HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 14 1979MINUTES, of the Procoodinils of the Villosw Council of the Villa of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stale of
r Misne"le,
including all occounh audited by said.Council.
- May 14, 1979
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
May 14, 1979 at 7 -.30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock,
Councilmen Busse,
Bissonett, Thorkelson,, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson,
Finance Director Teschner and Attorney Sullivan, Councilman Watkins
was absent,
Mayor Stock called" the meeting to order.. The following corrections area
to be made to the minutes. of May 7, 1979:
Page 2, paragraph 2, Everything after, has been raised, taken out.
It will be quite difficult to ride :a riding lawnmower in some
unless a slope easement is granted to ;reduce the slope_
Page 2, paragraph 3, . 10% increase in the`cost of the project
Page 2, paragraph 6, , advertisement for Fish Point Road r '
the P o�ect in
g , paragraph 3, zone R2 with blanket conditional use for quad'
homes for
Page 9
g , para raP h 4 R2 with blanket conditional use for quad homes,.
. he felt that the adjacent
` l J property owners .
1`446 paragraph 13, The property owners will let the Cit Y Put a
pipe in and if the City furnishes the sod, they will lay it down,
MINUTECs( 'Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of May
y 7, 1979 as amended,
seconded by,Busse and u
upon a vote taken it was duly .passed.
FARMERS MARKE Marilyn Weiers, from the Nutrition Action Council
was present at the
Meeting to discuss with the Council the possibility of having a Farmers
Market in Prior Lake. Their plans would get underway July 3 -14, 1979 and
contintht, each week until late September. Hours would be from 2 -7:30 PM
ievery Friday in the parking lot,,at Brooksville Center. M's. Weiers has
talked with.,Steve Cassum,
merchant at Brooksvi41e Center, and he told her
that 411 the merchants in the.'Center are agreeable to this.
CitY Manager McGuire recommended that Ms. Weiers talk again with Mr. Cassum
about meeting with the owners
of the parking lot, Steve Walker,`Sage Corp,
and =ask them how they feel about. the matter.
Mayor Stock commented that he would want the fru i_ts and vegetatii'es `'being
soul to be
clean andlfresh and also the parking lot left clean when the
market closes.
80t1DING FOR Steve Mattson of Juran S moody was present to discuss the bonding require -
.l'979' *JECTS me
-nts for the 1979 projects. The cut., off date was established as Frida
IIth`and any contractors that did not have their developers agreements.
signed, and approved at last weeks meeting had until the 11th to do so.
contractors listed -below came in before the ll'th and signed the
developers agreement and presented a check for 12% of the estimated pro-
jet: cost:
Pro ect Costs
Len Grassimi - Woodview - ;32 3-s
FKG - The Harbor - 160,405,00
James Arlen - Bluff-MGights` 50,000 -00
L Schweich - Shangri. -La. 60,347,67
York. Oevel. - Jordan Ave,- 65,000,00 �
l� 5�� SR no. ' VbirO, -
The Council. has to approve the above in 'order for' them to receive bonding
for their J
projects. The amount of; the bond for,
1979 projects totals
$1;425,000.00. ' Bond Safe is proposed for June 11, 1979 at 4`PM in the
City =,Manager's Office, The, bid will then be, considered at 7,:30 PM at
the`CounciI meeting that night.,
Motion by Thorkelson to approve ttA agreement for Bluff
- Heights, seconded by Busse and up` vote
.:a taken i't was duly passed.
Motion by Busse to approve the bon ;'ng fdir York Dev. Jordan' Ave. 1
, , ,,,:
seconded, by horkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed..
tmmu lS of the heceodiaos of the Villa9e council of the Villago oR Prior Lake'in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. . t
Mot i on b Bu e. +� a `roVe the developers 1 e y `
PP op rs The
agree or Harbor,
seconded by Th'o kelson and upon a vote taken it:-was duly passed. c --
f oot
Motion by Busse to approve the developer; agreement for Woodview, r .
seconded by Thorkelson and,upon a vote taken it was'Auly wssed. rt
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the developers agreement for Shangri -La,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken. i t was duly passed. ='
Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79 -22, approve the sale of a $1
s ,
general obligation bond for 1979 improvement projects and that the bond sal-
be on June 11, 1979-opening bids at 4:00 PM in the City Manager's Office I,
and the City Council review the bids at 7 :45 PM on the same day, seconded X`
by Thorkelson and upon _a vote taken it was passed.
Councilman Bissonett abstained from any discussion of this issue because of
his involvement with one of the projects,-
8:00 PM
Bob Barsness was present to discuss the commercial revenue bond for the -
bank building that is going to be built. Randy Nelson and Steve:Mattson'of
Juran &,Moody were present to explain the bond. A preliminary resolution
outlining the bond was passed out for Council" review: and approval. ilhen ''
the Council approves this resolution, Mr. Mattson stated, it will :start the i
process for preparing the final resolution'and,bond, He also explained to
the Council that with this type of project it could be financed by either a
bond or note. Mr. Mattson requested Council approval of the preliminary_
resolution at this meeting because they want to get it "to, the sQGft1A"y *W=ission
as soon as possible •
The Council, Mr, Mattson, Mr. Barsness and Mr. Nelson had, a. long discussion
Period about this issue. One reason being, the City does not have any set
policies on commercial or industrial 'bonds, A workshop meeting ha's been
set for May 29 for the Council to review this topic. The Council would prefer
to discuss the matter at the meeting before maki -ng any,, decisions.' = `
A motion was rude by Bissonett to accept the resolution that was presented.
There was no second on this motion, so it was not acted on. =
An agreement was made that the Council would sign the resolution if it were, "
revised stating that the Council; could review the policy at their May 29th.
meeting and final bond procedures would be delayed until after that meeting,
,This action, would then get the papers signed and i to the security commission
Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution t
79- 2.4"an ^'req hat a c it
79' - 24,
draft and adhere to the Council's request of hoid.ing off on final bond pro- r =
cedures and giving the Council contingency to have another review on this
policy, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken was duly passed,
Steve Mattson will have a memorandum of agreement for, the City Manager to sign
stating that the City wants.. to have another review on the bond and have the -
resolution revised.
8 :40 PM
Downtown parking in Prior Lake was discussed. Merchapts that own shops downtown
were present to voice their opinions on the parking si;ivation,
`Frank Wicker - suggested that parking space is needed'and that each merchant
should be assessed according many parking spaces, he will 'need for his
customers. This way, the City could purchase the 'land, develop it;j <into a.
parking lot and then assess. the businesses':, c�
John Dennis - He stated that many of the downtown businessmen are; <using main Q
S treet to park their cars;, that space couit#, have been used for their customers.
An effort should be'madp4-to get more cars;;� rked on main street, such as angle
parking, and that a two hou'r' should bts enforced for downtown parking =.
Larry Severson - He suggested that the C : ^buy properiv, for parking lots.
He was informed by
the Council that in order for the City .to ;purclise
Petty. a 'pet.i L on is 'needed from: the downtown bus inesspeople. ' After the_pet- I
ition Js, received, public hearings are held,: in order for the City to do this'
purchasing they need to create a'devel.opnient district. The owners in *_he
would pay fo,r the parking lot. -
a -
w , fi
of thl yraea� din" of ,*0 ViN� Cwweii ei NN ViNNe of PeiK lake
in twMy of 3em aad SN1a of
iadedI%f ON its eedihed'by said Cwadl.
Bill. Sando - stated that the City should )e. ^.�rce the parkin
nice parking lot would not do an .,. 9 limit. A
enforced; Y good i'r Parking limnit rules are not
`Brad Rothnem- Ne suggested the C i t tu_
y look inP�_- 7hasing the area from the
o that is located by the, hardware
i store and develop it into 'a park-
ng lots It is ce
ng l . ntrally located and wou d make
about 70 cars. a large lot for ,parking
The Council will take under advisement the discussion held at the meeting.
They recommended that the group establish a in
person charge to get
petition together and have the bus inessmen sign. This the a
Petition then should
be presented to the Council
so they may start the procedure for obtaining
the development
pment district,
Larry Gensmer volunteered to solicit for the petition and will` contact the
City Manager when the Petition is completed:
or if he needs.. any help..
9 :20 PM
Bryce Nuemoeller was present along with the members of the Water
District to discuss with the Council the proposed dredging project for ..
DREDGING FOR, Kneafsey's Cove. A petition was signed by land
owners in the area of
KNEAFSEY COVE the cove. In this petition, the land owners agree to reimburse the
Watershed District for
any -osts incurred by it if the project is not
completed:. The petitioners are also required '' �'
by the shed Act
to have the individual Petitioners place .a bond to secure the repayment;
obligation to the Watershed
District. The requirement of a bond is waived
if another governmental entity joins as a Petitioner. The
request is thaw
the Ci sign as one of the
The Council felt that getting a bond was a good idea._ They recommended
that if the petitioners
get a bond they will support them on this project.
Notion by Bissonett to authorize --Resolution 79 -23, for ro ect i
P j
went to,Kneafse s Bay,
con that residents
Y' Y. ng post a bond for the
r t h e
amount of $3,000, seconded by Thorkelson and upon
duly passed. a vote taken it was
An item also discussed, while the members of the.Watershed District were
present, was the rocks in the bay areas that are hazardous to waterskiers
and boaters. Also some of the bays are very narrow
poor. and visibility is
One Of the Watershed board members stated that the.sheriff wi•11 be
up signs on bou 's stati '' ` „ putt,
up Y n9 5 •Il�if No 'that
. Skiing One bay- wi 11 have
the sign is Northwood, another is. Paradise Bay. It was also mentioned U
that Maple Park is
ok when the water is high, but when the water lever
is down the rocks stick out of the water.
City Engineer Anderson was e sea
present to discuss the and overlaying
of City streets.. Sealcoating should be primarily used for
sealing asphalt
paving which has been placed two to three years or more previously, 1t.
the oil content of the paving,; Overlaying streets is a more
Permanent way of improving the structural condition of the streets
can eliminate standing water, In most cases and improves on ridability.
One question he asked the Council; should Jordan Avenue be overlaid or
sealcoated? One problem with overlaying is
the cost; should it be taken
out: of maintenance funds or assessed against ther propertY owners=
The City Policy with scalcoating is that it is taken out of general mainten-
9ance fund. Overlaying is
Y� g quite costly and it
should be assessed because
it is over and above; normal maintenance.
Mayor Stock suggested that the entire Council go and look at Jordan Avenue,
with the City Engineer and have him
point out the bad spots in the street.
A Public hearing should be conducted with the residents of the
area.. They
should dec,i'de what they ,meant to have done with the street. On Tuesday,
May 15, 1979 at 7 :00 PM the Council
will meet at Councilman Thokelson's
store and go out and 'i'nspect Jordan Avenue.
Resolution; 79-18, Plumbing inspection Fees was reviewed,`
n A
111111141 of
the Mow of *0 V0600 Qo al of the vow of Prior LOIN in dw
ca" of salt sed :Nti ef
Mina..1O. indedh" a n Ocewwls Ordiled by said Coosa
T otion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79 -18, plumbing inspection fees, seconded 000
y Bissonett and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
CHANGE ORDEF 5 Change Orders for project 76 71, 77 -2 'PH 1 and 77 -3 PH were reviewed by
the Council.
Motion by Bissonett to aPProve the cha a order for
$4,,162,60` to Fisher Sand s _ Agg regate C� Project 76 - in the amount of
- A99 g C om p any,
seconded by Busse and upon:& vote:
taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Therkelson to approve change order for 77-3 PH 1 in the amount of
$14.949.17 to Fisher Sand 6 Aggregate Company,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it was duly Passed..
Notion by Bissonett to pay fisher Sand a Ag ` C 2
a"pany $`4,557.76 for project
77 -3 PH 1" (Grainwood)
as the al
monthly partial ,payment, seconded'
a vote taken it was duly Passed. by Busse and upon;
Motion by Thorkelson to pay Fisher Sand S re ate. C
$10,792-80 for ; A99 9 omPah Partial payment of
> seconded by 8issonett,and upon a vote taken `t was -
duly pas sed.
79-19 ``
Resolution 79-19, removing municipal state aid street designation was
rev i owed 6y the Counc'i l
Nation by Bissonett to approve Resolution 79 -19, removing municipal state
aid street designation, seconded by`llusse and upon
-a vote taken it was duly
e3a 79-20
Resolution 79 -20, establishing municipal state aid street from Anna Trail, was"
reviewed by the Council.
Notion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79-20, establishing municipal state aid street,
seconded by Bissonett ' and upon a \ taken
it was duly passed,
A letter from Carter Christie, school district 719 was reviewed. A discussion
was held if the City wants more antennas
on the water tower, because the school
is requesting permission to-Put one up for their radios in the busses. Councilman
Bissonett stated that he would rather see the school have an antenna an the water
tower.if it will help them, than any one else.
nginee rson: ed that ma t t r
S t eer into t
The City Policy of adding or replacing antennas on the water tower will be
tabled until May 21, 1979.
City Engineer Anderson requested Council approval of the developers agreement for
Mery E99um,, Prior Hills, he has paid all. fees and signed the d4Ysig Ors 0 9rmament,
Notion by Thorkelson to approve the developers agreement for Prior Hills contingent
upon receiving s performance bond for it, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
The fallowing invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, May 22, 1979:
Misc. DOLM tmentsr
Bankers Life Insurank:e
Coast to Coast Supplies $ 1,908.65
COP, Inc. 7.77
Copy Machine t'Paper 261.97
Prior Lake Lumber Co. Supplies
E. C. Peterson Co., Inc. Equipment Moint.
Scott -Rice Telephone Co. 39.45
Moe Utilities 484.43
nens Supply. Inc. Supplies
Veber Auto Supply, Inc. Repairs 304.E
Lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repairs 30.94
JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies
Albinson Rental t Supplies 45.31 k
Minn. .Valley Electric 1
Co -op Utilities; 140
NSP Uti:ities 2,800.18
- of W0
Mkmw**W Mdrrly eM 00 10ueM *VOW by maid Cwmmma
General Government
int'l. City Manage. Assn.
E. H. Newstrom
S 40.00
`Prior Lake American
Buildi Ins
m!9 t pector
Publ i sh ng
Dolores Berens -
American Linen Supply Co.
Cleaning Library
Ames Office, Supply
Bldg Heint.
19.75 - °
Gross Ind. Services
Bldg. Maint.
Plan "�
Minn. Planning Assn.
Art Materials
Membership Fee°
$ TS.00
Franz"Eng. Reproductions Inc Equipment
Pot_ ice_
Bullseye Reloading t Suppl
St. Francis Hospital
'ng Enterprises
Blood Alcohol Test
Kustosm Signals, Inc.
Equipment Repairs
Reynolds Welding, Supply
Advance Ambulance t Equip.
$ 4,
Ind., Black:Dirt Co., Inc.
Prior Lake 1476
Park Supplies
$ 87,00
` Northrup Ki Co.
Vehicle R i rs
Park Supplies
a 4.00.
Qwl'ity Wste Control:. �'
Lawrence Schweich Now Bldr.,
Refuse Hauling
Kan Johnson Architect
Park Supplies
Valley Equipment:
Vehicle Repair
Equipment Repair
$ 15.15
Lawrence Schweich Now Bidr.
Prior take
`. Aggregates, Inc.
Snow Plowing
Sava " Tin Service
Equipment Repair
.1. L. Shiely Co
k '
McKinley Sewer Service:
$ 40.00
Serco Laboratories
WateirProducts Co.
Water Tests
$' 12.00
'Diseased Tree;
Prior Lake Nursery
$ 390.
Developers Agreement Fund:
$ 581.09
to `
ilerttnson Island Saver an,'i Water Construction Fund:'
Paul W. Wereerskirchen Abstract
$ 1.,829.02`
Co., Inc..
Certificates, etc.
k �� W,
NIIRC at ire �Iepe aM of YINye CerweM : ef tl» Yee, of Meiw` to" le, 68 C miwv 10we';aw !Isle
faleeMet~, iedediy an a cerels eellbw br aw 4caeadN
.,Of .ef#
: r
1977 Wagon Bridge Sewer and Hater Construction Fund;
Fischer Constructlon Co., Inc. Contract Payslant
$2 4 SS7.76
1977 Spring lake Sewer and Water Construction Fund:
Minn. Valley Elec. Co-op Lift Stations
Fischer Sand i A99regate, Inc. Contract paywxnt
Mrnard J. Dupont. Et al Settlesient.
Sharkey Realty, Inc. Court tiwa
Motion by Bissonett to adjourn, sacondod`by,Mayor Stock and upon a vote
taken this wteetin9 wes adjourned at
n �
Michael A.. McGuire
City Manager
' 9x .l
MIPlUTU, of tM #' oaiodiw�s of rho Village Council of IM Village of prior Lake: in: the County of Scott aad State of
Miwneseta, indudi all
Y wY. acoevntsr audited by raid Council.
=May 14, 1979
The Conrno Council of the City of Prior Lake mete in
regul on
May 14, 1979 at 7:30 PM, Presenfi. were Mayor Stock, Council lmen Il '
B Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City En��n2er Andtis
Finance Director Teschner and Attorney
Sullivan. Councilman Watkins
was absent.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following,corrections are
to be made to the minutes of 7, 1979
Page 2
g , parag ph 2 Everything after has been raised, taken out.
It will be quite difficult
to ride a riding lawnmower in some areas
unless a slope easement is`granted to reduce the`siope.
Page 2, paragraph 3, a 10% increase in the cost of the Project
assessmeR �ss.
Page 2, paragraph 6,, advertisement for Fish Point Road'
the _ project in
l page 4, "paragraph 3, zone V .with blanket condirtional ^use' for
homes for
Page 4, paragraph 4, , R2 with blanket conditional use for qua homes,
., he felt that the adjacent property owners
Page 4 paragraph `13� T
, _ - he property.owners will let the City put a
pipe4in and if the City furnishes
the sod,, they wilj lay it down,
MINUTES 'Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of May
seconded by Busse y 7, 1979 as amended,
��nd u po:�; a'vote taken it was duly passed,
FARMERS MARK Marilyn W;iers frcni the Nutrition Action Council was
I meeting.-,to discuss with the Council the h aving at the
� g � tc di possibi 1 itj� of Having
a, Farmers
Markel in Prior Lake. Their plans would'get underway July 8- 14,:1979 and
continue each week until'iate
September. Hours would be from 2' -7 :30 PM
every Friday in the parking lot at Brooksville Center,
Ms. Weiers has
talked with Steve Cassum, merchant at Brooksville:Center, 'he told her
all the merchants in the Center`are agreeable to th
City Manager McGuire recommended that Ms. Weiers talk again with Mr. Cassum
about meeting with the owners
of the parking lot, Steve Walker, Sage Corp,
and ask them how, they feel about the matter.
Mayor Stock conmented' that he would want the fruits and vegetables being
sold'to be clean and fresh and also the lot
park,ir>a left clean when the
market closes.'
BONDING! FOR; Steve Mattson of Juran b Mood was
Moody present to discuss the bonding require -
1979 PROJECTS ments for the 1979 projects. The cut off date was e
as Frida,
May 11th and any-contractors that;did'not have their developers agreements
signed and approved at.last weeks >meeti'ng had
until the 11th to do so.
The contractors listed -below camer a before the filth and signed the
developers,,,agreement and 'for
presented a check. 12$ of the estimated p ro -
ject cost: p
I ,
Project Cma s
Len Grassini - 'Woodview -
FKG - The Harbor - 160,405.6-0
James Allen - Bluff Heights 50000,00
L. Schweich - Shangri -La - 60.347.67
York Devel. - Jordan Ave,- 659000.00
f„ �lrit�ch - SAnO � iR'l
Th Council
has to approve-the abovz in order for them to receive bondin
r their 'projects. The amount of the bond' or 1979
r ; totals 9
$1, Bond Sale i proposed for June 1C;. 979 at 4 PM in theme
City Manager's
Office. Thy Jd will then be considered a 7:30 PM at
the Council meeting that r cj °t, ''
Motion by Thcrkelson to approve the developers agreement for Bluff
�,. Heights, seconded by Busse and'-
a vote taken it was duly ?
Y passed .
Moti`an by Busse to approve the bonding for York Dev.,`Jordan Ave.;
seconded by Thorkelsom
>and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
MINUM of the Proceedings of the Village Council-Of the Villa; of Prior lake'ie the Caiintlr of Scott and Stoll of
Minnesota, including all accounts atwe'£d:br said- teur`tlfr
1979 BONiiING Motion by Busse to approve- the "dev opers agree f or The Her�or
FOR PROJECTS seconded by Thorkelsoi and upon a vote taken iii was dul passed.
Motion by Busse to approve the developers agree^:ent for Woodvnew, ,
seconded by Thorketson and upon a vote taken it was dul passed,
Motion by Thorkelsor', to approve the =developers agreement for Shan' -La,
seconded : by Busse and upon a dote; taken. i't was duly passed, di
- A
RESOLUTION Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79 =22, approve.the sale;of a $1
79-22' general'' obligation -bond for.1979 improvement projects and that the bond 'sale
be on June 11 197% opening 'bids at 400 PM in the C! ,tanager's Office
and the City Council r�vnew the bids at 7:45 PM on the -same Gay, seconded '
by Thorkelson a cote taken i, was 'passed' v�
t i cx; "; ,
r hounc s ?rnaca' B.s s�onet a� sfGa i ned, frczm any dq..scus y k o f -tt�i s` sit because ofi,4 "'
s'rn'volvemei�t wsrEi one of the protects. > >r ;. °
c _�
8:00 PM = Bob Barsrzes was present to discuss the conrnerr -i al revenue bond' for
� ' < bank buitdnrsg 'that' is going.,to'be'bus Y �lt.. Rand Nelson .and $ Cove Mattson of
r ,uran Sj -%oody were present to explain the bond. A preliminary resolution
P.L. 5TFc., Z�.f outl i ni "ng tn,j' born;" was passed out for Council review and, approval .. When
BANK the Goun s oJ approves this r�al�ution,, Mr. Mattson stated,`i wit start the
5�. ess . or. -prepa "ring Lhe °�is�a`i "'resol;ution and bond. He'.alsu explained to
the Council i r
v +
that Tih this t yp e of project it could tie �fnra ced by 8ithe a,
bond or_Tkote, Mr. Mattson requested'tr unci'I cappr,`6i�►f of t -prei imnnar " ° r
resolutn'on at'this.meetin h•etause Y
g w ; they want to yet,it to t he g+t:w►tecwsYn
as soon as possible.
Th e 1
Counc . Mattson Mr t
t ,. .. Mr v �t� n s and Mr Met son :had a long discussion
- "period abe,�t' issue. , =One reason beirig, the G,i doe I'
,, , s , n n
,< pol n c"e tin commerc a1' or i ndustri a1 bonds A wot. ksY-h r of have any` set
o meeting has been a r'
i set for May 29 for the Coursr i 1 to rev_i`ew this topic.: The' Counci l ��uould fElr �
-to discuss the matter at the .meetin g before ma,s ' R, „�
r k .n� any; decis.s�ons.
; r
A motion was made by Bi'ssonett to accept the resolution that aas + ° `
There was no secon presented
z�i"this mo ±ion so it was not acted on.,
a � A� °, agre6m*nt was made that the Council would sign the, resolution i f i t were
n P. ;
revised statn: that the Council could review the`+;,
-�. policy i cy at their May 29th F<__
meeting and fat�rsl 'bond procedures would be delayed until after the meeting. s
This o t
s action wr,d then get the ,papers °;signed and on security commission. i
es 1 i
RESOLUTiOI Motion by Bu p
e to ado t Resolution 79 - 2,4 "an' -reque ;Tng i roudl
79-24 °= draft and adhere tothe Council's request of holding off on final bond pro-"' V !'
cedures and giving the Council contingency to havg,another review on this y
., ' y,. seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote „ t Y pass
poi i c was dul assn;.
Steve Mattson will have.a memorandum of agreement for the City Man #ger to'sign y
stating that the City wants to have another review on the bond and have Lhe °..
resolution” revised.
1 8c4.0 PM' Downtown` parking in Prior Lake was discussed. Merchants that own shops downtown
were re
m p ` sent to voice their opinions on the parkn�n9 situation.
PARKING that 'parking space is ne`eded�� and that each
t: � � `'
Frank Wicker - su merchant
sho.41d be assessed acccr44ng to how many parkin spaces he will, need "for his kr,
" t ' customers. This way, the 'City could purchase the land, develop it into a
pa e•c r ng. I'ot w and then assess the businesses.''
�$ Joh; Dennis rle stated that many of the downtown businessmen are using main �
? x'�, street to, park ;'t_oile cars that space could have 0eeh:`used forF,their customers:, L�
An effa „ rt houj"d"Ae,riade to get :pore card= 0iirked -d"h man '-streeti; such` as 'angle
parking, and that a� wo "hour limit should be enforced for downtown parking
Larry Severson He,su
ggested that Lhe City buy property for par lots.
He was i nforrt>d by , c,e Counci 1 that in order', fc�� � the C iyty to purchase pro-
perty, a p�tn;tion is needed' fr6wthe downtown busy- tissp,eople. After the pet-
it is received
public hearsngs are held. 1n order for the, to do this
. purchasing they need to create 'a developmentistri'ct. The owners in the
district would pay for the parking lot:
w iti
` t e 1
of t' progeodk of Mo' ViNw Cww n, of" vi ow of POW La" in Mo cwnty of sew and shw of
Mianaota. ineiwliwg aN QMWM s eadihm! by Mid - Cwndi.
Bill Sando — stated that the City should enforce the parking limit. A
nice parking llot would not do any i;f
good parking limit rules are not
Brad Rothnem- He suggested the City look, into purchasing the area from the
railroad that is located by the hardware store and develop it into
a park-
Ing lot, it is centrally located and would make a large .lot for parking
about 70 cars.
The Council will take under advisement the discussion held at the meeting
They recommended that the group establish a in charge;
Person to get a
Petition together and have.the businessmen sign; Thi's petition then should
be presented to the Council
so they may start the procedure for obtaining
the development distri`a.
Larry Gensmer volunteered to solicit for the petition and will contact the
City Manager when the Petition is completed' or if he
needs any help,
9:20 PM
Bryce Nuemoeller was \ =
present along with the members of the Watershed � I
District to discuss with the Council
the Proposed dredging project for
DREDGING FOR Kneafsey.'s Cove, A petition was signed by, and owners in
the area ; of '
KNEAFSEY COVE the cove. In this petition, the land owners agree to reimburse the
Watershed District for any Incurred
costs by it if the project is not
comPleted,. The petitioners are also required
by the Water shed �t
to have the individual petitioners place a bond to secure the:rrepayment
ob igation to the Watershed
District. The requirement of a bond is waived 1
if another governmental entity joins as a The
petitioner. request is that
the City sign as -one: of the petitioners,
The Council felt that getting a bond was a good idea. They, recommended
that if the petitioners
get a bond they will support them on this project,
by Bissonett to authorize Resol'uti'on 79 -23, for project improve-
went to Kneafseyl eay; contingent that residents
amount of $3,000, seconded by Thorke)son and u Post 3 bond far the
duly passed. Pon a vote taken it was_ !
An item also discussed, while the members of the Watershed was the rocks in
present, District. were,,,
the bay areas that are hazards to waterskier
and boaters;' Also S ome of the bays are very narrow
poor. and visibi -Hty is
One of the Watershed board members, stated that the sheriff will be putUng,
UP signs on bouy's stating " ".°
S N� No Skiing One bay 'will
that have`
the sign is Northwood, another is Paradise Bay. It was also mentioner /<
that Maple Park is
ok when the water is•high, but when the water level .
Is down the rocks stick out of-the water, i
City Engineer Anderson was'present to discuss the sealcoatin v� `}
Of Cit streets. Sealcoating should be 9 and o,mrlaying
primarily used for sealing "asphalt
Paving which has been Placed two to three years. or voce reviously: It
freshens the oil
content df"the paving.
peraarient -• Overlaying streets i`sa, more
way of improving the structura of the
, streets and
can eliminate standing water, in most cases and improves on r`idaiil ty.
One question he asked the Council; should-Jordan Avenue be overlaid or
sealcoated? One problem with overlaying is
the cost; should ibe taken
out of mai'rtenanze funds or assessed against the F',roperty owner;=
The City Policy with sealcoating is
an" fond. Overlay is quite c that it is taken out of general aainten-
, ostly "and it
should, be assessed because
it is over and above. normal maintenance.
Mayor Stock suggested that the entire Council go and look `at Jordan Avenue
with the City Engineer and have him point out the bad
spots in the street.
s with
public hearing's be; conducted ~ the res4dents of the area, They
should decide what Crhey want. have
to done with the street, On Tuesday,
May .)S, 1979 at 7:00 PM the 'Council will`meet
at Councilman Thorkelson's
store and-go-out and ns t Jordan
Pe< Avenuh.
x 79-18
Resolution 79 -18, Ptumbing Inspection Fees was reviewed.
�AINU7lS �" IM 'Vol"* Cwadl of 60 'VNI"* of Priar Lake is,** Cewiy of See" ad SMa of
Mhaaala. iweiwliq aN aewuah awilal w wid Caw�dl,
Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79 -18, plumbing ins pectio4a fees, seconded
by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was dul "
Y passed.
5 Change Orders for ect proj 76 -i
J . 77 PH I and 77 -3 PH .i were reviewed by
the Council.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the change order for project 76 -1 in, the amount of
84,162,60 to Fisher.Saad S Aggregate Company,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Notion by- Thorkelson to approve change,order'for 77 -3 PH I in the amount of
$t,4 949.17 to, Fisher Sand b Aggregate Company,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote
takenoit` was duly passed.
Mot iron .by B i ssonett to pay Fisher Sand i` Aggregate ( C $2 4,557.76 for project
77-3 PH I Grainwot+d)
as -the monthly partial payment, sec
al onded',by Busse and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
tiot ion by Thorke l son to pay: Fisher Sand S Aggregate Company partial payment of
$10,792,80 for project 7C
-1, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken It was
duly passed,
Resolution 79- 19,= removing Municipal state ai'd street designation ' was
reviewed by the Council.
Notion by BlIsonett to approve Resolution 79 -19, removing municipal state
aid street
,desigmtionn, seconded by Busse and upon; -a vote taken it was duly
Resolution 79 -20, establishing municipal state aid street from-Anna Trail, was
reviewed. by the Council.
Notion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79 -20, establishi municipal state aid streot,
seconded by Bissonett and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
A letter from Carter Christie, school district 719 was reviewed. A discussion
was held if the City wants more
antennas an, the _ water tower because the school
is requesting permission to.put one up for their radios in.the 'Dosses. Councilman
dissonett stated that he"would rather see the "school have an antenna on the water
tower,, if it will help theca, than any one else,
; C` nginee Berson ed -that ma t
`� s ° t eer into t
7 y
} t .
- 4
The City policy'of adding or replacing antennas on the water tower wiil
t aa
tabled until'May -21,, 1979.
City'Eng'ineer Anderson requested Council approval of the developers agreement for
Mary E99um,, Prior Nil.1s, he has d fees
pa ail and Signed the deye,lo rs agreement,
Notion by Thorkelson to approve the deve'1 opers agreement for Prior Hills cont.iRrt
upon receivin a
g performance bond - for it,, seconded by Bissonett and; .upon avote --
taken it was duly passed.
The following invoices are scheduled to be.paid on Tuesday, May 22, 1979:
Misc. Departments:
Bankers Life Insurance $ 190865
:Coast to,Coast: Supplies ,.
,CDP, 7.77 `
„Inc. Copy Machine t Paper. 261.97 `'
Prior lake Lumber Co. Supplies
E. "C.. Peterson Co"., Inc. 122.79
;JScott4lce Tare Equipment Ma nt. 39.
y ,
Phone Util ities 484.43
M nnens Supply. Inc. Supplies 4 ;98
M .
eber Auto Supply, Inc. Repairs 304.98;
Lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repairs-
JAI( Office Products Co. Office Supplies, 30.94
Albinson 60
Rental s Supplies 145;31
Minn - .`Valley Electric Co -op Utilities
NSP UtITItIa 2,800.
z ,
MOMM at aeft VNwee Ca loo of /he rNINo of Prior tab,
� t
60, C"Ady of saw aw Sk" of
MMaa°N adwliwi
aN acaaals arrilad w oMr CoaaeN,
General Government
Intl. City Manarjc. Assn.
E. H. Hewstrom
$ 40,00
Prior lake Mier
Bilding Inspector
Dolores Berens
American linen ;upply Co,
Cleaning library
131 ,89
Ames Office Supply
Bldg. Maint,
19. 75
Gross Ind. Services
Bldg, Maint,
Minn, Planning, Assn.
Art Materials
Membership Fee
$ 15.00 `
Franz Eng. Reproductions Inc Equipment
Bullseye Reloading s Supply
St. Francis Hospital
$ 46.00
Prior /Spring Enterprises
Blood Alcohol Test
Kustom Signals, Inc.
Equipment Repairs
Reynolds Welding Supply
Advance Ambulance & Equip,
$ 4,50
And. Black Dirt Co., Inc.
Prior lake 1 17611
Park Supplies
Northrup .King Co,
Vehile Repairs
Park Supplies
Quality Waste Control
Refuse Hauling;
Lawrence - Schweich Home Bldr.
t\ Ken Johnson Architect
Park Supplies '
180 -,Q0
\, Sty_
Valley Equipment
Vehicle Repair
Equ i Palen t Repa l r
$` 15
., .;
Lawrence Schweich Home Bidr.,
Prior lake =Aggregates, Inc.
Stww Plowing
2 216.00
Savage Tire,.Service
Equipment t. Repair
214 .60
J. L. Shiely Co.
McKinley Sewer Service
$ 40.00
Serco laboratories
Water Products Co.
Water Tests
S 12.00
Diseased- Tree :.
Prior lake Nursery
$ 390
Developers 11®r..ement F
$ 581.09
Martinson 'Island Bawer and,:Wter, Construct Fund:
k .
Paul M. Wereerskirchen Abstract
$ 1,829.02_
Co., Inc.
Certificates, etc.
MINMM. at the ti.a«iMpt of 6e vw"p Ice of ° Me villove. of row take is Me cowy of Scott awd !lalo 01
MtooeNN. a oee.raea .wiper by Ow cw�eil.
1:977 Wagon Bridge Sewer and Water Construction Fund-
Fischer Construction Co., Inc. antract Payment
X77` Spring lake Sewer and Water Construction Fund:
�. V
Minn, "Valley Elac. Co -op lift Stations.
< I
Sand a A9gregate, Inc. Contract payment
10 .A
Bernard J. Dupoe�t, Et al Settlement
4, 1. 6.0
M 0 0 0
Sharkey Realty, Inc. Court time
Notion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Mayor Stock and u e vo
`. pOn to
taken this meeting was adjourned at 10 :25 PN,
c t
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
,l am
♦+n,M: -r* 'kN+ N.MN.#e+fi%u✓'n - � J