HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 09 1979 E �rrtir- ti E .. A. ; i MNNIt� a of iM. P�.e� iiwes of a* Voose a ftmii of th. viNM. of P.». t�k. a +f. e.��► of ss N..a sIN. et iNelwNsN eN eoewMa rwailMi by said Cou". V Apr 1 1 9. 1979 The,'Coawon. Council Of the City of Prior lake met in regular session ` _On April 9. 1979 at 7` :30 PH. Present were Mayor Stock „ - Councilmen ` Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City t Engineer Anderson., City Planner Graser,.Planning Consultant Tooker Finance Director Teschner and Attorney Sullivan.. ° Mayer Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of April 2, 1979. Page 1, paragraph 7, Prior Place Liquor License, be; tabled for p< ` one :week of )conger. Page 1, paragraph $, Motion by Thorkelson to table the tr ncfer of the. liquor license for Prior Place Page; 2', paragraph 7, the roadway be dedicated to the City at a -; future date at no cost . Page; 2, paragraph 10, 1 MWCC manhole 500 north of lord Street. 1 3-A . as for as State Highway 13 . pipe stops at County Road $'i . Page 3. paragraph 1, y be applied for by a grant. Page 3 paragraph 2; for the City of Prior lake and direct Con- s`ultant Engineer to prepare a final plan,' MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve,the minutes of April 2, 1979 as amended,; , seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. B06 `BURWAN Mr. Bob Burnih m�ywas present .requesting to ` subdivide tot 10 Block 6 Prior So. ; s PRIOR SOUTH into'two equal sized loms -and construct an additional a plex an the western portion 6f lot 10. The eastern half of lot 10 is deva aped with a 4 plex. z _ Motion by Busse to-. the request for the subdivision of Lot iQ because the property is.close to the density of the current ton.ny So►` ordinance, seconded. by Thorkelson and upon a`vote taken i 'was passed. V BRODIMILLE” Citj+' Engineer Anderson presented` the�,devel p CE pars agreement for Brooksville .; NTER 2Ni� ' Center 2nd AAdi Lion. Th+my. also request spl i ttng assessments for the sewer, water and' pavi ng, on Center S reset, which is from HiOi>Mray 13 to 'Tower Street.. They have developed their own assessment split and wish to pay it, as indicated in the developers.. agr`eemerr Motion by Watkins to approve the developers agreement of Brooksville Center 2nd A&Ulon,; seconded' by Busse, and upon, a vote taken, it was { duly passed,_ _ j , Motlon:by Bissonett to approve the-Assessment split as ..� �prop�osed iii th the contingency that any contract for deed purchases. concur with the, split, seconded by Watkins and'upon -a vote taken it w±es duly passed.; ,µ CEIMk,!T: Hayor -Stock :pointed out ;tha t on Center "Streit,and at the Intersection of ° Highway 13 'that on l l► one half of the roadway i s �Oed i ca ted to: the City in the plat. _$AGE :CORP Act ion`by:Thorkelson to direct the C ity-Manager an, d.Clty Engi to ,contact -the vote take Sage Eorporation'and. inquire about <an'easement.'for the street sac n y oded b=. Wtk`i =ns and; upon "a n it �+as dui .ri = y passed. T he, Council reviewed Resolution 79 -1,3, Prior lake Clean Ups } 1eks. •. - 6 0 Motion, by Bissonet: to approves Resolution; N-13, secrrnde4 by Busse and upon a, vote taken It ; waa"duly:pessed. Mayor Stock directed the City .;:Manager to contact,.sama of the property owners that have been forwarned'in'the past about their property and, the hazards caused and let"`thear knew that this is an >aPPropriate tiwc to ci'san up. m a n 1; ,:M NUM of lia* hecessas of !ho C*WMM of 1M vi11No of Reim tukt iw fik Cwa1y of sew eai Steh.of` MiwaovNe, Iaduiiaa 611 suv left awHit by veil Cooedi. CLEAN UP WK The City Manager was also directed that if non- conforming conditional use is being conducted in a particu'l'ar area it should 'be. researched and noti'ce;be given that proper permits should be obtained. EARL EVANS Mayor Stock read a letter that was received, by Earl Evans regarding SURVEY MRKS surrey markers that were taken out and not replaced and tl.,end of his driveway was not properly graveled., Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to call Valley Engineering Company, } and have the marker replaced and also inspect the driveway and if necessary grade it and place gravel on it. 8:00 PM Mayor Stock called the continuation of the comprehensive plan public COMPREHENSIVE hearing to order. k PLAN. The purpose of this hearing is to review the '.comments and statements that were heard on March 19, 1979 at the public hearing. Comment 1 Frank- Muelken - representing Bill Sh okins farm - Mr. Simpkins °1 owns a large parcel of land with approximately 1700 feet of highway frontage. He would like some flexibility to the land so that other developments could be built. A letter was also received. Responser The plan places a major emphasis on restricting the spread of'. F commercial areas along Ni'ghway 13 and many areas do note high density in the 1973 Plan were actually developed at low density. By placing this ± entire area in medium density residential classification, I will;provi "de similar densities as are now available in theCentral neigh`ourhood and at the same time encourage a planned unt development approach ikot.will offer residential 'diversity or flexibility.' Notion. by Bissonett that the m p parcel of Si kins,be indicated on the Comprehensive Plan as a medium density residential,. seconded, Busse and upon 4­ vote taken It was duly passed.. r Comment 2r Bob Barsness - presented a preliminary site plan of the ar „ea across Highway 13 from Brooksville Shopping Ce 'where the future development of the Prior Lake. State Bank is ianned A P plan for a restaurant to be but�i t Is ..,{ fi being thought about. This request is that "the zoning be changed from 81 same other zone so that a restaurant can be built in that area, - A Response Past public hearings involving this parcel have provided nearby +, i residents- assurances that only low intensity comwrct al uses would be res and 'a restaurant would , r gone traffic and 'open hours” LMn ` uses mow listed in the BI district. The final decision on this. however,,, fj would occur,i✓t the time a comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance i`s C discussed. Motion by Watkins t*, the current zoning or ` Busse and u g this particular Property, seconded b y pon a vote taken it was dul � Bissonstt abstained. ,Y Passed. Councilman Comment 3 Visions VIII RE: Peter Kopp Farm. This land is intended to be "I residential. They are requesting the planners to look at the area before they do any rezoning keep it as residential. 'Response Visions VIII requests to leave the. Peter Kopp Estate in residential use will seriously hamper the long range objective of providing Prior Lake a tax base and local employment opportunities. The land Is not suggested as the site of heavy'industry requiring flat well — drained soil, but as a special aftu,'commerciai service campus in a parklike setting. Currently, there is considerable land available for residential development but few - land use i options remain that can return to the community more than it demands in 'services. The sate is intended as a land bank for local employment in close proximity. to the trunk Sewer ;i,ine, Notion by Tlzorkelson to have the property that is to the north of the natural divide remain in special industrial in our comprehensive plan, specifically i statingtiin the plan as a long range _use, :seconded by Busse and upon.a vote u taken It was duly gassed. I Comment 4 Charles James - Boudins Manor - Don Williams - Boudtns. =, Manor Request limited commercial use. Propose 4 acres 02 / 2 - acres BI / 3 acres for SO unit apartments /`rest for church use. Don Williams stated the people in the area preferred commercial rather than high density residential. .0 n"M of 64 r of *0 rNiMe coumm of /k! Vwwo eE PrW "take in CwMY Of weft sad sh" ef,, w�t�le, iwdnriuo; O etteve t, OIIOlW by s.k c eedl, Response .Intersection of Cty. Rd. 42 and'TH 13 has been recommended for high density residential rather than commercial area based upon �OMPRENENSIVI the need for only one convenience commercial area to serve residents PLAN north of the lake. The site .selected is at 42 - and Crest, Avenue which will be central to the developing neighborhoods north of the lake and will better control the urge to create additional strip commercial ' centers along both 42 and 13. Existing conmrcial. development in \, Savage to the north on 13 is more likely; to spread north toward i if the site in question is also comwercial. The same argument applies �\ to both.northeast and northwest quadrants of this intersection: � the plan were to accept the intersection Proposed n of 13 and 42 as the commercial area, the s to at Crest and 42 ;should be considered for medium and high density residential construction with a substantially reduced commercial area, lotion'by Bissonett that the James property be indicated as conawercial and the church portion as Rl, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment 11 John Trulsen - WatersEdge Office Plaza This area is the conservation zone. The request is to change to some type of ., residential area so he may do some building. Response WatersEdge Office Plaza §.. proposal, for low density residential in the area adjoining the former Du Our Marine site rather then conservation appears to be a reasonable request. Motionby Bissonett to have the'WatersEdge building zoned to "B1 as � business and the property next to it be , low density residential -, r seconded by Busse; and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment 5 Gene Simpkins and Doug Farrell - North Shore Oaks area b tx Sand Point, Beach. Request to ;receive sewer services and high priority: sewer to come 6rough and to continue with the platting, Response Thts request for immediate sewer and water service must be 'I balanced'agai,nst. other needs of the City now provided with utility service. There is no question about the long range need for sewer F service to this area but timing may be delayed while other areas of the City are permitted a "fill in" of skipped over land' However," because of thequestion of looping the waterline on the,north side, and extending gunk sewer to eliminate lake pollution it may be ,practical in j f the near future. No action by notion, however, the Council is in the process of reviewing the Comprehensive sewer and water plan and has directed the Consultant En9ipear to prepare the preliminary ,sewer and water plan and the area j that i in question 'will addressed in the plan. Cowni"t 6 Jack Oakes - Agricultural land and rural service area. Requests the 40 acre minimum development be reconsidered and take reasonable approach to the land and work with each property owner large and small to.see that they are equally_ served. Response The discrepancy between proposed rural service area lot sized of 40 acres and. the Much smaller lot area requirements or - service district have been ;characterized as arbitrary. The plan perhaps { should be-revised to stress flexibility, although the long range objective would be to preserve agricultural sites. The details should be worked out-when the zoning revisions are prepared later this gear.. No motion however, g , planning ca mission is directed to stork on the 1 philosophy on the rura` life zone in ag land and the opportunity to reduce lot sizes from 40 acres., Comment 7 Alwe Picha would like: her property to be-considered for possible rezoni�no to a high residential density. This site is now r a single Taal "ly dwelling located by the Senior Nigh School. Res . ponse The request to change the low density residential proposal to high density residential adjoining the high school and the City of I Sava ' - Savage to be Inconsistent with the area. The density across. = � the road would have been low if Greenbriar PUD had been developed, and all adjoining deveiopwent in Savage is at low density. g _Kinney opposing Aimac development for the two outlots and zoning changes. She also stated her opinions why she opposes the development and changes; Notion by Bi "ssonett that Outlot O at the intersection of Crest and 42 on the •_ comprehensive plan be high density and Outlot F be medium density, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment 9 Bill Bradstad - Inguodona Bea :ch area stated that this area is G very _Od and he requests that due to the small area it should ruin as a single family residential area and ".nothing else should be allowed to crowd the urea. Response Inguodona Beach area is proposed as mediUpr,dehslty neighborhood because of existing densities of development. The small lot sized will continue to this level of activity. Apartments are not proposed for this area, but the - `plan will recognize existing density. A letter was also received from Tom' Sylvester on March 31, 1979 on this area., Notion by Busse to classify this area in the comprehensive plan'as medium density and amend the zoning ordinance to recognize the entire irea as a si4il lot, s.Ungie family area, seconded by Watkins and upgn a vote taken it », .,k. was duly passed. ... : :� l' Comment 12 - Bryce Huemoeller.' a. Franklin Trail - request commercial zoning 6� hanged so that r it would include buildings for commercial '. use such as offices And off ice type. t Response a. Intersection of Franl.l_in..Trai l and Mighway 13 should remain' the north boundary of'the Central Business District. The current business uses are already spread thinly along several :. miles of this highway. Not Ion, by Busse to have Franklin Trail and Highway 11 remain as the orthern r boundary of the central business district, seconded by ThorkeIson and upon a vote taken.`it was duly passed. .. - Comment b. Parcel south of Spring Lake be annexed as soon as possible and zone light commercial along Highway 13. i } Response b. Annexation should continue as requests are made by residents lo�. w, of the area, however, the suggestion for additional coanmerciai,,ri Y uses along Highway 13 to the south shouid'be opposed'since ; the area already has more land zoned than utilized.. Motiom by Bissonett that the commercial area north of Spring Lake township remain as currently platted by the Spring Lake 'township, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taker was duly passed. , t Comment t The triangle at the intersection of TH 13 and 170th Street contains a :., carwash and is shown on, the plan as commercial. This site was developed when annexed to the City and was recognized as a commercial use rather than a legal non - conforming use when the C'ty z ordinance was extended. lt.has been recomwandedthat the plan should not recognize the existing development in an effort to control or to discourage the spread of strip commercial uses along Hy. 1 Response This is a sound recoi ndation and perhaps the option that should have been selected when the area was zoned original y- :' The comprehensive plan recommendation may be change& from commercial to either high or medium density residential. The effect will be negiigibie since the site is already developed..' However, long range recycl.ing,of the property back to residential will not be possible unless the plan ii changed as recommended. m it 'Notion by Thorkeison that the'comprehensive plan should reflect this area as medium density residential, seconded by Bissonettr and upon a vote taken was duly passed. �, - Nwium of *A atom of, iM VW,"* Cwweil of Iho Villow of Frier take Is the Cownh of Seen eed Sw10 of WeneseW hwhWl" all eccew ft. ewiiNd .ic said Coraeii. , ' COMPREHENSIVE - M Motion by Busse to deny the request and have the plan show this area as low 9 PLAN d density, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment 8 Mar G 1 MMN M of i1w1 Pneeediaas of iha Village council of the Villor of raw tetra in NM CouW7 of Smolt and of 0404401111. indu�ling all eeeeuels audited by Nid Council., 1 Comment 14 A similar su t, ¢` COMPRENSIVE ggestion "has been received concerning the EH e 'P � commercial frontage on Highway 13 between 170th Street and County Road 123. The major difference is that,while the area has been zoned commercial x . for several years, no development has taken place. This site has also been suggested as a high density residential area to di ""courage the spreAd of strip commercial uses along Highway 13. J Respopse Staff would favor a high density residential designation on this site both in terms of limiting'strip commercial" and in providing enough population to support existing business activity already situated t. in the strip. The effect wouid`be :immediate since the land -could be :developed :rithout being troubled by existing construction. 'A residential \� PUO with`on site commercial services should be encouraged as an alternative h, to the present proposal. Motion by Bissonett: to change our comprehensive plan to reflect high i density residential for this property, seconded by Thorkei'son and upon , ' a vote taken it was duly passed. Com 6m, 16 A request was made during earlier Planning Commission discussions that specific areas along the undeveloped frontage of the lake of Prior Lake should be set aside for commercial services oriented �. to hake use. Response The Planning.Calmission and Staff following_a 1enghty,dis- cussion decided that these needs should be filled by means of the Conditional Use ,section of the R2 and perhaps 'even the Rl`zoning'districts. The major problem in specific sites is that of anticipating the ideal location - for such a service. ' Motion by Thorkelson to direct planning commission to proceed with developing guidelines under the conditional use portion „of'the zoning ordinance, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote: taken it"was "duly passed. Comment 17 Leo Vierling stated that he did not want his 'property rezoned M industrial and park. Response Mayor Stock and tho- ity Manager met with Mr. Vierling on this matter and "he stated thacI t would be acceptable to show the industrial x and park in our loon, range. plans, but he did not want it rezoned to those The Staff fee:,s• that this would be acceptable and recommends that the comprehensive plan show the uses as proposed, and that the zoning., ordinance show the parcel as agricultural. The letters that were received by the City Manager and discussed by the Council are as follows Letter 4 Requests, high density land use along Trunk.Highway 13 in , Willows - Spring Lake neighborhood. hesponse The letter implys that high density use is the only appropriate residential designation for land along major through €tires,- Obvi "ously, t there are.many neighborhoods already developed within the City which do ( not follow this hypothesis. On the other hand, there arm advantages for high density use adjoining major streets as indicated in another letter that was received) (Letter 3) It is possible to extend the medtum . density land along Highway, 13 to the south, but at the expanse of sub - ut ome ing "strip" medium density areas for "strip" corcia�l. It may be well to review the current proposal for Mood view Addition before any change. is recommended. No action was taken, the Council did agree with staff recommendation.. 5 { , Mow c e M%um of the hrcoodia" of *A vow" comma of the Vak" of Prior Lek* Ie the county of seen ewi Sh" ec Mhme*Wn. ledwline oil ecceuoW oudited by amid Ceeedl. COMPREHENSIVE Letter '' Requests that the natural open recommendations north of .Chatonka PLAN Beach be changed to low densi residential. Respense The proposal is based upon natural limitations of the site includi. a relatively large marsh. The zoning,, ordinance when amended will be carefully drawn`to exclude from residential use only those areas which are not considered to be developable. No action was taken by the Council, however, they felt that. this should be taken care of when the. zoning ordinance is looked at.' letter 9 This is, from the residents of Spring Lake Township,in F opposition to "early annexation" to the City. Response The orderly anne)4itton agreement provides that Section 9 may be annexed within 8 years or by1,1980 unless the Metro Interceptor.ts' operation. The City may then annex up to 500' from the lake and install sawers'as well as other public services. , The Council reviewed the petition anti accepted the Spring Lake Township residents petition for opposition to early` "annexation. Additional comments, responses, letters and information have been typed out and are part of the public hearing. ,,These are on file and can be reviewed by anyone .upon; request. a` 1, The Land Use and Transportation .por t ioniof the comprehensive - plan were rev lowed `by the Council. Only a, few changes were made to these. Mr.: Roy Clay requested information on the area of Dakota to Evanston: He wanted'to know if those areas will be zoned commercial in,' <the near future. - j According to the comprehensive plan, the zoning of,th'is land may come at a future date, but will be residential in this; plan. Mr. Frank Muelken commended the staffs, planning commisslon,`and'Councii on the good job they did with the comprehensive plan;and`publi: hearing. y A resident asked the Council about the sewer and water for the City, He was Informed that prelFidniiry sewer and water plan will be done sometime during the month of June for the City and the ' acrd area. Mot on by Watkins to approve the prelliminary_ comprehensive plan As reviewed and amaended, seconded by Bissonett and': upon a vote taken, it wai,Lduly passed. The,comprehensiYe plan publ is hearing was adjourned at 9:45 PM by Mayor Stock: .I k BASEMENT SIT �. City MiAeger_McGuire reported that Mr. Speakers and Mr. Pearson have talked to ON VACATE&` his about the basement situation. Mr. Spelker is in the process _of taking «LOTS, dawn the basement and Mr. Pearson is talking with his insurance company about w . it and will know this week „whether to rebuild it or not. FAINAIN City Engineer Anderson requested the Council to award the bid�;;for Fairlawn SNORES Shores to Progressive Contractors now that the state aid'•is ob'tained.. Motion by Busse ,w-award the `project to Progressive Coniractor*,'z seconded by, Natki.ns and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ; _ X.NAINTEIIANCE City Engineer Anderson also requested' Council appro%* to pay Li:ttl;e Gnada' ,t'11C06 Lumber for building the maintenance structure. Notion by Watkins to approve�paywent to Little Canada lumber for the 'maintenance building, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i ' Motion by Bissoaett to approve ,payment for t1`r.: floor drain for the length of the building >to little Canada - Lumber, seconded by Busse and upon a vote r taken it was dul passed. ' BLDG. PERMIT City Planner Graser commented that the building permits in the City are about A REPORT 30-35% more than last yeas. z , _ r NVOU of 60 ft I@ of /fie vow C"" ei Iw! Vow of Fries Leke M 11N Ca" of fast 4 4 4 stale ei. { r mbaesel% indedMe all end by 4W Cou"I . ` ..1. t` #fry Q r" April i l } 7 379 _ The following Invokes are i� heduled to be paid on Tuiesday, ' `.. Miscellaneous Departments } k Tom s Mobil Qui 11, Corporakjon Gas t Vehicle repairs,$ Suppl!'ies 243, y4;. JAK Con�utos.ervice Suppt ss „ 28 X40 ' Prior Lake Am rican -� Sewer t Mater bitt Publishing ' 404 = Lake Auto Su / t. Supply It Prior Lake Lunber V A104 Repairs 7• 47 ; 45.92 Insurance ServiFces� Scott Too 8yliIdIng Repairs lusurance: 69.71 70.00 Rita bona Canpaey Ut;� i i'ti,es 483.25 Mc�nnen's Luarberi �� Todd Chevrolet 8u I d'I ng Repairs Egwipnt 84.30 . ='S,104.`00 II General Government '` ! �. Creative6raphics Pub fishing Gene Hewstrom °, -Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan Frevert Bui�dang inspector_ Attirney 1 020.00!' � "', r Maintenance Engineering ' � � Gross ' ! �� Supp }Iias X619.00 92.88j Industrial Building Maintenance s 6 7.65 .-< American lnen,Supply Company �' Buii ing � Maintenance 19 75 Dolores Berens ., r` �. , Uaughn's Inc. Clea6ing Library Stag Flags SO. 80 .40 Michael Mc6uIrw?' t Reiwbursesient :i0 �' 19 3 418 0 . OSN n ;Eng I t,ri g ; 515 22 ir. Po l Ice �' �l Coulter, '11e1son, Sullivan t Frevert Attorjny IF S 672.5Q K" too S i'gna l s, I nc. Kennedy transmission. 76 Equipme t Re firs Equ l' Repairs 23; Dennis Leff pft_ \ MI lea+a ' Rob Boa St. Francis Hospital Miiea�e �. Bioodi "Test 7.20 �'1r260.25 f' Busse Superoarket Suppl7,%es 13.00 18.00 \ o Fi re Uniforms Unlimited RamROOM Pub ItshIn ,,Clothing "Subscription- $, 48.95 . *" 9 MN Emergency Care Association Subscription 4.50 30.98 Reynolds Melding S Co. Gx�gen 4.50:;' Park Minnesota Tara Prior Lake Motor Equipment Repairs $ 8547W Vehicle Repair 27;gpI Hater SerCo` Laborat,6ri�es, General,.Volding- Water Tests Rep ' S 12."00 . Pa 74:50 Sewer N HWCC' Schrader Block I ns to 1. l eient 510, 846. 19 Hilita Electric \� R , Repai- rs 35.00 o S1 00 I Street 1 1, Air Signal ` Mcllawara Vlvant Renital s S . 00 27 143.1; Savage Tire Service Bituminous Equipment Repairs 8.00,E Bohnsack s Hannan Excavating: Snow Removal ,. 234.00 .: ” ,z of *! ft"a N if *A VNlfte COOMM of* YN11ge of rriw to" 14 1h! Ce mty o' SOW ood. fww of . ' �: MIiMSaN..l�clwliw♦, sa .cewNs .wliwd w ,dd. , April 9. 1979 p The Common Council of the City of,Prior Lake met,in i regular `ses on April 9,_ 1979 at 7:30 Ph. son � Present were Ma Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire„ City Engineer Anderson. - City Planner Graser,,Planning Consultant Tooker. Finance Director Teschner i and ,Attorney Sullivan. w I t Mayor Stock called the meeting to order., The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of April 2, 1979. •t Pa96 1. paragraph 7'r Prior Place liquor License, be tabled for one week or longer. d' Page l " , paragraph 8'. Motion by Thorkeison to table the transfer of the l lquot license for Prior Place ` Page 2, paragraph 7. ,' the roadway Cit be dedicated to the future date at no cost . . Y at ' Page 2. paragraph 10, 1 , . MWCC,manhole 500 north of Lord Street. 3 -A ' as far as State: Highway 13;, . p ' stops at County Road `$1 Page 3. paragraph 1,. me O _ y be applied for b y, nt: p n�ra Page 3,.pa ragrapn 2, for the City of 'Prior lake and direct Con`= " sultant Engineer to prepare a final plan, g MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of se April 2, 1979 as amended, conded by Dussr and u upon a Q vote taken it was dul passed. aUNIMAH pR 10R:SOUTH' f Mr. 'Bob Burnham was resent re into two P questing to. subdivide Lot 10 Block 6 Prior So, eqw l' sized lots and construct an additional 4 p l ex on the western portion -of Lot 10. The eastern half of Lot 10 is developed with a 4 plex,�� Not ion. by Busse` to deny the request for the subdivision- of Lot I iL & f R�dE because the property, is close to the density of the E5a ` i current zoning ordinance. seconded.ky Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: � dR00KSY1tE : r � Citi,�Engiaaer- Anderson <presentedthe developers �j' °� CENTS& 2N0 agreement for <Brooksvllie Center 2nd 1lldi .ion, °They also request splitting assessments for € «t ' the s+M+er;' wester and Paving 06 Center Street. which is from Highway 13 to Tower Street.' They have developed their own;`as sessment. plit and �v, wish Pay-It as indicated , in the developers agreement:. ^� Motion by "Mtkins to approve the .developers agreement of Brooksville �Ce nte�~ 2nd Add i t ion, . seconded Busses and upon a vote taken t was duly passed'. MDtion_byF_;Blssonett to approve the.assessment split as proposed with the eantingincy Lhat any contract fordeed " purchases concuir with the split, seconded Foy liatk ns and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed. � CENTElI MaY:or�Stock pointed out that on Center" Str ee t and at Intcrsection`�of 01waY 11 'that only one half of the roadway is ded i wtea to the C1 ty i rt the' plat. . SAGE, CORP. Not 1w 4 Y4 , :Thorkelson to direct the City Manager and City Engineer to contact the Ug�f ot- poration6ant Inquire about an easement for the. . w. RESOLiNTE1 street. seconded by Watkins and:upon a vote taken it was dui ..; y passed. `reviewed The Cowzcll Resoluo�� 79-13, prior Lake ''lean `\ ti t1pr Weeks. Motion by B "istbm''tt 3o approve Resolution .79 -13, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken? - k du y"passed Mayor Stock directed t}as City Managera.to contact some of the property oirners that have been forwarned in the past about their property ,and the hazards caused and let.,them know that this is an appropriate time to clean up. `i MMUM of tie P iwN et the vNiar Gaadl of tM 'ViNNe of hiw lake IN the Cancaty of` fats a" %40 ef` mleftm te, iwdwling all,eft"ats ORO` l ►ysaid GwKh, CLEAN UP WK The City Manager was also directed that if',non conforming conditional l' use. is being conducted in a particular area, "it should be researched and noticeA given that Proper Permi should be obtained. SURVEY MRKS su EARL EVANS May Stock read a letter that was received by Earl Evans regarding rvey markers that were taken out and not replaced and.the end of his driveway was not properly graveled. Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to call Valley Engineering Company and have the marker replaced and also inspect the driveway and if necessary grade it and place gravel on it: 8 :00 PM Mayor Stock called the continuation of the comprehensive plan public'' - COMPREHENSIVE hearing to order. PLAN _ The purpose of this hearing is to review the comments and statements that were heard on.March 19, 1979 at the public hearing. I Comment Frank Muelken - representing Bill Simpkins farm - Mr. Simpkins owns: a large parcel of land with approximately 1700 feet of highway frontage. He would like some flexibility to the land so that other developments caaad be bullt. A letter was.'also received: Response The plan placts a major � J emphasis on restricting the spread of commercial areas along Highway 13 and many areas designated as high density in the 1973 plan were actually developed at low density. Y• Y Placing this I entire area in medium density residential classification, it will provide similar densities as are now available in the Central neighborhood, and at j the.. same time encoura9e a planned unit development approach that w i l l offer residential diversity or flexibility. Motion by Bissonett that the parcel of'mpns be indicated on the Comprehens Siki : Plan as a medium density residential, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. sr t' 'Comment 2 Bob'Barsness - presented a l Highway 13 from Brooksville Sho preliminary site plan of�tAe area across pping Center where the future development of �� the Prior lake State Bank is planned. A plan for &`restaurant to be built is being thought about. This request is that the zoning "be changed from 81 to some other -zone so that a restaurant can be built in that area.,• Response Past public 'he&rtngs involving this parcel have provided nearby residents assura nce s 'that only low intensity commercial uses would be respected An a restaurant -would generate more traffic and longer. *mn hours" than uses low listed in the 81 district. The final decision on this, however, would occur at the time a comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance Is discussed..' A, ibtion b Watkins to ' c*- y the current Zoning for this particular property, seconded by,Busse and upon a , vote taken it was duly passed. Councilman BIssonett abstained. Cownent 3 Visions VIl'i RE: Peter Kopp farm. This -land Is intended to be residential. They are requesting the planners to look at the arce,before they do any rezoning and keep it as residential. `Ihsponsa Visions Vill requests to leave the Peter Kopp Estate in residential use will seriously hamper the long` -range objective of providing Prior Lake a' tax best local ampioyment opportunities. The land is not Industry r equiring as the sit& of -hea heavy y equirin flat well — drained soil, but as,a special office.. commercial service campus in a park like setting., Currently,. there, is considerable land available for residential development but few land use options rewa °in that can return to the community more than it demands Vn services'.' The site is Intended as a land bank for local employment in close proxiaity, to the trunk sewer line. Notion by Thorkelson to have the. property that is to the north of the natural divide rem in in special industrial, in our comprehensive-plan, specifically `stating in 'the plan as a long an n a ote taken It was dui 9 ge use, seconded by Busse and upon a vote duly passed. r'Coaraent 4 Charles James - 'J$oudins Manor Don Williams - eoudttis Manor Request limited commercial use: Propose 4 acres 82 / 2 - acres BI / 3 acres for 50 unit apartments / rest for church use. Don Williams stated the people in „ the area preferred ommerctal rather than high density residential. 4 t MWAUM of the hee"dimp of *A VNI f ceueeil of the Village of PH" toke is the CwMy of Scett a" iNN o r . kedrdMe ON aesruets audited by "M Ceuweil. Response: Intersection of Cty. Rd. 42 and TH 13 has been recokme nded for high density residential rather COMPREHENSIV PLAN than commercial area based' upon the need for only one convenience commercial F area to serve residents north of the lake. The site selected it at 42 and Crest Avenue which will be central to the developing neighborhoods north of the lake and will better control the urge to create additional' strip commercial centers along both 42 and 13. - Existing commercial development in Savage to the north on 13 is more likely to spread north; toward 42 if the site in question is also commercial'. The same argument applies both i to northeast and northwest quadrants of this intersection. if the plan were to accept the intersection of 13 and 42 as the proposed' commercial area, the site at Crest and 42 should be considered for medium and high density residential construction with a substantially reduced commercial area. Motion by Bissonett that the James property be indicated as commercial and the church portion as Rl, seconded by Thorkel,son and u taken it was duly passed. P� a vote Comment ll' John Trulsen - Waters Edge Office Plaza - This area is the conservation 1 zone. The request is to change to some type of residential area so he may do some building, : x Response WatersEdge,Office Plaza proposal for low density residential in the area adjoining the former Du Our Marine site rather than conservation appears to be a reasonable request. .', .,Motion by eissonett to have the VatersEdge building zoned to Bl' as business . and the property next to it be low density residential;, -' seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment S Gene Simpkins and Doug Farrell - `North Shore Oaks area by Sand Point Beach. Request to receive sewer services and high priority sewer to come through and to continue,wi`th the platting. Response This request for immediate sewer and water service must' batanced against`Other needs of the City fi now provided with utility service. There is no question about the long range need for sewer service to this area, but timing may be delayed while other areas of the City are permitted "fill a in" of skipped over hand areas. However, because of the question of looping the waterline on the. north sid ..� and extending Trunk sewer to eliminate lake pollution it may be practical in the near future. No action by motion, however, the Council is in the process of reviewing the Comprehensive sewer and v µ� . water plan and has directed the Consultant Engineer to prepare the preliminary . IV sewer and Water plan and the area- that is In question will be addressed in the plan. ? � Comment 6 Jack Oakes - Agricultural land and rura,i� service area. Requests the 40 acre minimum development be reconsidered and'take reasonable approach ta�the land and work with each property owner large and small to see that they are equally <served. Response The discrepancy between :proposed rural service area lot sized of 40 acres: and the much smaller lot.ares requirements or urban, service district have been characterized as arbitrary. The plan perhe s should bw revised to stress flexibility, although the long; range p abjc4lve would be to preserve agricultural sites.. The details should be worked out when�the zoning revisions are prepared.later this year. No motion, : however, planning commission is directed to work on the philosophy on the :rural life zone in ag hand o and the reduce lot sizes from 40 acres. Pportunit} to Comment 7 A 1 ma, P'i cha would like her. property perty to be :considered for Possible rezoning to a high residential density. This site is now a single family dwelling located by the Senior High School: Response The request to change the low de nsity residential proposal to high density residential adjoining'the high " school and, the City of Savage appears to be with the area. The density across the road would have been.,low If Greenbrier PUD had been developed, and 0.11 adjoining deve'l o pment in .Savage is at low density:.. I t fA1NUM of The heeN1NOW of 1114 V111696 twed of *A, ViNei1w of hiw Lelia in ilk Ceia1y of Sean end Shft of 4 Miwwwle, kWo i" all ocawMs evditd w seir CovftlL , ,COMPREHENSIVE Motion by Busse to deny: the request and have the plan show this area as low PLAN densi'ty,'seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken 'it was duly passed. , Comment 8 Marge Kinney.opposing Almac development for the two outlots and zoning changes.. She also stated her opinions why she opposes the development g and changes. Motion by Bissonett that llutlot D at the intersection of'Crest and 42 on the comprehensive plan be high density and Ouilot F be medium density, seconded': b Thorkelson and u y u pon ­ a wn taken it was duly passed. Comment 9 Bill Bradstad. =' inguodona Beach area stated that this area is very. old and he requests .tho"t due to the small area it should remain as a single fam residential ar,,ea and �nothing else should be, allowed to crowd the area. } Response Inywwdona Beach aca is 'proposed as medium density neighborhood because of existing densities of development. The small lot sized will continue to this level of activity. Apartments are not proposed for this area, but the plan will recognize existing density. A letter was also received from Tom Sylvester on Mauch 31, 1979 on this-area. r lotion by Busse to classify this area in, the comprehensive plan'as medium 'l ;densi and amend the zoning ordinance to recognize the entire area as 3=11 lot, Ongle family area, seconded by Watkins and. upon a vote take: it . was duly passed. " Comment 12 `Bryce Huemoeller Franklin Trail - request commercial zoning be changed so that it would include buildings for comeercia.l use such as offices and office type. Response a. Intersection of Franklin-Trail' and Highway 13 should remain the north-boundary of the Central Business District.' The current business uses are already spread thinly along several miles of this highway. Notion by Busse to have Franklin Trail and - Highway 13 remain as the northern Q - boundary of the central business district, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a V wrote taken..it was duly passed. Comment b. Parcel south of Spring 'Lake be annexed as soon,as possible and xone light commercial along Highway 13. \` Response b. Annexa should continue as requests are made by residents of the area, however, the suggestion for additional commercial uses along Highway 13 to the , south should be opposed since the area already has more land zoned than utilized. Motion by Bi,ssonett that the commercial area north of Spring Lake township remain as currently platted by the Spring Lake: township, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment l -; The triangle at the intersection of TH 13 and 170th Street contains a " carwesh and is shown on the plan 'as� commercial.; This site was developed when annexed to „the City and was recognized as a commercial use rather than a legal non - conforming use when the 41ty zoning ordinance was extended._ It has, been recownanded, that the plan should not recognize the existing development in an effort to control or to discourage the spread "of strip commercial uses along Hy. 13. Response This is a sound recommendation and perhaps the option that should have. been'selected� when the area was zoned originally. The'comprehensive plan recommendation my be changed from comwaarcial to either high or medium density residential. The effect will be negligible since the site is already developed'. However, long range recycling of the property back�to residential will not be possible unless the plan is changed-as recommended. Notion by Thorkel'son that the comprehensive plan should reflect this area as medium density residential, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken was duly passed. 1 l t t MINUM of *A of Vill"41 COUNM of ow Ffte"difte Weve of Friew Lek* IN am co" of see* aw Slove of t 4, NWeas�la, iwc dR ecaul ewditd by void Cvwvxil. ` . Comment 14 A similar suggestion has been received concerning the COMPREHENSIVE commercial frontage an Highway l3 between 170th Street and County Road 23. e " r PLAN The major difference is that 'while the area has been zoned commercial for several years, no development has taken place. This site. has also been suggested as a high density residential 4 area to discourage -the spread of strip commercial uses along Highway 13. x 'Response Staff would favor a high density residential designation on this site both in- terms >of limiting, strip commercial and`in providing enough population to support existing bus ness activity already situated ` ;,in the strip. The effect would be immediate since the land could be developed without 'being troubled by existing construction. 'A residential PUO with on site commercial services should be encouraged as an alternative to the present proposal. Notion by Bissonett to change our comprehensive plan to reflect high ` density residential for this 'property, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Comment 16 A request,was'made during earlier - Planning Commission discussions that specific areas along the undeveloped frontage of the lake of Prior Lake should be set t aside for commercial servi'tes oriented to lake use. Response The Planning "Commission and Staff following ng a lenghty dis- cussion decided that these needs should be fiil'ed by means of the ` Conditional Use section of the k1 and perhaps even the Ri zoning districts. The major problem In spec; ific <sites is, that of anticipating the Ideal location for such a service. ' Motion by Thorkelson to direct planning commission to proceed with developing guidelines -under the conditional use portion of the zoning ordinance. seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was ,duly , passed. Comment 17 Leo V•terUng` stated that he did not want his property rezoned to Industrial and park. ' ' Response Mayor Stock and the City Manager met with Mr. Vi on this matter and he stated that it would be acceptable to show the industrial 'and park In our long range plans, but he did not want it rezoned to those ` uses. The gaff feels that this would be:;acceptable -and recommends ' the the plan show the uses as proposed, and that the zoning ordinance show the parcel at agricultural. The letters that were received: by the City kanager and' by 1 ' the Councii are a's follows: ' Letter 4 Requests high density land use along Trunk Highway i; In ' Yi.11ows.- Spring Lake neighborhood. Response The Otter implys that high density tise Is the only a Y ppropriate residential designation for and along major thraughfares. Obviously, there are many neighborhoods already developed within city •, the which do not follow this hypothes On the other hand, there are advantages for . ' high density use adjoining major streets as. indicated in another letter that was received. (Letter 3) It is possible to extend the mmwl iuwt density land *long Highway 13 to the south„ but at the expense of sub- rvc stitut'ing "strip" medium density areas for "strip" commercial. It my be well to review the current proposal for Wood'view Addition before any change {s recommended.. No action was taken, the Council did agree with staff recommendation. u .x ..., ° NAMM of ig of a Vill" C o f Vjo o f p t*lf* IN," 4111 &M Swim of. 11011mm W Imal"" all set"oft eV MW b "M C COMPREHENSIVE Letter 5 Requests that the natural open recommendations north of'thatonke PLAN Beach be changed to low density residential. Response The proposal is based upon natural limitations of the site Includf. a relatively large.marsh. The zoning o rdinance when amended will be carefully drawn to exclude from residential use only those areas which are not considered to be developable. No action was taken by the Council, however, they felt that should be taken care of when the zoning ordinance is looked at. Letter 9 This is a petition from theresidents of Spring Lake Township in opposition to "early annexation" to the City. Aesponse The orderly annexation agreement provides that Section 9 may be annexed within 8 years or by 1980 unless the Metro Interceptor -is In The City my then annex up to 500' from the lake and Install sewers as well as other public services. The Council reviewed the Patitton and accepted the Spring LakwTownship residents petition for uPposttion to early annexation. Additional comments, responses, letters and information have bien,typed out and are part of the public hearing. Thesea on file and c4nbe reviewed by anyone mign request. The Land Use and Transportation portion of the comprehensiv , e plan were 'by reviewed the Council. Only a changes were made to these. Mr. Roy Clay.requestod Information on the area of Dakota to Evanston. He wanted to know, these areas will be zoned cm In. the n6ar According.to the comprehensive plan, the zoning of this land may com,.at a 'this future date, but will be residential In plan' Mr. Frank Muelken commanded the staff, Planni`�'119, commisilon, and:Council on the good job they did with the comprehensive plan end public heiring- Aresidefit asked the Council about the sewer and water for the 6ty. He was Informed that prelf4lairy sewer and, water plan will: be done sometime during t �month of June for the'City and the, --d weimed area. "OtiOn'by Watkins to approve - the preliminary compreh*nilve ' aw,as reviewed pi and amended. secondmtd�1y Bissonett and upon a vote takenAt was duly; passed., The comprehensive plan publit- hearing was adjourned at 9:45 P14 by�Mayor Stock 01MENW, S IT ON VAUTED Ctty Manager McGu I re reported that Mr. SpelkerSr and Mr. Pearson'have talked to him NO LOU about the be sement situation. Mr. Speiker Is In the process of taklh - 9' down the basement and Mr. Pearson is with his Insurance 'company about )It and will know this week whether'to, rebuild it or IFAI NAM SWS City Engineer Andersop:requested the Council' to, aviird'the bid for Fairlawn Shores to Progressive Contractors now that the site te aid Is obtaln*di Notion by Bisse to award the project to Progressive C6htractors,'�secondedr by Watkins and upon a vote taken It was duly'passed. IIIAII ITENANCE -'Ande CItYEngineer', rson also requested for C ncil approvW to" Little Cana4 BLDG. Lumber f6r the maintenance 'structu" Notion by Watkins to syment to Little. Caft,10 Lumber J for the maintenance building, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was, duly passed Motion by Bissonett to approve payment for the floor drain for the length of the building to Little Canada Lumber. seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. BLDG.� PERMIT REPORT City Planner Graser commented that the bulldlng permits in the City are"about 30-35% more than last year.