HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 20 1979MOMM of Ma tioeeelin" of NI! vNew ce"Mm e ae vino of Pricw Wks is *4 covey► of seen 4KW sh" of Miss..N.. isdbiis.N .�o.,ib .wlil.d fM,, s� Cs+raeit, ,. February 20, 1979 The Common, Council of the City of Prior Lake set in` regular session on February 20, 1979 at 7 ;30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Council- men Bissonett, Busse, lhorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, ti City Engineer Anderson,, Police Chief Powell, and Attorney Sullivan, _ Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections = are to be made to the 'February 12 1979 minutes; k Page one, paragraph 13, this bid Was received.from_Progressive Contractors, Inc. Councilmen Busse requested that the Progressive S Contractors, Inc. , Page two, paragraph S. resolution made for the placement of windows = in buildings. MI MUTES Notion by Watkins to approve the minutes of February 12, 1979 as amended, seconded by Busse and .,: upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. HAROLD MCKENNA City Manager presented to the Council the Harold McKenna Variance VARIANCE appeal, Mr. McKenna Was at the meeting to answer any questions. Notion by Busse to grant the variance to Mr. McKenna to, divide his property into three`10 acre parcels and the one five acre which is' to be given to the existing home on.the other five acre parcel, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote: taken it was duly pissed. AG LAND SUBDIv lotion by lhorkelson to declare a moritorium on further subdivision of agricultural lands on anything less than 40, acres until our Comprehensive Plan review has -been made, seconded by Bissonett to have a discussion. '. After discussion.by the Council, Ihorkelson withdrew his motion and Bissonett withdrew: the second.', POLICE CARS City Manager stated that two quotes`t�ad been received for Police Sq uad Car { bids, Grossman Chevrolet at 6294, and Malkerson Motors $ at 56244. � a , } , Notion by Bissoneit to award the bid for the Police Squad Car to Naikerson Motors, low bidder, for $6,244.00, .° seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. U RESOLUTION `lbtioar'by W30ins to adopt Resolution 79 -5, Minnesota Cities Week 79 5 �* secogd*d'by- Busse and upon a ivte taken it was duly passed. C ;JAMS IIASOIi Attorney Sullivan_ reported. on the James Mason Storm Sewer. He ST01 SEtiIER received it lettet ffroa Mr. Mason's attorney and. the attorney has not had a chance to discuss the l matter with Mr. Mason. Mr. Mason's ° attorney stated in letter that he would rather sign the easesent he. Prepared than the one we sent to his. Further action was tabled until the middle of March, 1979. A0 MAW, SHORE City Winager McGuire presented to Council, e. the fcr Narlis Bluedorn, FI511 -PT: RO• that a lot on °the corner of Fairlawn Shores Road and Fish Point Road ; CORNER, LOT F1)R that is for sale to, the City or Y ponding purposes. The cost to the SALE. M. City would. be $500, winch would include the assessments, back taxes, and the cost for attorneys fees4. etc, paid by the owner. If the:lct is`aot purchased, it would.then be necessary to_negotixte an,easement_. ``. Motion by Watkins to authorize the City Manager to negotiate the acquisition, V seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. REPORT k'OLICE Notion by Watkins to approve the Police Repo for the .month of 'January, : seconded by Busse and - &.vote taken itPwas,Aul Y .Passed. FIRE a RESCUE Notion by Busse to approve the Fire 4 Rescue report for�'the month of January, seconded by,'lhorkelson:and upon a vote taken ;it was duly Pied, •i i ,• � � V '� �� � j C i i FAela MItiYTE! of tlwl f�e+awiMge of *0 Vft" Ce"Nev of tM- vill"o of POW Lek* in tM Cwehr of kow Bow %ft of Miean Im iedual" ell eewmft a Rift by'seid Cweeil. February 20. 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session 011 February 26, 1979 at 7;30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Council - men Bissonett, Busse, 'Ihorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Police Chief Powell, and Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. the following; corrections are to be made to the February 12, 1979 minutes:: Page one, paragraph 13, this bid was received from Progressive Contractors, Inc. Councilmen Busse requested that ' Contractors, .Inc. . the Progressive ` Page two. paragraph S, resolution made for the placement of windows in buildings. MINUTES Notion by Watkins to approve the mi nutes of February 12, 1979 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. HAROLD MCKENNA City Manager presented to the Council the Harold McKenna Variance VARIANCE appeal. Mr. McKenna was at the meeting to answer any questions. Notion by Busse to grant the variance to Mr. McKenna to divide his property into three 4 acre: parcels and the one five acre Which is to be given to the existing home on the other five acre parcel, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. A6 LAND SUBDIV` Motion -by Thorkelson.to declare. a morirorium on further subdivision of agricultural_lands on : anything less than 40 =acres until our Comprehensive Plan review has been made, seconded by Bissonett to have a discussion. After discussion by the Council, 7horkelson withdrew his motion and Bissonett withdrew the second. POLICE CARS City Mmager stated that two quotes had been received for Police Squad Car bids. Grossman Chevrolet at $6294. and Malkerson.Motors at $6244. Notion by Bissonett to award the bid for the Police Squad Car to Nalkerson Motors, low bidder, for $6,244.00, seconded by Watkins .. and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. _ RESOLUTION c 79 Notion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -5, Minnesota, Cities Week, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. JAMES MASON STORM SEWER Attorney Sullivan rep orted Ja Mas on Sorm Sewer. He received a letter frmm �r. Mason's attorney andtthe attorney has not had a chance to discuss the matter with Mr. Mason. Mr. Mason's - attorney stated in the letter that he would rather sign the easement . he prepared than the one we sent to him. Further action was tabled until the middle of March, 1979. FAIRLANN SHORE FISH`PT. Imp. City Manager McGuire presented.to the Council, for Marlin Blue orn, d that 8, lot -on the corner of Fairlawn Shores CORNER LOT FOR SALE, M. BLUE- Road and Fish Point -Road that is for sale to the City for pondin purposes. to th e City would be $Soo, DO which would include the assessments, back and the cost for attorneys fees, _ etc, paid by the owner. If the lot is not.purchased, it would then be necessary to negotiate an easement. , Notion by Watkins to authorize the City Manager to negotiate the acquisition, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. °OLICE REPORT NOtion.by Watkins to approve the Police Report for the month of January, seconded by Busse and..upon k.vote taken it was duly passed'. FIRE i RESCUE. Notion by Busse to approve the Fire 6 Rescue report for the month of January, seconded by 71korkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed: I l� lIA11�1111K ef.lbir'hiap of so Cwndl of iM Ville** of P.ir. Lake in Me CewNp of fall ew,l ttaN of ; MIRM801e, lededing ell eeaw0ts ewiime by selil Caved TREASURERS Notion by Busse to approve the Treasurers report foryr11e month of REPORT January, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,., DOG CATCHERS Notion by Bissonett to approve the Dog Catchers report for the month of REPORT January, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it Was duly passed, MWCC REP Motion by Thorkelson to recommend Ted Suss fo r.NWCC representative, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote:taken;it was duly passed, C1� •ity Manager McGuire reported that Mr„ -Dale Bedeaux would like an extension of time to connect;to water and sewer. He.is- selling the house ( requests the new,owner have until June 1, 1980 to hook - up, and Notion by Thorkelson to grant an extension of time for hook - up to Mr, Bedeaux''s buyers, with the understanding that no further extensions will be granted, and sewer and water must be installed by June 1,, 198 seconded by Busse and upon a rote taken it was, duly passed, f MATER SYSTEM City Manager McGuire explained the letter from the Department of Health am to the Council. Their annual report on the city water systeia in Prior, ' � Lake ranked 93, which is the highest rating, REPORT ON City Engineer Anderson talked With Chuck Sigerude, City Engineer of PIIOGRESSlVE Buimsvihe, about Progressive Contractors,.Inc, and reported that doftlk ' CONTRACTORS Mr, Sigorude said they are good contractors. 4 SCOTTAENNEPI Mayor Stock invited. all Council members to` a PARK, RESERVE the meeting of them ,. : Scott - Hennepin County Park Reserve District to be held on Tuesda DIS. MEETING February 27, 1979 at the Westwood Elementary School cafeteria,' Y,? Notion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote,-,taken this meeting was adjourned at 8;17 PM'!. c Michael A. McGuire City Manager , , g { a