HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 19 1979x,
VAW if Nle of IiN VON": GY11111 of IM ViNMe of hiK L aw Zile CWINy of feNf SJW slMl of
M smemse, indtld eN a awk d by NW Ca*WL
March 19, 1979'
tea# { The Common Council' of the City of Prior Lake met ii,. regular session
y on March 19, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilvien
Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, . City Manager INi�Guxre, City
Planner Graser, Planning Consultant Tooker, City Attorn�y Lind,
City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner and PiA Director
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.
MINUTES Notion by Thorkelson_to approve the. wintues -of March: 12, 1979 ass,
presented, seconded 6y Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly
POLICE REPORT Notion by Watkins to approve the Police report for the month of
February, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was_ duly
k passed.
- FIRE ' RESCUE Motion by Bissonett to approve the Fire and Rescue report for the
: month, of February, secorided'by'Busse and upon a vote taken it
as duly passed.
f111ANCE kEPOR1 Motion by Busse to approve the Finance report for the'-month of 2�1
February, seconded by Watkins and upon. a vote taken it lamas duly
DOG CATCHERS Motion by Thorkelson;to approve the Dog Catchers report for the
` month of February, seconded =m Watkins ana upon a. vote taken it
was duly
y passed.
PRIOR SOUTH- Bob Burnham was present at the meeting from Prior Louth. He Y
requested the rezoning of a:' par ticular lot he owns. The lat is
zoned R2 and he would like. `to put an additional building on it_,
His request is that the R!,be changed to R3. .1
City Manager McGuire suggested to table this item at a future `
meeting and researeh why this area was not rezoned R3 when the Cou.J
' -oil reviewed, this iix,lmonths ago.
, P ;
It was agreed by the Council that this item will be brougk up at
tM", "eting on April 9, 1979 at 7:30 PM and the staff research``
1MTERSHEO Bryce liueaoeller presented to the Council the project of the Spring
DISTRICT Lake /friar Lak* Watershed District. They want. to -the lake
LAKE LErEL level. of Prior Lake, erosion, floodplain, and cut down on pollution.
They are taking this project to the state to get financial assistance.I
A hearing :dill take place in about 3 -4 weeks and.the watershed
., ca�mittee would, like tor have the - Council make a resolution in favor
of this project; to indicate their support and authorize or give
permistion to have a staff and council member speak at the state
cosmaee meeting. Also, federal assistance is being looked into
from°the Environmental Protection Agency:
` Notion b)r Watkins to direct staff to prepares resolution.in con- F?
junction With the watershed in support of the outlet, seconded
by Bis3,9nett and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed.
T PN At'this time, Mayor Stock called for a seven minute recess.
8 :00 PH Mayor Stock called the public hearing to order, The mayor addressed
COMPREHENSIVE everyone at the hearing with an introductory speech about the
PLAN HRG. comprehensive plan.
Avwim of Mn hecoodI*" of IMo VNIW Cweeii of 60 ViNe" of Prior Le" i N Mo
' Cww+y of Scots ewtt SNN'ef
MiMO�o1e, iwderiw♦ •N eoowo� wri1W icy *@" G*vl6W.
COKPRENENSiV ity Planner Graser was present to give a presentation on the trans
PLAN' or the comprehensive plan. Some of the areas he covered where improvements
Crest Avenue with connection with .101 in the future. Eagle Creek road
d County Road 21 will be connected with the Shakopee by-pas
s the direct access in and out of pr; or Fake, it will beesmajornortha3
,south transportation in Prior.Lake and traffic controls Will be 'necessary
s the population grows.
d Use was also presented, The major item of concern was the density
ange units per acre,
lanning Consultant Tooker presented the statisics_on housi
pulation in Prior Lake. Some ints -he covered were that po parks. and
p pulation.
n Prior Lake in 20 years will be about 15,000, more acreage will be needed
ith sewer and water service, and more rental units may be needed for those
o do not wish to buy, housing units.
ank Muelken - representing Bill Simpkins farm = Mr. Simpkins
owns a large
erel of land, approximately 700 feet, near the highway frontage. _He.would
ike some flexibility to the land'.,so that other developments, not just
ousing, could be built. One tract of this size with one ownership could
e developed with commercial use ;and also with a higher density range.'
Barsness- presented to the Council, a.preliminary site plan of the area
ke oss Highway 13 from Brooksville Shopping,Center where he future develop_
t of the Prior Lake State Bank`is planned. A plan a restaurant to
3 buil t is being thought about, Mr. Barsness requests that the zoning be
nged from Bl to some other zone so that restaurants can be built in that
a .
" g.Kopischke was unable to be present - another representative from the `
fixes represented the Peter Kepp Fars. The group of people that own the
' Kogp Estate is known as Visions VIII, The area of land i5 on the lakeshore.
orthof Prior Lake. It was proposed by the Pi Commission
area should be zoned industrial. However, the developers intended thishis i
area to be residential. They are requesting the planners look at this area
before they do any rezoning and to'keep it as residential zone.
Charles James - Boudins Manor area southwest of Highway 13 and Cty. Road 42'.
There are 16 plus acres in this area and they are going to have one access
to the a =ia. They request limited cowercial use. The area is Proposing to have`4 acres for B2 / 2 -3 acres for 81 '� 3 acres for SO unit apartments'
and the rest of the area for church use. The
this area accordingly. _y request that the city zone
Don Williams - Boudins Manor - Representing residents Avenu and
Denise Drive. Tha le refer the plan as mentioned above by Char es
4*mos' instead of the ty's R 3 zone proposal.
Gene Simpkins and Doug Farrell - North Shore Oaks area by Sand Point Beach;,
The areas routing is for proposed sewer services, the request is'for
" the sewer to come through and.to continue with the platting,.
Jack Oakes - Agricultural land and rurik service area. Requests the 40 acre
ainiaum development be reconsidered and take reasonable approach to, the
land and work kith each property owner large and small tosee that they
are equally served.
¢ A Picha - would, like her property to be considered for possible.retoning k
to high residential density. It is now a single family dwelling,;located
y the'Senior High School.,
M arge Kinne .
- y - Northside of Prior Lake — Opposing the Almac, development.
for the` two outlots and the zoning changes Reasons are;
I. area not ate for high density.
2. area not presentally served °;hy sewer and water.
3. energy crisis may-seriously etlect rate growth of the
city and reduce stability to pay for its needs and -additional
sewer lots
4. zoning moves with the land and with zoning changes- tinimui toning
# requirements reduces- the,city'a: control over the development
n `
S. area on north side of city is not a single entitjr, they are
a part of Prior Lake
-2 -
, n
sMN11M of 60 heped%" of Ike vows* CeeacN of *0 AN"p Of bier Leb is *A C" My of sm" a" %ft of
Miee.Nle. `Mdrrie8 ON oeeR is O%*W by; w Cww 1.
�! COMPREHENSIVE 6. Park in area is u neighborhood typ PLAN overload it. Park and this would
7 Apartments produce the same.nimber of children as'single
family homes
She also stated 'th&t past action =on, the "psr.cel, nairs ly the Eagle Creek
and 1973 and 1975 Prior Cake minutes, have been lint.
'Bill Schmokel - 'Rural area Task Force representative - He le
everyone _
know 'about , the new booklet, that has been printed.on the zoning on
agricultural land and ruriil areas.: Anyone wishing to cbtain.this
booklet may do so and he would be "happy to work with the `sta ff. f
Council on this natter: and t
Bill Bradstad Lnguodona Beach area - He stated that this area is very
old and he �� -sts that due to snail area it should remain as a single {
family reside tal area and nothing else should be showed to crowd the area,
Gary Zywatko - North Shore/Shady Beach areas They request a delay in
rezoning these two eutlots until the residents can have the area surveyed
' and talk with the developer,
John Trulsen - Nateredge Office Plaza —This area is the conservation a
zone.: Ile requests to have that changed to some type of residential area
so he may do some building..
Bryce Huemoeller - representing various groups of residents
Franklin Trail - request commercial zoning be changed so that
it would include buildings for commercial use
such ': u
- offices and office type. The area; £{'
is on
:he corner of Franklin Trail and Highway 13.
Parcel south of spring Lr•.ke - TheY wish to be annexed as soon as
possible, ar when municipal services become avail-
able also zone the area along Highway 13 light
,> commercial.
Savage /Prior Lake 'border - The isolated spots near the few commercial
buildings by. Savage along Highway 13 should be zoned
for crpatible use with the City of Savage.
Mass Transit - ,promote interest in this with the City of Prior Lake..
Cty=.: Rd., s 42,- by R. E.A. substation = requests R2 ad, '
of Rl . '
Leo Verling,- Requests that his agricultural land be ie the sax as long
as possible and try not to change it.
Uri, Event - Asking the Council if is has the power to rezone or they
have to go th the County - Council does have authority to change the ;
CitY's,- zoning, however, it is less likely to happep after the plan is
adopted. ;
Doug Hafermann.- supports the 40 acre minimum, but there should be some
flexibility to the; subdivision of property. The city should have some con
trol over this and limit the parcels to 10. acres, He is opposed to the
commercial zoning along Highway 13.
Frank Anderson.- requests to preserve agricultural land and have the 40
acre ain"iaum. if you take this away, you are denyi yl g people the. semi -rural
life. He also stated that the commercial being' considered at Crest Avenue
be allowed as a conditional use only,
Bob Jeffers - He's:against the 40 acre minimum for agricultural land. He
thinks that it is a large amount to sell and you can't gain anythin b
that. He recommended S or 1 acre minimum; g Y
Fred Kline - Spring Lake township - Residents do not Want to be annexed
until the city does make SOMO set of rules and does not change them,
they do not want to have to mike any changes once they are annexed'.,
Mmum of
tau P m of" VMS"" CeM 911 of *0 ViN"* of PHW take In tM Ciur of Scwt eM1 Stott of 1
Mieseeew, If 1-- 6 1- e4 eee -M eydimd by laid CeeaeII.
March 19, 1979
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session `!
on March 19, 1979,at 7.30 PH. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire City
Planner Grater, Planning Consultant Tooker, City Attorney Lind,
City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner and Park Director
Mayor Stock cal,�ed the meeting to order. I
Motion by Riorkelson to approve. the mintues of March 12, 1979 as j
presented, seconded by Watkins and upon a.vote taken it was duly,. x
Motion by Watkins to approve the Police report for the month of
ruay,,!iseconded by Bissonett ,and upon a vote taken it was duly
Fe b passed.
tion by Bissonett to approve the Fire and.Rescue report for the
month of February, seconded`by Busse and upon'a vote taken it 4
as duly passed., v
tion by Busse: to approve the Finance report for the month of
February, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly
., tion by Thorkelson to approve the Dog Catcher's report for -the
month of seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed_
Bob Burnham was present at the meeting from Prior South, He
requested the rezoning of a. particular lot he owns. The lot is
zoned R2 and he would like to put an additional building on it.
His is that the R2,be changed to R3
City Manager McGuire suggested to table this item at a future
meeting and researreh why this area was not rezoned R3 when the Coun-
cil reviewed this six months ago.
It was agreed by the Council that this item will be brougtt up at
the meeting n
ng April 9, 1979 at "7:30 PM'and the staff research.
Bryce Huemoeller presented to the Council the project of the Spring
Lake /Prior Lake Watershed District, They want to control the"lake
level of Prior Lake, erosion, floodplain, and cut down on pollution.. -
They axe taking this project to:the state to get financial assistance. µ'ms
A hearing will take place in about 3 - weeks andthe watershed !
committee would like to have'the.Council make a resolution in favor
of this project;; to indicate thoir support and authorize or give
«: .<
perssion.to have a staff and council 4enber speak at the state ,
Committee meeting. Also, :federal assistance; s being looked into
from the Environmental Protection,.Agency,
Notion by Watkins to direct staff to prepare a resolution in con-
Junction with the watershed in support of the outlet, seconded'`
b y >lissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
7:53 PM
At this time, !Mayor Stock called for a seven minute recess
8.00 PM
Mayor Stock called the public hearing yo pub to order, the mayor addressed
everyone at the hearing with any introductory speech about the
comprehensive plan.
MIN111lS of 1&0 leoeooii s of d» vmmp Comm of AM mew of Nw, tek. ie Ali. County of seN► aw 31NO of
'il kb"8olo, MdvdW@ oil Oct "Oft awlihd by sold Cw"
COMPREHENSIV ity Planner Gras--r was present to give a presentation on the transportation
PLAN' or the comprehensive plan. Some of the areas he covered where improvements
Crest. Avenue with connection with 101 in the future. Eagle Creek road ..
d County Road 21 will be connected with the Shakopee by -pass, Highway l3 "`•
s the direct access in.
and out,of Prior Lake, it will'be the major north
d south transportation in Prior make and,traffic controls will be necessary
s the population grows.
d Use was also presented. The major item of concern was the density
ange units per acre,
lanning Consultant Tooker presented the statisics on housing,, parks, and
pulation in Prior Lake, Some points he covered were that Population
n 'Prior
Lake i il
20 years will 1 be about 15,000, more acreage Will be needed
ith sewer and water service,, and more rental units may be needed fdr those
o do not.wish.to buy housing units,
rank.Nuelken - representing Bill Simpkins farm - Mr, Simpkins owns ,a large �
reel of land, approximately 700 feet, near the highway frontage.' He would
ikn some flexibility to the land so that other developments, not just
ousing, could be builtw One tract of this size with one ownership could
e developed with commercial use and also with a higher density range.
Barsness- presented to the Council a reliminar
cross Highway 13 from Brooksville Shopping Center where e the future develop-
nt of the Prior Lake State Bank is planned,. A plan for a restaura t
e built is being thought about, Mr. Barsness requests that the zoning nt be o
#, anged from BI to some other zone so that restaurants can be built -in that
g Kopischke was unable to be present:- another representative from the
fie represented the Peter Xopp Farm. The group of people that own the
6 Kopp Estate is known as Visions VIII. The area of land is on the lakeshort
rth of Prior Lake. It was ro
p posed by the Planning Commission that this
area should be zoned industrial. However, the developers intended this
Oat. area to be residential. They are requesting the planners look at this area
before they do ary rezoning and to keep it as residential zone,.
' Charles James - Boudins Manor area southwest of Highway 13, and Cty. Road 42,.
There are 16 plus acres in this area and they are going to have one access
to the area. They request limited commercial use. The area is proposing
P Po g
to have 4
s for 82: / 2 -3 acres:: for B1 / 3' acres for 50, unit.apartaents
_ and the rest of the area for church use. They request that the city zone
this area accordingly.
Don Wili3ams. - To* Ilk ^"
J. Boudins Manor - Representing residents on !ice Avenue and
Denise Drive. The people prefer the plan as mentioned above by Charles
James instead of the city's R:3 zone proposal,
Gene Simpkins and Doug Farrell - North Shore Oaks area by Sand Point Beach,
n►e, areas routing; is for proposed sewer services, the request is for
the sewer to come through and to :continue with the platting,
Jack Oakes Agricultural landi -and rural service area. Requests 'the 40 acre
tinitum development be reconsidered and take reasonable approach to the L
land and work with each property owner large and small to.see that they
are equally served
lna Picha - would like her property to be'cansidered for possible rezoning
to high 'residential density., It is now k
asingle family dwelling Located
Y the'Senor High. School.
' ge Kinney _ Northside of Prior Lake Opposing the Almac development,
for the two outlots and the;,zoning changes. Reasons are:
1. area not appropriate for high density.
2., area not presentally served by sewer and water.
3. energy crisis may seriously effect rate growth of the
city and reduce stabilit to
} pay for its needs and additional
� sewer ..lots
, 4, zoning moves with the land and with zoning _clan es i'
. g iniaui ; oning
requirements reduces the city+s' control over the development
S. area on north side of city is not a single entitjr,=they are
a part of Prior Lake
IIAIN111lt of 1M P+aesariap of *0 VM"R Comm of tl» VMsew of Pdw lab M +A.
Co" of Seen aMi ftala of
;: MiwwseMa. iMthiiiM mN aerwats eedifed by seW Coosa.
N F.
R COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 6, Park in area is a neighborhood type park and this would
overload it,-
7, Apartments produce the same number of children as single
ft ly homes .
w' She also stated that past action on the parcel, namely the Eagle Creek
and 1973 and 1975 Prior Lake minutes, have been lost.
Bill Schmokel - Rural area Task Force representative He let everyone
know about the new booklet that has been printed on the zoning on
agricultural land and rural areas'. Anyone wishing to obtain this
booklet may do so and he would be happy to work with the staff and
Council on this matter.
Bill r � i "
� dstad - Inguodona Beach area - He stated that this area'is very
old and he requests that due to the small area it should remain as a, single
family residential area and .nothin
g should be allowed to crowd the area.
Gary Zywatko - North Shore /Shady Beach areas - They request a delay in
rezoning these two outlots until the residents can have the area surveyed
and talk with the developer.
John Trulsen - Nateredge Office Plaza - This ^area is the conservation.
m zone, He requests to have that changed to sole type of residential area
so he may do some building. „
Bryce liuemoeller representing various groups of residents
Franklin Trail - request commercial zoning be changed so that
it would include buildings for commercial use
such as offices and office type. The area
is on the corner of Franklin Trail and Highway 13..
Parcel south of Spring Lake - They wish to be annexed, as soon as
Possible, or when municipal services become avail-
able also zone the area along Highway 13 light
Savage /Prior Lake border - The isolated spots near the few commercial
buildings by Savage along Highway 13 should be zoned_
for co"tible use with.the City of Savages
Klass Transit - promote interest in this with the City of Prior Lake,
Cty. Rd. 42 - by R.E.A. substation - requests R2nstead °
of R1.
Leo Verli Requests ng - R nests that his agricultural land be � the same as
as possible and try not t change it. long
Earl.Evans - Asking the Council if it has the power to rezone or do they
have to go tb the Count
' y - Council does have authority to change the
Cit zoning, however, it-is less likely-t6 happen.after the plan is
Doug Hafermann 'Supports the 40 acre minimum, but there should be some
flexibility to the subdivision of property, the city should have some con-
trol, over this and limit the parcels to 10 acres, He is opposed to the
commercial zoning along Highway 13.
Frank Anderson - r quests ty preserve .agricultural land snd.have the 40
acre mining. If you take this SWRY, You are denying people: the semi -rural
life, He also stated that the commercial being considered at Crest Avenue
be, allowed as a conditional use only.
Bob Jeffers - He's:against! the 40 acre minimum for agricultural land, He
thinks that it is s 1
argr amount to sell and you can't gain anything by
that, He recommended S or 10 acre minimum,
Fred Kline'- Spring, Lake township — Residents do not want to be annexed
until the city does make some set of rules and does not:,change then,
they do not want to `have to make an ch
Y anges once they are annexed:,