HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 18 1979i MINUTES of >M fMaeNd of tM V MM iNpe Ceuncll of the wllog� of f�eiK'take M the ce of Scan and S tole of a :. }} AvenNNa, including 4" aeawMs audited by said Cou"I �f June 18, 1979 The Common Council of the City,o.f. Prior Lake met in re ular session ! '�. on June 18, 1979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,, Russet - Thorkelson, Watkins, C•ity'Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and } City Attorney, Sullivan, Mayor Stock called the meeting to order : The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of June 1l, 1 979 Page 1 g ;} g paragraph 9; _. the west corner of'-Lot 4, Maple Park Shore Acres,. r I Page 2, paragraph 1' ; , . presented the Nickeis n regis'�ered 'Land survey., paragraph 3;,, , , 'Motion by Watkins to to xle V4e, Mickelson paragraph 10, Councilman B i ssonett, thert i tt drew �� s . - MINUTES Motion by Watkins to a the r �, = � �. approve minutes of June 11, 19yq as amended seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul`�, \' ,Y passe � � The monthly reports were reviewed by the Council.., POLICE REPORT Motion by Bissonett to a � approve the Police - Report for the month .6 Nay a s submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly FIRE b RESCUE Motion by Busse ` o -ove the Fire and Rescue Repor"r'the month of ,May as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon 'a vote't(ken it was duly �. passed. �\ BLDG. PERMIT Motion by.Bissonett t\' \a pprove the Building Report for the month of May �~ as submitted, seconded i10prove y Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly Y Passed. , DOG CATCHERS Motion by Thorkeison Lo the Dog Catcher's for,the'month of May as submitted, seconded�by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was daly passed. �� l; FINANCE REPO Nation by Busse to approve Lhejreasurer's Report for the month of May as submitted, seconded by Watkins and upon =a vote taken it was duly passed. �\ CITY CODE BK The Council reviewed the letter r'eceived from`.Attorne Richard Lind \ relatin g. to the ordinances; in the City Coded \,,Book, Y 9 �E. Mayor Stock requested the Cit. Attor�e to Y e prepare an ordinance adopting the City Code Book as presented by 'Starling Codifiers and as amended by the correspondence from Attorney Lind "Rated June 14, 1979• 'The ordinance . is to be presented to the Council, for °approval, at their" une 21, 1979 meeting, GATEWAY AVE. Gateway Avenuealmprovements were discussed by the Council,and,Bi'll Henning, g, Olson.,: ,_Frank Wicke ,o ,. r, Steve ;Hangman and others' that were present. Their,,request is for the roadway, thalt runs through that area, to be developed hto a private roadway or to';redeslgn the roadway. existing road makes the land limited in build`in y• The road, there would' be nave land to bui l.d on Tng area and without the B ey want to find out what <; the Council will let them do to.get the best and highest use•of;'the tand, Mayor Stock, stated! ,that they are going to need that roadway because `i.f the land is going to be'bui'lt on, it first has to ° be- subdivided and. subdivided land needs`to have.,adeq!uate roadway for'Araffic and parking. The whole area should be looked at and determine what kind of traffic` pattern there will be, .� Counci'iman Watkins suggested that some type,,of variance `should be granted for Gateway Avenue or along Highway 13, , Mayor Stock said he has to disagree with granting a variance'. A firm plan should be decided before a commitment is made for variances. MINtJTEt the rm"odis" of iM vis"M C.Wndl or** Village ' INN ef•�et efs =ie the CorMlr of Sce»'eMl Stgh of , M - wto, including all eceow* mNlileii by s.id Cweeii. i GATEWAY AVE. Mayor Stock suggested that a meeting be held'to discuss the area and the traffic in ° pattern question and then, report back to the 'Council on -Jul 2 19.79, Councilman Watkins will be at the meeting g and should ' and date, pick a time Councilman Watkins scheduled this meeting at City Hall on Thursday evening„ June 2-1., - 979 at 7 :30 PM, Everyone was in agreement with this time and date, Councilman Bissonett left the bench and. did not take part in the discussion on'thi.s item because of involvement with the project, INDUSTRIAL "PARK Ct The il discussed- proposed industrial park on County Road 12; Rd. 12 The Prior' Lake Interceptor is designed for lower density -Aise then an industrial: park ; it. place on it does not have the capacity for an industrial park. The 'water ' main is also very small. It does not have the capaci to,,serve an area this large. However, it is a start where sewer and water are available to the area., Saction 12 of the property was left to the discretion of the Minn- esota Municipal Board as to when it could be annexed, Mayor Stock stated that. the City is interested in this area to develop into an industrial park, however, the is question the zoning. The coWrehensive zoning plan should be amended to address this area and then the rezoning take would place. The building of an industrial park is a very expensive project: and also the competi is great. y Councilman Busse said that it is a good idea to have the industrial park on County Road 12 because the area already has an industrial' but park, the whole area, should not be zoned for industrial use. ` Councilman Bissonett asked Councilman Watkins how does the,Orderiy Annexation Board feel about the proposal for the park and annexing, the area, ° Councilmn liatkins said that he does not see any problem of annexing the area. City Attolrne Su 1' , y 1 r van commented that i f` the res i den s ? `<rn _ the County Road l2 _ 1 , f area sign a, petition for the annexation and there are no other problems then he doesn't see why the area cannot be = ;annexed. - At this time, there is no action to be taken by the Council except to give the go ahead for further plans on the industrial back to the Co' nc 1 at a later date. Park. The .developers will get DOIiNTOWN DEVELOPMENT A downtown development district committee is to be appointed by the Council. Names that wart suggested for i DISTRICT the committee ace: 1 John Dennis (Galleon) Harry Tupy (Hairmate) ti a Bryce Nuearoeller (Attorney) Morn Erickson (Award Realty) Brad Rothem (B 6 D Ur) Frank Wicker. (Wicker i Assoc,.) Bob Mertens (Monnens. Lumber) 1 \ Counciloran Bissonett volunteered to be on the committee, however Ma suggested that Counci Watkins be a > Ma Stock appointed ' coordinator because of working' wi thk same project a few years ago. Motion by Bissonett tovappoint John Dennis, 'Frank Wicker, Brad Rothem, Bob Mertens and Harry Tupr to' Wl �mn coittee for a downtown development district and to appoint Councilman Tom Watkins r tb be the coordinator, seconded by Busse ;and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock stated that this coaarittee is to determine the requirements or need- of the downtown district and proceed l ., with preliminary steps of forming some ideas to develop a downtown district and then re port to the Council,, then public hear will be scheduled., -2- a 71 I 6/18/79 MINY1Et of ih. Phaeiigs e! tM VNIfte Cwedl of tie ViM"s of rdw take la dw Cwwfr of UW eRi SINN eE MiMNMo6 iwdrriw♦ eN woonMa.awmd by acid Cwaeil. AMEN ACRES City Pianner Graser presented the hardshell for Amen,Acre5 and 'the request for approval. The developers agreement has not been signed apd'the park dedication fee of $1644 has not been paid. Other co tingcacies were net by the developer when preliminary approval was givan, The City Engineer stated that the road right of way for Fish Poi'nt``Road has to be checked out before hardsheli approval. The developer was present to answer any questions. Motion by Watkins to table Amen Acres hardshell approval until staff' determinesthe right of`way of Fish Point Road', seconded by Busse.. Mayor Stock asked the developer if there would be any problem in tabling this item until June 25, 1979• The developer stated that there could be a, problem. The Council had a discussion on this matter and Mayor Stock said that the hardshell could be approved with these contingencies: 1) developers agreement be signed 2) park dedication fee of $1644 be paid 3) final review by City Engineer on road right of way for Fish Point Road Councilman Watkins withdrew his motion and Councilman Busse withdrew his second to the-motion. Motion by Bissonett to approve the hardshell for Amen Acres upon. 1) developers agreement be signed' 2) park dedication fee for`$1644 be paid prior to hard - shelt release v� s 3) final review by the City Engineer on the road right of way of Fish Point Road be made prior to 'releasing of. the hardshell 4) covenants be developed for those lots pertaining to drainage, seconded 6y Thorkelson and upon .& vote taken it was duly, passed. GRADER REPAIRS City Engineer Anderson presented the estimate on the repairs for the road grader. it would cost about $11 -,000 for new parts for repairing. the grader, $1.,000 -for the labor. Another alternative would -be buying: used parts. If the grader is sold as 'is, it would go for $4000, however,, after it is repaired it would sell for $12,000. Mayor Stock suggested that this item be tabled until more information is avai lable on purchasing used parts for the road grader. RESOLUTION Mayor Stock read Resolution, 79-28, relating to a project (Medical Clinic) 79-28 under the municipal industrial development act and calling fora public hearing for caiiiimercial revenue bonds. The public hearing is scheduled to be held on July 9. 1979 at 8:00 PM. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to print notice of the hearing, In the Prior. Lake�American Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79-28, relating to a project .(Medical Clinic) under the municipal industrial development act and calling for a public hearing, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken. It was passed Councilman Bissonett abstained. FISH PT. RD. City Engineer Anderson presented bids received on June 15, 1979 at 10 :06=AM for the paving of Fish Point Road., Three bids were received and they are`; McNawara- Vivant Contracting Co. Inc. $323.869.90 • Progressive Contractors, Inc. 330.287.25 Minnesota Valley Surfacing 332,229.25 Engineering Estimate 294,351.00 Motion by Busse to award the bid to McNamara-Vivant Contracting Co., nc�.for, $ ;323,869.90 for ,paving of Project 78 - 2, Fish Point :.Road, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. _3_ Al t d MNi1 M 61 , 60 P1 di of ae ViNege. COOPA of 60 VA"" ef.Priw 4ke le,lhe.fVA'd' Y,4f $eW ewtiJilele ei k , M 9 e 14161mmk . iedeiieN,." eeoeeeet'erdiled by seid CMawil. S I GNS ON `CAN Councilman Busse suggested that on Candy Cove Tra i I "No Trucks" s i gns should w'DY COVE TRU' be posted because of frequent usage of trucks, cutting across to Cty. Rd. ?j Mayor Stock stated that something should be done to the road where the new Post Office building, is located; when it opens In July, the.road will be very dusty from the cars. :r , The City is directed to check this out and report back to the Council. CREEKSIDE, City Engineer Anderson mentioned that Creekside Circle bid opening will be CIRCLE PAVINI on June 28, 1979 at 10:00 AM in City Hall. ' JORDAN-AVE. Steve's Red Owl opens in September and Jordan:Avenue, the road that runs by the :store, is not finished. Mayor Stock suggested the. City Engineer and the Consulting -.to prepare plans and specificitions for Jordan Avenue.` ;A Motion by Thorkeison to authorize and direct the Consulting Eng n:"er and the City City Engineer to prepare plans and , spei:_ificat ons for Jordan Avenue and the '& connection to Highway 11, seconded by Busse and upon vote taken it.was �t passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained. BEN CALMENS Councilman Thorkelson stated that the Council will be going to take a look at the property on Noet:wood;Road where Mr. Calmenson wants to 'build his fish equipment and boatmotor storage shed. Councilman Thorke.lson feels that there should be a; set back for the structure and if we allow =the, `\ shed to be putianywhere behind the set back, then we are going against V, our ordinance. al TALL GRASS Councilman `Bissonett reported that the grass along Highway l; is very high. ?;! :# ALONG HMY i it makes driving condtions hazardous and the State, should be notified about €l cutting it. SUNSET HILLS City Engineer "Anderson re r ported on the drainage problem in the Sunset Hills i Addition. ` There are three ponds in that area-and It is quite difficult.to eliminate the ponds. He stated that dikes could be developed to store the j water. , ` lotion by Thorkel'son for concept approval of the drainage plan for Sunset. Hills, seconded,Dy Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 9lotion by Mtkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken ✓ this meeting was adjourned at 9 :47 PM. q Michael A. McGuire City Manager d Y x s 0 = ININUM of the Prece" of the Vi Nage Cover t the Villaoe of Prior lake in the County of Seta and State of " Mianssete, Including all ants audited by said Cwneil: June 18, 1979 The.Common Council of the City,of Prior Lake met in regular session on June 18, 1979 at 7;30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, 1 ' Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Planner "Grase.r and.; q � City Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following`cor_,rections are to t - = be made to the minutes of June 11, 1979; Page 1 paragraph g , 9; the west corner of Lot 4, Maple -Shore Acres,. Page 2, pa rag i; presented the Nickelson "registered land survey,` Paragraph 3; , Motion by Watkins to table the Nickelson paragraph 10; -.�, Councilman Bissonett then withdrew his MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of June 11, 1979 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken-it was duly passed. ,The monthly e � � y ports were reviewed by the Council, if POLICE REPORT Motion by $issonett to approve thegPolice Report for the month of May as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken duly „ 4 F passed. it was du FIRE a RESCUE Motion by Busse to appro ve the Fire and Rescue Re Thorkel.son, and u port for the. month of May as submitted, seconded by .. °. passed. upon a vote taken it was duly BLDG. PERMIT Motion b Hissonett to a y pprove Report for the,month of May as, submitted, seconded, by Busse and upon a votel,ltaken it was duly passed. 006 CATCHERS Motion by Thorkelson approve the Dog Catch -� Report for the month of passed,sub�aitted, seconded by Watkins and upon �a 'Vdte taken it was duly ,4 FINANCE REPO 'Motion by Busse to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month of May as submitted,.seconded by Watkins and u pon a vote taken it was duly passed. E CITY CODE BK The Council reviewed the "setter received. from Attorney Richard Lind relating to the ord inances in the Ci Code `Book. "r ti Mayor Stock requested the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance adopting the City Code Book as presented by 'Sterling Codifiers and`as amended by the correspondence pondence from A:ttorney,, Lind dated June 14, 1979. The ordinance _' is to be presented to the Council, for approval, at their June 25,, 1979 •meeting. � GATEWAY AVE. Gateway Avenue Improvements were discussed by the Council'and Bii Henning,,,Howard Olson, Frank Wicker; Steve Haugman and others that were Present. Their request is for the roadway,that runs through that area, to be developed into a private roadway or to redesign the roadwa existing road makes the :land limited in building area and without�the road, there would be more .land to build on. They want to find out what the Council will let them do toget 'the best and highest use.of -the tand. c the A' _Stock stated that they are going to need that roadway because if Y the land is going to be bui)t.on, It first has to be subdivided °and, G subdivided land needs to have adequate roadway for traffic and parking. The whole area should be looked at and determine what kind,,af traffic 0 l Pattern there will be. o Councllman.Watkins suggested that some type of variance should -be grantees for Gateway Avenue or along Highway 13.. i Mayor Stock sald he has to disagree 'with granting a variance. A firm plan i should be decided before ;a commitment is made for variances, _ c y r� -1- �a 1 ' - .. C7 c WNUM of the h of the village ceuedl OF the viilpe_ of is he Cwwq of Sm"'o" State of a Mhw.ame. iedua" 411.ecee" :audit" by aoir am". GATEWAY AVE', Mayor''atock suggested that a meeting be held to discuss the area and the traffic pattern in question and then report back to the Council on July"2,, 1979. Councilman Watkins will be at the meeting and should pick a time ✓;� and date. _,114 Councilman Watkins scheduled this meeting'at City Hall on Thursday evening, June 21, 1979 at 7:30 PM., Everyone was in agreement this time and date. Councilman Bissonett left the bench and did not take`'part.in the discussion' on this item because of involvement with the project. INDUSTRIAL . The Council discussed the proposed industrial' park on C PAAK ON Cty., ounty Road 12. Rd. 12 Tha' Lake Interceptor is designed for lower density use then an industrial i P ark would `place on it,. it does not have the capacity for an industrial park. The water main is aI'so very small. 1t''does not have the capacity to. an area this large. However, it is a start where sewer and water are available to the ama. Section 12 of the property was left to the discretion of the Minn- # esota Municipal Board as to when it could be annexed. Mayor Stock stated that the City is interested in this area to develop into an industrial park,,however, the question is th 10"i The comprehensive omprehensive zoning plan should be amended toa"'ddress this area and then the rezoning would take Place- The building of an industrial -park is a very expensive project and also the competition is great. Councilman ,Busse said that it is a good idea to have the industrial Park on County Road 12 because the area already has an industrial` park, but thewhole "t area should not be zoned for industrial' use. Councilman Bissonett asked Counci.laan Watkins how does Boa the Orderly Annexatlan rd feel about the proposal for the park and annexing the area. Councilman Watkins said that he does`ni�t see any problem of annexing the,_.area. t Ex City Attorney Sul Ivan commented that if the residents in he County Road 12 area si n a 1. ,. g = petition for the annexation and there are no other problems then he doesn't see.why area cannot be annexed. At this time, there is no action to betaken by the Council to except go ahead for further plans oa the industrial p give the back to the `Council at a later date. Park. The developers will get , O0MttT01M I jai OMLOPlENT ° News downtown development distri -ct committee is to be a Nes -'th DISTRICT at_wanesuggested for the committee are; t appointed by the Council,, _ ?' John Dennis (Galleon) Harry TuPY {Hairmate) Bryce Huewoeller (Attorney) Norm Erickson (Award Realty) , .'Brad Rothem. ' - (B a D . Bar) . Frank Wicker (Wicker 6 Assoc.) Bob Mertens (Monnens Lumber) Counci wan Bissonett volunteered toc'be on the comittee,`however Mayor Stock suggested that coordinator because Councilman Watkins be appointed dina r y with thi of working n sam project a few 'years ago. Motion by 6iss6tett to appoint John Dennis, Frank Wicker, Brad Rothem,. Bob } Mertens and:.Harry TuM to the caawittee for a downtown development district r and ta'appo in Councilman Tow 'Watkins to be the coordinator, seconded by Busse and:upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Major Stock stated that "'this comitteo is to determine the requirements or needs of the downtown d►•strict and proceed' with preliminary steps of forming some a r ideas o develop a downtown district and then report to the Council, then =Y. public!:hearings will be scheduled. q _ I r -2_ i } , r - - i' i 6/18/79 MDR= of 1110 Phft 111 98 of �M V1114100 C"WN of the Vl POW Lo" W Me CawNy of Seam MN �':, MiMa»N, isdwliw, eM eeewnls awli�l M► tali Ca+Meii. ..' AMEN ACRES City Planner Graser` presented the hardshell for Amen Acres and the request for approval. The developers agreement has not'been signed and the park dedication fee of $1644 has not been paid. Other contingencies werld j met by the developer when preliminary approval was given. The. City, Engineer stated that the road right of way for fish Point Road has to be checked out before hardshell approval. The developer was present to answier any questions. Motion by Watkins to table Amen Acres hardshell approvaU.mtll staff determines the right of way of Fish Point Road, secondeu by Busse. Mayor Stock asked the developer if there would be any problem in tabling this k.,! item until June 25; 1979• The developer "Stated that there could be a problem. The Council had a discussion on: :this matter and.,Mayor Stock said that the hardshell could be approved with these contingencies:,' { 1) developers agreement be ,si'gned 2) park dedication fee; of $1.644 be paid 3) final review by City Engineer on road right of'' way for Fish Point Road " Councilman Watkins withdrew his motion and Councilman Buse withdrew his =_ second to the motion., Motion by Bissonett to approve the hardshell for Amen Acres contingent u p on ' 1) developers agreement be signed' 2) park dedication fee for $1644 be paid prior to hard -` shel release 3) final review by the City Engineer on the road right; of way of Fish Point Road be made prior to releasing the hardshell 4) covenants be developed for those lots pertaining to E. drainage, $r " seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly "passed. GRADER REPAIRS City Engineer Anderson presented the estimate on the repbirs for the road grader. It would cost about $11,000 for new parts for rePatri'ng` the . r° grader, $1,000 for the labor. Another alternative would be. bpying used parts. if the grader is sold as is, it would go for $4000, however, after it is repaired it would sell for Mayor Stock suggested that this item be tabled until more information is : available on purchasing used partsX;for the road grader. " RESOLUTION Mayor Stock read Resolution 79 =28, relating.to a project (Medical Clinic) 79 under the muni'cipai industrial development act and calling for a public hearing for coamercial revenue bonds. The public.hearing is scheduled to be held on July 9. 1979 at 8100 PM. Mayor Stock directed the City 'Manager to print notice of the hearing In the Prior -Lake American. Motion by Watkins to:ad'opt Resolution 79- relating to a project. (Medical Clinic) under the municipal industrial development act and calling for a.pubtic hearing,, seconded, by Busse and upon a..vote taken It was passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained'. � FISH PT. RD. City Engineer Anderson presented bids received on June 15. 1979 at 10:00 AM for the paving of Fish Point, Road. Three bids were received and they are: ' McNamara-Vivant Contracting Co. -, Inc. $323.869.90 •"" Progressive Contractors, Inc. 330,287.25 Minnesota Valley Surfacing 332,229.25 Engineering Estimate 294,351.00 ' Motion by Busse to award the bid to McNamara-Vlvant Contracting Co,,.Inc,..for. $1323,865.90 for paving of Project 78 Fish Point Road, seconded by Thorkelson and upon vote taken i was duly passed. .3. MINYilt if "" Preimedhq of the V1N"P tho VINO OUPH r lake M.tM CawNy of;5celt easi halo 45C ; Min - a -in. ind""'ell ecawats'awd%W by sdd, CovoW. SIGNS' ON CAN Councilman Busse suggested that on Candy Cove Trail "No. Trucks" s i gns shout d DY COVE TRL. be posted because of frequent u.7,age of trucks'cutting across to Cty. Rd.,, Mayor Stock stated that something should be done to the road where the new Post Office building is located; when it opens In `July,, -the road will be very dusty from the cars. The City Engineer is directed' to check this out anal report back to the Council. CREEKSIJE City Engineer Anderson mentioned that Creekside C'ircie bid opening will be CIRCLE PAVN on June 28, 1979 at 10:00 AM in City Hall.. Y JORDAN AVE. Steve's Red Owl, opens in September and Jbrdan Avenue, the road that runs by the store, is not finished. Mayor Stock iuggested the City Engineer and the Consulting Engineer to prepare pi'ans. and specifications for Jordan Avenue." Motiom by Thorkelson to authorize and direct- the Consulting Engineer. and the City Engineer to prepare plans and`spec.ifications for Jordan Avenue and the connection to Highway 13, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was' passed. Counci'lman.Bissonett abstained. BEN CALNENS01 Councilman Thorkelson_ stated that the Council will be going to take a look at the. property on`Northwood Road where Mr. Calmenson wants to build his fish equipment and boatmotor storage shed. Councilman Thorkelson. feels that there should be a setback for the structure and if 9 , we allow the shed to be pwtianywhere behind the set back, then we are in our ordinance. 90 9against G TALL GRASS Councilman Bissonett reported that the grass along Highway 13 is very high. a ALON6:HWY i.` it tykes drivin conditions hazardous and the State should be notified about } i cutting it. 9 f SUNSET HILLS City Engineer Anderson reported on the drainage problem in the Sunset Hails x Addition, There are three ponds in that area and it is quite difficult to eliminate the ponds. He stated that dikes could be developed to store the `- water. s= Motion by Thorkeison for concept approval of the drainage plan for- Sunset Hills, seconded by Watkins and upon a,vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote ,taken this meeting was adjourned at 9:47 PM, Pam ' E, <, Michael A. McGuire City Manager . I i .. � hs: „':e+::►e. ...+.. ,.... .�Mt�e�,�'^es9x6..�s.w.'�'