$.80* per 1,000 gallons...;. over thirty thousand 8allons
Effective on 1,, 1979,.
The Staff recommended that the Sewer bills be increased as follows:
e •,.
, .
$• 70s Per 1, d 000 gallons of water consume- effective on March bill;
« $ 1,000
-80s per gallons of water consumed - effective September I, 1979
Notion made by Watkins to increase the user charges per staff recommendat ion,.
seconded by Busse and upon a vote Laken it was,duly passed.
r ,
Mf,*V i of tla` tiaMeileg�;ef. 'rN�! <:erlllil of Ms Yi11aRe eR hl�! 1� I!!r Me Leealr sr":self said B1ele
MtM 0dodkv eN eawess aerNsul w semi.Cwwtil.
Notion wade by Watkins to approve the police Report for the month of December,.`1978,
seconded 3y 8issonett and upon a vote taken ,it wa duly passed.
Notio made by Bissonett to approve the Fire Report for' the month of December.
1978, seconded'b}�, Busse and upon: a. vote taken it was duly led. -
Notion made by Busse to approve the Dog Catcher's Report for the month of
December", e
1978, secondd b �Ma r Stock and vote taken it was dul `
?' upon y Passed:
Notion by Watkins
t* approve the Finance Report for the aaath of December;,
1978, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
Notion made by Watkins to approve Resolution 79 -1 regarding Engineering and,
Technical Assistance,Agreeftnt, seconded Fuse and upon 'a vote taken, it xas
duly passed.
11RCNtE l�Al1EK
,Notion made b -Busse to,
y grant Archie Pavek additional time to remove a fence on a
Public roailway,: with -_Nay 1, 1979 as the deadline, however, the &tw is to be
removed immediately, "seconded by Watkins and upon a, vote taken..it was passed.
Coun Bissonett voted nay. on motion.
`CEI It 2nd
Ibton made. by Watkins to approvo the hardshell for Brooksville Catter and
Addition contingent that receipt ,f the Bevel rs
Cit ope agreeuent . be �►pprovad,;.by
the i Engi"ar prior to releasing of the hardshell, seconded; by' Busse
and upon" vatic `takeh, it. was passed. Councilmia Bissonett _abstained on
this motion ;.
,the next .meeting or"' `che Comm il xill be January 22 °, 1979. at 7 :±30 Iii.
NotioUL mule by Natkini, to adjourn, sec"dedi by Busse and upon ;i° voie tniten
this meeting,we* adjouared?at 9:17 PH.
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Michael A. IkQdre 0
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City Manager;
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January 1S 1979
The Common Council of the City of Prior. Lake wet in regular session on
,January 15, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present Here Mayor Stock, City Manager McGuire,
f Councilmen Busse, Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Engineer Anderson,
City Planner Graser, Finance Director ~Teschner °and Attorney Hicks.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order and the following correction is to.
_# be wade to the January 8, 1979 minutes,
Pagel, paragraph, 15 should read: for the council's review, an easement for
James Mason's...
MINUTES motion made by Busse to approve the minutes of January S. 1979 as amended,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
LIQ. LICENSE Notion, made by Bissonett to transfer the Green Heights Liquar\License, to
Eldon Olson,_ effective F'al -uary 1, 1979,
taken it was duly passed. seconded by Watkins and upon a, vote
` '
' JAMES MASON Attorney Hicks reported that a letter was sent to James Nason!s attorney
MAPLE PARK $MR ,regarding the easement, however, no response was received from his attorney
yet. The Council will take up this matter at a,later meeting,
RURAL AREA City Manager McGuire and,Concilman Watkins reported on the Rural Area Zoning
ZONING Meeting that Was held. 'The Council discussed the information that was
presented, County Commissioner HaVermanwn was present to give his views
on the matter. No action was taken ,and this item will be considered
vwduring the Comprehensive Plan Public hearings.
ORDINANCE - Discussion was held by the Council on Ordinance, 79 -1,, no parking on streets
79 from November 15 to March 15 between the hours of 2 -: ::6 a. m.
Notion made by Bissonett to adopt Ordinance 79 -1 and to put it in effect
November IS, 1979 and add Section III to the ordinance, a variance may be
granted with proper notice, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was
3 duly passed.
SUE WARM Mayor Stock recommended that the Council consider approval for the appoint-
ment of Sue harmka to the Planning Commission to take the place of Keith
q . Thorkelson.
Notion wade b Bissonett to w Y appoint Sue Warmka to the Planningi Commission,
seconded by Watkins and upon ,a vote taken it was duly passed.
S i M CONNECT. Notion made by Thorkelson to adopt the connection fees for the Sewer said
FEES Water of S3S0,00 each to be effective September 1, 1979, seconded by Mayor
a Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
WATER TOWER The City Manager is to send to the City Attorney a memo of the type of
CHARGES ordinance for the Water Tower Charge that is needed to have pro*isions of {
Putting , it on the tax rolls in payment of five
years, _M increase'of the .
charge is also to be put in the ordinance from $ISO.00 to s200,00.
WATER BILLS The staff recommended that the Water bills be increased as follows':
S•80R per 1,000 gallons first, thirty thousand gallons
$.700 per 1,000,gallons.... over thirty thousand gallons
` Effective on the March bills =
5400 per 1,000 gallons.,. first thirty thousand gallons.
8.800 per 1,000 gallons..., over thirty thousand gallons
Effective on September 1, 1979.
SEWER BILLS The Staff recommended that the Sewer bills be increased as follows:
$.700 r 1 000 gallons pe g s of water consumed- effective on Eiarch bill
$.800 per 1,000 gallons of water; consumed- effective September 1, 1979
Notion made by Watkins to increase the user charges per staff recommendation,
` seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: