HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 23 1979:a
MINUTES of iho rrociiwinp of tho Vilkaso council of Nip Vitkpe of Prior lake in tM Ceuntr eir SeM► awd SteN of
Mibn 4`selo, iacludinip all accounts audited by said Council.
April 23, 1979
;he Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
Ap- 23, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, ,Councilmen Busse,
r Tho %kelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, City
si Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner, Park Director Mangan ,
Attorney Sullivan and County Assessor Arnoldi, Councilman Bissonett
was absent.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order,
MINUTES ,Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of April 16, 1979 as presented
seconder =!+v Busse and upon vote taken. it was duly passed.
RED OWL Steve Mattson was preseilt�'to discuss`,the Industrial Revenue Bonds for the
CENTER BONDS Red °Owl Center, The`Dorse firm e n
y irepared th document City Attorney
Sullivan approved the bond documents.
RESOLUTION, N)6iion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -16 relating to a 700,000,00
79 cowtrcial develo
' pment revenue bond authorizing the issuance thereof'':
purstnint to Minnesota statute q. ='74, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken �t was passed.. 'Council*'3`n Thorkelson abstained,
Mayor Stack and City Managej McGuire signed the resolution at the
\, '� � meeting,
PRIW ILL City Planner Graser presented the hardshell for Prier Hill Addition. A
ADDITION. public hearing was held on nth 11 h acres located at the, intersection
of Highway 13 and Fa r?awniShores Trail. There exists 24 single family
lots. The public hearing field on 4/10/78 g g ave prelim ry approvals
' City Engineer Anderson stated that a road easement will be needed and M
it should be shown on the plat.
2 1 �t
lotion hy7 orkelson to approve the hardshell for�;Prior Hill Addition
contingent that :. -
11 the road easement be shown,on thelhardshell across
Lot 1 Block;; 7
2) park dedication fee be paid prior' the releasing of,
the hardshell to the developer
n 3) the developers agreement be ; in or
. der and signed
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly' assed,
ij p.
The street utilities will be installed by the developer; this is part '
< 'Y of the developers agreement:
e LIQ. LICENSE , jaan .ne Schweich was present uestin 1'1.
req g transfer of the Green 'Heights �
liquor license to her. It is now `in -the name !of Eldon Olson and they ,
want out immediately. This matter has not gone brefore the liquor
commission; however, the lice chief h - ""
app Po rev ' ewed: this and recommends
Mrs. Schweich stated that she will be' living ab�ice'Green.Heights until
she and, _her husband purchase,a house in Prior Lake.
Motion by Watkins to transfer the license toeanine Schweich contingent
upon resident requirements be c met, insurance, 'bonds and fees are all in
order, seconded by Busse aZa upon a vote :ak it was duly t \
y passed,
T SO PM Mayor Stock called the Equalization meeting t "o' order. County Assessor
EQUALIZATION Leroy Arnoldi presented his`findin on s.
MEETI.NG g requests from last, weeps meeting,
Mike Broderick - Former Viking Liquor building = He done some resod -,
eling to his building and is leasing out to renters. He stated that his `
taxes are too high. He isemore concerned with what is going to happen
w+i n the future.
� r ,
Mr. Arnoldi pointed out to „Mr, Broderick the emphasis and recognition
will be given to what income is derived .off the building, 'Continued ” }
additions -to the bullding will have an increase on hi& taxes and make 7
the building competitive in the market. He was then satisfied with this.
There:is no change on his tax statement.
MNalllfS of 1M pvwe i& a of Mo V 11111 4 6 C08FAN of *a Vilwe of MW telm w*� C"" of Scee'twed SNIT of
'AhmOOO iederiM all ecarah eudbW by wW C*.0
Phyllis Mojdyla - ,Summer Cabin with no runring, Taxes ,have gone, up
$130,00 and the cabin has not be assessed in 29 years.
Nr, Arnold! went to cl;eck their "cabin and explained to Mrs,; Nojdyla that
that is no reason to change this--She vas satis -tied with "this,
Nanfred Seutler —Lots; 24 & 25 - He took down the cabin now taxed for it..
Mr. Arnoldi.expiai'ned ` to hie that he was taxed for it because the cabin was
taken down, after• February, which was up past the tax date,, Hevwil1 get
homestead benefits, and yiil have s refund for this on next, years taxes There
was no Orange, and he was satis,.f*ed with this,
Vic Schrader - check out his home.
Mr. Arnold! checked Ar. Schrader`s home and there was no change o0kis
assessed hoe�e value, however, there is one building that,is used for storing and
This was added to his taxes, kir, Schrader was satisf ed`with the amount added:
Y Darrell: Hastings - Check 'out,. the stave, that was called �7a fireplace and :the
extra bathioom downstairs:
Mr, Arnot-ai was unable to talk to Mr. Hastings because he had to work late
every night last week - , He will be hoic one day- this.week and Mr. Arnold!
will check out his,hou at that time '
Mayor 'Stock stated that if the stove.is a free standing unit and can be
eaisily `reao' ed that it shoul4,not be taxed as a. fireplace,
Notion by Matkins to approve the asessors roll for 1979 contingent
that Mr. Arraoldi contact Darrell Hastings and view hisJproperty regarding
the fireplace and extra bathroom, seconded by 'ihorkelson and upon vote
_ taken, it was :duly pawed;
� ��
Nibton by Watkins t adjourn the equalization - meeting, seconded by Busse
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. > -
Island View
The' developers agreement for Island View 2nd Addition.xas presented. The
`?nd' Mdi:tion `,owner
is Denny N,.Nilliaas. There was a previous agreement where the owner
would install; the utilities, This was dated on September 20,, 1g78. The
owner now wants the;,City.to put in the sewer, water and paving. The amount
of'cash: paid, before will he applied.to this project, ,
t.Mc by Bussepthat the City of Prior lake'=enter iuto" developers
agreement with - Island View 2vid Addition with Almac. Inc. for the .final
estimated cost o£ 3233, 678.00, seconded by Natkin% and. upon `a vote: taken
it was duly passed. ,. x
Park Director Mangan reported on the progress of the park meetings: he has had
with heix6orhood people., 'He has two .meetings left as of this date, Green
Oaks and Boudins 'Nanor. 1
The`meetiag� are to discuss with the neighborhoods what type of equipment
they wish to have"in. their playgrounds, ;The budget for purchasing the equipment
is $10,000,00. Each Wk.will have a budget of '32,500.00 to spend on the play-
a Parks` that will be getting the equipment -are Boudins Manor /'
Doudins- Park,; Park, Oakland Beach
>Greeu.Oaks and Willows. Each park will get
3 -- ,4.pieces,,depending upon the cost, this is excluding - tables and grills.
The tabJrs and grills are for'the whole neighborhood and will bt, shared among !<
Packs. prices of the equipment is going 'UP 4 -S% on May 1 and the Park '
Director would like to get the order in before thenv,
!lotion by Watkins to authorize the expenditure from the budget for'purchasing
Playground park for improving the "neighborhood parks, seconded'_tiy r
Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.`=
MINYIK.let iM .MeNdtwgs Of the VNINe C"MR .ef *0 V "W ef'e* lake 111 the Crawly of Se e1t MW ft ft, of
Mliwwiwelw, iwdvdiM �N wh eeiiled by �i Cwad1. ,,
7 .Cicy Engineer Anderson reviewed the storm sewer situation on Maple
Park Shores and suggested that a meeting be established immediately
for the residents. of thb.area to cone and listen to What the Council
is going to do about the matter.
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to contact the residents of.
Maple ,,P ar k Shores and inform the,& the Council will review the storm
sewer on:May 7 1979 at 8 :00 PM',
the situation of Martinson island Bridge was reviewed. The retaining
wall on the NE side of the bridge collapsed. An inspection of the ap-
proaches warranted immediate closing of the roadway to truck traffic
for that reason. Also, half of the sc'oadway could shear with, excessive
weight and slide 'into .thelake,; h
city Engineer stated that each side of. the bridge will have dirt put
on it hold the bridge up and then riprap on top of the dirt with
a sloping effect to hold in place. Currently $1..800,00 has been
pent on the bridge; total cost of° repairs ►will be around $10,000.00;
in that area on Lords 'Street, mud and erosion is going into the �..
1 :Also
lake and looks very
jMaypr Stock directed the City Engineer to review this matter and
; thepossibility of running some water off to the soutl►;.
Bryce Huepoeller was present to discuss with the Council the request
of Cy , Schweich to, have the fit y pave Holly Court at the same time he is s
paving his property, ;Lakeside °Estates. He stated that it would improve
the area and also when he has seuple living there he d' s not want
construction going on dor the road. -
City Attorney Sullivan requested that Nr., Huemoeller get the following
information and bring it to the Council and the matter will be dis-
cii hd tfurther
1) find out if the plat is recorded
� ) fin out who owns the property
3) bring a stub- abstract a
4) names of property owners abutting improvement'
Mayor Stock stated that there shouldn't be a problem in getting the
paved once Mr. Schweich starts development. The sewer line '✓
is there,.` +grater is available and the only thing is the paving,, once
the plat .is being developed it is going;,to make.the that
such more valuable and it will get paved.
Mayor Stock asked City Engineer Anderson to put together a brief review of
the project status of the.Spring Lake area and resent it`to
P the Council
Coverin the progress
g p gress of water hook -up, sewer, etc.-
Park Director Mangan brought that a contact
up group from St. Michaels
Church would like to
put up a concession stand in Memorial Park for
the Babe Ruth baseball. They want to sell ;candy and pop to raise money
for a trip they will`be taking,
Motion Dy Watkins to authorize the park director to work with the group
St. Michaels pertaining to the Babe Ruth Baseball season fora
concession stand at Memorial Park with no fee and also an established
set of guide lines that they must keep the area clean and if not this
arrangement will be terminated, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Motion by B use to adopt 79 -14, approving a permit for
T9 1,4
connection to Metro sewer facilities, seconded by Watkins and upon a
vote taken it was duly, passed.
, ss'uaing that`{ the perm ,t is granted by the MCC (Res. 79 -14) the
a" essment for Mr. John Biwer will be 1 acre and ISO feet based on the
lasi-- -Miect rates (76 -1). This entitles Mr. Biwer one stub, for his -
existing`residence,. Any future connections Gill be reviewed separately,
and further assessed.
V �,
NMN1118f of Nw tr««iTy, of +h. v Ny. cweeil +h. Va" of'rdw lake is N
C•eMy ef. saK eed lN" ef,
' Miee , t�etrriy.a.a w�1a eedftd M►..ii1 e w eN.
RESOLUTION Notion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -15, approving a. `
79 for connection to Metti4 s ewer facilities, seconded by T orkelson
and upon a vote taken It was duly passed,
SIGNAL AT TH The letter from NN /DOT was reviewed and they have ranke3 the request
13 t TH 101 for traffic signal at TH IS and TH 101. 'true to the lack of funds it
Will not he installed in the foreseeable future.'
BASEMENTS ON ColLiilman Thorkelson commented that the Jim Speaker house is being
VACANT LOTS removed; but nothing is being done about the Gay 90's bitsement.
City M McGuire stated that,the insurance c
at l the is in the process
of investigating ng it and nothing can be done until they finish, however,'
he stated that he Would contact the owners again.
4TH OF JULY Councilman Watkins mentioned that the 4th of July celebration is coring
up and the Council should decide upon the insurance cost and donation
to the Lake Association..
Notion by Watkins to donate to the Lake Association S400.00plus the cost
for insurance, seconded b Busse and a vote taken, it was duly "? Y upon y passed,
Mayor Stock announced that there will be a public hearing at 7:30 PM
1 MEETING Tuesday,, Nay 1, 1 at the MTC offices in St. Paul regarding the fare
increases for bus service; All fares will be raised 10 *.
� 1
k The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, may 8,',1979:
N sc. Debartments:
Minn.. .` Gas Co. 0 Utilities
Amer. Nati 6 Trust C Bond Pa $ 704.8S
Albinson Pay ment 1,300.04
Sunset Printin Supplies $Rental 86. S1
Y 8 Adx. Spec. Co, Priutin
CDP, Inc. Rental 4'SuPPles 420.97
Loren L. Hanel :
Minn. Benefit Assn, Lettering 30.00
Insurance 15%'2S
�«i, t JAIL Office Products Co. :,
G 6 °B OK Hdwe. Office Supplies 34.23
` Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Supplies 229.87
.. Insurance
S9S. 00
General Government:
=t Scott County - Auditor
' Pitney dares File Cards 2
x �� l6.S
;t Postage Machines 40. SO $
Int 1 Inst. of Municipal Clerks ` Membershi P
Clarence S dt „„ pe 3S.00
Plumbing Ins ctor 210.00
t Iut 1 City Vbnatement Assn; Publishing 24.50'
PlanninY: o
Art Materials , Inc.
Supplies s 9.99'
Copy Equipment, Inc. �
Supplies S 6 -
"In Insurance Z 341.00 „
Office Supply , fquipment 135.36
, • iibts
n 7
ha" d Of w of d ,`.ef, r'U"Awdie CaArfte
1. Sao and 811Me 4#1
MM. iedwliw6 ON «mtmft eNOW
Mr said Cwwdi.
, Fire :
ttinn. Fire Inc, Equipment $ 27.89
Quality Waste Control, Inc, Refuse Hauling' 5.00
j ,skins Fire Equipment Co. Equipment 153;00
2- C. Peterson Co.,, Inc. Equipment Maint. 34.15
John McKinley PUAPing Duffer's Inn 140;00
Barbara's Interiors Building 'Expenses
'flenzel Mechanical 6u lding,Expcnses 1 154.50
C L Masonry Co. ,026.28
Building es
Larry's Decorating Center Building Expenses ne 224,09
Easton,Heating Building, Expenses 267.40
-- Nelson Woodcraft Co.:, Inc.. , Building Expenses 509.47
Don Johnson Carpet Rack Building Expenses 1,138.00
Fire Marshalls Assn. of Minn. rMembershi
Fire Inst. Assn. of Minn. P 5.00x
Membership 5,00 h ;
Jerry Muelken Equipment Repairs 19.64
Monnens Supply, Inca Building Expenses 4,656,68
Ambrose Czec Equipment r
Ind. School Dist. 719 Salari,s 70k K 4 ° °
`-� NW Nat'l Bank of Npls, Bond Payment 156.75 '
`the' First Nat' 1; Bank of St. Paul' Bond Payment 12.5U� « "
Quality Waste Control, Inc. Refuse Hauling 17.00
}�ausers Supplies . ;<
Sears 21.96
Equipment 92.92
Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc. Rock S 40914 *4�
MacQueen Equip., Inc. Equipment Repairs 89..55
Amer. Nat: Bank 8 Trust Co. Bond Payment 10,71S.50
Airsignal Int'1 Rental - 27.00
Zarnoth Brush Works, Inc. Equipment
Repairs 284.00
Sewer k
wNCC' Installaxat =10',846.19
Minn ; - Valley Elec. C0 -0P / Utilities \,' 6
ARC Nat'l Bank 8 Trust Co. Bond Payment 22,817.50
Flaxble Pipe Tool Co "Repairs 57.62 "
Liteside PI". B. Htg, Inc,. Repairs
K -R Gompuications, Inc. Equipment Repairs 8, V
Valley Equipment co,.- _Equipment Repairs 3.03
Raynond Johnson Mileage °i
Water Products Co. $ `18.00 "
Repairs 292.20
American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Repairs 30.00
Van Maters 8 Rogers Chemicals
Dynamic Systems,, Inc. Re 87.06
pairs.- 102.50 l'
Martinson Island Sewer 6 Water Construction Fund
Valley Sijn� Sign 53.00 c
State of Nina Material Testir►g 4 Inspec, 192 ;76
R -
A 1" t
NOW= of As do eq of as WNye CowKq 'ei tM vow of" rdw toke m CwNf►
of \� sh" of
MieoNMe�,i M *odke oq eoewols egd"d'by goid:,CorwdL
Misc. Construction Fund:
Y Engineering Co., Inc. Drafting etc.
S" 45.00
1977 Spring Lake Sewer S Mater Construct Fund: t}
City of Prior Lake - Debt Service Assessi�its
Debt Service Fund
NM Nat'! Bank of MPIs Bond Payaent
Motion by Watkins to adjourn,- seconded by -Busse and q on
this Reeting was adjourned 9:1S
a vote tikes
at PM,
l ' �
= , Michael A. .McGuire
City Manage;
Motion by Watkins to transfer the license to Jeanine Schweich contingent
upon ressident requirements be met, insurance, bond
s and fees are all in
order,: seconded by Bus' avid upon a vote, take al dui
ken .it �w'y passed.
i fir/
f iJ
7 50 PM =Mayor Stock :called the Equalization meeting to- ord,�r
m' las
EQ �LQAT'ION Leroy Arnoldi presented his f quests rindings' on rerot 1weePs-meeting.
MEk,4A NG` "�
Mike Broderick - Former Viking Liquor buildi
g - He has done setae remod-
sling to -his building and is leasing out to renters. He stated that his , (`I. 'g, t
s �� sE`
E .
taxes are too high. He „is more concerned with,what is going to happen
in the future.
Mr, Arnoldi pointed out to Mr: Broderick the emphasis and
will be given:t g. Con
o what income is derived off the buildin tinenn !T,
additions to the building will have an increase on
the building- competitive in the market. his "taxes and`;make
He was -then satisfied with'this'
Where is„ no change on his tax statement.
MINUTES of the fvec"0110 of a Villoso Council of the Viilaoe of Fier lake ie the County of Scott awd Shft, a
Mianosoto, including ail acceunM audited by said Council
April 23,, 1979
' A
The Common Council of the City bf Prior Lake met in regular session on.
were`Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse,
Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Gras.er, C
Engineer Anderson,,-Finance : Director Teschner, Park Director Mangan,
Attorney Sullivan and .County Asse
was absent. ssor'Arnoldi. Councilman Bssonett -
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.`
r ,
Motion by Watkins to. approve the minutes of Apri-1 16, 1979 as presented,
seconded by Busse and upon a
a vote taken it was duly passed.
Steve Mattson was present to discuss the Industrial Revenue Bonds for the
9. '
Sullivan approved the bond documentsp e
Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -16 relating to a 700,0,00,00
i t
the issuance - thereof'
P'ursu?nt to Minnesota statute 474, seconded by Busse and u
upon a vote
Mayor Stock and Cit
Y Manager McGuire signed the resolution a
at t
presented the hardshell for Prior Hill Addition. A
41 l
of H
gave preliminary approval,
City Engineer Anderson stated that a road easement will -
-be needed and
Motio'n' by Tiorkelson to approve the hardshell for P
Prior Hill Addition
contingent that
q 1
1) the road easement, -be shoiti on the hardshell across
Low r
u t
r l B
to =the d
a vote taken it" was du passed.
- o
T7te = street utilities will be ` .nstalled` by the developer;<, this is part a
a .
Jeanine Schweich was ;present requesting=
transfer cf the Green Heights
liquor license to her. I
It _is _now in the name of 1ldon Olson andf ;they
want out immediately. This matter has not gone, before the l
` a
liquor {
- s
Lacs: Schweich stated that she will be.'living above Green."Heights until, 1
of I&A VM"" Ce"& at *A� is CoViOr of See* MW make of
Ndeftevele, IndadhM eN sawsoft low
EQUALIZATION�_! Phyllis Rf�4dyla - Sumer cabin with no Water. Taxes� hove gone
ItET I kG $130..00 SQ the cabin has not be
assessed in 29 Y�
Arnoldi',went to check their cabin and explain I ed to t4rS Wo j dyla that
a� is no � , r ea sOn to change this'. She
was withthis.
Manfred Beu�i ��ij 24 2S He took down. the cabin and, is now taxed,for it
Mr. Arnoldi explained to his that, he was taxed for it because the cabin was
taken down tfter� February'
which s t
was up t dafe' He.,wc1(li
Wilphay L a: �, f . I _� C
e re � W
homestead 6ehe its. an iix*�Z, There
for this on next,' Urst
was no .
change and�he'wa satisfied with thls.
,V*c Schrader c'
Aeck, ut., his home.
Ur Arnold Ch
Ocked Schrader's home and there was no change. \on his_'
assessed home vAlue,, however�, there 1s one building that is I us 6d fW i1s toring- apd.
th is was added.to his taxes. Nr.. Schrader wsL�` satisfied,
with the nt added.
st ChO
Dar oil Ha: Ifigs, .0 out the stoy its called a fireplace'' the
" that
ext M room downs tairs
Mr! Arnoldi "was "Unlibli to "'talk to Mr�, Hastings becaus 'to woT.kVlate.
e he had
everynight last w4k.,, Pe will be home one daythis week and Mr. Idi
will check out his hdtis* at that time.
Mayor Stock stated that if the stove is a free sta4ding unit and can be
easiiY removed that i�,� sh ould not,be
as a p4tiplace.
ion by 6
Not Vat kins to Approve the isesssdrs
;4 cv
roll for 1979 contingent
that"Mr. Arn6ldi contact Darrell Hastings and view his regardi
the fireplace' ng, b,
md extra Secon
"n, it by,,,,
was du �Morkels6n and upon a vote
i9n'by WAtkins to a4 the eq�kalizatibn� meeti, ed
9, second by Busse
and upon a,��Vo duly passed.,
*W Alckition
ThOrdOVilOPOrs Agreemehik4�0r Island V ievol 2nd �qition was presented.
owntir Denny T hertic'm "ement
where the oi��
ad i tj4'L s was ii " '
S. Thi 4 'Me
' wat�e
OWR*r now. wants Ci*,§� put in the ittw4i W`knd paying. The amount
of cash paid before will 06 applied to this project.
- Notion b�j Buise'ihatthe City of Pri."' f" al developer&,
or Lake tinter in o , in
* Inc.
Agrefflnut with, Island View 2nd Addition with Almac, for ttz-,. final
"timatedcost of $233
seconded by Watkins and upon w�te taken
it Was didy poasid.
I w
ftz reported on the progress of the park Nowtings,he has had.
�'e_ vtVtUneighborfi�od le.
peop two meetingileft as of this date, Green'
� and Boudins Manor.
The wetOfts are to discuss with,the-neighborhoods what type of park equipment
'they wis t o have in their;playgrounds. The
budget for purchasingthe equipment
is $ FACh Park will have a,budget of $2,SOO.00 - the
to. spend on
pi r
gr 0*1ipment. Parks that wiflbe getting the tiquipment'arei Boudins Manor/
BOWL Park, Green 'O aii
Oaks Oskltnd
Beach &AdMillow . Each park will get"
3-4' Pieces. depending upon the cost. this 4 'din picnic tables, and grills.
S 'Oxclu
'N 19
_M,_4 tables and grills are, for the whole neighborhood and '4ill be shared� , among
�parks. pricet of the. equipment is goi n&, - 4-SVon'May I and, the Park
Director wmld like to get the order ii'befor then.'
Notion by. WatkijLs, to, authorize the expendi
1 1� , :t Ure from the bW'sot for purchasing
p1pyground p the neighborhood parks, �
- aft equipawt for improving econded,by
&nse and 4 & vote tiken,,At wasI�"61Y
�, \11"., ",
All -
MifiYTls of the i
II rft"WiaN. ah�e YNieN coumn of do* value of lrie� leke in nho Cw ty of seen aw swe of
MiweeeMe. iedwNne eN eeawwns erriled by said Coo".
City Engineer Anderson reviewed the storm sewer situation on. Maple
Park Shores and suggested that
#•- fy -s'
a meeting be establ immediately
for the residents of that area to come and listen
to what the Council
is going to do about the matter.
F y J%
Mayor Stock directed. the City Manager to contact the residents of
Maple Park Shores and inform then the Council
- will review the storm
sewer on May 7, 1979 at 3:00 PM.
The situation of Martinson Island Bridge was reviewed. The retaining
wall: on the NE side of the bridge collapsed, An inspection of the ap-
proaches warrented immediate
closing of the roadwaY.to. truck traffic'`
for, that reason. Also, halt of the roadway could,ahesrwith excessive
weight and slide into`ihe lake. F
City Engineer stated that each side of the bridge will have dirt put
on it to hold the bridge up and then riprap on top °of the dirt with
a sloping effect to hold in place. Currently $1,800.00 has been
spent on the bridge; total cost of will be around $10,000.00.:
Also in that area on Lords Street, mud and erosion is going into the.'
lake and looks very bad.
Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to review this matter and
the possibility 'of-running some water off to the south.
Bryce Huemoeller was present to discuss with the Council the request
of Cy Schweich to have the City pave Holly Court at the same time he is
paving his property, Lake ide Mates. He stated that it would improve
the area and also when he ople living
there he does not want
construction going on down the road.
Cit} Attorney Sullivan requested that Mr. Huemoeller get the following
;information and bring it to the.Council
and the matter will-be dis-
cussed further:
1) find out if the plat is recorded
2) find out.wno owns the property
3),bring a stub- abstract =
4) names, abutt property owners. abutt
g inprovennt
Mayor Stock stated that there shouldn't be a preblen in getting_`the
street paved once Mr. Schweich starts development. The sewer line
is there, water is available and the only hi
Y ng is the paving, once
the plat is being developed it
is going to make the property that
uucb,; more valuable and it will get paved.
Mayor Stock asked.Cit
Yo y Engineer Anderson to put together a brief review of
the project status of�the Spring Lake area
and present it to the Council
covering the progress of water hook -up sewer, etc.
Park Director Mangan brought up that a contact grcwp from St-Michaels
Church would like to put up a concession
stand in Memorial Park`for
the Babe Ruth baseball. They want to sell candy
for a trip they will be taking, PoP to raise maary
Notion by Watkins to authorize the park director to' "rk with the group
fr= St: kichaels pertaining to the Babe Ruth Baseball season fora
stand at Memorial Park with no fee and also an established
set of guide lines that they must keep the area clean and if not this
arrangement will be terminated, - seconded by Busse and upon,a vote taken
it was duly
4 79
Notion by Busse to adopt Resolution.79 -14 approving a permit for
connection to Metro sewer facilities,
seconded by Watkins and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
t .
Assuung that `the permit is ,
granted. by the MMCC'(Res. 79 -14) the
assessment for Mr. John Biwer will be 1 acre and 150 feet based on the
last project rates t76 -11 , This enti s Mr. & wer one
stub. for his <..
existing residence. Any future connections will be reviewed separately,°
and further assessed.-, `
$: } t\
•i lit .. �. .
410MUM: of as..
�q!!bb vaq" cdeam of 60 VNIeve, of MW Lake i�tbe cam, 0 saweed'skwo of
"NOSIO bkhpd O N OWdft" bY SOW C66FACIL
RESOLUTION Notion \ by WatI1-j,,s to adopt Resolution 7 i
79-15 for cOnn'eCt,I-o 1-11-1, '4 ' rovIng a permit
n-to Metro sewer facilities, secOlilded by�Thorkelson
and upon a vote taken it was d0y pass
SIGNAL AT TH Ike, letter from MN/Wr w "'
13-4 TH 101 for txaffic signal I reviewed and they ranked the request
at 7H 13 and in 101.
Due to the lack of funds-it
will not he inst in the foreseeable future,.
BASEMENTS ON,, Councilman Thork
-Olson cOmMented that�the' Speiker,-h'OU3e' is bet
VACANT LOTS removed but notAi is being about theGay 90*s
Cit Mana ger t l"U,ire-'siatOd that thainsurance c is in'the,process
of investiza
4ng it and nothing caiv be done until theY ish, however,
he stated thikoih
would contact the owners, again'
4F 'JU
LY4111 Uun
'is mint-lofted thwt 4th of Juli*�celebration is comi
up an4the Council should.decide - 4.-n the ng
to the Lake Associttion.. e cost and donation
' MOtiOn by ;it ins to donate to the Lake�Associatjoft $400.00. pl the
for insurance, Seconded by Busse and upon a vote take d cost
was passed.
MTC FARE Mayor stock announced that there will be a public
X I i hearing at 7:30 FM
Tuesday. MaY, 1, 1979 at the MTC, Offic i S P
aul regarding the fare
increases bus service. All fares will be raised lot.
The f invoice&are scheduled to be paid on T-hesday,,,May_a,,l979
Misc. Departments:
Minn, Gas Co.
Amer. Nat'l Bank 4 Trust Co. Bond Payment
Albinson Supplies Rental 1,300.04
Sunset Printift 86.SI
x 4 My. Spec., Co. 'Lng
CDP,, lnc.� 1 4 �S 86.00
Loren L. 420.97
Minn. Benefit Ass In.. 30.00
JAK Office Products Co. Insurance IS.2S
offidt Supplies,
G,4 B OK Hd 34.2
Delta Dental Plift,of Minn. 229.87
Insurance S9S.1OO
General GoverInment:
Scott County Auditor
File Cards
Pitney Bowes 16.S2
lut'l lust. Of Kinicipal. C Postage, Machine 40.SO
Clarence Sdusidt Ierk3 Membership, 3S.00
Plumbing Inspector
lut'l Citi Management As 210.00
sn. Publishing
1 0
An Materials. Inc.
S ,
opplies 9 9
Copy Equipment. Inc.
W ,
Iftsurancw Services
In anc"
Ames Office Supply e_:
AVAM li of dw! Meadiw of M" vNkes Cwweil of Mo ViNogo. PeiK
of Laho is, Cih►
of sew"ved skit of
MMo 1e - IN to an eeaoMS suited rl► *@W Cevsta
Minn. Fire. Inc.
Quality Waste Control; Inc.'
$ 27.8 9:
Akins Fire Equipment Co.
Refuse H
Refuse Hauling
E, CL. Peterson Co,, Inc,
John McKinley
Equipment Maint,
Barbara's Interiors
Pumping Duffer's Inn
Building -Expenses <
Menzel Mechanical
C 6 L Masonry Co.
Building Expenses
Larry's Decorating Center
ng Expenses
Building Expenses
Easton Heating
Nelson. Noodcraft Co., Inc.
Building Expenses
Don Johnson Carpet Rack
Building Expenses
g Expenses
Fire Marshalls Assn. of Minn..
Fire Inst.'�1ssn. of Minn.
Jer_y Muelken
Monnens supply. 1 Inc.
Equipment Repairs
19.64, :e
Building Expenses
4,656.o1E'�""� $�
Ambrose Czech
Ind.. School Dist., 719
Z ?0.00
NN Nat'l Bank of Mpls,
The First Nat'1 Bank of St. -Paul
Quality Waste Control,
Bond Payment
Refuse Haali ng
Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc,
MacQueen Equip., Inc.
Amer- Nat'l Bank $ Trust Co.
Equipment Repairs
Airsignal Int'1
Zarnoth Brush Works. jnc„
Equipment Repairs `
Minn., Valley Elec. CO -OP
$10,846.19 l
Amer.`Nat'l Bank 8 Trust Co.
Flexible Pipe Tool Co.
Bond Payment
Lakeside Plat,. 8 Htg. Inc.
K - Comkm�ic
Re Puy
atioms, Inc.
Valley Equipment Co.
Equipment Repairs
Equipment Repairs
Ma_ ter:
Raymond Johnson
1 ' Mater Products Co.
> 18.00
American Cast Iron Pipe CO.
Repairs ..
282.20 k
_ 30
3 0 .06
Waters 4 Rogers
..00 • r
Dynamic Systems; Inc.
102 SO'_
Martinson Island Sewer 4 Water Construction
Valley Sign_
State. 6f Minn.
Material Testing 4 hespec.
192 .16
Ml!l4lt Of th p ftq js of tM 11NIw Cw" ai 1U0 1 1MIsls. of !vier law 1N.*10 firwh
- lMs�N
of" ft ew
Mts«.1�► iadudMy.a VOWNIft VOW., OmdNW - by ,ii Comm
� �J
Misc. Construction Fund:
Valley Engineering Co., Inc. Draftins, etc.
1977 §bring Lake Seger 4 Water Cor►strUctioa find
City of prior Jake -. Debt Service As
� ` 3,316,92
Debt Service Fund
NW Nat'l dank of Mpls." Band Payment
z ,;
s w-
lotion by Watkins" to'adjourn, 'seconded-by Busse and upon.
this aeetinj was ad "'
a Grote
burned at 9:.15 PM: ,
Michael A. McGuire
= , City'`Minaser
r e {
5 \S