HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 16 1979a
MINUTES of the rmeeedhw of tho c
Viilar. Council of fFe: YiIIoN of Fier Lake in the County of S and StaN of, '" !
MtowesNo. ineludiaj aN eeeonnts ouriNd ry; eeid Ceundl.
Apri 16, 1979
The Commpn Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
April 16, 1979 at 7:30 PH; Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse, Thorke.lson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire,
City Planner Graser,
Finance Director Tes'chner, Attorney Sullivan and County Assessor Arnoldi.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. ,The followi ng corrections are
to be made to the minutes of April
9 ,'1979.
Page 1, paragraph 10, Lot 10 Block 6 Prior, South
Page 1, paragraph 11, Lot: 10 Block 6 Prior South
Page 2, paragraph ll, Watkins to reaffirm the current zoning.
Page 6, paragraph 12, the City and the orderly annexation area.
Page 6, paragraph 18. approval to pay 'fi na 1" b i l l to Little Canada.
Pa9e 6,-paragraph" 9, approve final payment, to Little Canada ,.
Notion byt =WatRiiiis -to• approve the minutes of April 9, as amended,
seconded _by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The Council reviewed the City Audit for January l - December 34 1978
by H.
prepared Dti Muellenmaster and Company, Finance Di'r.ector °Teschner'
answered the'questions the Council hadion
this report.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the audit for the City of Prior lake
completed -by`D. -.H. Muellenmester and Co. for January I - December 31, 1978,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire was directed to post the audit in the Library, •,
Post Office, City Hall and Prior ' °Lake State Bank.
City Planner Graser presented to the Council the Eustice Subdivision
request for hardshell approval. This area is located at the intersection
of Shady -Beach Trail and County-,Road 42`. There one
is lot which they
wish to make 3 lots. There will be a'need to grant an easement for
sewer and water. Thee Planning Commission recommends approval._
Notion by Btssonett to approve the Eustice Hardshell contingent that the
water and sower easement be shown: on the hardshell prior to the signing
Of the City Manager and Mayor
and the.park dedication bw met, seconded
by,Watkins and:upon a vote.taken it was dul passed,
Hr. Ron Ceminsky of Brooksville Hills was
of no present to discuss the ordinance
parking on the s
roots. His truck, whic he uses to make a living
driving, has to be parked on the street., because it is too, big to go in
his driveway.
The no parking ordinance leaves him without park ng area.
Mayor Stock requested that Mr. Ceminsky contact the City Manager to try
and work out a suitable site where he could park his truck.
8:00 PM-
Mayor Stock called the Equalization meeting to order.
LeRoy Arnoldi, County Assessor, was present to answbr the questions
residents had
regarding the r taxes on their homes,
Hike Broderick - 'Former Viking Liquor building - He has done some re-
modeling to his building and is leasing the bu lding out to renters.
He thinks his taxes are to high.`
Mr. Broderick will contact Mr. Arnoldi and make an appointment for him
to look into the matter further. He
will then report to the Council on
his findings.
.. .� x-
IIAINYfEt of 1M Meaedines of fho Villago Council of the Village of Pfiw Lake in tho County of Scott and State of
INianeseia, indudine nil accounts audited `by soid
EQUALIZATION Darrell Hastings - He has added an extra bathroom downstairs and finished a
MEETING the basement, built:a
patio deck and added a woodburning stove to his home,
He requested Mr. Arnoldi come out and check the it
stove, is not a fi replace, I
Mr. Arnoldi will check his house and report back to the Council.
Wayne Lawrence - The price on his house is too high. He converted an attached
single car garage into a living area and added
a two car garage, also a`deck.
Mr. Lawrence was not present at the meeting.
Motion by Busse that the value of Wayne Lawrence's house stand as read, seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Phyl 1 i s;Wojdyi,a - 37 141 0000 079 00 "- They. have never had an assessor to their
home, which is
a summer cabin, in 29 years. There is no running water or inside
bathroom�,k' Their taxes have gone up $130,00;
On April�17, 1979 at 1:,00 PM the assessor will go out and check their home and
report back to the Council
on this.
Manfred 114utler - Lot 24 s 25 - He took -down a cabin in October of 1978 on
the one lot and is now being taxed for
it. The cabin was in poor condition
and had to be taken down. He wanted to know if the.value i
s carried by the
Lakeshore instead of the home,
' I
The assessor will check into the cabin that was taken down and report back
to the Couneii.
Vic Schrader - He wanted to know how the assessor sets the price on a home.
The price is set according -to the square footage of the house, any extras,
like fireplaces, extra bathrooms, The
etc. assessor will go and look at
Mr.. Schraderts home and report back to the Council.
Mr.; CoWnsky asked how often the assessors go and look at the homes:
Mr. Arnoldi stated that the are trying to assess ever 'four
- Y Y� 9 Y years and to
view the inside of the house.
Motion by•Thorkelson to continue the equalization meeting to April 23, 1979 at
8;00 PM,,
seconded by Watkins and.upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Bryce Huemoeller was present requesting the waiver of the subdivision require-
ments of Resolution 78 -21.
He is representing Mr. Don Felton. Mr. ,FelIon
has two parcels of land on Pixie Point Circle, SE and is proposing to subd;
c . ,
vide the two parcels in accordance with the Prior Lake Resolution 78 -21 with -
out the necessity of formally replatting
the property. r
The City Manager stated«that there are three ways to subdivide land in Prior Lake.
1) go through normal subdivision proceedings
go through s mplw subdivision
Proceedings with ..public hearing
3) Resolution 78 -21
Motion by Watkins that the request be denied and be advised to follow the
simplified subdivision
process, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken
It was duly passed,
The:City Code Book was reviewed, - Titles: 7-11, which completed the Council's
review of the book. t3
The City Manager will present the recommendations for the City Code Book the
first or second; meet i ng- i May for Council
n approval.
'Nation by Thorkelson to a pprove the Police ' PJ
report far the month of March,,
seconded by Busse
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. There were
coents by the _Council that they preferred the old -re t r
port better than. the
new one which used graphs,
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Fire and Rescue report for the month of
March,'seccnded by'Watkins and upon a vote taken it was :duly passed:
Motion by Watkins to approve; the Dog Catchers report for the month of March,
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote ta:Ken it was duly passed.
MINUM of *0 fmceadiugs of *0 Vllioge Cwedl of dw Village of trice lake In tM Couely of Seoff; aad. Salo af`
Miaaewla. iodWiwg all 9CftM r audited by said c""I.
Motion by Watkins to approve the Finance report for the month of March,
seconded by Busse and upon a'vote taken it was dul passed.
The City Manager reported on the findings when he ins
9 inspected' the area
for clean up weeks. There were,three classes of cases.
1) extremely bad
2) trash and junk laying around that should be picked `'Up,
general clean -up and business at private homes
The Council recommends that the owners the staff considered to be
extremely bad be contacted a'hd if they don't clean up turn them
over to the City Attorney and he will notify them of proceedings
for prosecution'and follow through. The
second class area if not
cleaned up by May they wit] be turned over to the City Attorney for
- .-
prosecution. The thi d class will be sent letters stating that'their "
yards have been inspected and they should clean up and beautify,
the area for a clean neighborhood and also notify people That have
businesses in their homes.
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager contact the.City'Engineer
er t
and have him advise the Council
when they will be going to inspect
the Maple Park Shores flume.:
Councilman Watkins requested the City Engineer to check out the
stakes that were placed on Martinson Island on the Busse property;
to contact Mr, Busse.
Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a
vote taken this meeting was adjourned at '5 :35 PM.
Michael A.' McGuire.
City Manager
c i
MINIM of the P, inp of the V06" Council of the: Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and StaN at
Mieneaeta, including all accwnts audited by oaid Cwndi,
April 16, 1979
i The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
April 16 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, - Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse, Thorkel'son, Watkins, City McGuire, City Planner Graser,'
Finance Director Teschner, Attorney Sullivan and County Assessor Arnoldi'.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following_ corrections are
t to be made to the minutes of April 9, 1979.
Page 1, paragraph 10, Lot 10 Block 6 Prior South .
Page:. 1, paragraph 1 1, Lot 10 Block 6 Prior South
Page 2, paragraph,)], Watkins to reaffirm the current zoning. ,
Page 6, paragraph 12
9 p the City and the orderly annexation area.
Page 6, paragraph 18,., approval to pay final b.iil to Little Canada.
Page 6, paragraph 19, . approve final payment to Little Canada
MINUTES Notion by Watkins to a
pprove the minutes of April 9, 1979 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dulypassed;
CITY AUDIT The Council reviewed the City Audit for January 1 - December 31. 1978
prepared by D. H. Muellenmaster and Company. Finance Director °.Teschner
answered the questions the Council had on this report.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the audit for the City of Prior take
completed by D:; H. Muollenmaster and Co. for January 1 - December 31, 1978,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
City Manager McGuire was directed to post the audit_in the Library,
{ Post Office, City Hall and Prior, Lake State bank.
EUSTICE SUB City Planner Graser presented to the Council the Eustice Subdivision
request for hardshell approval. This area is located.at the Intersection
of Shady Beach Trail and County Road 42. There is one lot which they
wish to make 3 lots. There will be a need to grant an easement for
sewer and water. The Planning Commission recommends approy#1
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Eustice Hardshe11 contingentx that the
water and sewer, easement be shown.on the hardshell prior to the signing
of the City Manager and Mayor and the
park dedication be met, seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
BROOKS,VIILE Mr.` Ron Cewtinsky of Brooksville Hi=lls was
i ` N.LLLS PARKING of no present to discuss the ordinance
parking on the streets, truck, which he uses to make a living
driving, has to be parked on the street, because it is too big to go in
` his driveway. The no
1, parking ordinance leaver him without; parking area.
Ma Stock requested that Mr. Ceminsky contact the City Manager to try
a suitable site where he could park his truck.
r _ 1
8:00, PM Mayor Stock called the Equalization meeting to order.
E;t LeRoy Arnold.i, Count Assessor
y was
,� present to answer the
MEETING residents had regarding their taxes on their haws. questions
Mike Broderic. - FormerViking-Liquor bui!ldin
k g - He has done some re-
modeling to his building and is leasing the building out to renters.
lie thinks his taxes are to high.
r Mr. Broderick will contact Mr. Arnoldi and make an a p
40-look into the matter further. He will than report t
othenCCouncil on
t r
MINUTES of the Precowines of the Village Council of the Villoga of Friw. Lake In the County of Scot and State of
Minnento, including all accouMS audited braid Caundl.
EQUALIZATION-, Darrell Hastings - He has added an extra bathroom downstairs and fini shed
MEETING basement, built a'patio deck and added a woodburning, stove: to hi's home. :.
He requested Mr. Arnoldi come out and check.'the stove, it is not a fireplace. l
Mr. ArnoUdi will check his house and report back to the Council.
Wayne Lawrence - The price on his house is too high. He converted an attached
single car garage into a living area and'added'a two car garage, also a deck.
Mr. Lawrenee was not present at the meeting.
Motion by Busse that the value of Wayne Lawrence's house stand as read, seconded.
by Wati:ins and upon a vote_ taken i t' was duly ,passed.
Phyllis Wojdyla 37 141 0000 079;00 -They have never had an assessor to their
home, which is a summer cabin, in 29
bathroom. Their taxes have gon'e up $130-00 There is no. running ,. water or inside
On April 17, 1979 at 1 :00 PM the assessor will go out and check their home and
report back to the Council on this.
Manfred Beutier Lot 24 b 2$ - He' took - down'a cabin in.October'of 1978 on
the one lot and is now being taxed for it. The cabin was in poor ° condition
and had to be .taken down. He wanted to know if the value is carried by the
lakeshore instead of the home.
The assessor will check into
the cabin that was
to the Council. taken down and report,back
, =
Yic Schrader - He wanted to know how the assessor sets the price on a home.`
The price is set according to the square 'footage of the house, any extras
{ like, extra bathrooms, etc. The assessor will, go and ,look at
Mr. Schrader's home and report back to the Council.
Mr. CeWnsky asked' how often the assessors go and Took at the homes.
Mr. Arnoldi stated that they are trying to assess every four Vicars and to.
view the inside of the house.
` Motion by Thorkelson to continue the equalization meeting to Aprit 23s1979 at
8:00 PM, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
DON`FELLON Bryce Huemoel'ler was present requesting the waiver of the subdivision require-
w l SUSDIYISION Gents of Resolution 78 -21. He is representing Mr. Don Feiion. Mr. Felton
has two parcels of land on Pixie-Poi le, SE and is Pixie-Point Circ n
vide the two parcel's in accordance with tFre Prior Lake Resollution978 -21 with-
out the necessity of formaifly replatt'ing the property.
The City ane `
y ger stated that there are,iliree ways to subdivide land in Prior take.
sw r i) go through normal subdivision proceedings-
2) go through ;simple subdivision
3) Resolution 78 -21 9 pu hearing
proceedings with bliL; r
Motion by Watkins "that the request be denied and be advised to fol'l`ow the
simplified subdivision process, seconded by Thorkelson and vote taken
it was duly passed. upon
CITY CODE . SK The City Code Book was reviewed, Titles 7-11, which completed the Council's
i review of the book.
The City Manager , will present the recoimendations for the City Code Book the
first or second meeting in May for Council approval.
POLICE REPOR Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Police report for the month of March `
poi a vote taken it was duly passed. There were
comnnts by the Council that they preferred' the old re
new one which used graphs. Port better than the `.r1
` FIRE' 6 F3ESCU Motion by Bissonett o approve the Fire`and Rescue report for the month of
.,March, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
DOG CATCHERS Motion by Watkins to approve the Dog Catchers report for the month' of March,
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. _
`e 2
.. a .,s.-«.. ._. ...... ... .
g .petted the
for clean up weeks. There went three classes of cases.
1) extreme I y, bad
2) trash and junk laying around that should ire picked up. =
3) general clean -up and business at private homes
The Council recommends that the owners the staff considered to be
extremely bad be contacted and if they don't clean up turn them
over'to the City Attorney and l!e will notify them of proceedings
for prosecution and follow through.:= ihe.second class area if not
cleaned up by May they will be turned over to the City °Attorney for
prosecution. The thi%H class wilt. be sent letters stating that their
yards have been i nspected and they should;ciean up and beatify
' the area for a clean neighborhood and also notify people that have
businesses in their homes.
X Mayor Stock hi directed the Crt
SNORES FLUME and ha y Manager to intact the City Engineer
ve him, advise the,Council when then wil+be goi'ag to�`inspect
'a a the Maple Park Shores flume.
04 Councilman Watkins requested the City Engineer to. Check out�'he
a. stakes. that were placed on Martinson Island on'the Busse ty;
. °.
and to contact Mr: Busse. proper y
Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a g
vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.
a �I
` ' 4
Michael A.�McGuire
() F7
City Manager
t I
c �
Q � •
�z NV
S 4
IISMUM of tM < ?neNdiep of the Village cau"I of tk VIn"* o
of. P
�:° M
Miaeoseto, includiat oil OCCOVO s audited; by wid Council. ,
' s
Motion by Watkins to approve the Finance re
seconded by Busse and u p
The City Manager reported on the s findings when he in area