HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 02 19794 r, MINUTES of the feeeeedlow of the '. `VNloge Council of fM Vi11oEe of hior Lake In fhe County of SeeN ood S1aN of ` Mioeesele, iodudiog all oc unts oud ►ed by tali: Cwweil. , , i Apri 2, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake; met in regular session on April 2 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire,; City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Park Director Mangan and Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following,` corrections are to be made.to the minutes of March 26, 1979, Page 1, paragraph 7. Motion by Bissonett that the City Council grant the variance to the Whtpp Estate for dividing the 30,1,xacres into three lots under thq, simplified subdivision rules. This has to be approved .` MINUTES; Motion b Watiians Lo Y approve the minutes of March 1979 as amended, G , seconded by Busse and!upon aV vote taken it was duly passed. LIQ, LICENSE Ross Stevens was present to answer any questions regaroing the transfer of,the. liquor license to him for the Country Hills Golf Club. Motion by Watkins to approve the transfer of the licenses for set + up, 3.2 On and Off Sale, and Cigarette for Country Hilis, seconded by Bissonett t,' and upon a vote taken it was dul passed'. City Manager McGuire reported that Mrs. Lamppa's attorney called and requested f .that this item, transfer of Prior Place Liquor License, be tabled for one week or longer. Motion by Thorkelson to table the for Prior Place, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote, taken it was duly passed. Mrs. L amppa arrived at the meeting after this item was discussed. She was i nformed of the change and that the item was tabled. 00 kR1 RLES;iST TION Calvin Erberte was present at the meeting to discuss with the Council' his proposal to redivide lots 2 and 3 of Erberle's 1st Addition into ° 3 lots and;Outl'ot A be recovered by him either as an outright_ purchase or as an easement credit for future road purposes. F � , City Planner Graser was °present also to present this to the Council.,, ' He stated that ih4s, parcel was platted. about 5 gears ago and Outlot A was deeded;to the\Vly at that tine because "it had no value to the plat. The original ., concept of duplexes on the respective-lots which has since expired leaves lots land 3 too small for division into three lots. City Manager McGuire recommended that one of two things be done: ` .,, 1) deny his request for lack of square footage for each lot. 2) keep ` Outlot A for roadway for the City for1uture use and thb three lots biz assessed for a parkydedication fee, and grant the variance to the' square footage. Notion by Thorkelson approving the`varianca for the - division of the t" two lots into three lots on the original Erbere,Addition providing KA that the lots be utilized as proposed and no variance for setbacks be,consldered and park dedication fee be paid at the time of the cer- tificate for the hardshell and the reason for the change is the character of the neighborhood has changed from the townhouse dwelling to single family dwalUng concept, seconded by Busse and upon a vote. taken it duly passed. , was RESOLUTION Resolution 79 -12, traffic control, for TH 13 and TH 101, was reviewed 79 -12 by the Council. Notion by Watkins to approve Resolution 79 -12; seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was. duly passed. Mayor, Stock requested'-City Manager McGuire.to send a copy of this resolution to the City Administrator of the City of Savage and request the City Council of the City of Savage review it. " - I MINUTES of tM Rtecoodimp of the Milk" Council of the villago of bier take ie the County of Scott and State of Mis""Ota, iadwllno'Oil accounts audited. by said Council. JAMES MASON City Attorney Sullivan reported that he has not heard anything from Mr.- James Mason or his attorney regarding the storm water easement. He re- commended that the Council either forget about the, easement or proceed« ` withr condemnation. Mayor Stock suggested that all the Councilmen take a look at Wand decide what to do.. Cow,t:ilman B;ssonett r ' stated that he doesn't think the Council should do anything until Mr. Mason comes forward to the Council and asks them to do someth about it. Too much money has been spent for - legal fees already._ Motion by Bissonett to table this item until we receive an offer for a reasonable easement, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' CHARLES MOSS City Planner Graser presented to the Council a problem that Mr. Charles Moss has with some ro rt that he wants to buy. e wants to a -L 10 acre p � y y' purchase parcel, which is not platted, out of 40 acres that is bemngf t old He , will be unable to get a building permit for this because of ortly =one access { to the 40 acres, the Prior Lake Zoning cal'is'for a 500' frontage from a public: roadway for buildings and, there is only 330' frontage,on the public roadway. 1 f Mayor Stock recommmen<jd that Mr.. Moss; et together with the ' 9 9 people he is w' purchasing the land from and come up with some kind of proposal for this and present it to the Planning Commission for ' the kind of roadway system they will put In the W acres.and have the Planning Commission hel p them, along with Mr. Graser. R SAND KINTE' Mr. Hill and Mr. McWilliams were present to discuss with the Council the Almac Inc. hardshell,approval for Sand Pointe area. Motion by Watkins to approve Sand Pointe hardshel- y upon park dedication requirements being met, ordinance for street naming be met, developers agreement be negotiated as per outlined by-,the City Engineer, Outlot A, B, and C'be dedicated to the City as park land, and Outlot E if necessary, at'the discretion of the City, the roadway be dedicated to the City.at no Cost, seconded by Bissonett and upon vote taken ' 1 a it was duly Passed o.iJu a CREST AVE. At,8:45 PM Mayor Stock called the Crest Avenue Public Hearing to order. Resolution 79 -8 was which provided for the vacation of Crest Avenue. j Motion by Watkins to a pprove Resolution 79 -8, Vacation of Crest Avenue,: seconded Busse '" lJ by and upon a .vote takenr it was duly passed. 1 Jim Norton presented to the Council more information on the sewer and water plan. He pointed out three CouteS._for the ewer system which the Council suggested at the last meeting. 1- Fran Crest Avenue down, to north s ide of Mani'tou.- Road and tie -in with the MWCC manhole 500 of the Ckkty. L:O Street, 2- A,b B From Metror Interceptor 83 to Eagle Creek area to.the 18" MWCC to Island View "Y" to the Northwood' Road 10" Pine n to a lift station, C - same as A & and from Northwood Road down to 5205, i_ 1 3- A - South of Spring Lake as far as State Highway° y. 2 1 p i pe stops at Cty. Rd. 81 and goes down and across 13 following, the road where it stops, t Z B - Servicing south bend by Spring Lake 10" gravity pipe from wet line to lift station pump,at Cty. Rd 81 - 2 lift stations The Council had a discussion'for all of these routes, k„ Motion by Watkins,to approve the preliminary sewer, plan contingent on the consultant engineer working on the cost brez;kdov`n for areas 2 and 3 section B and that it would be submitted to the Council by June 15, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. -2- r I u MINUTES of the heeeediap of the Village tevnw of the Village of bier take in th .Coun of scow Gad o h d U f Y� a Nlianefe1a.1ed4d1n8 Gemonts audited by aoM Cwaeii: WATER PLAN The water Plan was reviewed by the Council. Funds for this may be applied for,"' by a gran ' Motion by Thorkelson to Ci of Prior Lake andj,�direct approve thepprel,i'minary water study for the o WEpg Weer to prepare a final plan,, seconded by Watkins and upon•a vote taken it was duly passed. PARKS NA1NT. VEHICLE Park Director Ma ?9:7. present to discuss the maintenance vehicle quotations for pick -ups. He went over the different types pick- :, ups, costs, special features, etc. Motion by Bissonetit to authorize the 6- cylinder automatic transteissipn 112 \, ton at the cost of $5,038 at Todd,Chevrolet, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The question was raised A the truck would meet the needs of the staff,: this was answered.yes by the staff. ' BATH HOUSE SAND POINT The nett item is the t type of shower facJ_y for the bathhouse at Sand Point Beach that should//" used. Staff recommends the 30- second_ s pkray mounted on: the ov s We be, approved. + Motion by Watkins -to a PPro ve the use of the 30 ' - second spray mounted .' _ outside of tlt, bathhouse;for the shower faci,,li "ty, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken i;c was duly passed.- is directed to,:work t Staff on drainage °that problem could extst, ` ` ( The third item i s she approval of sand-traps-4n the bathtLse at Sand Point Beach' { Motion _by.Busse approve the change. for $605-00" For the I r \ order purpose of add i no sand traps in the cherne rooms, secoiid�bd by Thorkel son ,end u pan a vote taken it was y passed. I�f } . I The Iasp item on the bathhouse is th ° e<electri,cal wiring, �. underground or overhead.t �I ' 'C Mot'on b Watkins to- ice; 1: I Y the $1,1,34.00 for he elect:rieaT under- ` ground wiring for the bathhouse, seconded. by Busse and 'upon taken it was duly passed. a vote ( Councilman OECAYIN BASEMENTS ON, Ttwrkel on mentioned to the Council that something be done about the basement "that should VACANT PROPER of the` ro p perty was once °Everything is boarded up, but some kids. could'get in and the Gay 90 s. hurt. get / Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to contact he.,,owners of the property of the Gay go's and the Joe Speiker house'to :do f something about the basements. OPEN 'WATER IN THE f�ARINA Councilman Busse brought up the potnt of the open water in the marina - and that someone couI'd fa.1 1 in. The City `tanager and City Attorney t= will look �_4o, this and report =on it `at a .future meeting. Ft THORTON POINT Councilman Watkins announced a meeting of the Orderly Annexation Board will be "held April 3, 1979 at 5:15 PM at Thornton Point. Curt Kelsey is discus.s,iny the possibility of a.frog ranch. ` COMPREHENS1rVE City Manager_McGuire went over the comments and responses for tht Pte Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing that was held on March 26, 1979 a 00 t 8. PN. p Council had additional comments as the City Manager read over each response. Most of the comments that made:at the public hearing dealt with zoning changes. Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and u p°^ a'v taken this meeting was adjourned' at 1:0:40 PM, ° , Michael A• McGuire ` - City Manager �.. -3- .. MINUTES of ha frwaad iags of tM vNlaga Cauncil of the. Vill"* of Prior lake in the county of Scott and 'S tale of Mianesete, including all accounts audifad b seid Council. � April 2, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on� April 2, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City - j F Planner Graser, Park Director Mangan and Attorney Sullivan. " Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of March 26, 1979, Paged , paragraph 7, Motion by Bissonett that the the variance to the Whipp Estate for dividing r three the 30.1yacres into lots under' the simplified subdivision rules. This has to be ;approved MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of March 26, 1979 as amended, seconded by Busse and'upon a vote taken it was du passed. LIQ. LICENSE Ross Stevens was present to answer any questions regarding the transfer of the liquor license to him for the Country Hilis Golf Club. Motion by Watkins to approve, the transfer of the licenses for set up, 3.2 On and Off Sale and Cigarette:for Country Hills, seconded by `.` lissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, x �- City Manager McGuire reported that Mrs. Lamppa's attorney called and requested that this 'item transfer of Prior Place Liquor License, be tabled for one week or longer, Mot ion by Thorkelson to table ther4 Or t for Prior Place-, Watkins and' u seconded by ponce vote. taken it was duly passed. Mrs. Lamppa arrived at the meeting after this item was discussed. She was informed of the change and that the item was :tabled. ERBERLES iST ADDITION Calvin Erberie was present at the meeting to discuss with the Council his proposal to rediv lots 2 and 3 of Erberle s lst Addition into 3 lots and 0utlot A be 'recovered by him either as an outright purchase or as an easement credit for futurer road purposes. 4 City Planner Graser was present also to `present this to the Council. He stated that this parcel was platted about 5 years ago and Outlot A was deeded to the City at that time.because'it had no .a." value to the plat. The original concept of duplexes on the respective lots which has since '`expired leaves lots 2 and 3 too small for division into three Lots. City Manager McGuire recommended that one of two things be;.donee 1) deny his request for lack of square footage for each lot. 2) keep Outlot A for roadway for the City for use and tW three,lots be assessed for a park dedication fee, and grant the variance .to the square footage. Motion by Thorkelson approving the variance for the division of the two iots into three lots on the original Erberl'e Addition providing that.the lots be utilized as proposed and no variance-for setbacks be considered and park dedication fee be paid at the time of the cer, tificate for the hardshell and the reason for the change is the character of the neighborhood has changed from the townhouse dwelling to single family dwelling concept, seconded by Busse and'upon a vote taken it was duly passed. RESOLUTION 79-12 Resolution 79-12„ traffic control for TH 13 and' i0i, was reviewed by the Council. �. Motion by Watkins to approve Resolution 79-12, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock requested City Manager McGuire to send a copy of this resolution, to the City Administrator of the City of Savage and' request ' the City Council of the City of Savage review it. f� i i MINUTES of the 1 ` 1 in" of the Village teuneil of the Village of Prier lake .in the County of Scots otid State of Mleneseta, indudino all accounts audiNd by said Council. JAMES MASON City Attorney Sullivan reported that he has not heard anything from Mr. James Mason or his .attorney regarding the storm water easement. He re- commended that the Council either forget about the easement or proceed � with condemnation.. Mayor Stock suggested that all the Councilmen take a look ai it and decide what to do. Councilman Bissonett stated that he doesn't think the Council should do anything until Mr. Mason comes forward' -to the Council and asks them to do something about it. Too much money has been spent for legal fees already. i Motion by Bissonett to table this item until we receive „ >an offer fora` reasonable easement, seconded by Watkins and passed upon a vote taken it was duly i 'CHARLES MOSS City Planner Graser presented to the Council a problem that Mr. Charles Moss has with some t = property that he wants to buy. He wants to purchase a 10 acre parcel, which is not platted, out of 40 acres that is being sold. He will be unable to get a building permit for this because of only one access to the 40 acres, the Prior Lake Zoning calls for a 500' frontage from a; public roadway for buildings and there is only 330' frontage roadway. on the public Mayor Stock recommended that Mr. Moss get together with the people he is } purchasing the land from and come up with some kind of this and it present to the Plannin Commission for the kind of roaadway g system they will put i,n the 40 acres and have the Planning Commiss along with Mr._Graser. help them, SAND i0#NTE Mr. Hill and Mr. McWilliams were present to discuss with the Council the Aimac Inc. hardshell approval for Sand Pointe area. Motion by Watkins to approve Sand Pointe hardshell contingent upon park dedication requirements being met,, ordinance for street naming be met, developers agreement be negotiated as per outlined' by the City, Engineer, Outlot A, B, and C be dedicated to the City as park land, and Outiot E if necessary, at the,discretion of the City, the roadway be dedicated to the City .at no cost, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed a ,'�''y`'"”` -dam CREST AVE. At 8:45 PM Mayor Stock called the Crest Avenue Public Hearing to order, Resolution 7y - 8 -was reviewed which provided for the vacation of Crest Av enue: f Motion by Watkins to approve Resolution. 79 -8 Vacation of Crest Avenue, seconded by Busse and,mpon a vote taken it was duly passed. � Jlm ;Norton {_ presented to the Council more information on the sewer and • water plan. He ,pointed out three coutlsw for the sewer system which the Council suggested at,the last meeting. 1- From Crest` Avenue 'down to north side of Man i tou: Road and tie -in with the MWCC manhole 50Q of the City. L o i t a Skcett 2- A 8 B - From Metro lnterceptor'83 to Eagle Creek area to the 18 NWCC to Island View "Y" to the Northwood' Road 10" line to a lift station, A C - same as,A B and goes from Northwood Road down to 5205. ` Y 3- A - South of Spring Lake as far as State Highway 13'. 21 i a stops at Cty. Rd. 81 and goes down and across 13 following the road where it stops. B - Servi_ing south bend by Spring Lake 10" gcavi.ty pipe from ° z wet line to lift f t station pump P Pat Cty. Rd. $) 2 Taft stat.ions � -1 The Council. had a; discussion for a'il of these routes. Motion by Watkins to approve the preliminary sewer plan contingent on the " consultant engineer working on the cost breakdown for areas 2 and 3 section B" and' thatAt would be submitted ` to the Council by June 15, seconded by Thorkelson and upon,.a vote taken it.was duly passed. 2 ` i @ MINUTE; of th Pnxeadings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott sad State of Mioeosoto, including all aecounft audited by said Couftdi. WATER PLAN The Water Plan was reviewed by the Council... Funds for th's may be applied for. by a granI ;4 Motion by Thorkel'son to approve o the �, pn eliminary water study for the City of Prior Lake and di rect weer a n to seconded by Watkins and u g prepare a final plan, port .a vote Laken it was duly passed. PARKS MAINT. VEHICLE Park Director Mangan was present' to discuss the maintenance vehicle '€ quotations for pick -ups He went over the different t ups, types of pick- costs, specia .. etc, Motion by Bissone'tt to authorize the 6- cylinder automatic transmission 1/2 ton - at the cost of $5,038 at Todd Chevrolet, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The questions we's raised if the truck would meet: the needs of the staff, thisma"k answered yes by the staff, BATH HOUSE' SAND POINT The next item, is the type of shower facility for the bathhouse at Sand Point Beach that should be used. Staff recommends the 30 -; second spray mounted on the outside be approved. �,..., tlotion by Watkins to approve the use of the 30- second spray ;mounted. , outside of the bathhouse for the shower facility, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Staff is directed towork' on drainage problem that could exist.. _ The third item is the approval of sand -traps •in the bathhouse at Sand Point Beach.. Motion by Busse to approve the change order for $605..00 for the • purpose of adding sand traps im the change rooms, seconded by Thorkeison and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The last item for approval on the bathhouse is the electrical wiring, underground or overhead. a l Motion by Watkins to approve the $1,1,34.00 for the electri'aa,l and - round wiring er g ring.. for the bathhouse, ,E seconded by Busse and upon a vale taken it. was duly passed. DECAYING BASEMENTS ON Councilman Thorkelson mentioned to the Counci,l-that something should be done VACANT PROPER about the basement of the property that was once the Gay 90's. Everything is boarded'up, but some kids could get in`and get hurt. . Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to contact the owners of the property of the Gay 90's and the Joe Speiker -house to -do something about the basements. OPEN WATER IN THE MART NA Councilman Busse brought up the POUv1t,sf ,the open water in the marina and that someone could f a l l in. ° Tne" ,C r ty `'Manager; ' City Attorney ' ' will look into this and report, on i t at a future ixeting. THORTON POINT Councilman Watkins announced a'mceting of the Orderly Annexation Board wEl1 be held Ap'r'il 3, - 1979 at 5:15 PM at Thornton Point. , Curt Kelsey discussing i tHe 'possib1 11ty of a frog ranch_ COMPREHENSIVE City Manager McGuire went over iher-comments and responses "for the Comprehensive PL Plan Publ Hearirg at 8:00 PM. q that was held on March 26, i97g ' o ' Council had addif ionai. 'comments as the City Manager read over each response:= t"ost comments that were at the public hearing dealt WUth iohUng changeU. p; Motion by Watkins to adjourn,. seconded by Busse and upon a'vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 10:40 Pj�.`' t i■ Michael A-r McGuire , Ci Manager - 3 A