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UM 44 60 �1iM!
MWA of Prior take IN 60 CerMy of falr end some of
Minnows. iad rriw♦ ON atsWab avow by said COWWL
MY 21' , 1979
The Common Council of'`the City of Prior Lake met in regular session
on May 21, 1979 at 7;3,1`4' Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Bissonett,, Busse, Thorkel's,
on Watkins City Manager McGuire, City
Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Police Chief Powell and City
Attorney Sullivan,
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections
are to be made to the minutes of May 14, 1979:,,
Page 2
9 .paragraph 6, to get it to the security commis on
as soon
as possible,
Page 2. paragraph 10, Resolution 79 -24 authorizing the Mayor and
City Manager to sign ;said resolution and
send it to the security commission and , ,
Page 3, paragraph 9. "S MPH No Skiing"
, ,x
Page 4
9 :paragraph 12, Remove the whole, paragraph,
MINUTES Motion` by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of May 14, 1979 as
amened. seconded b Busse and u
Y pop a vote taken it was duly passed.
Z •°
7 *35 PM Informational meeting for clean up for the City of Prior lake, Mayor
Stock stated that the City has:recei;ved many telephone cal from
CLEAN 1M WEEK residents complains ng about The
junk, . question is, what is junk ?'
What maybe general junk to some may be valuable to others. This
meeting is to get the opinion of property,owners on what they think
shouidbe done about clean
up. We invited the people that Called In
and made statements about what they felt should be removed and
the POOP1e that were informed that their yards needed to be tended to.
Any ideas that might help or assist the Council
r ''
in defining r wahat
they should be looking for when they do view our coiwsunity,,each
spring is solicited,
' i
Stanley Cermak - collects old cars and repairs
pa � rs thew, he has a 1920
Model T pickup and a 1931 Model
A car, these cars are licensed and
ar' not j unk. He also has wood that is stacked outside that is #burned
in fireplace.
the "I got this letter to come here about
= my j unk, A
definition of junk would be vehicle
a that: is parked for 2 -3 years,
windows' out, no tires; but, something that is in tack with tires
and licensed is not c junk What is on ones property is his own business:
Ev eryona should live their own life."
Councilman Bissonett - The ;purpose of this meeting is to try and deter-
wine what the public in the City of Prior lake determines
as junk and
what the public in the City of Prior Lake determines "as not The
Councils is looking for some help from' the lty. The letter that
was sent was not to say "Hey look, you got junk; you batter come down
here and respond to it or wZ will tow it away from We
you." just want
some help to try 'Lo set someapo) icy and find out what the people of
Prior Lake went us to do.' There are aloe of phone calls from
stating that there neighbor has alot of junk on his 1'and. This
Just one opinion,
we went the opinion of others also. Maybe'& brand
-new ts"1 l is wi=th one tirN�.wi.ss;,ng and the. hood open is junk,L but
It is parked.outsiddzln_ the driveway with all the t.Ires on and the hood
down then it is
not junk,
!1 question was asked about what is junk and the
,, j policy for cleanup,
Police Chief Powell - Our ordinance clearly states that a property
owner can , have any number of vehicles on his place as, long as each veh-
`icle is 'licensed. There can be'one unlicensed vehicle:
y on the property
standing for 6 months and out in the
licensed car In storage. open. They can have another un-
When it comes to junk we address it to ga rba
andathings like this: We need the g trimmings, br6oh.
Peoples help in
the City to deter-
411 what they want in the City when it comas to junkpalso when it
comes to bricks, lumber, etc. that are useable and have:. value. We need
to deteramine what is a jewel in one man's
eye'and an eyesore in the
ne gh In the other` man's eye.
MIllu1K of N�o of a* Vowee cerwdl of a* VW"P *# .paw tehe u cw"r of sew wr :00!0.61
MMwMMw. iedwliws, ON - se4.d by mW 4rweil.
CLEAN 'UP WEEK We clearly address garbage and raw sewage and junk, cars. however, when it
comes to useable wood, bricks and construction materials how do we handle
this. If it is of value slwuld`it be placed: under cover? The l does
not want to make a decision on what they think is junk, they want feedback
from the `residents on what they feel is, junk and what they want to see done
about it.
Certain areas that are major have been covered, such as old old beer trailors
that are not painted and standing, half a dozen bodies of large trucks stuf-
fed full of tin- cans., etc.
The People that are notified about their junk were <not sought out by the
Council or the Police Department, their neighbors have called in and com-
plained about them, the Police Department then checks it out.
There is a case in the courts where *certain individual was given a t �ket
because he did not clean up his property. The judge�t attitude is give�t're
guy another chance, do not fine him and `see if this matter can not be resolved.
The Police Department does first t to
� Y get it resolved by giving them 3 0 days
to ci'ea, up. If they do not:,, then tickets arc given.
Dr. Anderson - What is being talked about is not apparently
<, r safety, fire or
health hazards but, what is being talked about Is visual Pollution. Visual
Pollution is a very indi4idual thing. What is alright for one person maybe
objectional to someone else. It is y against p y
" - quite ems to be ar+ood !le if
You don't have one or a camper in the, driveway if you don' `have a camper in
your driveway, etc, people across the river from us have ordinances where you
cannot have a camper in your driveway except to load, clothes connoV be on
the tine anytime, It can go on forever, what is vi SUa l pollution? 1 "'got my
y summons becaF.ye of a driveby, they go by my Place down at'the end of the 'road
p and does not l i k e to see r+ farm ma chinery from the road, it may be junk to
&lot of people,. but to Wit is a very ry cheap way to have some fun. i could hide
it or build's fence but, if the people follow the usual pattern, it wonit last
_ long and they will turn on something else. We are not all alike, some people
cannot accept ind'ividwlity, l don't think that we want to be ail alike, to do
the same things. it is hard to come up with a definition of what is visual
pollution and what isn't to_satisy everybody_ Th
Lives: ere are two Possible alterna-
1) do nothing t ail rely on the morai
9 Y pressure from the neighbors -
' personally, I think that doing nothing is better than doiag something
. x . , and making a mistake.
2) allow no outside storage, everything has to be under cover, this would
affect everybody equally, businesses well as private residents.
`* If my neighbors complain to me about something,
try to clean it up but, it does 1 wi }1 try to fix it. We
get messy again..
Mike Felix - The dock situation on former Raus Resort. There aria too many
a: boat slips on the north shore of the roadway, hople; cannot fish from the
dock of park there,
C1tVHWW9ec Mc stated that there is a limit on the number of boat slips
that a property owner can have and this area has the °limited amount.
ti' One resident read a newspaper clipping dated January 29, 1975 vhen an ordinance
stated that all cars must be removed that are not operable
d if they are not
they wll.l be towed away at the owners expense. Even if one car is sitting on
the lawn and is not operable it wli:l be towed away. I wouldn't m ind but,
cars are scattered all over the yard'.
Police Chief X1'1 - This Is the one that has been to court a number of times.
City Attorney Sullivan - 1 think that Dr. Anderson may have hit the problem. This
ordinance has been discussed for years in an attempt to went whit is unsigh•' f
and what we nt to do about i The problem that is. run into againtis the
_problem of what isvaluable to one " is not to another. We are looking
for suggestions and most people seem to agree as to what the Council wants to
accomplish but, how to go about it is something that has not been figured out.
We are 'looking for residents help, what kind of language that -, should be i•it in
an ordinance to be- enforceable and meet with the will of-the people In the City,
�.. no greater than .75% where it intercepts Fish Point Road. They also re-
quested the road to remain above the 994 elevation. The
will be reevaluated by the Park Di- rector, park dedication
Planning Commission moved to approve the preliminar {�
1), additional draina Y plan contingent upon;
lots 18 s 19, easements be dedicated to the City over
2) storm sewer 'must be installed adjacent to lot 20
3) landing area for Gospel Trail. and Fresh Point Road must be
50' at .75% or less,
4) Gospel. Trail at the north end of the plat must be at 994 elevation.'
5) MN /DOT must, review this plat.
All the above contingences, the planning commission recommended, have
been met by the developer. The: letter from MN /DOT has been received
Y and their reply is accepted by
the prat. the City. The letter has no influenceon
Motion by Bissonett to approve the preliminary plat for Amen Acres and '
the plan presented with the Council agenda be marked as Exhibit.A, seconded J�
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. f �
BLUFF HEIGHTS City Planner Eraser presented Bluff Heights 2nd Addition andtheir request ;
2110 ADD, for pret urinary plat approval, The
R3 `and is parcel, contains 1.77 acres, is zoned
Proposed to be developed with quad hoses. Sewer and water will'
., case from Franklin Trail and can serve.8 units.: No
available on 5th Street which.i unl �'w water is yj
' Dirac tor stated that lots 3 t 4' be ,assessed and w'ailab lityacharges.
cStaff requested a drainage easement, be shown on the southwest corner of lot 1 of the plat,
., Planning Commission motioned to approve th pa contingent upon;
1) drains plat _
° drainage easement be shown across the southwestern corner of
a the plat.
2) all driveways must have a width of at least 12'..
Notion by "Busse to approve the preliminary
Plat rY of
Lion P Bluff He h_t� 2n ,
contingent � d
ti Add _
agent that all driveways be 2' and lots ; s 4 ha i
c ` vd+►a
barges .assessed. an vaiiabilit.
basis of a memo from Ralph Teschner, Finance Director
and `the:drawing shown be marked as exhibit A as part of the record,
seconded by Thorkeison and ;upon 'a vote `taken it was duly passed,
LBQ. LICENSE frank Nueiken was present requesting for George. Pehrson that his liquor
GEORGE PENRS ,license be set aside until he can rebuild or relocate a building f rood
business, He is the former owner of Duffer's inn, which burned down ais
few months ago.
The Liquor Canmi sfon felt ''that no license should be set 4side unless an
existing building or site plan be submitted to the Citjc where he is going
to relocate.
S 60 pree"4110W of ~o* VU69 C evag ii of *6 Village of his. Who is Me C
Cswaly of SaN: and ilea ei
Min iaeir+w a
aN -
3 F C
CLEAN UP WEEK One resident stated that if you have sasething that is of value
then it should be taken care of,and
- snow cannot get at it. Put in storage where rain and
k M
Mayor Stock - The Council will take. the discussion
heard tonight,
under advisement and on June 4th at 8 ;00 PM City Staff w
will respond to
the comments that were heard this evening as well as some of "the comments
—that were heard on the phone from the complaint p
process.. The Council
to the problem of clean up in the future for the ' City of
Prior Lake.
PH City Planner Graser presented Amen
Acres plat and their request
reliminar a . for
P Y approval of p
plat. The gross land i
AMEN ACRES area s 13.85 acres The parcel is difficult to negotiate and
.provides constraints in platting.
There are problems of drainage, e
excavation and street grades. Many of
the lots need to be excavated to build resulting in a'20 - 30' cut.
Drainage p
�F t
plan calls for an open ditch adjacent,to lot 20 Brock i to than_
nel water to the lower area. Planning commission instructed t
.. a
the developer
Pots 18',a 19; 1
On Gospel Trail planning commission requested a X50' landing area ,at a slope
. 4 t
MINY1lt of tM of 60 rillole CAN of N1e vm"e of Fri" take iw tM Cawdy of 5"* a" Slew of
MMao"de iaduriee ep aece 1M ewliled by Niel =Cwmw 1.
LI7 LICENSE Att orney Sullivan stated that in order to get a license he must have a_build-
ing, bond and all legal; papers completed, There are no provisions for
serving a liquor license in the ordinance. If someone el se. comes and "~
applies for a license the Council will. have to consider them..
Motion by Busse to accept the Liquor Comnis"sions recommendation of not set-
ting aside George Pehrson's liquor licenses, seconded by Watkins and upon�a
vote taken it was duly passed.
If Mr._Pehrson can have a site plan or a location of a building where he will
have his business before July 1, 1979, then the Council will set aside his
* 8 :54 PM Prior Highland PIat - Representatives for Visions. Vill were present to explain
PRIOR HIGH- to residents of that area what they are proposing to do. The preliminary plan
LAND and.final plat has been accepted and was, given approval with the exception of the i
lakeshore use. However,, they must have the land contiguous in order to have
Council` approval. At the last meeting, Visions Vill presented their findings
on thi's matter. ' The Council said they wished to have input from interested;
parties in that area.. Visions Vill group can only have the land`contiguous,by
purchasing the land from the railroad and the railroad is i`n�the processtof
abandoning the tracks and are not selling at the time. Visions V111 came p
with .a comprOmise that if, the City helps them to get the lance so 't will bu
contiguous they will reduce their boat slips from the original 40 to A24
' City Engineer,And4r on stated that when sewer and water was
put in, that area,
� an error was i the original plat and the land that is not platted in that
" area is land locked'. The roadway that is there does not continue on the platted �
legal description.:
' Vern Schultz Martinson Island - He stated that he is against the the
' bay and.channel are too small to have more boat: traffic. There would be a
blew entering and getting out. Pro- j
Bob Polsky - _Martinson Island --He stated that in order for two parcels to be
c6nUipous they have to touch in some way. The land being talked about doe
si , not
twch,rtherefore,, it is not contiguous.
' kAtto �y Sullivan - He stated that ltihave viewed the
. , _., ) past action of the Counci
;. P�!c'madway, concept of making, the parcel contiguous and a similar` sit
.... uatton 4cured 2 years ago. At that time and contiguous o
; it did make the 'l
that is" i s. _
- AYJi,c.Schroeder - He stated, that if the roadway is not platted and legally doe
F, r not exist,. then the railroad company could decide to put up a fence there
the houses that are on that block would be fenced off.
Attorney Sullivan - The developers have.a right to develop the property ac-
cordlng'to how they went it and as long as it is within City ordinances. Will
the Council support Visions Vill and the 24 5osi' slips and also help to make the
4 $
k. land contiguous o9 will Visions V11', build their original 40 boat slips and .
f get the `land cont i uous on their own or will the City kee p them out altogether?
Deputy Sheriff Gal was was present to answer any questions regarding the lake
urea and boating and waterskiing traffic. The lake will get busier as the sum-
mar months, come. On :a normal week -end the lakes are pretty busy. The bay areas
are also busy``and will have lots more traffic, this is what, makes it d �a
Owners of the property on the bay have a right to ski from their own docks, th
Is ray signs have not been put up in bay, s
c f areas. It traffic signs get
have to be posted ow continues to then the bay areas connot be used at all for water-
Councllai''`Thorkelson - The compromise of Visions, Vill is very reasonable, }.lt is
vecy,�txpenslve to condemn the property, Visions Vill could h
sli ps g y y waterskng in the
pr th e had the 40 �.
Oemi k- ends. A large number of non -lake residents increase the traffic conges-
Councilman Busse - agrees with Councilman Thorkelson's idea about boat traffic
control, unless another way of control` is come up with.
r -4
MMUM of The of fho VNlow Comm of *o, V Ik" Of Priw Lei. Iw
the twafy of SeSIf oawl Shlo of
MiiPwMo. iwdviMg 611 oawl/s Godb l by said Corwdl.
L PRIOR HIGH Councilman' Watkins - He stated that he doesn't want to restrict pro
LANDS perty owners kn the area where Visions VIII is going to put the boat
slips, however, he is in favor of'the 24 boat slips and 'helping
`Visions Vi,ll find a way to'get the roadway. "
Councilman, eissonett He agrees with Visions Vill comp' f
s romise. Every-
one will learn to live with the additional boat.slips in the _area, how-
ever, he does agree somewhat withlakeshore owners, he would like to
see less than 24 boat slips but, 24 is better than 40.
Mayor. Stock - The access to the prop
Visions Y111 Fs, proposing, p perty and the shoreline, the way
is an adequate way to provide the access;
another approach is an easement on the southeast end of that.
to acquire the access from the railroad., roadway
with the Comprehensive Plan which This also is in
promotes connecting streets, especially .
around the lake would solve one problem.'
roblem The boat slips is another issue.
This item has. been under discussion for along time as to the usage. The
bay would be a beautiful area to ski on a limited basis. The people that
live in that area are watching out for each other and skiing on that basis.
The people that are going to be owners of the Prior Highland property,
owners of boats and.boat slips, will also be very concerned about the use
of their land. They will want to see the continued use of the bay as do`
.�`.. the owners now. However, as long as the lake is proclaimed as a Metro'
Recreation lake.controi is going to be difficult.
Motion b Watkins to a �' j
Y �� pprove'Arior H.ighl'ands amended Lakeshore us 1
contingent upon:
l) the acquiring of crossing of the railroad property be shown
on the plat,and be complete.
2) the control of the beach area or plans be submitted to the
Council for their approval and also the patroling of the
docks and how they would be disposed of to the back lot
3) launching and hauling from that property should not be con -
strued as one of the 24 boat uses
seconded by :Thorkelson and upon :a vote taken it :=was .. duly passed.
RR EASEMENT Motion, by Busse that a resole' ion should follow acquiring from the
NORTH GRAIN railroad an easement for pub,'i :c right of way extension on the south-
WOOD-CIRCLE east Ond of North Grainwood Circle, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
a RESOLUTION' Resolution
79-21 was reviewed, grant agreement for radar unit,.�*
' 79'21
Motion by Watkins adept Resolution 79-21 '
radar unit, seconded
passed. : p�'
by_Bissonett and ,upon 'grant agreement for
a vote taken i t was duly
LIQ. LICENSE L quor,Llcenses for the 1979-1990 year were reviewed. °
The - Liquor License, .Coaimjttee reviewed all the below mentioned and
recommended approval.
Motiow by Busse to approve renewal of On sale liquor li cens e for
Anchor Inn, B t D Bar, Extra lnn`in s Fr n ake, seconded
by Bissanett and u g eddies On the Lake, seconded
upon a:vote,taken.it was duly passed.
Notion by Watkins to approve renewal ��,,QQ�Sunday liquor licenses for
Anchor Inn; 8 6 O Bar, Extra Innings, eddies'On'the'Lake seconded
by Bus _
Y se t and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
ibtion by Thorkelson to approve,.renewal of Off Sale liquor licenses
for. B t 0 Bar'Extra Innings, Norling;Liquor,Viking Liquor, seconded
by Watkins and upon :a vote taken it was duly passed,
{,. -5 -
MWJM of M , Ma edIW of tM VMqp Council of Ma ViMpa al' tWo IN h C"V" of Scott and ft"
Miww«Mn iwel"I" an`ecaaals ova$" lsy seid.Caina
Motion by Bissonett to approve renewal of Off Sale 3.2 liquor,,licenses for
B b'D Bar, Busse's Super Market, Country Hills Golf Club, Craig's Resort,
Deep Rock, Extra innings, Fre+dies On the Lake, Hauser's Super Valu,`
Hollywood Inn; Nor]ing Liquor, "V.F.W'
` 2
Pepper's Pizza, Tom Thumb , Club,
Yikine Liquor, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.'
Motion by Busse to approve renewal of On sale 3.2 liquor licenses for Anchor
Inn, B b.D Bar,;rpantry Hills Golf Club,; Craig's Resort, Extra Innings,
Hollywood Inn, Pepper's Pizza, Prior lake Softball Assoc., V.F.W., Yen Yen's,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon,ia vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Busse to approve renewal of set up licenses for Country Hills Golf
Club, V.F.W., Yen Yen s, Craig's Resort, Hollywood Inn, seconded by Watkins
and upon a -vote taken it was duly passed'.
'Notion by Watkins to approve renewal of club license to V.F.W. Club, seconded
by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Cit En sneer Anderson presented hls re
Y 9 port on, the street situation regarding
repa ring. One of the streets that will need repair is Jordan Avenue. Some
=of the streets that were patched ,2 years ago are starting `'to break up,
I lk :.
Stock suggested that the staff work out a road maintenance p Ogram r
and by using staff help and city equipment to_,repair the streets it may solve
the problem this year and also.high cost of repairing. The staff may also ;
want to check out the possibility of buying a.paver.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the patching of the streets and also hand
sealing f the streets as the dial ^°last
9 y year and next year increase sea 1 coating
budget and the streets that are patched this year will receive sealcoating
next year. .
The 719 request for antenna.space on the water tower was discussed.
Motion by ;horkelson to approve L$p.719 antenna space on the tower
contingent upon;
necessary control panels be located in an,area that will not
interfemwith the City's controls
2) vi sw i appearance is in conformance with.*st4r_s values
- d
and the City Engineers approval "•:
3) the small spike type antenna be used and located ' 6 1'R, the center
of the tower v
4) fee be reduced to :$200 /year to cover the City's costuihvolving
maintenance personal
seconded.by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ,
, PARKe.2 4 '0'l' .
Park Director Mangan was present with equipment quotations on park equipment;
"i:a has received bids from Valley Equipment, K.L. Gould and Carlson Tractor, �"•.,.
The lowest bid for the'Flal1 mower for the tractor and post auger was'receIved
La �onValley 'Equipwent.. He recommends purchase be based on the lowest quo -
Motion by Watkins to approve low bids in the amount of $1,194.24 for the flail
mower and S519.26 for the post auger respectively from Valley Equipment, seconded
by Bissonett and upon ar vot'e' taken `;it was duly pissed.
The status of public square property on Spring; Lake was reviewed. Dr.; and
Mrs, Albert Geiser "want: to have the quit claim deed for the public square
approved by the Council: and signed._
Motion by Bi:ssonett to approve the deed for public square to Dr.. and Mrs.
Albert Geiser, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:
Motion by Busse t a pprove the police report for the month of April, seconde
by Bissonett and upon a vote; taken it was duly passed. -
lotion by B ssonett to approve thie fire report for the month of Apri l.,; seconded '
by Ttorkelson and upon a vote 'taken it was duly passed.
Motion by.Matkins to approve the building permit report for the: °month of April,
seconded by'Busse and upon a:vote taken it was duly passed.
° A
MINY1rElS of 1be, P,oeao, Of" VVNW Uvwil of" VFAhW of hiae Lobe iw he Cow" of SeeN, sad soft of
119006"ft. hKhm i s ON account wdil«i by "M Cop ma,
FINANCE. RNRT Motion by Thorkelson to approve the treasurers 're
April, seconded by Watkins and u port for the month of
up on a vote taken it was duly passed;
DOG CATCHER Motion by. Bissonett to approve: the dog catchers report for the month of
April, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
SAND POINTE City Engineer that a
4 PLAT 4 /2 /T9,conc.in _PProval for Sand Point plat was on
gent upon a.. signed developers agreement anil check for 12%
of the project cost." The developers agreement has since'be6n signed
and Sand Point project needs to be'added to the motion approving
_ g-
Motion by developers Thorkelson toamendmotion-,of Ma 14 1
and add Sand Point.. ers a reement a y 979 regarding bonding
P 9 approval to i,f,forbonding,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
CREEKSIDE City Engineer Anderson also requested'approval for
Paving onCreekside
Circle and that bid opening be on June 28 at 10 :00 AM
Motion by Bissonett to approve the final paving plans and specifications
for Creekside Circle and advertise for bids on June 28, 1979 at 10 :00 AM
at City Hall, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was defy
The Planning Commission requested that the City Council prepare a letter
PIXIE PT• to be sent to the Watershed District requesting that they revievi the so
erosion on Pixie Point Road,.
Notion by Busse to send'a letter to the Watershed District for their review
of the erosion on the Pixie Point Road property owned by Felons
and kannegmers, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken i was duly c
CHANGE Jim Norton, OSM, was present to request approval for three change
ORDERS orders for projects 78 -1 and 78-3 s 4. Change Order #1 is for $11,,000
t for 5500 tons at $20 /ton of rip /rap,for the bridge on Martinson Island,_
project 78 -1
Motion b Busse to a a
I ,
y approve change order ,fl for $11,000 for rip/rap on
Martinson island bridge, seconded by Watkins and u
was duly passed: Pon a vote taken i
Change order 12 is for placement of rip/rap along the south side of 0 {
Lords Street at the narrows location. east of Edgewater Circle. The
' cost is $11,000 for project 78 -1, r
Ibtion`by Busse to approve change order 12 for placement of rip /rap
along the south side of Lords Street. for $11,000, seconded by Watkins
A ,
and, u pon , pon a vote taken it was duly passed.. =
Change Order /3 for 78 -3 s 4, Fairlawn Shores Trail - Shangri La
plat. This request is for the City to install sanitary sewer, water-
main and paving. This request is by Lawrence Schweich and the amount is
$57,570.60, which will be assessed back to him.
Motion.by Bissonett to approve change order 13, for $57,570.60 for
Shangri -La sanitary sewer,, watermain and paving installation, seconded ~
en was duly by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken i,
� Y passed.
WATILS LEASE Former Wahl property owners requested that if 'the hots
the City
PROPERTY chased frow' them are not bein g used for public use they wo Pto
lease . them for $100. ' uld ` 1 i k e to
Notion by Bissonett to let the iiatzls lease the land fo
by- Busseand u r $100, seconded
pon a vote taken it was duly passed.
^7 ;a
e }
5t M1NtIfES of 60 � of the ViNNe Cow "M of file l/illese et Pow take la Me
MiwsecalN, ledudiaa an aaerwtr O"dilwi by laid C"*e'a,
May 21. 1979
The Common Counc )- _�f"the City of Prior Lake met h regular session
on Ma y 21. 1979 a`h_ ) :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stk, Councilmen y
Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Managerru3 =re
"Engineer Anderson, City Planner Craser, Police Chief Powell and City_
Attorney Sullivan.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.. The following corrections
are to be made to the minutes. of May 14, 1979:
a ,
Page 2, paragrap 6
P . to get it to the security commission as soon
as possible.
Page 2,1,paragraph 10, Resolution 79-24 authorizing the Mayor and
l � City Manager to sign said resolution 4#
send it to the accurity commission and ,
Page 3, paragraph 9, "5 MPH No Skiing"
Page 4 paragraph 12,
Remove the whole paragraph.
MINUTES Motion by Thorkeison to a
ppro�e the. minutes of May 14, 1979 as
amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
7:35 PM informational meeting far,clean up the City of Prior Lake, Mayor
., Stock stated that the City has received many, te ephone calls from
. CLEAN UP WEEK residen't's complaining about junk The
question -AS, what is junk
What may be general junk to same may be valuable io. others.' This
meeting is to get the opinion of property owners on wFat.they think
should be done about clean up. We = invited the people that�cailed In
and made statements about what they felt should be removed and al o
the people that were informed that their yards needed to be tended.. -o,
Aq" Any ideas that might help or assist the Council in defining hat
' they should be looking for when they do view our community 9each
sprin,=i= solicited.
Star :�eCer+nak - �eollect's old cars and repairs them, he has a 1920
Model T�e�MQP' and' a 1931 Model A car, these cars are licensed and-
are not junk. He also has wood that is stacked outside that is burned
in the fireplace. ''I got this letter to come here about my junk.. A
definition of junk would be a vehiclw that is parked for 2- 3'- years, °
windows out, no tires; but, something that is in tack with tires on
" and licensed is no junk. What is on ones property is his own business.
Everyone should live their own Life."
Councilman 0issonett - The ,
purpose of this meeting is to. try and deter-
mine what the public in the City of Prior Lake determines as junk and
what the public In' City of Prior Lake determines as not junk, The
Council is looking for some help from the community. The letter that,
was sent was not to say "Hey look, you got junk you better Cole down
here and respond to it or we will tow it away from you," We just wat
some help to try-to set some [olicy and find out what the. People of
rte` Prior lake want us to do. There are slot of phone calls from people
stating that there neigbr? aloe of junk on his land. This is
Just e opinion, we wan�._ciie opinion of others also„ Maybe a brand
now cadallic with one Lire missing and the:hood'open is junk, but if
ft is parked outside in the driveway with all the tires on and the hood
c; down then It is not junk.
A question was asked about what is junk and the policy for clean up.
Police Chief Powell -,Our ordinance clearly states that.a property
owner can have any number of vehicles on his place as long as each veh- '
'icle is "licensed. There can be one unlicensed vehicle on the,'property
standing, for 6 months and out in the open, They can have another un-
licensed car in storage.
When it copses to junk we address it to garbage, grass trimmings, broeh
and things like this. We need the peoples help in tLe City to deter-
mine whi they went in the City when it comes to junk also when it
comes to bricks, lumber, etc. that are useable and have value. We need
to determine what is a jewel in one man's eye and'an eyesore in the
neighborhood in the other mom's eye.
MWVJM of Ike of iM VNk f C""I of the Y-llpe of Prier take In Me Cemty of Scott aid Stele of
MW%O**Za, Wudiaf ail aawMt MWI%d b sail am
r i
CLEAN UP WEEK We clearly address garbage and raw sewage and junk cars, however, when it
comes to useable wood, bricks and construction materials how do .we handle
this. if it is of value should it be placed under cover? The Council does
not want to make a decision on what they think is junk, they want, feedback
from the residents on what they feel is junk and what they want to see done
about it.
Certain areas that are major have been covered, such as'old old beer trailors
that are not painted and s.tand,ing, half a "dozen bodies of large trucks stuf-
fed full of Lin cans,, etc.:`
The people that are notified about. their junk were not sought out b the
Council or the Police Depart �
� pa tment, their neighbors. have called in andcom-
piained about them, the Police Department then checks it out.
There is a case in the courts where a certain individual was given a'ticket
,, because he did not Cl Gan up his property. The judge's attitude is, give the
guy another chance, -do not fine him and see if this matter can not be resolved, '
x The Police Department does first try to get it resolved by giving them 30 days
a to clean up, if they do not, then tickets are given,
Dr.' Anderson - What is being talked about is not apparently safety, fire or
health hazards but, what is being talked about is visual) Poiluti'on. Visual
Pollution is a very individual thing,
What is alright for one person marbe
objectional to someone else. It is quite easy to be against a wood pile if
you don't have ore or a camper in the driveway if you don't have a camper in
\ your driveway, etc, People 'across the river from us have ordinances where you
cannot have a camper in your driveway except to load; clothes cannot be on
the tine anytime. It can go on forever, what is visual pollution? i got my
sum Ms because of a driveby, they go by my place down at the end of the road
and does not like to see my farm machinery from the road, it may be junk to
alot of people, but to me, it is a very cheap way to have some fun, 1 could hide
it or build a fence but., if the people follow the usual pattern, it wonit mast
long and they will turn on something else, We are not. all alike', some people
' cannot accept individuality, l don't think that we,want to be all alike, to do
the same things. It is hard to come up with a definition of what Is visual
Pollution and what isi't to satisy everybody,, There are two possible alterna
tives: t
1) do nothing at ail, rely on the moral pressure from the neighbors
personaliy, I think that doing nothing is ;- better than doifig something
and making a mistake.
2) allow no outside storage, everything has to be under cover, this would,
affect everybody equalty, businesses as well as private residents.
If my neighbors complain to me- about something, I will try to fix it,
try to clean it up but, it does get messy again.
tt ., Mike Felix The dock - stuaton on former Raus Resort. There y
i i arc: too many.
boat, slips on the north; shore of the roadway dock of Y• cannot fish from the
��. park there:.
Clity-NO"9e1! "C6ui're stated that there is a limit on the number of boat slips
that a property owner can have and this area has the limited amount.
One resident read a newspaper clipping dated January 29. 1975 when an ordinance
stafeid' that all cars must be removed that are not operable and if they are not
4 they wlIt be towed away at the owners expense. Even Ul ohe car As sitting on
the lawn and is not operable it will be towed away. 1 woutdn't,mind but
cars.are scattered all over the yard,
Police Chief Powell - This Is the one that has been to court a number of times,
City Attorney SO IIvan. I think that Dr. Anderson may have hit the problem. This
ordinance has been discussed for.yea ?s in an attempt to define what is unsi'gh *'
and what we went to do about it. The"problem that is run into again= is,the i*
problem of what is valuable to one person Is not to another,. We are looking
' for suggestions and most people seem to agree as to what the Council wants to
accomp,l4sh but, how to go about It is something that has not been figured out..
Me are looking for residents help, what kind of language that should be put in
an ordinance to be enforceable and.meet with the will of the people in the City.
-2_ l
u � F
MINUM of fl» Pmoo lee of the Vok" Council of vin"* of f+riw Lake Is the Cou of Seo11 and Stah of
M anosoNn, indudin f 611 eeeeunh audited by said Coundl.
CLEAN UP WEEK One resident stated that if you have something that is of value
then it should be taken care,of,and put in storage where rain and
snow cannot get at it,
Mayor Stock The Counci wiil take the discussion,, heard .here tonight,
under advisement and om June:4th at 8:00 pm City Staff will respo
the comments that were heard this evening as well as some of th�comoents
o that were heard on the phone from the complaint: process. The Council
Will try and resolve or come to some kind;)?f conclusion on what might
be an approach to the problem of clean up
Prior Lake, tt , } in -the future for the City of
8 :25 PM City Planner Grayer presented
ity Pa Amen Acres plat and their request for <-
AMEN ACRES The p pproval of the plat. The gross land area is 13,85 acres.
parcel ias difficult to negotiate and provides constraints in platting,
There are problems of drainage, excavation and street grades. Many of
the lots need to be excavated to build resulting in a 20 -30' cut.,
Drainage plan call's for an open ditch adjacent to Lot 20 Block l to char-
nel water to the lower area. Planning commission instructed the developer
to submit a detailed grading and drainage plan for lots 1 -8 Block.2 and
also additional drainage easements over lots 118 b 19,
On Gospel Trail planning commis
Sion a: 0'
rester than 5 landing area a slope
no ;.
g •75% where it intercepts Fish Point Road. They also re-
quested the road to remain above the 994 elevation, The park dedication
will be reevatuated by the Park Director.
Planning Commission moved to approve: the
P- reliminar n �
1) additional drainage easements be dedicated to the Citytovernt upon:
lots 18 s 19.
2) storm sewer must be installed adjacent to lot 2O
3) landing area for Gospel Trail and Fish Point Road must
-50' at .75% or l
ess. be
4) Gospel Trail at the north end of the plat must be at 994 elevation.
5) MN /DOT must review this plat.
All the above contingences, the planning commission recommended, have
been met by the developer. The letter from MN /DOT has been received'
and their reply is accepted by the City. The letter has no influence on
the plat.
Motion by Bissonett, to approve the preliminary plat for Amen Acres and
the Pian presented with the Council agenda be marked as Exhibit A, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
BLUFF HEIGHTS City Planner Grayer presented Bluff Heights 2nd Addition and their request ;
2ND ADD.' for plat approval. The
R3 -arid is proposed to be Bevel parcelcontains 1.77 acres, is zoned'
developed with quad homes. Sewer and water will
eome from Franklin Trail and can serve: 8 units. No
available on 5th Street unimproved � '� meter is
Director ' stated that.lots j t 4 be.assessed� and ZveT� a ailabilityicharges.
Staff requested a drainage
t Lot 1 of the plat. easement be shown on the southwest corner of
Planning Commission motioned to approve th�iplat contingent upon: ,.
1) drainage easement be shown across the southwestern corner of
the plat.
2) all driveways must have a width of at least 12
Motion by Busse to approve the elim nar
Lion Conti p y plat of Bluff Hc�i �hthtj 2nd Addi-
contingent that all driveways be 12' and Tots 3 S 4 hav$oailability
charges assessed on a nrcnq from Ralph Teschner, Finance Director
and the drawing shown be marked as exhibit A as part of the record',
�`. seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
�D LIQ. LICENSE. Frank Muelken Wes., present requesting for George Pehrson that his
GEORGE PEHRS license be set aside until he can rebuild or relocate a building for
business. He is the former owner of Duffer's Inn, which burned down a
few months `ago.
The Liquor Consniei.fon felt that no license,, should be set aside unless an
to relocate
existing buildi,n or site plan be subnitted to the City where he is
.� g p X
go ing
U ,
G C t
MINM of the pfeco dogs of 60 ViNego Council of 1M V
illego of tole M fM CwAiy of scot and S1ah of
MinsesNa, including all eeeowMs eudihd by said. Coontil.
LIQ. LICENSE Attorney Sullivan stated that in order to get a license he must have a build'-
ing, bond and all, legal� completed.. There are no provisions "for re
serving a liquor license in the ordinance. lf'someone else comes and 6 `�
applies for a License the Council will, have to consider them.
Motion by Busse to accept the Liquor Commissions recommendation of not set-
ting aside George Pehrson's liquor licenses. seconded by Watkins and upon�a,
vote taken it was duly passed.
If Mr, Pehrson can have a site plan or a location of a building where "he wil
have his business before July 1, 1979, then the Counc.l will set aside .hi
licenses. s
8:54 PM Prior Highland Plat - Representatives for Visions Vill were
PRIOR HIGH- to residents of that area roposing to d
ea what they are Present to explain
o. The preliminary plan
LAHD' and final Plat has been accepted and was given approval with the exception of the
c lakes ore use. However, they must have the land` contbu�us in order to have Council approval.- At the last meeting, Visions Vill presented their findings
on this matter. ' The Council said they wished to have input from interested
parties in that area. Visions Vill group can only have the land conttguous,by
Purchasing the land from,;the railroad and the railroad is in the process -of.
4, abandoning the tracks and are not selling at the time., Visions Vill came up
with a compromise that if the City helps them to get the land so
it will be
cost ig ous they will reduce their boat slips from the original 40 to X24..
City Enginee And r on stated that when sewer and water was ;put in that area,<
an error was the original plat and the land that is'not_ platted 'in that *'
area is land locked. The roadway that is there does not continue. on the platted
legal,description. ; '
Vern Schultz - Martinson. Island - He stated that he is against the boat slips, the
bay and channel are too small to have more boat traffic. There would be a
tr blem entering and getting out. pro -
Bob Poisky - Martinson Island - -He stated that in order for two
parcels to be
contiguous they have to touch in some way. The land being talked about does not
touch, therefore, it is not contiguous.
l Attorney Sullivan - He stated that past action of the Counci ,
have viewed the
Public roadway concept of making the parcel contiguous and a'similar,,, sit-
uation occured 2 ears a
Y go. At that time, it did make the land contiguous on
that basis,
Vic Schroeder - He stated that if the roadway's not platted and legally doe 1
h not ex i st, then the rail road c
aapany could decide to put up a, fence there ant
the houses that are on that block would be fenced off.
Attorney Sullivan - The developers have a right to develop the property ac-
' cording to how they want it and as long as it is within City ordinances. Will
the Council support Visions Vill e. and the 24 boat slips and also help to awake the'
laild contiguous or w111 Visions Vill build their original 40: boat slips and
get the land ,contiguous on their own, or will the City keep them out altogether?
l: Deputy Sheriff Gelhaye was present to answer any questions regarding the lake
area and :boating and waterskiing traffic. The lake will get'busier as the sumo -
mar months cone. On *normal week -end the lakes are pretty busy. The bay
are also busy and will have lots more traffic, this is what makes it dangerous.
Owners of the property on the bay have'a right to ski from their own docks, this
IS wily signs have not been put up in bay areas. If traffic flaw continues to get
worse, signs have to be posted then the bay areas connot be used at all for water -
' �' skhing.
Councilmen Thorkelsom - The compromise of Vislons VIII is very reasonable, It
ver expen 3o condemn the property, Visions V1,11 could have had the 40 is
boat slips bull One way to address the traffic problem in the bay would b�
to 'permit c
wateeskling in the.bay on weekdays and prohibit waterskiing in the
ft week- ends,, A large number of non -lake residents increase the traffic conges-
Councilman Busse agrees with Councilman Thorkelson's idea about boat traffic
control, unless another way of control Wcome up with.
C A 5 �1 c +
...... .
a 1
MINUTES of ae haaadinp of *A Vft" COUMN of IM VillfteL Of Pier Lek* in IM teen of SCOW
h sad steN .f
0"Mft , Ind"" all mmunb o"%d
by teiii Cwweil.
,. PRIOR HIGH- Councilman, Watkins - He stated that he doesn't want to restrict pro
r -
LANDS party owners in the area, where Visions Vill is,going to put the boat
slips, however, he is in favor of`tht 24 boat slips and`heiping
Visions Vill find a way to get the�roa'dway,
Councilman Bissonett He agrees with Visions Ylil compromise;, Every-
one will learn to live „with the additional boat slips in the area how -
ever, he does agree somewhat_ with`lakeshore owners, he would like to
see less than 24 boat slips but, 24 is better than 40,
f Ma
yor Stock - The access to the property and.the shoreline, the way,
Visions Vill, is proposing, is an adequate way to provide the access;
another approach is an easement on the southeast end: of that roadway,
to acquire the access from the railroad, This also is in compliance
With the Comprehensive Pian which promotes connecting streets, especially
around the lake would solve one problem. The boat slips i another issue.
This item has been under discussion for along time as to the usage, The '
bay would be a beautiful area to ski on a limited basis. The people that
live in that area -are watching out for each other and skiing on that basis.
The people that are going to be owners of the Prior Highland property,
owners of boats and boat slips, wiII also be very concerned about <the use
of their land. They will want to see the continued usetof the bay as do ,
the owners now However, as long as'the lake is
proclaimed as a Ketro
Recreation Lake control is going to be difficult,
Notion by Watkins to' approve Prior Highlands amended Lakeshore• use
contingent upon;
1) the acquiring of crossing of the railroad property be shown
on the plat.and be complete.
2) the control of the beach area or,plans be submitted to the
Council for their approval and also theepatroling of the
docks and how they would be dis
owners Posed of -to the back lot;
3) launching and hauling from that property should not be con -
strued as one of the 24 boat uses
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
RR EASEMENT Motion by Bustel that a °resolution should„ follow acquiring from the
WRUL GRAIN railroad an easement for public right of way extension on the south
WOO& CIRCLE east end of North Grainwood Circle, seconded, by Mayor Stock and upon
a vote taken it was duly y passed.....
RESOLUTION Resolution 79 -21 was revi
21 ewed me
!, grant agreent for radar unit.
79 -
Notion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -21
radar unit,`seconded.by Bissonett and-up grant agreement for,
passed: pon a vote Laken it was duly
U4. UCENSES. Liquor Licenses for the 1979-1980 year were reviewed,
The - Liquor , License-Committee reviewed all the below mentioned and
recommend4 approval. ,
Motion, by Busse to a
PProve renewal of On sale liquor iicense for
Anchor inn, d s D Bar, Extra Innings, Freddies on the Lake, seconded
by Bissonett and upon a vote, taken; it was duly passed,;
Notion by Watkins to approve, pj.Sunday,liquor licenses for
Anchor Inn, B s D ear, Extra lnnings7'reddies.Onh the Lake., seconded
by Busse-and ; upon 'a vote taken it we; duly ;passed.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve renewal of Off Sale liquor licenses
for d t D Bar, Extra Norling =Liquor, Viking Liquor, seconded
by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
MMNUMf'Of tM MaMNap of the VW"* C"Ndl of *0 Villa" of Pdw. Lake is CeunV of'Seo" and slob of
hlkwA ta, including all aecwats awlited by said Cwmil.
Motion by Bissonett 10 approve renewal of Off Sale 3.2 liquor licenses for
B & D Bar, Busse's Super Market, Country Hills Golf Club, Craig's Resort,
Deep Rock, Extra innings, Fredd:ies On the Lake, Hauser's Super Valu,
Hollywood Inn,'
Norling Liquor, Pepper's Pizza, Tom Thumb, V.F.W. Cl'ub.,
Vikin% Liquor, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Busse to approve renewal of On sale 3.2 liquor licenses for Anchor
Inn, B b D Bar, Country Hills Golf Club, Craig's Resort, Extra innings,_
Ho•ilywood Inn, Pepper's Pizza, Prior lake Softball Assoc:, K.F.W., Yen Yen's,
seconded by Thorkelson and upons.a vote taken it was duly passed:,,
Motion by Busse to approve renewal of 'set up'licenses for Country Hills Golf
Club, V.F.W., Yen Yen ts, Craig's Resort, Hol'lywood,lnn, seconded by Watkins
and upon, a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Watkins to approve renewal of club license to V.F.W. Club seconded
by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it'was du passed.
City Engineer Anderson presented his report on the street situation regarding
repairing. One of the streets that will need repair is Jordan Avenue. Some
of the streets that were patched '2 years ago are starting to break up
�l c
Mayor Stock suggested that`the staff Mork out a road maintenance program !
and by using staff help and city equipment to repair the streets it may solve
the problem this year and also high cost of repairing. The staff may also
want to check out the poss- ibility of buying a paver.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the patching of the streets and'aiso hand
sealing of the - streets as they diA last year and next year increase sealcoating
budget and the streets that are patched this.yea.r will receive sealcoating
next. year.
The I.S.D. 719 request for antenna.space on the water tower was discussed.
Motion by Thorkeison to approve LS& 719 antenna space on, the water tower
contingent u pon ;
I), 'necessary control panel's be located in an area that will not
interfen. with the City's controls
2)' visual appearance: is in conformance with *stV& S values
and the City Engineers approval
3) the small spike type antenna; be used and located in the center
of ' the tower �.
fee be reducisd to $200 /year to cover the City's cost involving>
maintenance personal
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Park Director Mangan was present with equipment quotations on park equipment.
He has received bids from Valley Equipment., <R:.L.. Gould and Carlson Tractor.
The lowest bid for the`Flail mower for the tractor and post auger was received
from Valley Equipment. He recommends purchase be based on the lowest
Motion by Watkins to=appr-.ove low -bids in the amount of $1,194.24 for the flail
mower and $519.26 for the post auger respectively from Valley Equipment, seconded
by 8issonett and upon a vote taken it was duty passed.
The status of public square property on Spring Lake was reviewed. Dr, and
Mrs. Albert Geiser want to have the deed for - the
quit claim public square
approved ' by-the Council and signed.f
o Mbtion by Btssonett to approve the deed for public square to Dr, and Mrs.
Albert Geiser, seconded by 7horkeison and upon a vote taken i't.was duly passed.
,Motion by�Busse to approve the police report for the month of ApriA , seconde
!by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
`Nation by Bissonett to approve the fire report for the month of April, seconded
by Thorkel`son and upon a vote taken , it was dul passed.
Motlore by Watkins to approve the building permit report for the/month of.Apri.l,
seconded by-Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
-6- ,
MINtITEi of the HoceediMs of the V � y
i� Cewwdi of 1M Vilk4P of frier take in tM Coeetr ef sad soft of
R - MkMesMe, iedudieg all acce"ab avdiled by said Cwaeil ,
FINANCE RPRT Motion by Thorkelson to approve the treasurers report for the month of
April, seconded by Watkins and u
4 .
pon vote taken it was duly passed.
DOG CATCHER Motion -gib;! Bissonett to approve the dog catchers re
' April, seconded by Watkins and up port far th pasd. of
pan.a vote taken it was duly passed. -
SAND POINTE City Engineer Anderson, stated that approval for Sand Point plat was on
PLAT 4 /2 /79'cont cont ingent u
9 pan a, s igned developers agreement and check for 12$
of the, project cost. The eevelopers agreement has since been signed
and Sand Point project needs to be added to the motion approving
bond i ng.
Motion by Thorkelson to amend motion of May 14, 1979 regarding bonding'
and'add Sand Point developers agreement approval to it for bonding,
{� .seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken=it was_duiy passed.:
CREEKSIDE City Engineer Anderson also requested'approval for
A. paving on Creekside
r Circle and that bid opening be on June 28 at 10:00 AM
Motion - >hy Bissonett to approve the final
paving plans and specifications
for Creekside Circle and_advertise bids on June 28, 1979 at 16 :00 AM
at City Hall,, seconded by Watkins and upon ,a vote taken it was duly
passed: t
The Planning Commission requested that the City Council prepare a letter
PIXIE PT, to be sent to the Watershed District requesting that they review the soil
ROAD' erosion on Pixfe Point Road:
Motion by Busse to send a letter to the Watershed District, -.for their review
o'f the erosion on the Pixie Point Road property owned by Felons'
and kanneglaters, seconded 'by Watkins and -,upon a vote taken it was duly
CHANGE Jim Norton, OSM, was present to request approval for three change
ORDERS orders for ro'ects 78 -1 and 78 - 3 5 4. Chan a Order �'T is for $1I A00
P J g
for 5500 tons at $20 /ton of rip /rap for the bridge-on Martinson Island,
project,;78 - 1, r.
,,Mot ion b Busse to a P
Y approve change order i�'1 for $�11 ,000:. for rip /rap on
Martinson lsland bridge, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it
was duly'passed.
Change order #2 is for placement of rip/rap along the south side of
Lords Street at the narrows location Last of Edgewater Circle. The
cost is $11,000 for project 78 -1 ;a
_ Motion -by Busse to approve-,,change order 12 for placement of rip /rap
along the south side of Lords Street for $11,000, ,seconded by Watkins,
and upon vote taken it was duly passed.
Change Order 13 for 78 -3' S 4, Fairlawn Shores Trail Shangri La
plat. This request is for the City -to install sanitary sewer, water-
main and
paving; This request is by Lawrence Schweich and the amount is
$5.7,570.60, which will be assessed back to him. -
Motion by Bissonett to approve change: order 03 for $57,570.60 for
Shangri -La san sewer, watermain and-paving installation seconded
Y son:. and upon a vote taken is was duly .passed,
WITZLS LEASE Former Watzl property owners requested that if the lots the City °pur -
PROPERTY chased from them are not being used for public use they woul& like to
lease them for $100.
Notion by Bissonett to let the Watzls lease the land for $100, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
» e
:t .
— .�z�w « �..a:,. �' a.�.vs.c.,,
a .` ::www.�ax =.k«ws,�n�..,.:.r,
AI NUM of the McNdiap Of the VlNeee C"" of the Villpe of Frier take is $0 C"WdY of see" ead S/ah o f,
Ifflim la, Iadudi" all aeeonab endihd by said CoVoW.
A letter was downtown area merchants that 2 -hr parking signs <:*
should be posted on the,street. - `Some people are getting tickets for
parking longer and they do; not know about a 2 -hr. limit.-
h �'
This item will be discussed at the first meeting in June
Mayor Stock read an invitation from the Prior Lake Christian 5cho oiv,
1979 graduating; class, inviting them to` the commencement exerclseid
Friday, May 25, 1979 at the. Baptist Church, '
, A letter from Tom Foster was also received stating that all the annexe,~
have been completed and now the surplus equipment can 1:4- requested.
Motion by Watkins' to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote
taken this meeting was adjourned at 1,0 PM.
a �
,. Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
i t