HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 29 19793 *mum of *0 iws o f Na votiN Coo"" of rho ViNoro of Fri. tak. iw *ho co" *F See1t ood so10 of M'iw *NNo. Mdwlip ell oaf wilMei Mil Cwweil. . w May 29, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session on May 29, 1979 at 7 :30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson. Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City `{ Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan.7 Attorney Sullivan left the meeting at 7 :45 PM, Mayor Stack called the meeting to order, The following are to be 9,corrections, made • to the mi nutes of May 21 197.9x. Page 3, paragraph 8; No grater is available. 3 s 4 be ass ' - and 'have sewer availabili charges. Paragraph 10;- 3 b 4 have sewer availability charges, , Page 4, paragraph 5; an error was discovered in the paragraph 1; this is wh paragraph 12; , One way to address the traffic problem in the bay would be to permit waterskiing in the baj on weekdays and prohibit waterskiing in the bay on weekends. A large number of non -lake resi- dents increase the traffic - congestion. Page 6, paragraph 5; . 2 years ago are starting to break up. paragraph 9; approve i'.S,D, 719 . 4) , fee be reduced to .. ,• Page 7, paragraph 8: Kannegieters, seconded by . MINUTES Notion by Watkins to approve the minutes of may 21 1 seconded by Bissonett and u X 979 as amended, ' port a vote taken it was duly passed:. 1 '� REVENUE BON04 City Manager McGuire presented to the Council the commercial and -in- dustrial revenue bonds. He, briefly explained the Minnesota Municipal' tndustrt-il Act article,. The Counall``held a short discussion period on this subject. The City Manager read over the industrial and commercial development revenue financing resolution, This resolution Fs"su 9 ggesting an out line the City a ' may wish to follow and guidelines in considering appli tions for industrial and commercial revenue financing. -, A discussion of the Council and Staff followed. The Council suggested that some changes be made to the resolution for specific guidelines and also conforming to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Subdivision Ordinance; The Council directed the Staff to make certain changes and. to present: t resolution •to the.Council for V eir approval' at a future meeting. y 4 The application for issuance of commer ci al and: industrial revenue bonds was reviewed,, The,-Council d irected Staff to make a few changes on this application and p;, ^esent it 'for approval at a future meeting,, City Manage- McGuire covered tax increment financing and Pointed out a few highlights of the article. A, discussion of the Council and Staff followed, There was no action taken on this item but, it was agreed upon that this could be considered for the downtowwarea developmen tif pme t is requested. ..sled.,. � I The City Manager presented the next item, municipal development i d'istricis, The Council had a discussion on this item and Councilma Busse suggested that the Council should create an advisory board. This was agreed b Council and it would be considered at the time the 9 y the started for the redevepment of the .lo petition, o being the, downtown area, is received from the downtown area merchants and is presented to the City Council. ; r sANillilf of iM ftoibw Ms ei 60 vow ca" of Na vik of Fww tab IN the of us** fINa of Miew le. W0411e11 ell' e9ce'eah eWNW by Hid C*vaa. :pp t DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT i, City Engineer Anderson presented the develo pets agreement. The main question is, should. the City be doing the 51 projects or should the developers do the work themselves? Another item discussed'is whether insurance be should. provided by the developer to cover the City,: Motion by Watkins to direct the City Manager and City Engineer to make an addendum to the developers agreement that liability insurance covering the ., Ci should be provided by the developer, seconded by Thorkelson and upon vote taken it was duly passed. a,. x Mayor Stock also requested that Staff research, and bring back to the - Council, repayment of the project cost to .be, done between a 3, 4 and 5 year period. f , PLMG. INSPEC City Manager McGuire requested that the Council amend the resolution ins pertaining FEES to the plumbing inspection fees and change the rate from $2,00 /unit to $4.00/ fixture unit. f RESOLUTION 79_18 Y Motion b i3 ssonatt to amend Resolution 79 - 18, piumb,ing insFacti;on fee rates, and change it from $2,00 /uhit to $ /fixture 3 •, unit, seconded`by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, ANTENNA ON WATER TOWER City Manager McGuire recei.veda letter from Dr. C Y Kruse,i!Schoo'1 Distract 719, thanking the Council for approv.i,ng their ?f FROM SCHOOL request of piaci,.tg an'4ntenna on the water tower. 1 fF Another announcement: The League of Cities Convention is \' June 14 - 16 in Bloomington. An ; 9o�ng to be held 9 yore interested � R should yontOot, the City Manager. 8IRN0 = ` JOINiSONS ADD City Engineer Anderson requested approval of the developers agreement for John Mahoney for development of Sirno Johnson's ' ` x ar'I Addition. A cheek for 5% of the total cost of the project has -been received along with a preformance bond. The City Engineer recommends approval for this and'an Y opens new developers agreements ` drawn 'up after this will require 1_iability insurance -to be subm(tted, f' , Motion by Thorkelson-to recommend approval for the developers agreement for John Mahoney for Birno and Johnson's Addition; seconded by Busse and upon -a vote taken it was duly passed. '' . OAKRIDGE CRT EXTENTION!OF City Engineer Anderson requested approval for payment of nd Steiner for g Y purchased from Al $3,000 for the Oakrid a Court roadway extension,. ROADWAY h " ` !lotion by Watkins to approve payment for hand purchased from Al Steiner for $3,000 for the Oakridge Court roadway extension, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly ,passed. The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, June 5, 1979:, Misc. Departments - Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan s Prevent insurance S: 595.00 Attocnay.Fees P' Minn. Gas Co. 1 ,160-50 Insurance Services Utilities 325.37 ^ insurance.'' Tans Mobil Service 105.00 JAK Office Products Co. Vehitcle Repairs 130,67 ` < G's 8 OK Hardware Supplies 90.64 Supplies 195,32 General Government: Lawrence Schweich Retainer Refunds Roger Sandberg $ 40000 Mad -Cap Builders Retainer Refund 100,00 Retainer Refund 100.00 Lyle Bakken t Retainer Refund t00.00 Robert lkATl`ster Dog Catcher 235.00' 1 >,, x. AVWJM et" AS PI M N tM CweeM Of of rdw take M 60 Cwwht >ef >'eed lBiaea iedwNM eN , eeoawMs s by Mil; Cweeil. flab of • '�_ Police_ St. , Francis Hospital Rich Klugherz Biood,al'cohoi Test $ 13.00 Rob Doe Clothing Allowance- 123.00 Lee Rabenort Clothing Allowance Clothing Allowance;, 123.00, Dennis Leff Joe Van0enBoom Clothing Allowance 12;' 123.`00 .` Steve Schmidt Clothing, All Clothing Allowance 123.00 Gene Smith Dick Powell Clothing;,AlIawance 123.00 123.00 11 1 Clothing,, Allowance 12 300 Fi re: - Jerry MueIken Glen Tang State Fire School S ° 30.00 Fire Engineering}' State Fire School Subscription 30.00 ..Park: 12.00 ' c J &A Handy-Crafts Inc. S ' 6 S Arts 6" =grafts Suppli es Supplies $ 2 ;.7 Sabley Allen Friedges 38.79 8.22" x. Quality Waste Control, inc. Ko sa Drumsnent Ref Re se Hauling 37- 40 sup plies '� 165.3; t'.. street: J. L. Shiely Compan Class 5 , . MacQueen Equipment, Inc. Repairs S 77.41 Sewer• 430.65 x Minn Valley E ;iectric Co -op lift Stations S 2.00 Water: Van Waters 6 Rogers Chemicals Water Products Co. Goodin Company Water Meter 6 `Ra s pairs S 124..03 °1,004.40` -" Repairs 1`19. ON Developers A^greement Fund: Finaml, al Communications, inc. Advertising 3` 56.29 � , n Nation by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and u this meeting Was adjourned `at 9:62 PM. upon a vote taken 1 Michael A. McGuire ; City Manager �. Oi '- 1 0 V ale e Cou"I of dN Vill"a of f't;w lake is Me, C M"ty, of Scent sod 0411% of "111"OM4 ! all oeeeunls awlihd b1► acrid Cwweih �+ May z9. 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular se ssio n on May 29, 1979 at 7:30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock, J Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkeison Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director- Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan. Attorney Sullivan left: the meeting at 7 :45 PM. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The foil "are'to be made to the minutes of May 21, 1974, owing corrections Page 3,' 0afagraph 8; •, No water is available. 3 s 4 be assessed and have sewer availability charges Paragraph 10; 3 b 4 have sewer availability charges. Page 4; paragraph 5; an error was discovered in the , Paragraph 11; this _ is why , paragraph 12, One way to address the traffic in F " problem the bay would be to permit waterski ing in the bay on weekdays and prohibit .vaterskiing in, the bay on weekends. A large number of nom -lake resi- denis' increase the traffic congestion. Page 6,, paragraph 5° , 2 years -a go a'e starting to break up. Paragraph 9; approve I.S 719 4) fee t , be reduced to 3) Page 7,'Paragraph 8: Kannegieters, seconded by , MINUTES � " ° - Motion by Watkins to a -` pprove the minutes of May 21 i 979 as amended, seconded by Bissonett y t ,, and u pon a vote taken it was duty passed, IEIIENUE BOND City Manger McGuire presented to the Council the commercial and in- dustrial revenue bonds; He briefly explained the Minnesota Municipal industrial Act article. The 'Council held a short discussion period on this subject. ' s' The City Manager read over the "industrial and commercial develop ment revenue financing resolution. This resolution is su ggesting , line the City may wish to follow and guidoiInes in connsiderngnappl,: ;ca- lions for `I `. . t industrial: and Commercial ,revenue financing C a. , A of the Council and Staff followed. The Council suggested that some changes be made to the resolution for specific guidelines and also conforming to the C Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Subdivision Ordinance " The Council directed the Staff to make certain changes and to present the the Council -for thei a Pproval at a future meeting. ._ The application for issuance of commorcial and industrial revenue bonds was reviewed The Council directed Staff `to make a few changes on this aPpliwt'on and present it for approval at a future.meet ' >� =C i t Mina _ Y Manager McGuire covered tax increment financing and pointed out's few highlights of the article. f A discussion.of the Council, and Staff followed, There was no.action. taken on 'this item but, it was agreed upon that this could to considered for the downtown area devel;opment.if it is requester: The ,CIt Mane r Pa ,� Y Manage presented the next item, munici l- development districts;'' -The Council had a discussion on this item and Councilman Busse suggested that 'he Council should create an advisory board. This was agreed by the Council and it would be considered at the time th petition, that is being„ started for the redevelo r edevelopment of the downtown area is received from, the downtown area merchants and is w presented ,to the City Council. Q MINUM of the of *0 "llew "a" of !M Iii ItMo Prior of lake i1r >,tM. CaYMr of Setif a" ShN at Mi•sesela. WWI" all a""% eva"d w teitl Carweil. ` DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT City Engineer Anderson presented the developers agreement. The main is, should the City be doing the question Projects or developers do the work themselves? Another item discussed is whether insurance should be provided by the developer to :.per cover the.City... ; Motion by Watkins to di rect the City Manager and Ci ty Engineer to make an - addendum to the developers agreement that liability i�isurance <coverinq` the City should be provided by the developer, seconded byiThorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock also requested that Staff research, and ;f1ring back to the Council, repayment of the project cost to.be done between a 31`4 and 5 year period, ' PLMG. INSPEC City Manager McGuire requested that the 'Council amend; the resolution FEES to the plumbing ins pertaining ' g pection fees and change the f rate rom $2.00 /unit to $4,00/ fixture unit. RESOLUTION 79-18 Motion by Bissonett to amend Resolution: plumbing iumhing inspection fee rates, °and change it from $2,OO,:unit to $4 1 unit, seconded by Watkins and. upon -a vote taken it was duty passed; a ANTENNA ON HATER TOWER City Manager McGuire received a letter from Dr, Cy' School District 719, thanking the Council for approving. their FROM SCHOOL request of piaci'n g an antenna on the water tower. Another announcement; The League of Cities CanJention is' June 14 - 16 in 3loomin ion, An going to be hold 9 yone interested should contact the City Manager, BIRNO s JONNSONS`ADD City Engineer Anderson requested approval of the developers agreement ror John 'Mahoney for development of Blrno and Johnson's ,, Addition. A check for 5% of the total> Cost of the project has been received along with a prefermance bond. ` 'N' ' City _Engineer recommends approval for this and any new devel The drawn up after this opers agreements will require liability- Insurance to be sutimj 'ttod, ' eye '. lotion by Thorkelson toy recommend approval for. the developers 49roapient for John Mahoney for Birno' and Johnson's Addition, seconded by Busse and upon.a vote taken It was duly passed, OAKRIOGE:C.T ` EXTENTION OF City Engineer Anderson req ravel.' for a uested a pp payment of land p�irchased from Al Steiner for $3,000 for the Oakeidge Court roadway ROADWAY extension. t. ' Motion by Watkins to approve payment for land 'purchased from Al Steiner for $3.006 for the Oakridge Court roadway extension., seconded by Bissonett and upon, a vote taken it was duly passed. fi 4 The following in' ices are scheduled to be on Tuesday, June 5, 197ii Misc. Departments: ' 4 De.lta Dental Plan Minn.. insurance $ 595.00 Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan 6 Frevert Attorney Minn. Gas Co Fee 1,100,50. Utilities Insurance Services 3 Tows Mob s1 Service Insurance. 105.00 JAK Office Products Co. Vehicle Repairs 130,67 are Supplies 90.64 G 6 BOX Hardware Supplies 195.32 1 !neral Government: j Lawrence Schweich Retainer Refunds l� Roger Sandberg $ 400•00 Retainer Refund 100,00 Mad- Cap Builde Lyle Bakken Retainer Refund 100.00 Retainer Refund 100.00 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 235.,00 t e: