HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 11 1979I
k MINYIK of As hems of Iho v C - .1 of
�Mo de viNMa of hisr take. M Iho CowMy of ScoN aw iNN of
Mi�aosNa. iwdriiM aN asaawM ewiifoi by sell Cww g.
June 11 1979
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in
on June. 11 1 regular session
979 at 7:30 PM.
Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City
Planner -
Graser and Attorney hind..
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following correction
is to be made, to, the minutes June 4,
of 1979:
Page 3, paragraph l; Many people use it as access in the winter time
for ice fishing, Delete the last sentence in
the paragraph.
Motion by Watkins to a PProve the minutes of June 4, 1979 as amended, .
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly ..passed..
Mayor Stock read Resolution 79- policy statement pertaining to
junk and refuse.
There was a short discussion on,_tois i tem and a
few changes were made to the resolution.
Notion by Bissonett to adopt Resolution 79 -26; policy statement
pertaining to junk and refuse, after changes are made, seconded. by
Watkins` and u vote
pon a taken it was duly passed.
Steve Mattson was present with information an the 'bond bids that
were received on June 11,, 1979 at 4 :00 PM for the $1,425,D00'- n-
oral i
ga improvement bonds of; 1979. There-
three bids
recelved, with the lowest interest rate at 6.1576,',Bancnorth -
west with an interest rate at 6.0657 and ist St.. Paul with -an in-
forest rate at 6.1192. Recommendation is
to award the bid to Piper.
Motion by Watkins to accept and award the bid to Pi per with the
lowest Interest rate at 6.0576
percent, seconded by Busse and.1.tpon
a vote taken it was dul
y passed..
Mr; i Mrs. Paul'Merold Mere present to a
sk the Council If t he
could signs quit�clain deed.for the west
r. f lot ` which o
is on City propert - Y. ,for 2 feet. ftp1. %'11Mic 51acc c5
l ,.
The Countc,il Aiscussed this item and suggested that if Mr. Herold i
willing to have the land s
surveyed where' the 2 feet is, for the
legal description, the City wiI give them the 2 feet. Mr. t Mrs.
Herold were In,
agreement with this ,
Motion by Watkins for the Counci'i to authorise the `tit ,Mana
Mayor to sign a claim deed
quit T
for the 2: feet,conveyance along the
public roadway 'that leads to tAe lake.from the west corner of.tot 4
-so :the deck, seconded by Busse''and u Pon a vote taken it was duly'
City Planner Graser presented the Schmidt t - Widerstrom 1st Addition
hardshell. Their request is
prelik"Inary and hardsheil approval.
The final' plat has been reviewed by staff found
and in compliance
with the preliminary plat approved by the Planning Commission.
Recommendation is to approve with stipulations as follows: « .
sewer i wattar avaiiability charge for lot 3 Block 1
cost for stubs necessary must be borne by the applicant
3) dedication
no park fee
Motion by Busse to approve the SchRiidt - Widers'troa� lsi Addition
hardsheli contingent upon:
i) sewer i water availability fee for Lot 3 Block i in the
total amount of $1600,-,be paid ,-
al.] costs for the extension of the sewer a water stubs
from t-harCity -main are to.be borne by'the applicant for
Lots, '3 t 4
3) no park dedication"" fee
seconded by Thorkelson' and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
L pnw .
v ,
the Vill"O Cot"I of tho Vill"o PO
Of L I C o f Sew eOd "ft of
'"ONOW 10010011 Oil OCCOOOft byseWCouna,
NICKELSON City Planner Graser presented the,,Njc&Ison registered land survey.
Their request is�for the Council to approve the registeredlland�surve Y_
They wish to convey a small piece of property lengthy
with a legal des�
crtption which the County will only accept in the form of an RLS.
Mayor Stock had a question about Tract 6he property they wish to con-
vey) Are
the City utilities on this lot? If this is the case-,, we do not
want to deed away our public utilities
and then have.to buy them back.
The City Engineer should check this out.:
Notion by Watkins to table the Nictlelson registered land survey until
the staff has reviewed the property to be
sur the casements are shown,
seconded by Tharkelson andupon a vote taken it was duly passed.
BEN CALMENS(M City Planner Graser presented the Ben Calmenson
request for,a variance.
Mr. Lawrence Schweich was present in behaif of Mr�, Calmenson' to-answer
any quest The Planning Commission reviewed this request at, their
meeting and denied the
request because of the.size for the boathouset
storage facility.
Mr. Schweich stated that the planning commission misunderstood the sUe
of thelbuilding, it be used for storing-&;boatmotor and fis'hin
equipment. Mr. Calmenson does not have any storageroomAn his house
or garage for his equipment and would like to bit - Id somi�t_*%inq closer to
the take so he doesn't have to carry his gear and elulpmo to t he
The Council, staiff and Mr4 Schweich had a lengthy discussion on this matter.
The main concern
was -the elevation ofthe building from the lake. if the
structure.will block the view to the iake and from
the lake. Also the
buildingmust be used for storage only�, not anything that could be converted
In a livabiwstructure.and butit
right, not jur-,t thr6pm together.
Councilman Sissonett.stated that there are many people that- havi
sheds, boathouses, accessory
sheds, etc, built around the lake Wore the
ordinance."S.adopted and a few People that would like to hove more of
them. Many People have fishhouses that they drag up t� t
he shore I I'ne,
barely above the water level, In the spring,time and leave, them,there to
be used as storage houses. If we going to allow anythinj
an the lakeshore, it shoutd be. done right,
'Mayor Stock commented that tf'this Is to be an 8 X-10 utility shed to
4 but I t abovethe 907.5
elevation, 10 from the lot line, have�a flo4ting
slab or non-permanent type foundation and done right, I would be In favor
of it.
Notion by Bissonett to grant a variance to the 907.5 elevation for a
Utility shed to be an approximate 81 X 10 si ze located 101 from the
lot title on the side of the existing boat house and that there ts no
further obstructiorctowards the homeowners side of the existing boat
hous* and the shed cannot have any windows or electricity, seconded by
Nsyot. - The Council
c tip
on ued the��r discussion about the structuro,
before taking O:vote, rego rding elevation and building the structure
it cannot be lived In.
Mr. Schweich made a few comments and then stated that he wished to with-
draw his application for the variance for Mr.
Calmenson. CounctIman
&S56n*ff,then,wIthdrew his motion and Mayor Stock withdrew the'secand.
Other matters were discussed by Mr. Schweich and the Council and then
Mr. Schweich left the Council Chambers.
LAKESIK Mr. Cy Schweich's son was present to request approval toextend the filing
ESTATES of Lakeside Estates to August
Plot 1, 1979.
�Motion by Bissonett to approve the extension of filing the Lakeside
Estates Plot to August 1, 1979, seconded by 14'atkins and upon a vote taken
It was duly passed.
n d .nom x ry.. s 4
MIM11 of the heawkra of Me Vw"a Cwweii of the Ville of P Lake is
the C"" of som ewd SIeN of
. iwdriMy eN eenwMs 0VdN6d by e d CevaA
At this time in the meeting, the Council continued the discussion
on the variance request for Ben Calmenson,
Motion by Bissonett`to table the variance request for Ben Calmenson
until June 25, 1S79, seconded by Watkins and
was dui _ upon a vote taken it
y passed.
The :deveto
Bevel pers agreement for Bluedorn Circle was reviewed. The
oper is doing^the
work. The agreement is in order,; and approval
is recommended.
Motion by Watkins to approve the developers agreement for Bluedorn
Circle, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed.
:The easement agreement with Gerald Hermel was reviewed. The Her -
l i to give a storm water
easement on their parcel,
the p e nding a
the Pnding area at the lnteesectlon of Fish Pt. Road and raiKlawn
Shores, if the - indefinite deferments
are removed. The
area covers 90 feet, `it is recommended that 90 feet beeao if
they, sign the
Motion by Watkins
to remove the g0 feet of indefirti'te deferments, in
exchange for the signing of the easement,
seconded by Bissonett and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
s; {
Councilman Busse stated that Pike Lake. Trail needs some work and
that the Council:
should review the situation in theenext; week or
Councilma"'Watkins stated, that signs are being knocked down from - "
large construct lon•equipmen
. He will be talking to Vic Hen
about this. Hen'
DAKOTA i <13
Councilman Bissonitt stated/' the timing of the signal lights on ,f
Dakota and Highway 13 'He
are had to wait 3 minutes o day
before the IIghtsi changed'
City Manager McGOre stated that the liighiray' Department. h`ad
the timing, not. long, ago and.they reported that the lights `are in
proper working order..
The fol lowing invoices are scheduled to be paid on juesday, June 19,
Mi sc;- DeWrt!sents •
: Water Products Co,
Minn. Repairs S Meters $
, Valley Elec. Co -op Uti 1 i ties
Tows Mobil Service. 226,47'
Bankers life. Gas S VehicleRepairs 49.15
Savage Tire Service, l c, Insurance. 2,095.69
Muelken Oil Company 18,50
Gas and Oil
`Cowputoservice, Inc. .2705
Sewer 6 Water Bi11ing 55,527.05
Becklus Our ,Own�Hardware
Ear) F. Andersen t Assoc., Inc. 12.60
Creative Graphics 481,63
U.S.,Centrai Dist. r, 11 = 1.35 -
Co, Inc,, Office Supplies 37•!
Scott -Rice Telephone Co,
Utilities 49),10.
Lake, Auto Supply
Vehicle Repairs
c Wobe Office Supply Office Supplies 42.59
Yeber Supply, Inc. Vehicle Repairs 12,
A l b i nson Pa.' 371, 50
NSP Blue. Line Rental 40.00
4 Utilities 2,828,34
NIII! UM of. aM MaeNep of NN VOMP canna of *0 VAW of Floe' Lon is tho CarMir of SeeR and sm" of U
1Minmwak , iadwlieg all aaweb audited by mW "w".
General Gov_ernment
r .
Ralph Teschner Mileage $ 6.00
Gross Ind. Services Bldg. Ma;int. 63.97
Tar et E quipment 32.99=
`� ..
E. W. Newstrom Bldg. Inspector 1,260.00
Prior Lake American Publishing 105.00
Amer.. Linen Supply "Co. Bldg. Maint. 39.50
Ri'eck ConstructiEpn Retainer Refund 100.00
Marlin Menke Retainer Refund '100.00
Denn W Peterson Retai Refund 100.00
Miller /Davis Co. Supplies $
3 ,
Register of Deeds Copies $ 1,50
« Fire :
` Reynolds Welding Supply Co. Supplies $. 32,85,
Uniforms Unlimited Supplies, 32.00
NW`Nattl. Bank of Mp s. Bond Payment $ 17,107.50 '§
Andrews Drug Supplies 2.58'
Northern Airmotiye Supplies 17.25
Shakopee' Public Utility Co., Utilities B.Op
Bryan Rock Products, Inc. Park Re 537•!6
Rep airs s Maint.
Land 0 0 lakes. AG Service Center Park Repairs b Maint. 117.
Street: s.
" Prior lake Lumber Co.. Streets Repairs Mairt. $ 21,0;
Harold's Repair 'Equipment Repair 15.10
` lie., Nueller t Sons, Inc. BT Mix 144.00
x Road Machinery _b Supplies: Co. Equipment Repair 240.90'
Prior Lake. Aggregates, Inc. Rock 144.56<
t� Airsignal Rental 27.00'
Metro Alarm, Inc. Improvements 707.00 =
` Sewer:
Sewer ewer 'ervce P
,t umpin9 $ 155.00
MNICC Installment 10- ,846.19'-
Water :. ;Y
NW Nat'] Bank`of Mpls. Bond Payment
$ 6.700.00 ;
Prior Lake `Blacktop, Inc. Improvements 2
Serco Laboratories Water Tests 12.00
Martinson:. Island Sewer S Water Construction fund:
Orfei t Sons, Inc. Contract Payment $ 33.012.52
Progressive Contractors, Inc. Contract Payment 29,942.64
OSM Engineering 4,221
1977 Wagon Bridge Sewer and Water Construction Fund:
cf1scher Construction Co., Inc. Contract Payment $ 10,972.31
Orfei & Sony, inc. Contract Payment 10,240.56
MINum, of
the hre«rIMN of W VNta "W" ei tM ViNer of hl" take in iM Cwetp of SC ". god ih 'of f
Mie��ta, iwdu� eN aeewah wdigd fht seir Cwadi.
June 11 1979
The Common Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session
on June 11, 1979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, Ci Manager McGuire, City
Planner Graser and Attorney Lind;
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following correction
is to be made to the minutes of June 4, 1979:
Page 3. paragraph 1; Man people use it as access in the winter time
for ice fishing. Delete the last sentence in
the paragraph.
Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of June 4, 1979 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was,duly passed.-
Mayor Stock read Resolution 79-26, pertain ing to
junk and
refuse. There was a short discussion on this, item and .a
few changes were made to
the resolution,
Motion by Bissonett to adopt Resolution 79 -26, policy statement
pertaining to'junk and refuse, after changes are made, seconded by
Watkins and upon vote
a taken it was . <duly passed
Steve Mattson was present with information on the bond bids that
were received on June 11, 1979 at 4 :00 PM for the $1,425,000 gen-
e ra I obligation improvement bonds
of 1979. There were three bids
received,.Pi with the lowest interest rate at 6,0 Bancnorth-
west with an interest rate at 6,0657 and ls't St. pa" with an in-
tares* rate at 6.1"1 Recanmendation is to award the bid to`Piper.
Motion by Watkins to accept and award the bid to Piper wi..th the
lowest interest rate at 6.0576
percent, seconded;by Busse and upon
a vote taken i't was: duly passed,
M r t Mrs• Paul Herold were present to ask the Council if the City
could sign a quit claim decd for the west corner f Lot which
is'on City property, for 2 feet, inRpl. Shove �kccs
The Council discussed this item and suggested that if Mr. Herold is
will ing,to have the land
surveyed where the 2 feet is, for the
legal description, the City will give them the 2 feet. -Mr.
b Mrs.-
Herold were in agreement with this.
Motion by Watkins for the Council to authorize the City Manager and.
Mayor to sign a claim
quit deed for the 2 feet conveyance along the
public roadway that „leads to the lake from the west corner of lot 4
iSo the deck; seconded by B'i sse and upon a • vote taken it was, duly
sCHMfDT c,
City Planner Eraser- presented the Schmidt.` Widerstrom st Addition
hardshell. Their
r ,
IST ADON, _ <,
request is preliiainery and hardshell approval.
-The final plat has been' reviewed by staff and found`in compliance
the preliminary -prat` approved by the Planning Commission,
ka'ca ndation is to approve with stipulations as foil opts
1) sewer 6 water avai13billty
charge for Lot >- Block
cost for stubs`ne�essary must be borne by h
3) no park dedication fee
Motion by Busse to approve the Schmidt 6 Widerstrom lst Addition
hardshell contingent upon:
I) sewer S wateravailability fee for Lot 3 Block I in the
total amount of $1610 be paid
2) all costs for the extension of the sewer's
water stubs
from the City main are to be borne by the applicant for
Lots3s4: :. -
3)- no park dedication fee .
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken'it was duly passed.
A9 Y
M"T" of 1h! it Veaw i.gs of NM Valwee cwadl of M. Villpe of hiK 4b in'NN caMl► of, scelt .Mistal..f
Mianesemp indvdh* all seemmft awlihd by said Coo"".
City Planner Graser presented the Nic I son registered land survey,
Their request is for the Council to h a y,
They wish to convey a small piece. of approve the registered land surve
property with `a lengthy
legal des -
cription which the County will only accept in the form of an RIS..
Mayor Stock had a question about Tract B. (the property they wish to con-
vey) Are
the City utilities on this lot? If this is the case, we do not
want to deed away our public utilities
and then have to buy them back,
The City Engineer should check this out.
Motion by Watkins to table the NicHelson registered land survey until
the staff has reviewed the property to be
sure the easements are shown,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote 'taken it was duly passed`.
BEN CALMENSW City Planner Graser presented the °Ben Calmenson request for a variance,
Mr, Lawrence Schweich was present in behalf of Mr. Calmenson to,answer
any questions. The Planning Commission
reviewed this request at their
meeting and denied the request because of the size for the boathouse /
storage facili
Mr. Schweich stated that the planning commission fatsunderstood the size
of bu"s'lding,,it
the will be used for storing -a boatmotor and fishing
equipment. Mr. Calmenson does not have any storage in his
room house
or garage for his equipment and would i'ike to build' something closer to
the lake so he doesn't
have to carry his gear and equipment up to the
The Councit, staff and Mr. Schweich had a lengthy discussion on'this matter.
The main concern was the elevation of the building from
the lake. If the
structure will block the view to the lake and from the lake. Also the
bui,id'ing must be
used for storage only, not anything that could`be converted`
in a livable structure and built right,.
not Just thrown together.,,.,
Councilman Bissonett stated that there are many people that have storage
sheds, boathouses, accessory
sheds, etc, built around the lake before the
ordinance was adopted and a few people that would like
to have more of
them. Many People have fish houses that they drag up to the shoreline,
- I
above the water level, in the spring time and leave thernthere to
be used as storage houses, if we are to
going allow anything to be built
on the Lakeshore,, it should be done right,
Mayor Stock commented that if °this is to be,.an $ lOr utility shed to
be built above the 907,5 elevation, 10' from
the lot line, have a
slab or non - permanent t
of it, yPe foundation and done right, 1 would be in favor
Motion by Bissonett to grant a variance to the 907,5 elevation for a
utility shed to be an approximate 81 X 10 size: located 10f' from the
lot line on the side of the existing boat house
and that there rs no
further obstruction towards the homeowners side of the existing boat
house <and.the shed cannot have any windows or electricity, seconded
Mayoc,Stock, The Council continued their, discussion about the structure,
before taking a vote, regarding
elevation and building the structure so
I cannot be lived I n,
Mr. Schweich made a few comments and then stated that he wished to with-
draw his application for the variance for Mr,
Calmenson, Councilman
5s6ftsf then withdrew his motion and Mayor Stock withdrew the'second.
other matters were discussed by Mr. Schweich and the Council and then
Mr. Schweich left.
the Council' Chambers.
Mr, Cy Schweich' s son was present to request q nest a pprovai to extend the filing
of Lakeside Estates
plat August 1, 1979.
Mot ion.. by Bissonett to approve: the extension of filing the Lakeside
Estates to August
plat 1 -, 1979 seconded by Watkins and upon a vote takenI
it was duly passed,
-2- 1'
NNUM of 1M h oo dino, of fM vtN" cwndl of M. vll
Ip. ' hiw L i th Cow" of Snell and sal. of ; A,
MiniNNa, including a ll eeewnb wrehd by sekd Cow".
x ,
BEN ntinued the discussion
CALMENr At this time in the meeting, the Council co
h. 1
SON VARIANC on.,the variance request for Ben Calmenson;,
Motion by Bissonett to table the variance request for Ben Cal
` I
until June 25, 1979, seconded by Watkins and u menson
was `duly passed;, upon a vote taken it
BLUEDORN The a" re
� 9 ement for Bluednrn Circle was reviewed, The
CIRCLE developer is doing the work. The agreement is in order and approval
is recommended.
Motion by Watkins to
Circle, seconded by a
pprove the developers agreement for Bluedorn
Busse and upon a,Vote taken it was duly passed,
GERALD_NERMEL ' „The easement. agreement with Gerald Hermel: was reviewed. The. He r-
mel's are. willing to give a storm water easement on their parcel
the pon4ng area at the ,intersection of Fish 'Pt. Road and
Shores, if the indefinite deferments are removed, "The
Fain awn
area covers 90 feet. It is recommended that 90 feet be�premoved if
they-sign the easement.
.. Motion by Watkins to remove the 90 feet of indefinite deferments in
exchange for tAz signing of the easement, seconded by Bissonett and
upon,a vote taken it was duly passed.
PIKE LAKE TRL Councilman Busse stated that Pike Lake Trail needs - some work and
that the Council ° should review the situation in the next week or
SIGNS KNOCKED Councilman Watkins stated that signs are; being knocked down from
DOWN BY CONST large on a
E 4 ui pment.. He will be` talking to Vic 'Mennen
QUIP., about this,:
SIGNAL SIGHTS Councilman Bissonett stated the timing of the - signal lights on
DAKOTA s 13 Dakota and Highway 13 are off. 'He had to wait 3 minutes one day
before the lights changed.
City Manager McGuire stated that the N ighway' Department h'ad 'checked
the t ming not ,Long ago and they reported that the lights. are in
proper working. order.
The following invoices are scheduled to be paid °on Tuesday, June, 19,
Miscv Departments:
Water Products Co,
Minn. Valley Elec. Co-op epairs b Meters S- 4,548.40
P Utilities
Tows Mobil Service 226.47
Bankers Life Gas S Vehicle. Repairs 49,15
Savage Tire Service, Inc, Insurance 2,095,69
Muelken Oil Company 18.50 Gas and`0il
Coniputoservice, Inc. Sewer
Water B
Biilin 5,527,05 -
`Beck l us Our ;Own hardware 9 581-70
Earl F. Andersen i Assoc,, Inc. Supplies 12.60
Creative`G�aphics' Signs 481,63
U; S. Central Dist, Co., Printing Inca Office Supplies 111.35
Scott -Rice Telephone Co, Repairs Utilities 37.98
lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repa 491.10
Ames Office Supply 42.59
Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Office Supplies
. Vehicle Repairs'
Albinson Blue Line Rental 371.50 ;
NSP l 40.00
MiHUM of the Mt«dhw of fho VNINo CowKN of 1M VIN80 of rrw Laim: in iM Covli4vof $00H ami Shh of
ilAiaaosi/a, hickmi V aN aaNs a
owrdi"d by said CeundL
General! Govern
Ralph Teschner Mileage S 6,,00
Gross Ind. Services Bldg, Maint. 63.97
Target Equipment 32.99
E. H. Newstrom Bldg. Inspector 1,260.00
< Prior Lake American Publishing 105.00
Amer. Linen Supply Co. Bldg. Mai'nt. _ 39.50
lReck Constructiai' Retainer Refund 100.00
Marlin. Menke Retainer Refund 100.00
Dennis W. Peterson Retainer Refund 100.00
` Miller /Davis Co. Supplies 8.30
` Register of Deeds Copies
S 1.50
Fire { _
7 l;
Reynolds Welding Supply Co. Supplies $ 32,85
..Uniforms Unlimited Supplies 32.00 r
= Park:
NW Nat'). Bank of Mpls, Bond Payment
' Andrews Dru $ ' 17,107- 50 ,
Northern Airmotive Supplies
r Supplies
ti Shakopee Public Utility Comm. Utilities 8.00
Bryan Rock Products, Inc, Park Repairs t Maint. 537,46
Land 0 lakes AG Service Center Park. Repairs b Maint. 117..80
Prior Lake Lumber Co. Streets Repair s Maint. S 21,03
Harold's Repair Equipment Repair 15410
ft. Mueller &L Sons, Inc, BT-Mix 144.00`
Road Machinery`t Supplies Co. Equipment Repair Z4Q,90
Prltor 'Lake_ Aggregates, Inc. Rock 144.56
Airsi 11 Ren tal 27.00 ,
Metro Alarm, Inc. Improvements 707,,00'
t " " Sewer,
McKi nley Sewer Service Pumping
p 9 S •.1"55.00
MilCC" installment 10,846.19
NW, Mat' 1 Nank of Mpls. Bond !Payment
S' 6..700:00:
Prior Lakt'Blackt
op, i6c.- Improvements 2
4 Serco Laboratories Water Test 12.00 x
Martinson Island Sewer t Water.Construction'Fun
Fund: a,
j� Orfci t Sons, Inc. Contract Payment $ 33,012.52
Progressive Contractors, Inc., Contract Payment 299,942.64
Engineering 4,221.54 �
1977 Wagon Bridge- Sewer and Water Con'st4�ti Fund:
Fischer Construction Co., Inc. Contract Payment $ 10,972,31'
01 6
` Orhei t Sons, Inc. Contract Payment 10,240.56
v ,
k ,
.. . b -k..., ,
t 4: {.. -�
of .
o f Vow C ONO M o f th e Vi` Pdw Lek*
in th e C oun ly of wed Swft of
�J }�of��J
1977 Spring Lake Sewer b Water Construction Fund
Engineering $ 346 >.05
Debt Service Fund
NW:,Nat'i Bank of Mpls. Bond Payment
NW Nat']'Ban 'Bank Mpls. Bond Payment
Motion b Watkins to,ad'ourn seconded by Bar
y � Busse and upon
a vote,
taken this meeting was adjourned, at 9 :.45 PM.
Michael A. McGuire
Y Manager
1 ��
x h
r <
Hr r-