HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 26 1979{ MII�IITE::�f Mo of V'NW Ceaaeil of tM Vipyo of POW Labe Is Me Cmm o f SceN jai !late of` MiwweN+a. adwliM aN aecoaab ariite�i yr oNr Cooasil. t� February-26, *Moo Y .6 197 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session F on February 26, 19T9 at ;r :30 PM, Present were mayor Stock, Council -, wen Bissonett,' Busse, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser,'Finance Director Teschner, and Attorney Sullivan, Councilman Watkins was absent, Mayor Stock called`the� meeting to order. MINUTES Notion by Busse to approve the minutes of Februa 20;- 1979 as Presented, seconded by 7horkelson and duly passed, upon -a vote e ' taken it was a: MORTMIOOD Bryce Huesoelier and James Dunn were present at the meeting to RIDGES discuss with the Council the developmentL of the in the , area being arcels `located. g platted as Northwood Ridges, Mr.L Dunn's property is the first phase. He desires that the City of Prior Lake make,the necessar.,,sewer, water and street improvements for this parcel. He also would like, the Council's authorixat on to ! Proceed with the , angineering work required `to finalise Ahe plans w for the iNprovemeats p,... �,. Dunn's s ,prepare the developers agreement, for. Mr. signature, and also to prepare the cost estimates needed to determine the park fee: that must be paid by the owner. Some ofthe questions that were ,answered: I. The park dedication fee for the first phase will be appiox mately $6,600. low tkz - 2:. The grading of the streets ,. pGP:a tlr of the city, 'however, any land - ' scapint, etc: for each lot is the responsibility of the owner, I. When the Council accepts the proposed plat and it is in,a ` position to bw = approved when,hardshell is filed, a copy of , the motion in the minutes wil ,,be sent to 'the bank that will be providing financial assistance, 4, It vas.- stresse& by the Council, that the developer of this ' project work cliasely with the City Engineer because of the city's Comprehensive Sewer and Mater Plans ° 1 S. the. line ttat will have to run, 300 feet to the, south 1 boundary is the responsibility of the owner. uafnite sion regarding the , utility constriction for the property will be cede hr4he Council when the hardshell is approved, This:dtem 3 will be brought lip g• at a future meetin 8:OS PH ihyor Stock called the public hearing for Diseased T DISEASED TREES order, - Trees Assessments to i There were some citizens present. 'Francis Muellar state that he was charged,.for the cutting down of two trees and that only One tree was on his pro"rty the other was :on. another lot. John Haddock stated that he was charged a considerable amount for the removal of one tree on his lot. There were no lines or any obstruction of any kind to make the tree removal difficult,. These matt rs will be researched,` further and brought up, it a March 12th hearing.: t�:an eyn dim sp1� Cask 1.0" :.; L�?A�1 ►1 Motion by Busse �otitinue the assessment hearing for shade t to M", 12, !9`29 ate':00 PH, seconded by Bissonett and. ,, removal , I it was duly passed _ rrpoa a 1i11RBOR PUD City Planner Grsser presented to the Council the Harbor PUD and discussed the poinvvs the building setback, parking space, etc, City Engineer Anderson p' tCL. ed the points on the PUD regarding water and sewer li nes, E streets, etc. The Council stated that the Sewer and"Witer were to be public and the�iireat within the PUD could be private Representatives from the Harbor`PUD were present to give a.detailed,report on the Notion by Bissonett that the�z�r %develo pwent plan, as seen here, is in i substantial coipliance with the outline development plan, seconded by I' Thorkelson and a vote taken it was duly passed: .r r t ilA1NYtK of 1M HeariMs of tM V11oge Cow" of d* of hiw tab W Ike CewMy of sett eowi Ilife, Miw . Md"" eN ecaerOft wriNd by, wAd Cwaeil. SHARE 'TRUCK: Attorney Sullivan reported on the Sharf Trucking lawsuit. Notion b Busse to proceed with Y P an a Pp4al to the.-- supreme c,. urt. seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. ,.V CITII CODE 800 Sterling Codifiers City Code Book was; looked over by the Council. It was ^ dedded'ihat at each Council meting a chapter or chapters would be'dis- cussed. Also the cost for the books will be decided; for anyone.wanting to purchase the book. ✓ A,_letter is to be written to the company regarding perMissionto Make copies of the pages., ti The following invoices are scheOulod to be paid on Tuesday, March 6 1979: Misc. Departments: �. Gib OK Hardware � Supplies �,� 117.53 Minn. Valley Elec. Co -op, Utilities 214.44 Muelken Oil Co. Gas .6 Oil 2;382.25' F Sunset Printing $ Adv. Spec. Co, Printing 88.00 .WV Gas Co. M -V Gas - 448,81"' Quality Waste Control, Inc. Refuse Hauling, 2S9,t� NSPc Ames °Office Supply Utilities Office Supplies .` Clay's Printing Service „ Printing, 26..54° t Delta Dental Plan of Minn. ° Insurance 694.00 General Governmut: Pitney Sae* Postage Supplies 3 12. Clarence Schsidt Plumbing Inspector'' U7. 00 , Scott t Co.: *vey6e s Office Plats 2.S0 Grendahl _ Nechimical Bldg. Maitit . : 67. SO Intl! City Mnuagement Assn. Municipal Year Book 27.00 Electric Service Co:' Civil Defense, Siren Repair i90.00 Michael McGuire__- Credit ReiwburseMent 64.S0 Dolores Berens' Cleaning library S2.70a ' Minn. 'City Mana ewnt Assn, Dues 1S.00 Police Departbemt ArUtuar C. Halliday free. Police Reserves \ '.�s `` 15 Rabenort School � 39. s Fire: ` Ken Klingberg` Yehicle Repair. 4, 7`4,9 /Men Borchardt B1dg� Neint 9.24 p Orici Lake Bakery . `= Graves Fire 7B.S0, `� �' hleoi�e� Racer Subs�:ripLxQn 62.00 Friox Lake 11 Vehicle, Repair 37.25 -' 1�] Mw ato Fire i Safety Co. \ "Equipment Repair 93.30 i ' Park, a Bob's;lein R, Assoc: Small Tools 6 Equip; $ 30.00' Josq Czech Mileage 1+1' 14.25 h Nitro Toro, Inc. Vehicle Repairs 110.22, ; r< street Cargill, ,Inc. Salt. t` 107.46,' Itascat .Equipment, Co. Vehicle Wa ter: t , Custom Welding' }i „Repairs 4S." Van M $' ates Rogers !! ` Ghes ice" Is :f7 A General, Melding Egdipa)ent Repairs 34 h`)0 NW Nat'rl Bank 6,f NPI54 Bond 4iyatent 7,741 2S Daries,Water Equipment CQ, _Repasts; 4.46. n �r ' LL • r , MIMIIK of IM h it's *0 Vohs* coma of *0 VORP of roar L M h C of $MR 01 4 IN", of ,` MwNM4 6 d"aj dlk ONVARk OvOW by mW Cwaeil. Sewer; e Valley Equipment Co. Equipment, Repairs 12.,00• Martinson Island Sewer B Mater Construction Fund:. Soil Exploration Co, Soil Exploration s 86S.SS F- 0. 1977 Mallon Bridze Sewer 4 Mater Construction Fund Paul Herold {,r Frost Damages 130.00 Debt Service Fund: NM Nat'l ,Bank of.Npls t• Bond Payment $167,087.S0 W Naturl Bank of Mpls. ` Bond Payment First Mpls, Board Payment 92,70 NM Natal Bank of Mpls. Bond Pa 145.00 Payment 13,790.4S ". Motion by'Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon 'a vote taken this aeeting was,adjourned at 9:39 PM,` 7 s T 0 Michael• A. McGuire City Manager y t kP 3 ANMINIO A WNUM of *0 P"K"Idives of tiro rWlo CwecN of 1M Vin"* of pr1w loke go Mr CwMlr of sce" MW SNh of Minnow iae 9411" .N Gceovwh ew bW 'w seW Cowma February 26, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on`February 26, 1979 at 7;30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock, Council men Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Finance'Director Teschner, and Attorney Sulli van- Councilman Watkins was absent„ Mayor Stock called the meeting to order, MINUTES Notion by Busse to approve the minutes of February 20, 1979 as' presented; seconded by Thorkelson °vote and upon a taken it was duly passed. NORTMW RIDGES Bryce H ` r I uemoeller and James Dunn were present at the meeting to discuss with the Council the development of the parcel located in the area being platted as Northwood Ridges, Mr, Dunn's ._,. property is the first phase. He desires that the City of Prior Lake make the necessary sewer, water and street improvements for this parcel He also would like the Council's authorization to proceed with the engineering work required to finalize the plans' for the improvements, prepare the developers agreement, for Nr. Dunn 's signature, and also to prepare the cost estimates needed to determine the park fee that rust be paid by the owner. Some of the Questions that were answered: 1• The park dedication fee for the first phase will be approx- imately-, 600. The gradin ° of `.�.tk be do 4w 45 4 uA4C�es Aef 2 g the streets t„eyalred Y the wood �respensly s of the city, however, any land -, When etc, for each lot is the responsibility of the owner. - 3. When n the Council accepts the proposed plat and it is inaa Position to be approved when hardshell is filed, a co of, the motion in the min py utes will be sent to the bank that will -be providing financial assistance.' ' 4. It was stressed by the Council that the developer of this project work closely with the City Engineer because of the city's Comprehensive Sewer and Water Plans, S. The.' _ line that will have to run 300 feet to the south, bounaary is the responsibility of the owneu�.. Definite decisions regarding the utility construction for the property will be made by the Council .' when the hardshell is approved. This ices will be -brought up at a future meeting. 8:05 PH MaYo� Stock culled the public hearing for Diseased Trees Assessments DISEASED TRE`S to L t` 7fi,re were some citizens present. Francis Mueller stated that he was charged - for the cutting down of two trees and that only one tree was on his property and the other was on another lot, John Haddock stated ° that he.was charged a considerable amount for the removal of one tree on his lot. There no lines or any obstruction of any kind to sake the tree removal difficult. These matt rs will be researched further and brought up at a March 12th hearing, a wr(f s ae- d�Sr� c�ca�,� LJ \lk� J— 029xn�. u rA�l�l i L ` continue Motion by Busse`t the assessment hearing for shade tree removal to March 12, 1979 at 8:00 PN, seconded by Bissonett and upon a; vote taken it was duly passed. HARBOR PUD City Planner Graser presented to the Council. the Harbor PUD and discussed the points on the building; setback, parking space, etc. City Engineer Anderson presented the pointson the PUD regarding Water and sewer lines, streets, etc. The Council stated that the Sewer and Water were to be public.and the street within the PUD could be private. Representatives from the Harbor PUD were resent to -P give a detailed report on the project, Notion by Bissonett that the�� n development 6, r plan, as seen here, is in' substantial compliance with the outline development plan, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it. was duly passed. -l- : 1y ..wn e.. m s aI t r WNYM of the ft em of IM V01"o CweeA of tM `ViMaie eRPdw tike M ibe CwMy of uoo aed suft Mhwneela. IndrdkV e8 aeewMe ewdbbd by "W Cwadl. SNARF'TRUCK Attorney Sullivan reported on the Sharf Trucking lawsuit. y w«. Motion by Busse to proceed with an appeal to the supreme court, seconded by Bissonett anJ upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CITfCODE 6000 Sterling_Codifiers City Code Book was looked over by the Council. It was decided that at each Council meeting chapter or chapters be dis- cussed. Also the cost for the books will be decided; for anyone wanting' to purchase the book; A letter is to be written.to,the:c regarding permission to make company g 8 p _ copies of the pages. The following invoices, are,,scheduied to be paid on Tuesdaw, (larch 6 1979: # , Misc. Departments G8B OK Hardware Supplies B 117.53 , Minn. Valley Elec. Co -op Utilities 214,46 6 3 Muelken Oil Co. 0 Gas 6 OIL 2,682.25" < Sunset Printing S. Adv. Spec. Co Printing 88.00 M -V Gas Co. N -Y Gas 148.84 ' Quality Waste Control, Inc. NSP Refuse Hauling 7S9,ta y _ Utilities 3,717A Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 13.11 Clay's PrintinY.Service Printing 26.SO Delta Dental Plan of Minn, Insurance 595100 General Government Pitney Bowes Postage Supplies S 12.89 `{ Clarence Schmidt Plumbing Inspector 127,00 t" Scott Co. Surveyor's Office Plats 2,50 Grendahl'Nechanical Bldg. Maint, 67.50', #; lat'i City Management Assn. Municipal Year Book 27,00 " Electric Service Co, Civil Defense Siren Repair 190:00 i' Michael McGuire Credit Reimbursement `64:50' Dolores Berens 4 ' Cleaning Library S2,10` . ay. Minn. City Management Assn. Dues , 1S " °.00 Police Department: r. k uArthur C. Halliday Police Reserves Lee Rabenort, School` 39. .. � ' Fine: M Ken,Klingberg Vehicle Repair S 7`.49 Alien Borchardt. Bldg, Naint. 9.24 ' Prior Lake Bakery Graves Fire 78.50 Smoke -Eater Subscription 62.60 Prior Lake "76"- Vehicle Re'P' t � 37.25 Mankato Fire 'Safety Co. Equipment Repair` 93.30 - n Park: I a Bob Klein 8 Assoc. Small Tools`6 Equip. 30.00; Joseph Czech. Mi leage Minn. Toro, Inc. hicle Repairs 110.22: Street: _ t . Cargill, Inc. '' Salt 8 107.46 Itasca Equipment Co. Vehicle 3,' °r.+ Water : ' Custci Welding 1, Repairs Z 45.00 Vane Waters . ,4 Rogers Chemicals 187,116`~ General Welding Equipment Repairs 234,00 M Nat'l Bank of Mpls. Bond Payment 7,741.25` Davies'Water Equipment Co, Repairs , 4 .46 U M6 IN PI - di ON wdfted b seW Cwadl, n , Sewer: Valley Equipment Co, Equipment Repairs f 12,00 Martinson Island Sewer 8 Water Construction Fund: Soil Exploration Co. Soil Exploration $ 86S,55 1977 Wagon Bridge Sewer Water Construction Fund Paul Herold Frost Damages $ 1.30,00 Debt Service Fundy NN Nat'l Bank of Mpis. Bond Payment $167,087,50 NN Natl.l Bank of.-Mpls, Bond Pa First Mills. Payment 92.70 Bond Payment NN Nat'l Rank of ls, 145.00 MP Bond Payment " 13,790.45 P P Notion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9 :39 PM. a :.. 0 Michael A. McGuire City Manager; m tit l i f t` 2 s , i J .