HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 07 1979`
MIIi M of *0 he"Win" of >M vow Cwadl e: the Y of hiK Lake M Mo C.etielir of Stoll awd iNN of
Miawpa+a; iddwllaa all eteeaab eydilod by said Cwaeil.
May 7.'1979 c ,
The Common Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session
on May 7, 1979 at 7:30 PM,. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Busse, Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, Ci ty., Manager McGuire, City
Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner,
Park Director Mangan, Police Chief Powell and Attorney Sullivan.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections
are to be made to the minutes of April 23 1979:
Page 1, 1-;"4graph four, relating to a $700,000,00
Page 3, pare raph four
g 9 each side of the approach will have
up on them to hold the approach up and has been spent on
the approach,
o ,
Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of April'23, 1979 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was ;duly passed.
Police Chief Powell presented slide jshotos to the$ouncil,of various
, ..`
properties in the City of Prior lake in regard to clean up week,
Tha Police Chief, City Manager and City Planner have been
working on
the problem of clean up in the City for a few weeks. They have been
checking intoL complaints residents have made about junk in their
neighborhood etc. and they have been asks - .
ether ��omnwnities
how they handle the situation„
City Planner Graser reported that he has contacted the'clties of
Savage, Burnsville and Shakopee and asked them how they deal with
this problem. One city has one-man assigned inspector,
as,an he checks
out complaints from the community, then he 'issues an order for clean
up and the property owner has 15-20 days to clean up. If he does not9
clean up an that amount of tirne,the inspector then issues
^ A`
a ticket and
legal action takes place.
City Planner Graser suggested that 1 or 2 people get involved with the
Inspections; be a part of the City staff,and full
work time at City
Mail. They would need`Lo get familiar with the City ordinances to
be able to inspect the properties fairly and issue clean up orders.
City Manager McGuire suggested that an informational meeting be held
to discuss with the property owners, as well as residents that be
cabled in with complaints, the ordinance on junk and,refuge and. their
opinions on the matter,
Motion by Watkins to conduct an inforirational meeting on the proposal
of the clean up the
process and_that staff contact the people or par-
ties that have been notified for clean up and also the people that made
the - complaint, such as in the pager and on the radio and letters, about
Lhe meeting to be held on May 21, 1979 at 7:30 PM,,,seconded by'Thorkelson
and u pon a vote it was dui
_ Y passed."
8 *00 PM
City Engineer Anderson reported on the Maple Park Shores flume.`' The
metal flume that is there now is too high and going to be taken out:`
It will be replaced with a concrete flume io provide a
means of
taking water-to the lake and providing _a walkway across, The shape
wl-Il to fiat and bottom about 4 ft. wide for the walkway surface
with a 6 Inch hI'gh curb to retain water within the curb, 2 -3
will be put in for easy access to,the walkway,
Present at this seetiog were residents f'r`om the Maple Park Shores area.
They had same questions for' the City EngI near ' and Council` L regarding the
flume . One request was to remove the dirt that has accumulated by the
storm before doing anything else because the dirt is going Into
the 1a�:e'a d makI'ny It muddy.
Motionz',by ThorkeisonO authorize the City Engineer and Consulting
Engineer to prepare the final plans and to direct the to i
compieto the plans as per circulated at the meeting, seconded by Busse
and u a vote taken i,t was duly passed.
R \ €>
r _
WAPJ f of 60 ho Olson of Me VNkye .Cewwli of iw Va"M of Pier take,iM iM ;tausty ef, icao Md dale of
Nlis...le . �dwlkM
ON ercowaft Wile by salt cewML ,
MAPLE PARK Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to have the dirt mound taken ,care '
SHORES of right 4 , if it is the = contractors obligation. � '` <,
FISH PT. 'RD, On site inspections of final 1 ,z.
ans and . p n specifications for .lsh Point Road
paving were reviewed by the Council earlier. The area in front oVthe ,h. ;gh
school has been raised lit will be Quite difficult to rido a riding lawn
! oaer in some areas unless a elope easement ii s granted Lo ;educe tw sl "ope ri
Mayor Stock stated that this is a state aid project and they will cover`
the cost of the majority of the project. Due to the increase in cost of
materiels, there will be a 10% increase in the cost of the project .
Motion by Bissonett to approve the ens and pecifications a6; reviewed on
site at Fish Point Road and,as presented, by the City Engineer, seconded' by
#... Busse and upon & taken it was duly passed.
It was brought up aL the ;meeti'ng that bids should be advertised,for this
project,., Before bids can be advertised for,,the State must approve the
project. This will take about 2 months. The Ctty Engineer su99ested
that the 3rd week after the project has been submltted to=the State, and
if the aid looks favorable, the Council should set the date for'the bids.
Sometime in June would be when we would know for sure if the.State is in
< >�
Motion by Bissonett to authorize advertisement for in the Construction
g Bulletin and legal, papers to schedule for bid opening on June 15,'1979'at
passed' ` at 10:00 AM, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly
_ REPORT The status report was presented to the Council by the City Eng ;Weer,
.,.r. 77 -3 Phase 1 Grainwood The e peel to begin work soon,, camplet Ion . date is Sept. 1 1979', but after 'talking with Mr. Sfapf he hopes.to finish' before the
yy; ` 4 �
.th`of July. '
k'` 77 -3 Phase 11 Maple Park Shores Acres - Currently in.:preparat ;on for bi'tuwinous ;"..
` completion date is Sept. 1, 1979, contractor
hopes to finish before the 4th of Jul.y. I,
`77-6 Gateway Shores - not very much work to be done, completion date Sept. l"1979,
contractor hopes to be finished: before the 4th of July.
78 -1 Martinson Island /Manitou Road currently preparing' for bituinous._:
completion date is July 1, 1979, ,7
78 -; b b Fairlawn Shores, Trail - preconstruct;on meeting scheduled for 9:00 AM,
May 9, 1979.
78-5 Island V I aw koad - .preconstruct I on sleeting on May 3, "1179. Contractor intends
' to start by June 1. 1979.': Expects work to,,take about a month,
j City Engineer'-Anderson requested that the change order for project `76 -1 be
tabled until next week.
L Motion by Watkins to table, the change order for project 76 -1 untiVMay 14, 1979,
seconded by�,Nusse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
,. o ,
PUEUA CITY Tim BotholL frowjthe- Continental; presented -a plaque to Mayor Stock .from the Mayor
Of Puebla., Mex,+jco, When he Taft for Mexico, with his group ons a tour,- the City of
10 Prior Lake sent a flag of and a plaque with him to present to the City of
. -_
Puebla, �The 'd'istri'ct hopps,to get an exchange program going with Puebla and
they fee that a city to city exchange is very impor
CLARENCE City Manager Mc6ui,re reported that the plumbing inspector, Clarence Schmidt, '}
� SCHMIDT has resigned Gene Newstro�r', building inspector, would be on the.
inspections an a temporary basis until a qualified plumbing inspector can be..'-
GENE ;NkVST clbtion by liitklns to aipprove Gene Nawstrom as temporary - plumbing inspector at
<.. 51'2110 /inspection, seconded.by , Bosse, and upon a vote taken it we$ du passed„
A -
. .
ffIN11TK of 1M friiiO iMs of tM ViNme dwteil of 1M Village of Poor lake Id Nwr.Ce wq of feel_ f MW $e0b" Of
Mlwwallo. it!dwiiq ON oeaawNe owNNd by sold Council.
Mayor Stock directed the City Tanager to put on his calendar a review
of the plumbing espector Position budget "de
at time and ermine.'the'
matter ofiart -dine versus full -time.
City Mana9er McGuire recommended that the plumbing Inspection 'fees
should be increased to,,r$2.00 /unit.
The inspector makes two inspec-
tions per house. The first is roughing and the s'ecind is the fin- "
` x
ishing. r ,
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to prepare a resolution with
the proposed increases for plumbing inspection charges for the up-
; coming council meeting,_'
Final payments to Nodland and Assoc. for Project 75-2 was discussed.
The delay in payment was that final
estimate was not signer! by�
contractor; 1 t IS,`now signed.
Motion by Watkins .to pay final payment to Nodland and Assoc. in the
amount of $13,465.5? for-Project -2,
75 seconded by Busse and upon a
vote taken it was dui.y passed.„„.
- Park Director Mangan discussed change order 12 and #4 for Sand Point
Beach bathhouse. Change order N2 is
for insurance the cont`ractor`is_
=Ing,fgr the property. The colt for the insurance is $94.00. Changer
.order #4 is a thermostatic mixing valve that - is.'needed in the plumbing
g4irg to the s in the bathhouse,
This is mandttct,y; the cost is
$264 .00
Motion by Thorkelson
to-approve change order ,f2 for $94.00 foe in-
surance, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it duly passed.
Notion _by Thorkelson to a pprove.chahge order ,f4 for $264,00 for the
thermostatic mixing valve, seconded by Watkins and u poi a vote taken
It, was duly passed.
Finance Director Teschne'r reviewed the bonding for 1979 with the Council.
The list of projects that will be needing funding are:
Sand Point
Island View 2nd Add.:_
The Harbor
- '3rooksvl,,Ile Center 2nd Add.
i`iatewy Center_ Roads
Bluff Heights
Craekside Circle
Oakland Beach 8th Addn,
The bond requirement is $1,095.900.00 contingent upon receipt of all\'
City required documents by Friday, May il, 1979. The 12T'aniount due
the City of Prior Lake initially by the �rarlous devel °oWs agreimeots
will assure an adequate contingency. All the above with the cxceptiop
of The Harbor, Gateway Center and Bluff Heights have signed;devel'
agreeieents. �' rs
Mayor Stock,directed the City Manager to,_contact the three that�are not
in.,compliance` and any others that might be pending and let them know
they have until Friday, May lith_to submit the documents and_if not
they will not be bonded.
pRiOR HIGH - „
Visions � was present regarding Prior Highlands proposed lake access.
They have been :trying to make two parcels of land ` contineous
N j!
-by acgNiri,ng�
an easement across the railroad tracks where, the Arai lroad � righ4: way
divides "the 'This
Property is not possible_, tiecause the railroad is rota
very ,interested in thFS small project and, are in the process 'of, abandoning
the caiTroad' and removing tracks'. -
V :'.GRItlNtil000.i
The ptroposai , is now to widen the outlet to._%" aF ri-ght of 'way' froe
Eau Claire ,to, Grainwood area connecting to the .public right of way,
.•Also they propose to reduce boat "slips
,the from the original`32
toi 24.��
u t -3- \ _F
N NUM of tIN Pncaedimp of 111e Villa♦e C"W1 of 111e Vilwee' of PAW lake is Me of Seett�sod Sleto of.
NAMN690144 indudiw, all oeeounts audited 'r by saw Coundi.
In order for the Council, to act they would like the opportunity to review
this matter and discuss it with the City Engineer. An informational +
meeting should be held and invite the people that were at our ; public
hearing,or at least the key people so they can notify the people in their
area of the meeting, that this part of Prior Highlands will be discussed
,by the City-= Coun;il on May 21, 1979 at 8 :45 PM,
Motion by "Busse to have the City Manager inform the people in the area
adjacent to. Prior Highlands that there will be=an informational meeting
on May 21, at 8:45 PM,, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed..
City Planner, Graser presented the G'rassini property for preliminary plat
approval and,rezoning. The subdivision Contains 29.66 acres proposed to
ry CIW
be developed'with'single family hares and quad homes.. The request is for
R3 zoning for,10 lots directly northwest of Highway V3 and southwest of
1 1,
Cty. Rd. 81 along with R2 zoning for 3 -lots in,the same area. Staff and
planning commission recommended to d y_the R3 zoning request, - however,..
zone R2 wlth blanket conditional *S0 Or die entire area and that each lot
be divided with a hammerhead driveway and the park land be accepted with
Sunset Hills park.
Motion, by Bissonett to rezone the area R2 with blanket c mditional'usmA
as recommended by the planning commission and staff, seconded by Thorkel -
son and, upon a vote taken it was passed. Mayor Stock abstain cause
he fait that the property owners should have been notified of his meeting.
," by by Thorkelson to approve the preliminary subdivision contingent upon
1),the water line be looped
21 request of park director, graded area.for 12 off street parking
spaces for cars
3) hammerhead driveway and common access points to Cty._ Rd. 81
4) makelarger lot, somewhat similar to the rest (shift in lot line) -
{ i1
5)'draina a easement'be given to the City to determine high water
g g y g
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was 'passed. Mayor Stock abstained
for,the same reason mentioned above.,
Ll :.`
4bd6e was. present from either the Lyons Club or the VFW regarding the
1 ' ?
liquor license for the carnival at.,Brooksville Center.
Motion by Watkins to grant to the Lyons Club or VFW,, which'eve� tone wan.is
f •t'
it, as long as they, are covered by insurance and ccnphy with,.the,
requirements, seconded by Busse,and upon a vote taken it was ,duly passe&'
15' "QUARTE�t
The 1sT quarter ttudget analysis was reviewed by the Councitl, Finance
M! ty
�Di rectorTeschner ��was present to answer any questions.
,Motion by Bissonett 'to transfer the of $523.00 from the contingency
to,`pay f or the 1978 -79 now - plowing, seconded`by Watkins and upon a�tote v µ
taken 'it was duly passed.
Motion °by hiusse to approve the.cigarette l icense request for C'rag's
Relsort, s4C ded, by Mayor Stock and upon a vota taken it was duly passed.
Resolution- ' , 7g-17, ' Construction of Fish Point 'toad was ,reviewed.
79 -17
Mot,iawby Watkins, to adapt Resolution 79 - 17, "No Parking'on. a portion of
sh.Point,Raid, seconded, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.;
Santee Ci rcle` storm sewer b y Highway, 13 across from - Lakeslde Manor hasp: eroded
"a - whole yar�+�and caved p ie because of f�l000ing.° City En4ineer" Berson commented
that the residents do not want any pat.of an assessment for the storm
sewer. There is an ,easement. jaeent to property owners that will cooper°
ate With the - City, The; property owners w14l, l the C i tv out a ' o,ioe, its ,
u ' ,
, ,
end: i the City `�fu rnlshes the sod, they W i l l 1aY i t down;
' x
Mottos by Watkins,to authorize the City Engineer to repair the storm sewer
rom Santee Circle to Highway 13,, seconded by Thorkel;son and upon a vote ,taken
it was "duly- ipassed.
� r a
} MINUM of Mo Mci wings of tb 'village Coaweil' Yiihpe
of fhe of Prior take in the County of Scoff clad State Of
A41"afteft. iwdwliwg oN aeeMads awlhad by Said Council.
Councilman Thorkelson mentioned that revenue bonds for commercial
and should be discussed. City Manager McGuire set a
date for discussion on this.
The date is Tuesday, May 29, 1979„
Councilman Bissonett brought up that. the area where Duffer's Inn
could be made into a� downtown parking lot. There are a few
interested merchants that agree. with this. An informational
should be s chedulEd and all interested "
invited persons should 66
to`attend and: make.comnients on how they,.feel about this.
City Manager McGuire set May 14,1`
979 at 8 :30 OM for the meeting
q ,
on the downtown area parking lot. The Prior Lake American and'
radio should be notified
about this, also anyone lwishing to
contact the merchants, by phone or word_ of
mouth, may do so.' tf.
The 'Du Dupont
p parcel on ,Northwood Road`condemt►ation award of $1000
was appealed and the district court ur awarded-.
j y $3500;
they have (Dupont s)
been asking $12,000 and,the appraiser testified to $12.,500, City
McCuire recommended that the $3500 be paid.,
Motion by Bissonett to pa the amount of $3500 to the Dupont's for
easement acquisition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken'it
was duly passed.
Mayor Stock summed up the letter 1. eceived by :the City of Roseau 4
regarding the flood plain management. A meeting will be conducted
at 7:00 PM on June 12,, 1979' at the Radi'sson South,` Bloomingtow" MN'.
We-wrote a letter to them earlier stating that we would be interested
in attending a meeting
Notion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded 'by Massonett and ,upon a
vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 1;36 PA. «; ±
, a
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
A .
M1wYil of 60" ..d.. of dre VOW Cw" of tM VNleve of lriet tike is.lho ee�� u '
.r i "d
MMaoMri, iadefiM iq wnivara eYriled by Mid' Cwadl
. 1 may 7. 1979
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session'
on may 7, 1979 at 7:30 PH. Present_were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Busse,,Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City
T Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner,
Park Director Mangan, Police Chief Powell "and Attorney Sullivan.
a '
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections
are to be made to the - minutes of April 23, 1979:
Page 1. " paragraph four, relating to a $700,000.00
Page 3 paragraph four, ,' each side of the approach ` will have
". dirt up. on them to hold the approach up and has been pent on
the approach, . . ., '
' MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the mioutes.of April 23, 1979 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a, Vote taken it was du passed,
CLEiN UP WK Police Chief Powell presented slide photos to the Council of various
properties in the C°i.ty of Prior Lake in regard, to clean up week.
t The Police Chief, City Manager and City Planner have been working ge
tproblem of clean up in the City for a few weeks. They. hove - bean
L h t h k i nts_ residents have made abou jrnk In their
gbo they have. been askisy, "Other cci0munitles - they hand r the situation.
City Planner Graser reported that he 'has' contacted the cities of
Savage,; Burnsville acrd Shak
opee "and asked them hover they . .. deal with
this problem. One city has one ='man assigftfd as an inspector.-he checks
out complaints from the community, then he 'issues an order for clean t:
up and the property 'owner has 15 -20 days to clean .up. if he do'as not
clean up: in that amount'of timethe inspector then issues a LickeL and
9 legal "action takes place, w
City Planner Eraser suggested that 1 V or 2
. inspections; G a r people get Involved with the
Part of the City staff and work full time at city U
Mall; They would need to get familiar with the City ordInances to
e= . inspect, 60 able to i ct the
µ pe properties fairly and issue clean up orders.
" City Manager McGuire suggested that an informational meeting be held
to discuss with the _property owners "; , wall as residents that have
called in writh_coraplaints,, the ordinance,on junk and refuge and their
opinions On the matter.
Notion by Watkins to conairct an informational meetin 9 "- p posai,
on the ro h
of` .the clean up Process and 'that the- .staff contact the people or par-
ties that have been ;notified for clean' up 'and a.iso the people that made Via.
rk th0 complaint, such as in the a
the meeting °ta be head on May
* paper and on the radio and letters, about
y al, 1979 at 7 :30 PM, seconded by Thorkelson'
` and, upon a vote; taken it was duly passed.
y 9 Anderson
8:00 ON P t Engineer re
ported on the Maple' Park Shores flume. The ;
MAPLE PARK +fetal flume that is there now is too high and going to be taken out.,
SNORE$ FL'sME I'V wl I I be replaced with a concrete flume to provide a means of
- taking water 'to the hake and providing a walkway across. The shape
" will be flat and the bottom about 4 ft. wide for the walkway surface
wiW a 6 inch high curb to retain water within the curb., 2 -3 steps
wli'1 be put in for easy access to the'walkway.
Present at this "meeting were residents from the Maple Park Shores area.
They had'some questions for the City Engineer and Counc -il regarding the
flume. One request was to remove the dirt that has accumulated by the.
' e
storm sewer before doing any else because ;
the dirt is going into
the lake and `making "it muddy.
' tion by Thorkelson to authorize the City Engineer anConsulting
Engineer to prepare the Final plans and to direct the"contractor to
complete the plans as pe,r circulated at the meeting, seconded by Busse`"
and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed.
411194UM' of $be heeswMN of *A VNW@o CaurAN of dke ViN"w of prier Idn,i1i tkm '
s:ftuely of " Sew eed Slel� of
ss/e. iaelvdWWAN eawols eeiilor by, oak Cwedl.
MAPLE PARK Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to have the, dirt mound taker.'care _ h
SNORES of right away', if it is the contractors obligati�'on.
FISN PT. R0. On site inspections of final Plans and, specificattbhs for Fish Point Road
paving { were reviewed by the Council earlier. The airea i'n front of he high
school has been raised. ! It will_ be quite di`fficultrto ride i� riding lawn
iaower in one areas unless a slope esseimeRL Is granted o reduce_ side;"
y ;
} o f Mayor Stock stated that this is a state aid.project.and hey will cover
the cost of the majority of the project' Due to the increase in cost of
✓., materials, there witl_be a 19% increase in the cost of /the project. aur.*' 4.
Motion by Sisson to approve the plans and specifications #
, as reviewed on
4 , , site at Fish Paint Road and as presented by the Cit�`tngineer, seconded by
Busse and upon -a vote taken. It was duly passed.
yas brought up at the meeting that bids shouldr/6e advertised for this
pro ject. Before bids - c4n Wadvertised for, the? "State -+oust approve the
project. This will take about 2 months. The C, €ty Engineer suggested
q that the ;rd week aftertitha project has been submitted to the State, and
tf the old looks favorakta. the Council should"set, the date for' the bids.
Sawetime'n June would lira when we would know for sure if the State is in
Motion bv.Bissonett to authorize advertisement for a In the Construction
Bu1fetin and legal papery to schedule for bid openi,ng on June .l ;; 1979 at
w City Nall "at I0:60 seconded 'by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duty
v ad. f
' BEFORE The status report was presented to nc
the Coui "1 by the City Engineer.
77 - 3 Phase 1 Criinwood - They expect to begin work soon,`completlon date is
Sepi. 1. 1979 but after talking with Mr. Stapf he hopes to finish before.:the
4th of July..
a' 77-3 Phase: 11 Maple Park Shores Acres`- Currently. 'in preparation for bituminous,,
-i completion.date is Sept. 1, 1979 contractor hopes to finish before the 4th of July.;
77 Gateway Shores -no, very much work tobedone, c
owplction date Sept. 1, 1979,
..v contractor hopes to be finished before. the 4th of July.
78 -1 Martinson island /Manitou Road.,-- currently preparing for bituminous, '
completion data s July 1 , 1979.
78 -1 & 4 Fairlawn Shores T.raii - precinstruction meeting scheduled for 9;00 AM,
May S. 1979. =
IF ' �
78 - 5 Island View Road.- preconstructicr meeting on May 3. 19794 ContractorAntends
to start by June 1 1979 Expects work =to take about a month.
4 City Engineer Anderson requested that the, change order for project \76 -1 be
tabled until next week.
P Notion bj Watkins to table the than order for
9e project 76 -1 until May 14. `'1979,
« seconded by Busse and upow a vote taken it was duly passed.
!'IiEBIA CITY Timc,9othof, tFrom the. Continental; presented a plaque to Mayor Stock from'the Mayor
;lIEX1CO of Puebla, M�ctco. When he left for Mexico with his group on a tour, the City of
Prior Lake sent a flag 4 Minnesota and a plaque with him to present to the City`'of
Puebla; The school district hopes to get an exchange program going'with Puebla and
- they :feel that i� city to city, exchange 1s very Important.
``.CLARENCE City' Manager McWre creported that the plumbing inspector, Clarence Schmidt.
4 SpINiDT has re
signed aW Gene Newstrom, building inspector, would be taking on. the
inspections en a temporary basis,until a qualified plumbing inspector can be
hired. a
GENENEATM Motion by Watkins to approve gem Newstrom as temporary plumbing inspector at
nspection, secanded b b Busse and u
� Y upon ,a vote taken -i1 was duty passed..
a ! !
` 11�'M11paa dj�s 111! VNk� " Coom i1 Ike ViNMe o f hiK take M tM twehr of ic�lRand 4e1a - i1
Min" *I- iwdrriM ell eoawNs eeditod by said Comma.
Wa; or Stock-directed the. City Manager to; put on his 'calendar - review
Of `the plumbing in position at budget
time and determine 'the
matter of part -time versus full - time,
City Manager McGuire recommended that the piumbin9 Inspection fees
should be increased to $2,00 /unit:
The nspector'Makes two inspec-
tions ".per house,, The first is roughing and the second is the fin-
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to prepare a resolution with
the proposed increases
for plumbing inspection charges for the up 4
coming council meeting,
Final payments to Modiand and Assoc. for Project 75 -2
in was discussed.
The delay payment
was that final estimate was not signed by the
contractor; It is now signed,
Motion by Matki pay finaa'paymftnt to Nodland and Assoc in' - the
amount of $13,465.53 for+roject 75-2,
seconded by Busse-and upon a
vote taken was duly passed',
Park Director Mangan discussed change order /2 and L'i► for Sand Point
Beach bathhouse. Change order
12 is for insurance -the contractor is
getting for the property. The cost for the tiisurance is $9a.00.,`Change
, order a thermostatic mixing valve that is`�needed -in the plumbing
9Q to the sinks in the bathhouse. Thin is manditory; the
5264, oo cost is
Notion by Thorkelson to'a pprove change orc!er ,f2'for.$94,00 for In-
surance, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Nation by Thorkelson to a pprove change order' for;$264,00'for the
thermostatic mixing valve,
seconded by watkIns and upon a vote taken
It duly passed,
1979 PROJECTS Finance Director Teschner reviewed the bonding for 1979 with the Council.
FOR BONDING The list of projects that
will be needing funding are-. n
Sand Point
island View 2nd Add.
The Harbor
Brooksville Center 2nd Add,
Gateway tenter Roads
Bluff Heights ;-
Creekside CI'rcle
Oakland Beach 86 Addn.
The bond requirement is $a095i900.00 contingent upon receipt of all
City required documents b Fr "ida Ma
r ll 1
Y. Y , 979. The��l2% amount due
the City of 'Prior Lake In tiall b the various Bevel
Y Y opers
will assure an adequate, -coati agreements
agency. All the above with the exception
of The Harbor, Gateway Center and Bluff Heights have
signed developers
Mayor Stock directed the City Managers to contact the three that are not
in coiapl'tance and any others
4q i
that might bo. pending and let them know
they have until. Friday, hay 1 i th to submit the documents and (If not
they will not be bonded,
PRIOR NIGH- Visions V(II wa present regarding Prior Highlands proposed lake access.
LANDS They arn trying to
Mve b
rake two f
parcels 6 land conti'neous acquiring
..sn;:"soment across the raII road !'tracks where the railroad right.-of way
§ s
the property. This is not possible because, the railroad is not
very interested in }this small
project and are in the process of abandoning
tht railroad and removing the tracks.
SRAiNMOpD T how widen the outl'ot
he proposal is to 50' of right of
BOAT SL.1_,PS Eau Ciaire,rito Grainwood area connecting to the
Also they public of way
to 24; propose to reduce the bot't .slips. from the or _32 now
IWNIITIt of . of t10 Villaea Ceueeil of the Yiliaea of Prior iekw is the Cwnq of i1con mad• StaN'af.
h""106le, ifKl" " all et Mft /udited by said Cwndl.
In order for the Council to act they ; would like the opportunity to review
this matter and discuss it with the City Engineer. An informational
meeting shou d be held and invite the people that were at our pubi;,ic
hearing,or at least the key people so, they ' can notify the people in their
area of the meeting that this part of Prior Highlands will, be di:5cussed
by the City Council on May 21, 1979 at 8:45 PM.
Motion by Busse to have the City Manager inform the people i_4,the area .:
adjacent to Prior Highlands that there wiIlobe an informatiioinal meeting,
on May 21, 1979 aL,1:45' PM, seconded: by Bissonett and, upor °a vote taken
it was dul r
` '
City Pjanner Gra'ser presented the diassini property fo+ preliminary plat
approval and rezoning. The subdivision contains 29 (& acres 'proposed "\to
be developed.'with single family homes and quad homes'. The request; is for
R3 zoning for 10 lots directly northwest of Highway` southwest of
Cty. Rd. 81 aloLng with R2 zoning for I lots in t same area. - Staff and `
planning commission recommended: t de R3 request, - however, ...
zr `oning
zone R2 with blanket conditional s A or �e entire area and that each lot
be divided with a - hammerhead driveway and the'rpack land be accepted xith
Sunset Hills park.
Motion, by B i wi
ssonett to rezone the area ional uses
th bt nket. cord i t
as` recommended by the planning. commission and staff, seconded by Thorke.l-
scan .and: upon :a vote taken it was passed ` Mayor Stock abstain because
he felt that. the property owners shou;td have been notified of this. meeting.
�j ent '
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the subdivision contingent upon
1) the water line be 100 WA
2) request of park director, graded area for i2 off, street `parking
spaces: for :cars -"
3) hammerhead driveway common access: points to Cty. Rd. 81
4) "make larger,, lot soitewhat similar to the rest (shift in lot line)
5) drainage easement -'he given to the City to determine high water
x .
a eievation.°� .�.
seconded by Busse aid upon_ra vote taken itwas passed. Mayor Stock abstained
for the same reason men i above..
Liq. LIC.
Name was present from either the Lyons, Club or the VFW regarding the
liquor license for the carnival at Brooksville Center.
Motion by Watkins to grant to the Lyons Club or VFW, which evee'oneu wants
It, as long as they are covered by insurance and comply with the
requirements,, ",seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
.,° 1ST WRTER,
The quarter budget analysis was reviewed by the Counci'i, Finance
Director Teschrier was present to answer any questions.--
Motion by Bissonett to transfer the Funds of.$523.00 from the contingency
tw Pay for the. 1978 -79 snow - plowing, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote.
takeq. i t. was duly
Y passed;
Motion by Busse approve the cigarette license request for Craig's
Resort, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'.
Restitution 79 -17, Construction of Fish Point Road was reviewed.
Motion by Watkins,to adopt Resolution; 79 -17, "No Parkind'on a portion of
Fish-Point Road; seconded by Busse,and upon _a vote taken it was duly passed.
5/lyif EE C I RCL
Santee r4 i rc le storm sewer by H l ghway 13 across from Lakeside. Manor has eroded
p -
atwho a Y ard and caved `in because of flooding: City Engineer Anderson commented
that ths= residents do noirant any part of °an assessment for the `torm
sewer. There Is an ea sement sq Sent to prpgerty. owners that will cooper-
ale with the City. Inc property owners will let the City cut a ot:oe. in 4 �
and if the CitY sties the sod, they will lily it dovo, '
Notion by Watkins ^to authorize the City Engineer to repair the storm sewer
from Santee Circle to Hi` hwa l3, seconded b Thorkel,son and 9 )" y upon a vote taken
It .. was duly passed.
- _ 4
MIl1111>ES af diwes Cow�eil' of Mo: Yilioga of feior'Lelco
In tho Cowdy of Scow Gad Salo of.
YIbMSeN Iadw kMg all aee gals awii%d by Said Coundl.
Councilman Thorkelson mentioned that revenue bonds for commercial
and industrial should
be discussed. City'Manager McGuire seta
date for discussion on thi The date < is "Tuesday, May 29,
'Councilman Bissonett brought up that the area,where Duffer's Inn
was could be made into a downtown arkin
interested' merchants that agree with th1s.An.inforrmationaifew
meeting should be scheduled
and all interested perssns should be
invited to attend an"ke comments on how they feel
about this'.
Ci Manager McGuire set Ma 14. 1
on the downtown area y 979 a 8:30 PM for the meeting I
parking lot. erican and
The Prior Lake Am
radio shou I d be not I f i ed' about th iLS
also anyone wishing to
contact the merchants, by phone or word of mouth, may do so.
The Dupont parcel on Northwood Road condemria
was a tion award of $1000
ppeal4d and district court jury
r ,
awarded;$3500; they have (Dupont's) V '
been ask inj. $12,000 and their appraiser.testifled to $12,500; City
Manager "Quire recommended
that the 53500 be. paid, .
Motion by Bissonett to Pay the amount of $3500 to the Dupont's for
easement acquisition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed.
,v LA
Mayor 'Stock summed up the letter" received by the City of Roseau-
regarding the flood plain management.
A meeting . will be conducted
at 7:00 PM on June 12 1 9T9.atu Radisson South, Bloomington, MN,
wrote a letter to them earlier stating that we would be interested'
in attending a meeting.
Motion by Watkins to adjourn,, seconded by Bissonett and upon a'
taken this meeting was adjourned
at 10 :36 PM„
Michael A. McGuire '>
City Manager