HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 04 1979r i y, VNkaN CweeN o f the Vill"O hiOe take of in iM Comfy of Some awr sNN of "ems, !R 1114110 g ON aeaW arm by sal CwwdL June, 4, . 19 79 The Common Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session on June e,; 1979 at 7.30 PH. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett Busse. Tho�rke`i'son, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner eraser, Police Chief Powell and City Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.- The following correction >,is to be' made to the minutes of May 29, 1979:_ Page 2, paragraph 8,; drawn up after this will require liability insurance to be submitted, MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of May 29. 1979 as amended; seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. RESOLUTION 79-25 Mayor Stock read Resolution 79 - 25. Commercial /Industrial Revenue Bonds. Councilman Bissonett requested a change on item f10 in.the resolution. Also, the Council viewed the revised application form for issuance of commercial and industrial revenue bond. A short discussion by.ihe Council followed,. Notion by Watkins to adopt Resolution Development 79-25, Industrial and Commercial opment Revenue Financing, with corrections made on items X10 and A2 and to adopt the application form for the bon revenue ding used in conjunction with the resolution, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, FRANKLIN TRL. City Planner Chaser presented Franklin Trail plat and the request ~ f+sr preliminary approval, The parcel contains 1.68 acres and is zoned R3. The �engineering ;.staff has accepted the drainage plan, however, suggests a 6 water line be tapped Into Franklin Trail to serve the*buildin s going to be developed. Sewer will be handled dy an 8" cla stalled to the manhole on Franklin Trail, " and run back to ser�vept n heWild- ings. Planning Commission and Staff were concerned about the parking Space. There needs to be additional guest parking and also additional spice for residents to park. Notion by;Bissonett to approve the preliminary plat for Franklin Trail contingent upon; 1) the easement on City land shown on Exhibit A, in the Yellow, be removed so that Unit I can be placed to get the best possibl parking spaces and set back to side lot line, : 2)sewer & water will be privately installed in a 20' public ease- ment as ,shown on the Plat and Units 3 S 4 be assessed $700 $900, respectively for each building for a v a i l a b i l i t y charges. V landscaping be plans presented to Staff for approval before the hardshell, seconded by Busse and upon a!vote taken it was duly - passed. 8;00 PM City ana P y ger McGuire resented staff recommendations on the junk and' refuse situation from comments heard and'complaints,,received, CLEAN UP WEEK Police Chief Powell was also present to make comments and tions. answer ques- There; were comments from the Council and also members of the audience. One resident stated that she disagrees with the recommendation that to get Property investigated you,need to sign a complaint. 'Residents should not have to do this, the -City should. She also brought some Photos of junk a. neighbor has and showed them to the Council. Mayor Stock stated that we must have the individual complaining willing to take time-to testify in a court of law so the City can hold that case in court. (f they do not wish to testify, the gives the ,judge property owner a few days to clean up and lets it go. sA1N4f if of ehe; lira 66 096 of ` re vol"P co"aw of 6e Ville" ef'rdw, Lake in Me Caws y of Salt end ft" of , L , - : MdwiiM eN eearNs eedihd by paid Cevoia CLEAR UP WEE Attorney Sullivan stated that if the City can't get a conviction for clean up from the city ordinances, then something is wrong with our ordinance. We should rosecute the p people regularly and if they continuett*;keep the i place junkie, prosecute again and again. In a case where the Oroblem is just general pick up, signing ,a complaint should be left up to the dis- cretion of the police department, The City Manager is directed to revise the statement on recommendation ,f2 of the staff. All other violations be investigated on a complaint basis and if the Police Chief determines that there needs to be a,`complaint signed o then he asks the individual to do so. Also, a resolution on junk and refuse is to be made and brought back to the Council for approval. N 8 :45 PM Bryce Muemoeller requested Council apprt;vai for development of an industrial park on County Road 12, This area is 320 acres abutting Highway 12 end'south INDUSTRIAL from the Grendahl industrial Park. The land at this time is. primarily agricui- PAIIK ON CTY. tural. The area is very positive.for an industrial' park. RD. 12 1) ample: size ` 2) located near an existing developed area 3) closer to existing Prior Lake commercial Ore& and the G.E. industrial ' site 4) this commercial section is close to town and will provide traffic to A the heart of town s 5) municipal services are available Mayor Stock stated.that it is very difficult to attract industry. There have been man i made fora Y q ,park,. however,° it is very hard to c ompete with a., Lakeville and Shakopee which have industrial parks. For this time,. the Council will accept the proposal made, for the industrial park and direct staff to -re view it with Mr. Nuemoeller and find out what is needed and report back :to _.: the Council on June 18 at 8 :00 PM with comments. DOWNTOWN Brad Rothnem was present to give to the Council a signed petition from the PARKING downtown merchants for a development district for downtown parking space. May Stock directed Mr. Rothnem to present to the Council,, on June 18 at x � yo 8 :30'PM, names of people <to be on a committee for creating a development _ district for Prior Lake., The comrmit.tee will consist of four businessmen and, r' ' one Council member. The: Council accepted the petition presented from the businessmen for the establishment of a development district for Prior Lake. i3 ty Manager McGuire want over the memo from Police Chief Powell regarding 2 �:, hr. parking da+nt�awn. Police Chief Powell stated, in his malty, that the park Ing in the downtownarea is not problem. Only one car was taggiisd on 5 / � k ' 34/79. The onl y parking restrictions that should be made are i5 minute . parking, zones located! by itndrews Drug and infront of Thieling Building on Main Avenue. r Notion by Thor ilmon to place 15 minute signs by Andrews Drug and In- front of Thieling. "Suildl'ng on Main Avenue, seconded by Watkins and upon < vote taken it was dul passed, CITY CODE On June 18, 1979 the City Code will be reviewed and will be updated. T Coun- cil, would like to adopt the coda book.so it can be used, 1, NARTIN50M iSL City Engineer Anderson requested Y �9 eQ approval for work to be finished on Martinson "iR10CE Island Bridge; the contractor will not charge extra for the work. ' Notion by Thorkelson to cut the pilings off below the deck as proposed and if re'sAdents - or other persons would wish the pilings removed then the Council will take this under advisement and:foliow through with the possibility of public hearings for the bridge improvement in that area, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. "ISLAND VIEW City Engineer Anderson requested approval fcr the City Ao enter into an 2M0 ADM. agreement with Valley Engineering to do work.for Bland View 2nd Addition. ` Notion by Busse for Ci Coun to authorize the C ity Mana9er and Mayor to enter into contract with Valley Engineering; for plans and specifications for Island 'View 2nd Addition, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote 'taken It was duly passed. -2= V: MMUM of Mo preceediew of MN VMOW Coo"" of *0 Vil of hiar loko in Mo Cwe1y of Scots owd SNh of 0 . indiiiP all we uft wiNNr by wid Cwodl. 4 I June 4, 1979 _. If ?s The Gammon Councii of the City of Prior lake met in regular session on June 4 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present ' t were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkeison, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Police Chief Powell and City Attorney Sullivan, Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The f" be made to th oliowing correction is to e minutes of Ma 2 1 ` Y 9. 979: , Page 2, paragraph 8; . drawn up after this will require liability A insurance to be submitted. MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of May 29, 1979 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken t was duly passed; i RESOLUTION 79-25 Mayor Stock read Resolution 79-25, Commercial/industrial Revenue Bonds. Councilman Bissonett requested -a change on item #10 in the resolution, Also, the Council viewed the revised application form for issuance of commercial and industrial revenue bond. A short discussion by the Council followed, Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79-25, Industrial > and Commercial Development Revenue Financing, 3 g, with corrections made on�items ,f10 and s #12 and to adopt the application form for the revenue bonding used in, conjunction with the resolution seconded by Busse and taken it was duly passed. upon a vote FRANKLIN TRL, City Planner Gra`ser presented Franklin Trail plat and the request, for preliminary approval. The parcel contains 1.68 acres and is`zaned R3. The engineering staff has accepted the drainage plan, however su 6" ,I a water line be to ► ggests- pped nto Franklin Trai to serve the•buitdings going to be developed. Sewer will be handled i by an 8" cia stalled to the ,manhole on Franklin Trail and run back to serve fags. Pi'anning Commission and Staff .o- were concerned about the parkin Space. There needs to be additional 9 guest parking and also additional space =for residents to .. park. Motion by Bissonett. to approve the prelimina contingent upon; rY Plat for Franki n Trail l)the easement on City land shown on Exhibit A, in the yellow, be removed so that Unit l: can be placed to get the best possible parking spaces and set back to side lot line.. 2)sewer 6 water will be privately installed in a 20' public ease -- ment,as shown on the plat and Units 3 6 4 be assessed $700 6 $900. respectively for each building for availability charges. 3)landscaping plans be presented to Staff for approval before the hordshell, seconded by Busse and upon`& vote take .. n it was dui 55 Y Pa ed: +8:00 PM City Manager McGuire presented staff recommendations on the junk and refuse situation from comments heard and compiaints` received CLEAN Police Chief UP NEE Powell was also present to make comments ti and answer ues- ons, q mere were comments from the Council and also members of the audience. One resident stated that she disagrees with the recommendation that to get property investigated ' g You need: to sign -a complaint. Residents should not have to do this, the ty should. She,also brought some photos of junk a neighbor has and showed them to the Council.. Mayor Stock stated that we must have the individual complaining willing to take time to testify in a court Taw of so the Cit case in court. if they do; not wish to testify, the judge givesthh property owner a few days to clean up and lets it go, ' t .. ,• .. .sue Miaweeotei indudiag all saousts auditod by wld Council. CLEAN UP WEEK Attorney Sullivan stated that if the City can't get a conviction for clean up from the ci ordinances, then something is,wron9 with- .Pur ordinance; i We should prosecute the people regularly and if they cont�ue to keep the place junkie, prosecute again and again. In a case where the problem is just general pick up, signing a complaint should be left up,to the dls- cret,ion of the police department. The City Manager is directed to rp -vise the statement on recommendation #2 of the staff. All other violations be investigated on.a.complai`nt basis and if the Police Chief determines that there needs to be a complaint signed then he asks the individual to do so. Also, a resolution on junk and refusea is to be made and brought back to the Council for approval, ` 8:45 PM Bryce Huemoeiler requested Council approval for development of an industrial park on Cot+nty Road 12. This area is 320 acres abutting Highway 12 and south INDUSTRIAL, from the Grendahl Industrial Park, Tha land at this time is primarily eagri"cul- PARK ON CTY. tural. The area is very positive for an industrial park. RD. 12 1) ampl,e size 2) located near an existing developed. area c 3) closer to existing Prior lake commercial area and the G.E.; Industrial site ,. 4) this commercial section: is close to town and will provide 'traffic to the heart of town "Moll 5) municipal services are available Mayor Stock stated that it is very difficult to attract industry. There have been many inquiries made for a park) hcwever, it is very hard to compe with Lakeville and Shakopee which have industrial parks. For this time, the Council wiil accept the proposal made for the industrial,•park and direct staff to r_e- v i ew A t with Mr. Nuemoel' l er and find out what i s. needed and report back to the Council on June 18 at 8 :00 PH with comments. DOWNTOWN Brad`Rothoem was present' to give to the Council a signed petition from the PARKING downtown merchants for development district for downtown parking space. Mayor Stock directed Mr. Rothnem to present to the Council, on June Mat 8 :30 PM,'names of ,people to be on a committee for creating a development district for Prior take.:: The committee wtll consist of four businessman and' 'r one Councii member. The Counc'sl accepted the petition resented'from'the r ° businessmen for the establishment of a development district for Prior City Nanager McGuire went over the imtoo from Police.Chief Powell regarding 2 . µ,. hr. parking downtown. Police Chief Powell stated, in his memo, that the park - ` t ing in the downtown area is not a problem. Only one ;car was tagged on 5/ 30/79.. The only parking restrictions that should be made are 15 minute sparking zones located by Andrews Drug and infront of Thieling Building on Main. Avenue. `n Motion by Thorkeison to place 15 minute parking signs by Andrews, Drug and In- front of Thieling Building on Main Avenue, seconded by Watkins and upon _a vote taken it was duly passed. C1TY 000E On June 18, 1979 the Clty Code will be reviewed and will be updated. a The Court - c would, like to Adopt \ the code book so it can be used. 'iARTINSON I,SL -City Engineer Anderson requested approval for work to be finished on Martinson 'DR IDCE Island Bridge; the contractor wi ll not charge extra for the work. } Motion by Thorkelson to cut the pilings off below the deck as proposed and if residents or other persons would wish the pilings removed then the Council will ` take this under advisement and follow through wi'th.the possibility of public 4 hearings for the bridge Improvement. in that area, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'ISLAND YIl:W City Engineer Anderson requested approval for_o,4 City to enter Into 4n 120 ADON• agreement with Valley Engineering to .do work for Island View 2nd Addition. �a Motion by Busse for City Council to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to a z enter into contract with Valley Engineering for plans and specifications for Island View 2nd Addition,, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. -2- X MINUM of of *0 YNiaoe Guneii of the ViNego of .hie' leke is tM. county ,ef S.olt and Stab of x af` alai : M the 1IiNaN e"MA at t of Pribe lab in Ib C"My of. *w awr iNN of Mi le. haludk q all aets wiiNd by bii CwacL - 14 Js LORDS ST. City Engineer Anderson requested approval for pl'3cing gravel on the access on Lord's Street. Many people use as access i n the printer time for ice fishing. The Council directed the City 'Engineer to check if the City has a title for that land before'placing the gravel on the access. P.L. STATE Mayor Stock mentioned that he has heard from thr security conolssi'on BIWK and it -looks - favorable; for the commercial revenue bond for Prior Lake State Bank. Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a 'Vote R9 taken this meeting was adjomrned at 9:35 PM. x,E 4 Michael" A 1kGui re Ci Manager UU , C � n .� , 'J 6 1.. ,