HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 12 1979MINUTES of the f eoeoodings of the Vill"O Couaeil of *0 Viliogo of Prior Loko in the County of Scott and Sod% of Minnesota, including all Occounis ouditod by said Coundi. March 12, 1979 1 The.Conrnon Counc.il`of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on March 12, 1979 at 7;30PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Park Director Mangan, City Attorney Lind. `Councilman at 7;4OPM.., Bissonett arrived 3 t ; Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. \\ The Fo lowing corrections be made are to to the March 5. ,,1979 minui'-s: \ Page one, paragraph four, the sewer line that . Page one, paragraph five,'. the people on.'Northwood Road will . to be re- paved and .:. M , MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of March 5, 1979 as amended,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. RESOLUTION' " Resolution 79 -6 , Driveway and Building Elevations:, 79-6 was reviewed by the Council. There was one correction made to th %s revised resolution; r take out the word shall in the last paragraph. = Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -6, seconded, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, JAMEY MASON STORM SEWER City Attorney Lind reported on the James Mason Storm Water Easement. He stated that Mr. Mason's ' attorney is on vacation at this time and will not be back until sometime this week. This item, tabled by the Council, will be brought up at a future ,meeting. CONDITION OF STREET City Engineer Anderson commented to the Council that he was checking out the streets in Prior Lake to see what condition they are in since the: ice and snow has been melting. He said the streets are in good condition, however, there are a few exceptions. Some cities are reporting that their streets are`in very poor condition. TASK FORCE MEETING Mayor Stock reported on'the Task Force meeting he and the City Manager and City Planner attended on :March 7, 1979. S s W The Northern Scott County .- <Task Force met and also present were representatives from the Metro- politan Council. The,, Metro Council representative James Barton made a report on the 208 Study. The Chaska plant will be u p °graded. for the time being;,the Savage city flow be will to the Senaca, plant; there "will not be any change to the Blue Lake Treatment plant; alternately there will be a line constructed to Chaska and the northerly route will be considered along ,the river. )i DISEASED TREE The Diseased Tree Assessment Hearing was called toaorder atf8c0 PM; Present were Park "Director Mangan, Francis Meuller and John Had Mr,. Mueller stated that he does not want to pay fo�ec- e��rernoved, becaise one tree was not on his property. The council decided to charge Mr. Mueller $30.60 for the one tree that was removed and the City will Pay for the remaining amount. An Ash Tree will not be donated to Mr. Mueller. It was decided by the Council to donate a 7 foot Ash Tree from the nursery stock to Mr. Had&Sk, however,, he will have to pay the full cost of the removal of the tree on his property. It was also decided the staff be will advised to check with residents regarding tree re- -` moval costs for future instances. Motion by 'Watkins to adopt the assessment roll for the shade tree removal of 1978, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote-taken it was duly passed.. . .. Motion by Watkins to close the public hearing, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it.was• duly passed. CITY CODE 800 The Council reviewed the City Code Book, Titles IV, V, V!'. d .. SIGN ORDINANC it was decided that the Sign Ordinance chapter needs to be worked on, and someone wil; be hired from the University or Mankato State University to do. this. -1- .. , CDP', Inc. 231.97 Copy Machine 197.24 ' Minn. Gas Co Utilities- 1,•062.30,; Bankers Life Insurance 2,18396 i NSP' a Uti1 i ` . � t es 3,080.66 General Government,: B E. H.. Newstrom ` �uildin i' .. �� 9� ns pector $` 672.00 Oil Lamppa L *quor License Refund' 1,187.50 Bill Cress � MHeage 13.20 o Amer. Linen Supply Bids, Maint. 1845 4rlor Lake American Publishing 53.78 i br�nens Supply, Inc. Imp "rovements 186.24 41.d`.Stac Printing, inc. Printin9� 21$.75 Gross Ind.`Ser4.ices 3 Bldg. _Mairnt. C�ermak Refrigeration Co., inc. Bldg. Repai'r -s 154.60 OS1 Engineering `' 1.023.77 Eng'ineeri'ng: C \ � s [ Albinson Supplies $ 17,27 u - S Police \ k l_ " " Dennis Leff Mileage 11.70 �- Sargent - Sowell, Inc.,, Y ' "; P0 1, Emblems- 49.05 Malkerson Motor, Inc. Vehicle Repairs 131.15 Tom :s Mobil Service Vehicle Repairs 94.29 c dome Insurance Broken Windshield � 163.58 Fire Minn:. State Fire Convention Convention $ 80.00 Kennethr Hennen .;. Bldg. Expenses 400.00 Prior Lake' 11 76 1 ° `` Vehicle Repairs 466.05 ,Reynolds Welding Supply_Co. Supplies, 4.50 Steve Johnson Bldg. Expenses: 200".00 Insurance Services 164.,00 ' \ I nsurance ` E.C. Peterson Co., fnc \ Equipment,Maint`. 340 CreatNe Graphics Printing 7.55 D: Hillenmaster s Co. Audit" 75.00= r { Tow Press -ter Dues 25.00': a Park: M-V Gas Co, M-V Gas $ 193.20 z #ob's Sport Shop Supplies 78.90 Valley Equipment Co. Vehicle Repairs 31.73 �. r F, -2- U MINUTES of 1ho rnesedi►`�p of the Vill"* Council of Ms Vilkgp- of Friar tkie in the County of Scott 0041 State of MianNata, iNdudiae, all accounts auditod ` by-acid Council. X X Title V,Zoning, will be revised in 6<;months to correspond with t the comprehensive plan,, also Titie VI, subdivision, will. be revised according o the c The'followin ovices are s to b " " " = g scheduled t be " Misc. Departmentst, Ames Office Supply O Office Supplies $' 2 29.49 Prior Lake Lumber Co. B Bldg. Repairs 4 44.01' Sullivan b Frevert ' 'Attorney Fees 1 1,444.00 lake '•Auto �Supp l y Vehicle Repairs 2 29.. hj � � Weber Auta.:Supply, Inc. V Vehicle Repairs, 1 133.521 A S Scott-Rice ' Utilities 4 484.71 Minn. Valley°:Electric Co -op U Utilities � � y (y ef M! vvhw Q�m ef NM ! of Lobe is Obe CwMy Seelt`alld'lal! .Prier of #f - " ,< F Miea�le. iwdwitn8 ep SONOW w edMwd w *@W Cw a March 12, 1979 i Street: Earl F.. Anderson b Assoc., Anc. Supplies $ 470,30 J Cargill Inc. Salt 481 A I rs i gnal! In ternational Rent l a !E 27.00 � � Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc. Sand `` 467.90 Bolhnkack & Mennen Snow Removal l+d ;x�:� J;c, Services, inc..' ,� Equipment Repa,!rs 972.00 Yailey quJpment Equipment Repairs 23;65 99.67 Sewer ,� R mwCC _ Instal lwent Schr der Block Co: - Repai f y Co $10'846.19 G. L. Aennen ;Const, °.� Inc. Reba - rs 35.00 9.95 - \. `\ Water:! _ -- 6 SercolrLaboratorles Mate: Tests $ 12.00 Lawrence Schweich Ilo�ie.Bldr. Inc. "Repairs LayneiMlnn. Cie. 774.00 f Re��a i rs 346.32 Martifrkson island Sewer aid Niter C 1, Fund: OSM /Engineeri` n9 1 $ 3.109.62 1977 S;or.n9 Lake Sewer and ,Nate'r Construction Fund OSM \ i ✓ Engineering $ 391.97 'r Debt Servhce Fund: National Ci,y Bank Bond Payment $ 2,450..dQ �.' Motion by ,Sissonettit* ad econded'u' Natkins and r upon a vote taken this westin9l" s adjourned ac 8 :45 PM� \ 1. ` M i chaa ik -,W0 C`,u i re - C i ty 'Manager x MINUTES of tM f+roeeodiwrs of the Village Council of the Vill"* of Prior take In the,t:ounty of Scott and a Stab of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council; Match 12, 1979' lam_ The Common Council of the City of Prior Rake met in regular session March 12, 1979 at 7 :3OPM. Present were Mayor Stock Councilmen Busse , Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, yCity 'Engineer Anderson, zA Park Director Mangan, City Attorney Lind. Councilman Bissonett arrived "" ' at 7 :4OPM. it Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are to be s made. to the March 5, 1979 minutes: Page one, paragraph; four, the sewer line that . . . Page one, paragraph five, the people on, Northwood Road wi,11 ' l . . to be re, -paved and . . , 'I " approve MINUTES Motion by Watkins to the minutes of March 5, 1,979 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a_vote taken it was duly passed. RESOLUTION 79-6 ' Resolution 79 -6, Driveway and Building Elevations, was reviewed by . the Council. There was one correction made to this revised resolution; take out the word shall in the last paragraph. Motion Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -6, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. JAMES MASON STORM SEWER City Attorney Lind reported on the James Mason Storm Water Easement. He stated that Mr. " Mason's attorney is on vacation at this time and will not be back until someEyme this week. This item, tabled by the Council, will be brought up at a future meeting. CONDITION OF STREET City Engineer Anderson commented to the Council that he was checking out the streets in Prior Lake- see wl- t condition they are in since the ice and snow has been melting. He F said the streets are in good condition, however,.there are a few exceptions. Some cities are reporting that their streetsare in very poor condition. TASK FORCE MEETING Mayor Stock reported on the Task Force meeting he and the City Managers and City Planner attended March S s W on 7,_1979, The Northern Scott County Task Force met and also present were representatives from the Metro -,` 3 Politan"Council. The Metro Council representative, James Barton, made a report on the 208 Study,, -The Chaska lant will l beup-graded ' for the time being; the Savage city flow will be to the Senaca plant.; there not . P ere will be a ny change to the Blue Lake Treatment.. plant; alternately there , will be a line constructed to Chaska and the northerly route will be considered; along; the river. DISEASED TREE The Diseased Tree Assessment Hearing was called to order at 8':O 4P�M�, Present were. Park Director Mangan, Francis Meul ler and John H' ad i7r: Mr. Mueller stated that he does not want to pay for both trees removed, because one tree was not on his property. The Council decided to charge Mr. Mueller $30.60 for the one tree that was removed and the City will Pay for the remaining amount Mueller. An Ash Tree will not be donated to Mr. It was decided by Council Y 1 to donate oat e a _ 710f Ash Tree. from the nursery stock to Mr. Hadd &i however, he , will have to have cost of the,removal of the tree on his Pay the full property. It was . also decided' ' the staff be will advised to check with residents regarding tree re- ; moval costs for future instances. Motion by Watkins to adopt the assessment roll for the shade tree removal of 1978, . seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Watkins to close the public hearing', seconded by Busse: and upon a vote taken i,t was duly passed, CITY CODE B00 The Council reviewed the City Code Book, Titles IV, V, VI. SIGN ORDINANC 9 It was decided that the Sign Ordinance chapter needs to be worked ` on, and someone will be hired from the University or Mankato State University to do this. -1- r MINUTES of the heeeedings of fM Village Council of the Village of Prior take In, the County of Scoff and state'ef Mianoeota, including all aeeoaafs audited by said Council. Title VZoning, will be revised in 6 months to correspond with the comprehensive plan, a), ' so Title V1, subdivision, will be revised according to the comprhensive plan. J The following invoices are scheduled ,r to be paid on Tuesday, March 20, 1979: e Misc. Departments: r Ames Office Supply Office Supplies $` 29,49 ' Prior Lake Lumber Co. Bldg. Repairs 44.01` Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan b Frevert Attorney Fees 1,444.00' Lake Auto Supply Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Vehicle Repairs Vehicle Repai 29, 17 ri Scott Telephone Co. Utilities 33.52' 484.71' Minn. Valley Electric Co -op Utilities 231,97 CDP, Inca Minn. Gas Co. Copy Machine 197.24 1 " Bankers Life Utilities- 1,062.30 Insurance,. 2,181:96 NSP - Utilties 3,080.66 Q1-.f General Government: 4 E. H. Newstrom Building Inspector $ 672.00. � Dale Lamppa Bill Cress Liquor License Refund- 1,187.50\ w Amer. Linen Supply Co. Mileage Bldg. Maint. 13.20 19. 75 ti sa, � Prior Lake American Publishing 53.78..` 1 lbnnens Supply, Inc. Improvements 186.24 a Gold Star Printing, -Inc. Printing 21$.75 Gross Ind. Services Bldg. Naint. 31.40 € Chermak Refrigeration Co.,. Inc. OSM Bldg. Repairs 154.60 Engineering 1, 023.77 �k Engineering: .� Albinson Supplies $ T7.27 Police _ r Dennis Leff �Mi ieage $ 11 70 '. Sargent - Sowell, Inc. Malkerson Motor, Inc. Police Emblems 49.05 9. Tos�'s Hobii Service Vehicae Repairs` Vehicle. RepaFrs 13 - 94.29 x Home Insurance Broken Windshield 163.58, Fire 1 . w o. Flinn. State Fire Convention Convention $ 50.00 � -cmeth Hennen Prior Lake "76 11 Bldg. Expenses 400.00 " Reynolds Welding- Supply.Co. Vehicle Repairs Supplies 266:1'5 4.50 Sieve Johnson Bldg. Expenses 200.00 Insurance Services E.C.' Peterson= Co. Inc. Insurance: p Equipment Maint. 164.00 ' Creative Graphics P Printing 3,40 7.55 D. H. Mull.enmaster b Co. Audit. 75.00 " Tom Pressler Dues 25.00 - Park M-V Gas Co. M-V Gas S 193.20 . Bob''s =Sport Shop ` Supplies 78.90 Valley Equipment Co. Vehicle Repairs 31.73 s: 2 - *M r e K Poftw s of ala Va" C;"" of i!� va of OW Lobe iw NN � eN 10ad by *am co w". e March 12 1979 Q11 .. Street: a I Earl F. Anderson S Assoc., Inc, Supplies Cargill' Inc.:„ t $ 470.30 , Salt Airsignal International �� Rental 481.59 27.00 Prior Lake A'ggredates, Inc,, iSand k h B ga onsac t Karmen Snow Removal 7, .,Hydraulic Services, Inc. E Repairs �quipment Re Pai E 972.00 23•65` "- j y. Equipment Valle q_ pme�t It pal !u i , Sewer: J ' S Installment Schrader Block Co. $10,846,19 Repairs G L. Mennen Const. Co., Inc. Repairs 35.00 if 325'. 95 i (later: Srco Laboratories Mater Tests $ 12.00 Lawrence Schweich Home.Bidr. Inc._Repairs 77k.00 -N Layne Minn. Co. Repairs 34,32 i4 Martinson Island Sewer and Mater Construction Fund: ` µ OSM Engineering $130 09162 197i prin9 Lake Sewer and Mater Constructi'an Fund 0 � _ Engineering °� $ 391 -14 bt Service Fund: y rNttional City Bank Bond Payment $ 2,..450.00 - Not.ion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Watkins and Caen this meeting was adjourned 8:45 upon a:vote 1 r at PM', 0 Michael A. McGuire_ City Manager i a s a r